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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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>Can't wait for DRH!
Been saying that for two years.
Hopefully we get at the end of this year
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Thank you anon
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And a girl Grimm
Wheres the girl Black Rabbit being embarrassed to find Grimm getting raped by Jabber?
More like fucking disappointed.
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>Please leave rabbit, we are having a moment here
>Rescue me? Im here by my own choice

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I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
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Is there any legitimate reason not to play the pixel remasters other than you can emulate for free?
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Leaping acrossed roof tops in a city full of liars and holy hell, this new version of the OST rules.
Man, the new opera was pretty great too.
No, the PR is better in every single way.
I mean, just look at the first 35 seconds. I've never played any of these pixel remasters, but this alone convinced me that just emulating the original SNES version is superior. Case closed.

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Come share your tales
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just gotta do it like always
i've got tsunanori in my diva replay, miyako was the first world this time instead of delta base, i apparently failed at getting anyone from capitol city, somehow, and ameya's world wasn't ever made available to me this time around, haven't seen hide nor hat of hatman
I plan on doing another Diva after this current Ameya is done so I'll see if it's the same that way for me.

I wanna finish teaching Diva the rest of the roles from her other bodies that I didn't grind out the first time.
>I wanna finish teaching Diva the rest of the roles from her other bodies that I didn't grind out the first time.
yep, that's what i've been doing this time, none of them have been any great so far really
>i apparently failed at getting anyone from capitol city, somehow
I'm not sure if anyone other than Siggy can get someone from CC. There are so many events it looks like a foot-high pile of spaghetti on a plate the size of a laserdisc.

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I played RPGs for 20+ years and I realized that RPG without life sim/survival elements is not a true RPG.
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a resource clock is a necessary part of forcing the player to choose a role, but not necessarily survival in the sense of an adventurer hunting and skinning animals to make a cloak
>>played RPGs for 20+ years
>lifeless faggot
You have to be 18 to post here.
Oldtroon melty
>people bought games like Arcanum
Except they didn't lmao
I bought it.
>Writing for GameSpot, Desslock reported that Arcanum "sold very well" in the United States during its initial weeks, but "faded" from the charts afterward.[36] The game entered NPD Intelect's computer game sales rankings at #4 for the week ending August 25.[37] It fluctuated between positions four and five for another two weeks,[38][39] before exiting the weekly charts in the September 9–15 period.[40] Arcanum was the United States' 11th-best-selling computer game for the month of September,[41] and totaled domestic sales of 69,522 units by the first week of November.[36] According to Chart-Track, Arcanum was also September's 10th-highest computer game seller in the United Kingdom. Remarking upon its chart position, Anthony Holden of PC Zone wrote that it was "good to see that a relatively minor RPG with solid gameplay values can shift a few units".[42]

>Arcanum ultimately sold 234,000 copies and drew revenues of $8.8 million by February 2005. It was Troika Games' most commercially successful release by that date.
Dang I haven't seen the name "Desslock" in forever. Didn't he write for Computer Games World or PC Gamer or something like that, back when people bought magazines.

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I wish there was actual BG3 game like previous two, not this gay slop that got shat out
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>In terms of the story and plot, the series was wrapped up and concluded with ToB.
This is just such a stupid reasoning. Are you telling me that nothing bad could ever happen to the city of Baldur's Gate ever again? There can never be any more interesting conflicts to explore on the Sword Coast. Sounds like a bunch of "media literacy" hogwash to me
>This is just such a stupid reasoning. Are you telling me that nothing bad could ever happen to the city of Baldur's Gate ever again? There can never be any more interesting conflicts to explore on the Sword Coast.
The DnD campaign setting of the Forgotten Realms, which contains the Sword Coast, which contains the eponymous city of Baldur's Gate, existed before the game series "Baldur's Gate", and it would be perfectly reasonable to produce new DnD games that use the setting of the Sword Coast, which includes the city of Baldur's Gate. Actually please don't, everything about (((nu-DnD))) is shit, fuck WotC This has nothing to do with the game series "Baldur's Gate", which is what the post you're responding to was clearly referring to (note the usage of the term 'series' not 'campaign setting'). The name of the game series, "Baldur's Gate", is being cynically milked dry for marketing purposes and brand recognition, and they should have some fucking integrity and creativity and come up with something new instead of riding quarter century old coattails.
This is an excellent way to make sure everything you like stays dead and irrelevant.
God, I wish everything I liked stayed dead and irrelevant. Instead I have to deal with most of it shambling along as zombies with none of what made them good in the first play.
I like all three Baldur's Gate games :)

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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The problem with Undyne, and pretty much every other monster if we are being honest, is that they don't even see you as a person.

