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Previous >>959310

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
Is Wandah's 2nd figurine course really good?
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I've started retraining myself to sculpt anime heads the way Japanese people sculpt clay figures in those youtube videos. Maybe it'll help me conceptualize the style better. Will post some progress later to see if it was worth it.
Really great work anon! Are you the guy who makes those garage kits?
read the filename
Maybe I should ask /beg/ about this instead but I was doing this Android 18 head for practice and I'm getting this odd phenomenon where attempting to shade smooth the head mesh where for whatever reason, Blender is automatically marking certain edges as sharp. On the mirrored part it shows up as these bad looking artifacts. Adding a subdivision surface makes it 10x worse, the artifacts turn into these huge cracks and ridges sticking out of the face. Does anyone know why this is happening? I thought my topology was alright, but it keeps re-appearing even if I manually mark these edges as smooth.
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Forgot the actual image. General feedback also welcome, I'll be doing the hair a little later.
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Set the auto smooth angle to 180°. Always always do this when making an ArcSys style model where you want to be able to manually control shading with mark sharp.
Her Craneum doesn't end where her hair start
I concur. Toriyama's characters have thoroughly circular heads, and the androids especially so.
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Attempted to add hair. I really don't like it but I suppose the point of practice is to experiment and try new things to see if they work. My method of trying to use planes to draw a general outline and then add hair curves on top of it really didn't work and I'm sure there's an easier way to get the effect of stranding that her hair has while still maintaining the sense of volume and layering.

Hm, I don't have a Normals tab under my data section for that object. Is it only available for certain objects? I made this head starting with a single vertex and then extruded it out following the reference image before filling the gaps by connecting the eyes, mouth, nose, etc. Or do I have to enable something from a menu?

Yeah I know that much but I was worried if I made her head any larger she's start to look like an alien instead of an Android. I guess with certain characters you really have to push the anatomy. Any good rule of thumb for how much a head should "extrude" into hair? Especially for anime girls I feel like it's substantial but my instincts always tell me that their hair is just really big as opposed to their skulls. Not sure if that's correct or not though.
>if I made her head any larger she's start to look like an alien instead of an Android
anime girls ARE aliens. Like rosweld Greys. But with eyelashes, makeup and hair.
Now that you say it, large round eyes, almost non-existent noses, small mouths, and abnormally large heads... you might be on to something. I'll keep that in mind when I make more anime girl heads.
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Made snippedy snib girl
Cool. You going to print it?
Good thread.
Maybe we can start collecting some useful courses/files to help anons start with anime 3D
The tutorial series by Wandah Kurniawan is pretty solid but personally I had such a hard time with Zbrush as a program I had to give up on it. It was just one headache inducing UI problem after another. That said, if you can wrangle the damn thing, it's pretty obvious the dude knows his shit, even if I'm not the biggest fan of Prime 1 as a figure studio.
I reckon the best starting points are the beginner focused cheap/free courses on udemy and youtube. Preferably by someone who's accent won't drive you nuts. The wandah course assumes a certain level of zbrush knowledge.
Whatever people do though, don't buy any of his courses on official coloso site. The content is good but the site and the proprietary video player they force you to use are dogshit and hijack your pc.
Hopefully cutting and keying it today
Any specific ones you recommend? Preferably in Blender? I wanna try 3d modeling to make anime figures but I feel like I'm missing a lot of fundamentals. There are some youtube tutorials on making anime faces by tracing vertexes around reference images into a kind of mask, but I feel like my topology is subpar because I'm not really familiar with any of the basic reasons why certain edge flows are the way they are in good looking faces
Honestly for printable figurines and sculpts you don't have to worry much about clean topo. If you were making anime models for vrchat or similar it would be a different story. But for 3d printing what you see is what you get and if it prints out in the shape you want it too then you've done it correctly.
As for your question, I don't have any specific blender tutorials in mind, I only work in zbrush sorry
I guess it's less topology that I'm worried about and more the fundamentals of sculpting and translating human anatomy into 3d models broadly and anime girls specifically. I have some experience with painting garage kits and posing so I understand the basics of a nice figure, but getting the actual 3D modeling aspect of figure creation is proving to be an enigma. Like I'll watch someone create a basic mesh, then do a hundred seemingly minor adjustments and get a really appealing body/head. And while I can get to a pretty similar place when it comes to making the base mesh, making those adjustments to really polish the model eludes me. I guess I just don't know what I should be looking for beyond a vague idea of "Make it look better".
White 3D artists should start working in anime studios Nips can't into 3d for shit just look at this season's anime with absolutely unwatchable animation Highspeed Etoile
That's what it makes a 3d modeler good.
It comes with time, because you develop an eye for volume and shape.
Just keep making 3d, I can make an anime head on 20 minutes, but it took me a few year to get to that point
Would be a cool idea but nip wages are incredibly low for what would be considered high skill work. Add on the language barrier and highly restrictive work visa and it's just not an attractive offer at all.

