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Welcome to /ic/. If you are looking to hone your creative skills, please consult these general resources:

One-Stop Beginners' Guide
The w/ic/i

And don't forget to HEED THE RULES

New to Yuri? Yuri is a genre from Anime that puts emphasis on relationships that are powerful between Females whether they be tender loving, sadistic, or just plain unfriendly. Please visit the Yuri board >>>/u/ for a general introduction to the Anime genre.

Have an OC? Shipping your favorite anime character with another lady? Got a personal project you're working on? Feel free to post here and receive critiques!

Previous Thread: >>7052045
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Please let me have my gay threads goddamn.
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>she is more soulless then a fucking boxed sushi from family mart
9 years later and nothing changed kek
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this faggot managed to not learn anything new and kept drawing the same shit with the same mistakes for nine fucking years
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>Just draw bro
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>Draw some gay girls with me faggots
Sure, but don't blame me for what happens next.

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long story short hire a artist for a commercial work told not upload anything online till the official release and the fucktard post shit on patreon and gets pissed when I chargeback.
the great silicone network will get rid of this meatbag nonsense soon
Learn to prompt. Don't waste time with artists.
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What you need to do is let people use their imaginations.
Just draw a simple outline your subject, and one's imagination will fill in the rest.
This is an example of the NYC Skyline. If you squint, you can see the Statue of Liberty.

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>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


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Mermaid with oarfish lower body.
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easing back into sketching. I'm just not sure what I want to draw. This is just one of my characters. They're rough and very uncommitted.
ah these are really good!
cool mermay
its nice seeing some creativity instead of the same old generic fish bottom half

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Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

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How bad is getting a screen protector? I'm not sure if I'm pressing too hard to damage it or not
and what did he think of it?
Ching Huang Mao
I have a 27" 16:9 monitor but my drawing tablet is a Wacom Intuos Draw (it's the same size as Intuos small), should I wait till I can buy a bigger tablet or can I use this one?

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Previous thread: >>7146185

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

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If you draw nothing like this I don't even consider tiering you.
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We never really got to see much of tub's character development. She was a relatively new character with a mysterious past. And that mystery is what makes the death of the artist even more tragic. We'll just never know who she was on the inside. The most we can assume is that due to her red eyes and white skin schema, she must've been some laboratory test subject given that albino rabbits are synonymous cruel animal research. Which is pretty sad when we think about what happened to her. I'm glad tonkers is taking care of her. Giving her a life of joy even though she can be annoying to tonkers from time to time.
Tubs character looks like she lives on the moon.
Yeah, I don't know if >>7154697 was being genuine, but what the fuck is happening is this thread right now? It's like four guys all trying to be the funniest person in the room with their off topic bits
Today's been kinda cringe, but I was being genuine, yes. What do you want these threads to be?

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No /TRAD/ general? Aight, this will be the trad general. Post your recent trad artworks/WIPs in this thread.

I will begin. Will really appreciate critiques.
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Last one. I absolutely love doing this shit
Made this shirt too
>What is an oil base?
It's a coat of paint containing oil. Modern versions often rely on alkyds, but you still have some lead-based.

You can actually spread a thin layer of oil over the base or before starting any layer: that's called oiling out, and has benefits. It won't necessarily break the fat over lean rule.

Anon, if you want to do oil, start painting, don't worry too much. If you want to get technical details, experiment, and grab a book or two. It's a complex topic, you're bound to have many questions.
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Interesting, I didn't know you could oil out at the start, I'll have to mess around with that someday.
Appreciate the explanation anon. And yeah I'm not worrying about the rules too much (not like anything I paint is gonna be worth preserving) but it's nice to learn stuff.
Yes you can, it'll help the paint flow a little more, and help with the swiping. If you're painting alla prima, there's absolutely no worry. Otherwise, you just have to make sure the next layer has more oil / slower drying pigments.

Are women naturally better artists than men?