While not animation, check out the job listing for SK's company looking for a figurine sculptor: http://wonderfulworks.co.jp/news/article.php?id=13
You're looking at full time 9 hour days for just 200k yen/month ($1300/mo, $325/wk) for your skilled labor.
Take a look at mark lambert's (@Remanance) work for an example. Don't worry about your hundreds of minor adjustments yet. Focus on large, meaningful changes and get the figure into a shape that pleases you before you start wondering if your ears should be a couple millimeters higher etc.
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I guess I'll just grind out a bunch of heads/bodies and see what I can improve at as I go along. Speed is probably the first thing, I'm definitely getting more comfortable with the interface as time goes on. I can always use my actual anime figures as reference too.

Speaking of, taking criticism on this new head. I think it's alright, and I'm going to do the body/hair after, but I feel like my ears and skull shape are still slightly off.
White 3D artists need to join together and form their own studios. There ought to be a lot seeing as how whites are automatically displaced by an jeet with 5 seconds of blender experience.
It would mean working for free on that first project, and any studio saying
>We'll hire whites
will be targeted for harassment too.
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Update on the hair. It's alright but I actually found out a better method to do it like 30 minutes after I finished, and by then it was too late. Guess it'll have to wait for the next head I do, but I think this turned out okay enough. Kind of chunky but it has a good overall shape I think. On to the body sculpt.
there's this extra chucnk of skull I think needs to be chipped away on the outside corner of the eyes. The tutorial in the OP misses it too. I've seen some other anime drawing meme refer to "doll faces" and "mask faces" and this corner in the eye is a defining feature.
Good stuff anon, keep up making those anime heads.
Maybe since you are doing sculpting you could look up someone explaining the overall shape of an anime head and study those?
I'm not sure I exactly understand what you mean. Like the eyes should be less round and have a more defined corner on the outer side?

Thanks. I'm trying to look up more specific fundamental-based tutorials on constructing heads/bodies for sculpting but I'm running into an issue where I can only really find workflows. So instead of learning WHY a skilled modeler would make dozens or even hundreds of small adjustments to the face or body, I'm learning the HOW and WHAT of making a face in Blender and they're fast-forwarding through the adjustments phase without explaining anything. It's kind of frustrating, I remember watching one guy talk in-depth about mapping out the facial geometry (Which I already knew how to do) and then hand-waving the fine tuning process with something like "Just keep nudging verts until you're happy with what it looks like".

I think I'll look into more traditional 2d art explanations of anatomy, since understanding that and stylizing it is how you would make an anime character in a pen/paper medium, so I imagine most of that understanding transfers over. At the very least I know that the muscle and bones of the body create the structure under the skin, so it might just be a matter of getting enough practice in that I just "get" how everything should look when put together. But man, blindly grinding heads/bodies seems like I run the risk of learning the wrong lessons.
Not those anons you are talking with but once you find a good resource do share it here with anons. Maybe you can help other lurkers.
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>I'm not sure I exactly understand what you mean. Like the eyes should be less round and have a more defined corner on the outer side?
yeah sorry I tried to draw something to help explain my first post but it didnt look right. Hopefully this diagram explains it.
Sure, if I can find anything I'll post it. Sadly I haven't had much luck so far and it doesn't help that searching stuff on youtube has been a real crapshoot. If it's not "Basic beginner workflow for babies" it's that the search page gives up after like 6 results and just recommends random 3d modeling shit. Really annoying but the (absolute) state of the internet is a different matter.

I think I get it. The area around the eyes should be more recessed, and it kind of curves into that area of the skull shape. I think my mesh has a bit of the "mask face" when "doll face" would be more appropriate because of the way I made the base mesh. I'll keep that in mind for the future since I definitely want to have a more 3D look. I'm aiming to one day make 3D printed figures after all.
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Haven't had much time to work on 3d stuff but I did finish the body sculpt. I think it turned out pretty good for the most part, but I feel like the hands sculpt got way too detailed. For one the voxel size made my computer chug a little and it became hard to really smooth out all the details leading to something of a lumpy look. I'll probably try raw poly modeling hands in the future and then try to convert them to fit the body mesh. I'll post a picture of the backside next.
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And the back. Another issue with the hand voxel size being what it was is that they were impossible to join to the main body. But remeshing them at higher sizes made the fingers stick together. Gotta be a better way.
body looks pretty good. The face deserves another go over.
Are you trying to boolean on some downloaded hands?
I'm just gonna keep making heads until something clicks I think, no substitute for practice and all that.

As for the hands I modeled them from scratch myself. Not sure what you mean by "boolean" as a verb. It's something you can do to models I imagine, but what exactly does it entail? I'm pretty new to this stuff overall so apologies if it's something obvious.
Are you planning to use cell shading on her?
Because the face is a bit bumpy and you may get issues in the future
Probably not. I originally got into this with the idea that I could 3D print these models and then assemble/paint them IRL. I'm a garage kit painter and I recently came into a really high quality elegoo resin printer so I'm only going to bother with sculpting/posing, all the "texturing" work will be done in the real world.

That said the "lumpiness" of some of the parts of the sculpt does bother me and I'm not exactly sure how to smooth it out. For the face I imagine it's an issue where the topology isn't even enough across the surface, but for the other body parts I'm not sure. If you have any advice on how to fix it I'll gladly take it.
It's definitely a topology issue on the face
Can you post an screenshot of the topo?
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Sure. Here's the edit mode view of the face from the front orthographic view, isolated from the rest of the model. There's a mirror modifier and a 3rd level subdivision acting on it, if that makes a difference. If you have any advice please be specific as I am not very intelligent.
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Different anon here, this is going to give you some trouble if you don't do some smoothing, not to mention the loops (blue) which would work better for anime style, it would also get rid of that lone triangle and that diamond near the mouth.
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This is from a commission I am working on, check the loops for reference.
I think I see what you mean, but can I ask a few further questions?

1) Why is it exactly that the loops marked in blue are better than the ones I have now? Looking at the counterexample face I agree that the topology is much cleaner and it looks a lot nicer, but rather than trying to just go for rout copying in the future, I'd like to understand why those loops are the way they are. What makes them more suited to anime specifically?

2) For the red circled area, what do you mean by smoothing? Like it's too recessed (Causing the upper cheeks to cast a shadow over it) and it needs to be brought out more? Or is it that there's too much geometry and it's cluttering the head unnecessarily?

3) What's the issue with the triangle and the diamond? I know that, topologically speaking, triangles aren't good because they don't effectively deform when the model is posed. Are diamonds the same way or is it just that specific diamond near the mouth? Are some triangles permitted where the model won't be deforming much, or are there deeper reasons for removing them?

Sorry if these are annoying questions but I'd really like to get some more understanding of the issues I'm facing.
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1. They make deformation and sculpting better and easier, you can also make adjustments easier when you select the loops.

2.Yes, ideally I would first delete that loop in the middle and see if the others can be properly connected into better loops, since you are using sudivision it is also easier to tweak them.

3. the triangle under the eye which could be removed in favor of some loops and quads, what I learned myself is how these areas shape up the cheeks as well, otherwise we end up with very flat faces, the diamond in that area may give you some weird results, my example also has it but as you can see it flows differently, when in doubt just triangulate a face and see how it will deform.
Increase the cheek bones to create those cheek curves typical anime heads have.