Looking online, there seems to be a lot more women posting great art than men. Female artists get out of the /beg/ phase much faster, are more consistent with their art, are more varied with their styles, aren’t massive coomers, and are generally more soulful.
Why can’t we compete, bros?
Is it because women get obsessed with drawing their husbandos and brute force their way into becoming skilled artists or something?
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Didn't a woman make Full Metal Alchemist?
I liked Full Metal Alchemist. It felt like it was written and drawn by a man. I honestly couldn't tell.
Yeah but the people here WANT to die.
guess read more carefully?
There is actual scientific evidence of this as well. Women can parse and perceive a greater range of colors by default and with artistic training their color perception is even more refined. The reasons are evolutionary; women spent more time looking at plants, seeds, berries, etc when foraging and nature selected for fine detail and color discrimination. Women notice subtleties more than men, who tend to recognize the broad strokes and discard the rest.

This is why women artists tend to produce a lot of nuanced, subtle colors in their work, and generally tend to work with less saturated colors. Men are drawn to intense saturation because their color perception is limited, they need it loud and overt. Women can detect tinier nuances, so they tend to navigate the color world with more finesse and less brutalism. The strange paradox of this is that men are biologically incapable of understanding or appreciating those color choices because they lack the capacity. To men, most women's work just looks superficially pretty, but to other women, those works are rich and highly engaging with a lot of visual stimuli that male brains cannot detect, even with training. It is a hardcoded biological limit on the visual cortex itself.

On the flip side, women don't appreciate what men do well either, such as geometry, advanced construction, perspective, and other math based spatial awareness modes. In much the same way boys recoil from the grossly pink and insipid aesthetic that characterizes their mothers and sisters, etc, girls recoil from the stupidly loud and animalistic silliness that represents the boys, and neither can see or understand the value in the other.

There will never be peace or understanding between the sexes, nor should there be. Chaos drives evolution. Lust requires a degree of hate, fear and disgust for the 'Other,' otherwise there would be nothing to sublimate into the erotic desire for union with the opposite.
Inuyasha is also by a woman.
>This is why women artists tend to produce a lot of nuanced, subtle colors in their work, and generally tend to work with less saturated colors. Men are drawn to intense saturation because their color perception is limited, they need it loud and overt.
Dude, any artist in history that has painted skin, and there's many men down that road, must have developed a great handling of subtle, low-chroma colors.

> In much the same way boys recoil from the grossly pink and insipid aesthetic that characterizes their mothers and sisters
Picrel; also as far as I remember, young princes in Europe used to weak pink at some time. Blue jeans used to be for slaves, and tiny skirts for prostitutes.

> girls recoil from the stupidly loud and animalistic silliness that represents the boys
I can't count how many young girls I have saw in my life who were playing football and trying hard to mimic boy's attitudes.

> The reasons are evolutionary
Evolution theory is pretty, but it's still a theory, and from what I understand, what is understood by the general public is grossly wrong to the *current* status quo on the matter.

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wtf is he even trying to say?
"I feel compelled to draw the problem version, but it's not my fault! pls don't cancel me!"
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does he like drawing huge tits or not tho? i can't tell
you're retarded
He's playing around with style and talking about how he's inconsistent with it. What's the issue? That he politely told the twitter freaks that he enjoys drawing balloon tits and to fuck off?
I guess he's just canadian, so he can't express himself without sounding like a faggot.
I read this as "the left is how I naturally draw (without thinking), but the right is how I wish I drew. "

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>There is one thing not to do, and that is simply to drift along with the daily routine, making no extra effort. You will soon find yourself middle-aged, having done nothing more than routine jobs, and being little farther along than you were years ago. The extra effort is the difference between the great mass of mediocre artists and the comparatively small group of very good ones.
>And in Art, study can never stop. You will find sketches galore in the studio of the good man, with the paint quite fresh. The mediocre artist's sketches are old and dusty.
>I have seen so many middle-aged artists still hoping, whose samples are frayed at the edges, and thumb-marked with time. Sometimes it has been a matter of years since they sat down and actually did something to give their hopes any promise. They are plodding their lives away at something they hate, and doing nothing about it. These are the men who never seem to have had a chance. The truth is, they never seized a chance.
- Andrew Loomis, Creative Illustration