Pic related should help you out; the blue lines are what we see as the contour/outline of the face. But the cheek lines (which are part of the facial outline of your anime character head in the 3/4 view) is more 'hidden' in the full front view.
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Here's another one.
Looking at this, looking at the models already posted. I was going to make a comment about this, but I wanted to first take my own advice.
A common problem I'm seeing is making the cranium way too small. Anime girls need lots of skull room for their big eyes and crazy hair. When you're modelling a brand new bald character it looks wrong to your eyes because the hair does so much to frame the face.
I Made this mesh a while ago but it was too detailed and didn't "look anime". This is after I've smoothed away a lot of details I had sculpted and moved her brow ridge another 30% lower on the face and from there the nose line down maybe half that. The hair and the textured one is just to see how it would look in context. That's not an actual face texture I intend to use.
same mesh with my eye shader, different hairs, and different lighting.
The one on the top left has this muddiness to it that looks like the normals catching some ambient occlusion or just lot looking good. Top left and bottom right look the best and they have the most lighting blowing out the normals.
What can I do to make the surface look smooth and nice even in poor lighting? Which there will be a lot of.
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i'm too retarded for this, anyone know how to make that part of the hair without using sculpt and addons?
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Curves with geometry is one way, you want it to be polygon efficient? you will probably need to account for subdiv.
i know about the curve tech, but i still don't know the right way to do the circled part
Start with reducing the circle's subdivs to 2-4 max, then edit the circle's vertices, change its handles to vector type if needed.
What's this supposed to be a tutorial for? I don't really understand what the result is supposed to be?
cloth fold
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To do this. I made a nurbs circle and placed it about where I wanted the ponytail to come out, duplicated it and used maya's "live surface" to move the CVs of the circle onto the scalp in the irregular shape it needed to be.
Then I lofted between the 2 curves, and extracted another loop out of the middle of the surface. I adjusted the CVs of that middle loop to be in a better spot, then lofted another surface on all 3 loops and did the same thing 1 more time.
alternatively I've offset a sphere I sculpted to intersect with the head where I wanted and did a boolean subtraction.
Hey thanks for all the advice, I think I know what to do but as I was working on the face mesh it seemed difficult to get the desired result and I think it's mostly because my facial geometry is crowded. Rather than keep trying to correct it I think I'll just make a new one from scratch. Part of that is also because for some reason trying to add a rigify human mesh results in not much happening, so hopefully a clean slate will fix that too. I wanna try a better method of modeling hair, hands, and faces too.

I see that this thread has accumulated a lot of nice reference images, but does anyone have any character references? It seems difficult to find T or even A pose reference sheets for a lot of anime characters, but I guess I could always make due with front/side facing screenshots
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How can I better visualize ways to make this part of an anime face? Like what’s under it I can use as a guide? Like it’s not just flat, that’s what makes it complicated for me
This isn’t mine, it’s a ripped model from fire emblem engage I’m trying to understand alongside anime head anatomy pictures
Studying anatomy, particularly facial anatomy diagrams, will probably help you out. Faces in general are patchworks of fat bumps, dozens of different overlapping muscle groups, and the underlying skull structure. One thing to keep in mind too is that anime faces are often "perfect" in the sense that while they have variance in cheekbone height, facial fat, and overall skull shape, they lack the flaws inherent to normal human faces like wrinkles, smile lines, sallow cheeks, etc. Anime faces are almost universally youthful and feminine, unless the character is specifically old/very masculine, in which case you might get something like pic related. Soriz here from Granblue Fantasy is supposed to be old and very fit/lean, so his facial muscles and skull shape shine through along with a healthy amount of wrinkling. You basically want the opposite of this but this face is still worth studying as it has a lot of anatomical roadmaps from it.

For this part in particular you're modeling a very stylized version of someone's cheekbones, the ridge around their nose/mouth, the upper chin area, and the buccal region of the cheek. It's mostly muscle, but the important thing to remember is that everyone has a fat pad right under their eye socket and to the left/right of their nose. You can feel this on your own face, it's the soft, pliable skin on that region before it starts to stretch out on it's way to your mouth and jawline. This patch of fat is also why your face puffs out below your eyes and while it doesn't go out as far as your forehead, the principle is similar. Just remember, you're not bucking anatomy but heavily stylizing it, so when in doubt look at a facial muscles chart. Most faces have very little fat and the muscles/bone are responsible for the deformation.
Thank you so much for this incredible post, I have the anatomy for sculptors book and i draw the asaro head every day, buts it’s very difficult to understand the plane on that part of the cheeks where the red line is, now I see a way to get it understood. Thank you!
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Start like this with a cube and then extruding, anime characters have in essence a "cat" face.
i always assumed people just modeled for anime, kinda surprising to learn that people sculpt it too. I imagine that's way harder, props to you folks
i actually give up on sculpting, too tedious compare to normal modeling
It's nice that you agree with yourself.
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this was my first attempt, never tried again
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...still suck at topology :3
Use front and side references from here until you develop understanding and u own style
it's a lot easier when you know how to sculpt, it lets you get the shape right without having to worry about topology at the same time
*throws up*
>Hold your hair softly
Everything is going to be ok, I know that you are pregnant and your husband left, but I'm here for you
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How do japanese (and only japanese) blender artists manage to be so good at making anime characters?
Where do they learn?
Japanese anime blender books?
Compared to the west, they have very high-level, high-quality books that teach them how to draw anime and how to model anime in blender, so i would make sense.

I am looking for japanese resources on anime on blender, i want to know if they are as good as they seem to be. Are there torrents for japanese blender books? I could not find much on genesis lib and other places.
a lot of nips on twitter recommend that book last year
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how we looking?
want to keep the poly count lower. exaggerated the mouth area because its inspired by nichijou's distinct style. gonna pull it out even more i think actually.
looking good
the japanese learn by copying masterworks
Now to my eyes that does not look like good topology, but I can see in the renders he is using a flattening shader. There's a whole other side to "modelling anime" thing that involves shaders that ignore the creative meches one must make in order to make the shapes that way they need to be.
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need to decide if I'm gonna have attached limbs or floaty limbs. progress been slow, started a 3d modeling class at uni and now I'm learning maya on top of this and another blender course kek
>have a lot of time to learn 3d modeling everyday
>decide to fuck around and waste 9 years not learning 3d modeling
alright, i know how to model, right now i'm about to watch some course, it teach me how to model, uv mapping, texturing, and rigging, should i skip to uv mapping, texturing and rigging and skip modeling since i have my own workflow for modeling character?
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make hand one continuous piece and paint in fingers with the texture, or make individual fingers?
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felt happy with how my model turned out, any tips on what i should learn next and constructive criticism?
Accidentally made the model ~750k triangles i thought that was funny.
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Here’s something I made today.
I spammed dynamesh and zremesher near the end to get it to look how I wanted or to move things easier, or just to clean it up. and my reference was a 3D model
Can I even say it’s mine?
Most importantly, is it good?
The hair is an old thing I modeled
>Can I even say it’s mine?
yeah you pushed the buttons. I shy away from using 3d models themselves as references unless im trying to copy something technical like topology. But if it's all youve got it's all youve got.
>Most importantly, is it good?
I'm looking and right away it is not repelling my senses, which is good. I have my own taste when it comes to the face ratios. The back of the mandible ought to be closed to the ear but it doesn't look bad. We really need to see it with a shader though.
I’m this guy >>982416
I wanted to try to see if I could get a win under my belt and I think this is helping me how to make anime or better ways to approach it. Of course I’m not gonna use 3D models as references but if I can get one model good, then I know how the process to make good models. I also followed a video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M8npOpwKe4Y&pp=ygURU2N1bHB0IGFuaW1lIGhlYWQ%3D
Also, What do you mean by shader?
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By shader I meant how it looks like with the really good looking pro 3d anime that they use special materials that mimic 2d rendering to different degrees. If for instance you used a material the shaded the mesh with completely flat colors the normals along the cheeck and jaw areas of the face will not come into play. All that will matter is that the edges are in the right spot to create the proper illusion from certain angles.
If the mesh is being rendered with full 3d lighting then the normals in that area become very delicate.
It is a good looking anime face.
can you post a picture? not clicking that link
ugly but cool at the same time
What do you think?
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this is what i made today
the left pic has the zremeshed version and the one from before i did it.
does it look like im getting the hang of it?
here it is with a shader
Yeah this shadow reaching up around the cheek and turning the chin into a circle is a problem.
oh and yeah just saw it. This is much better.
And then I see these 2 highlights on the far side of the mouth and under the eye. If it were my project I'd call these problems, and Id fix them by making the face details even more smooth and round, but I am pretty sure there are anime styles that include highlights like that.
So this is probably the best advice. We all need to pick a particular look to emulate. What's wrong and what's right will be determined by the source. Copying master work is exactly how the japanese learn art. You want your art to look japanese. Copying japanese art burns the candle at both ends. Find some good looking examples from an anime or manga that you want your model to look like. Pick a particular character and a few scenes with their face at key angles. Then make your model look like it as closely as you can.
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What makes her ugly? What makes it cool?
i want to improve so i need to know what im doing right and what im doing wrong. Is blender even the best option for this kind of modeling work? i feel like im not using this tool to its potential.
oh no, the whole muzzle area is weird.
where is the nose? why are her lips puckered up like that?
i would lover her eyes to give a bigger forehead, then probably make the bangs come down further too
and id either make the chin more pointy or more rounder, gotta go with one of the two
also im not a huge fan of the shading/texturing of the lips but that may just be my personal taste
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She does have a nose, its just hidden by the shaders at that angle. I feel i kinda like that look but ill explore that more.
From the profile i think i can for sure see the eyes need lowering a bit and what about the brow line? should it be sticking out a touch more? I think i really struggle with that "shape" above and around the eyes.
I know my topology could use a bit more efficient work but im just concerned about proportions rn.
NTA but the total lack of nose under most angles make it look kinda creepy.
Manga/anime-style always has at least something *suggesting* the shape is there.

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