/Studies/ General is all about improving your art and never settling for mediocrity. Every artist is a student, forever and ever. Anybody, from beginner to pro, can post here. Any style is accepted. Critiques are welcome and encouraged. Let's make this a productive thread!

Read the fucking sticky: http://www.alexhays.com/loomis/

Recommended Resources:

Last Thread:>>7062670
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i wasn't familiar with this painting, it seems very rare or under some copyright. it's also one of the worst sargent portraits i've seen, i'd recommend almost any other thing to study from.
you didn't really copy the drawing. you should focus more on accurate colors, values, and drawing. your edge control is non-existent, you're not matching light values, and the shapes are just wrong in a lot of places. you're copying the idea of his impressionism as noodly blobs of color and not the shapes and forms he's conveying (for example, the downturned plane between teh cheekbone and beard). focus more on accuracy of the drawing and the colors.
the charcoal drawings are good to study, if you can find larger scans of them

stick to bigger brushes and don't worry about them being textures. hard round/flat/elliptical is what you should be using before playing with effect brushes
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It's not still life again, but I did come across an artist with a nice collection of small oil paintings that I decided to study for the sake of colour. Not sure if it's the right idea, but what the hell.
Great colors friend

Who's the artist btw?
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Thanks for the crit.
For context, this is the image I used as reference, from Huston's book. Usually I check for a higher quality image first but I forgot with this one. You're right, the one you posted would have been a lot better to study from. Although as you said it's kinda bad for a Sargent. I was a bit surprised to see him credited as the artist.

Reference aside, all of your critiques are spot on. I rushed through it, especially the drawing stage and the brushes weren't helping. For the next one I'll keep everything you said in mind.

His drawings are great, I'll definitely study them later. Also found this rip of his portrait drawing book if anyone else wants it. High-res but has that weird scanning/printing/compression effect on it if you zoom in.
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It's not much, but better than nothing, for the sake of bump.

Thank you, it's Carol Marine.

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>What's a webtoon?
Webtoon is the ancient Korean art of scrolling comics. Instead of traditional manga/comic pages, panels are spread out individually for easier reading on cell phones.

>So they're just spliced manga/comic pages?
You can do that if you want, but they're fundamentally different for a few reasons. For example, panels tend to be drawn longer to fit phone screens, and traditional 2-page spreads are not possible to fit in scrolling format.

>Are there standard page sizes?
Technically yes, but it depends on which platform you post in. Naver Webtoons uses
800x1280px, but the site automatically splices & resizes images anyway.

>Do I have to make it in color?
If you want subscribers, yes.

>Why would I make one?
To be rich & famous, of course. All jokes aside, the pay is low if you're lucky enough to get hired in the first place, the deadlines are more brutal than the manga industry, and the average reader age floats around 11. But as a novel medium with a growing industry, it may still be worthwhile enough for you to experiment.

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where is the best place to post a one shot in your opinion?
Mangaplus for the monthly rankings
it depends what you want to achieve.

if it's just to advertise yourself, post it everywhere.
>literally call it "young hoodlum"
>white female black male
You'll make it far on /pol/ or /gif/
I think it's fine, it really depends on how fast you are, being really slow myself I think that is the correct amount of detail if you want to update somewhat regularly.
I've tried a lot of different ways to get references: pinterest, taking photos, gmod, magic poser, design doll. Right now I'm using poseit for android, and it's the best one I've used so far.
Do you post your comic somewhere?

>What got you into comic making?
Reading 20th century boys

Most readers on webtoon are young, so definitely you'll get more eyes looking at you.

>but what are they even into anyways?
I guess the same things adults are into, but more friendly faced and with less swearing.

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I really like art in loop hero, want to try making something like this. Can anons recommend good software dedicated to pixel art? I usually use photoshop to draw, so maybe there are some settings and techniques there as well
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Paint literally has layers now so it's an actual alternative
libresprite, piskel, or graphics gale
try them out
I use photoshop to draw, but I prefer aseprite for pixelart.
I haven't really tried it for this purpose, but Drawpile seems pretty good for pixel art. It can do animation too.
Aseprite is the pixel software I'm familiar with, but you can also use Photoshop's Pencil tool for a pixellated binary brush. Use the Nearest Neighbor scaling setting to upscale your pixel art once you're done with it to keep it crisp. If you zoom in far enough on Photoshop, a pixel grid shows up, which can be handy but also distracting.

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>just realized I have basically no original content of my own, only studies and cheap imitations
It's over.
Do fotm and fandom stuff
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According to my journal I bought my first sketchbook in November last year and my drawing tablet in February, I have been drawing for almost every day, mostly just copying other artists I like. My friend who's been drawing for almost 11 years told me that's completely ok and normal to spend like the first year or two just copying other pieces and learning stuff, it took him 6 years until he started drawing orginal pieces.
>I have basically no original content of my own, only studies and cheap imitations
Then stop studying and start creating. I read somewhere that a famous Marvel comic artist never practiced drawing before his debut and everything he knows he learned on the job.
>Have an epiphany
>Think it's over.
Perhaps it just began.

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I'm going to be honest. I care DEEPLY about social media engagement when it comes to my art. As far as I'm concerned, if my work doesn't get enough likes, it's bad art.
Yes, I draw for clout
Yes, I draw for followers
Yes, I draw for approval and validation
Why the fuck else would I even bother posting anything online?
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I'm going to be honest. I care NOTHING about social media engagement when it comes to my art. As far as I'm concerned, if my work gets enough likes, it's bad art. slop for the masses
Yes, I draw for meditation
Yes, I draw for growth
Yes, I draw for fun
Why the fuck else would I even bother posting anything online?
I don't need to cope. you cope.
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The only metric I care about is the kind of booru my shit ends up in.
Any rando can drop a like when scrolling but if you end up on the kind of booru that isn't so full of weebs they'll ban whitey's art on sight it means
>one guy liked your art enough to take five minutes to look for a higher quality version, get off Twitter/IG, log in to his virtual gooncave and post it there
>or at least write your handle in his bot's list
>their jannies thought it was good enough to stay up
>I don't know how many reports it takes to get pics removed from those places but fewer than this many people thought your art was so shit it had no place on their virtual holy altar of japanese pornographic cartoons
>if my work doesn't get enough likes, it's bad art.
Plenty of pro tier artworks getting less than 10 likes on Instagram and we all know that the algorithm is pay to win.
>Either you pay for ads or you're buried.

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Is the art industry doing well right now (i.e. gaming, vfx, etc industry wise?)
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That's the part that kills me. Comic book characters have never been more popular, and comic books have never been less popular.

It just doesn't make sense, I tell you.
My mikusama would never make such threads
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Genuinely how long do you think it'd take me?
>each comic book is 22 pages
>each one of these flimsy booklets are at least $4
>if you want to read older comics, each comic will cost $30+
>graphic novels that bind together all the issues of a series are expensive, and regularly go out of print
>even if a reader does decide to go through the trouble to read an entire series, they have no idea where to start
>there are at least 50 different "spidermans", with reboots and alternate universes confusing things, and newer series constantly retconning events that happened in earlier series. Same with all the other characters at Marvel and DC.
>different writers and art styles constantly throwing old fans for a loop
>And the writing is not that good anyways, so why bother
Every single industry is doing terribly right now, specially Tech and Art and you can blame AI.

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