Like sure, it's her duty and I would too kill a child if it meant the freedom of my species.
But she kind of tries to pull the moral high ground on you, like she's the paragon of justice and you are being a jerk for not dying.
If you kill any of the dog guards, she says it was due "to the whims of the human" even when it's part of the job.
She also says that if you want to help everyone you should, which is true but not her call to make
And honestly, she's kind of racist by pulling the "some members of your species did us wrong so now your ENTIRE species is bad" card
I get hating a group that completely fucked you over, it's an understandable emotion, but my god fish lady that's a child who probably didn't know about the war before falling in.
>The father may shape the progenitors but his sins should never be laid upon the children

Honestly, Clover's Justice route could still be seen as justice because, despite being completely overblown in its retribution, it's based on the same logic most monsters have.
>Some of your species did wrong in the past, so all of your species have to pay
Hell, "Enemy Retreating" being a kind of cheerful and empowering song that plays while slaughtering innocents fits with how monsters usually feel so "heroic" when fighting you.

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You can argue she's right about the dog guards because every single dog enemy in the game has a 1 Turn Spare by using an item that you literally entered the underground with (The Stick), so ironically despite it being their job they are less dedicated to killing you than a Migosp. Even still though, yeah I totally get where you're coming from on that
>I get hating a group that completely fucked you over, it's an understandable emotion, but my god fish lady that's a child who probably didn't know about the war before falling in.
Let's not forget the 6 other humans that fell before Frisk, all of which were also children, where at least 1 one of them was confirmed to be involved in the deaths of monsters in one way or another. You agreed with the idea of killing a child for your people's freedom, but you glossed over it a bit too quickly honestly. If you HAD to kill a child for the greater good, chances are you would delude yourself into believing every possible thing that would make it an easier task on yourself mentally, because you're still killing a child no matter how neccesary it is. You need to be very fucked in the head to not go through that. That's why it requires so much effort to get her to back off, you need to show her 3 seperate times that you genuinely mean no harm before she can stop lying to herself to distract from the fact she needs to skewer a child. It's still a terrible situation but by all accounts I cant fault solely Undyne for acting this way, war fucking sucks and forces people to act in shitty ways to cope
>If you HAD to kill a child for the greater good, chances are you would delude yourself into believing every possible thing that would make it an easier task on yourself mentally
also part of what makes muffet worse.
she doesnt even cares about the freedom, she ONLY cares for the money and her spiders.
she's killing a child for money.
And it's even more obvious in genocide, so yea.
Muffet is a psycho/socio/ihavenoideawhatelsewouldfit-path.
She cares about the spiders' freedom. She doesn't have a single gold piece on her so she probably dumps it all into the travel arrangements

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What would be a good vault concept for a fallout game?
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The plan was never to reinhabit the post-nuclear wasteland, the colony ship can only crew ~1000 people the vaults purpose was to test all the various things that could go wrong during the centuries long trip to the nearest habitable world. So all the vaults and their inhabitants are expendable test subjects.
i heard somebody point out that everybody being fat these days might affect evolution if it keeps up because you need a stronger heart, skeleton and lungs to maintain a high body mass, so distant future humans would become fuckhuge mammoths with minimal health problems. so say some glowniggers want an alternative to the FEV for making their supersoldiers and get vault tec to build a weight gain vault where everybody is 400+ pounds, there are no heart/diabetes medications, and you can only reproduce if you make it to a certain age without a heart attack. after 200 years you might have people as huge and strong as super mutants but without the asexuality and retardation. this doesn't even require any fantasy technology bullshit, look up the potsdam giants
>everybody being fat these days might affect evolution if it keeps up because you need a stronger heart, skeleton and lungs to maintain a high body mass
Only if they die early enough to be unable to reproduce, which most don’t.
VaultChan.(410) Each level is a board dedicated to a hobby specific topic.
The overseer will be a black guy who taunts the dwellers and then banishes them if they talk back.

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April is the month of Uula. Be nice to her.
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I actually wish Malice got some sexual attacks or something the more SEXP she had. A bunch of other hentai RPGs do that too, like Pray Game.
He dropped the ball on Blight. Seriously it's one of the last remaining males on this dying world. Chose to augment himself in technology to survive better. You have a lot of potential with that idea but instead we got a pretty boring villain that did nothing.
Mana tanks belong to BIG girls!

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I love eggsylum’s obsession with big girls. I want him to do more sharkgirl or cerberus art though. Or maybe Kaamos art.
>talk with Dita
>she makes me her chair
>unlocked an event straight away
Wow that's a record tim-
>forces me to lick her feet and gives me a footjob
Between this and the first scene of the game being from an uncontrollable monster violently milking the mana tank after machines told him they'd kill him no problem if he ever went against them, I'm starting to think Hakika was channeling some hard masochism when he startewd doing Kludge.

That aside I'm digging the nature of Vastas. It is made up of desertified urban areas - a consequence of the Death Rain as if everywhere has already been corroded beforehand. Not much different how Vaeltria had a bunch of areas that died out due to the lack of mana (and in turn Schisma being filled with so much vegetation being the first foreshadowing of its nature as fairies and their forests sustain from a mana-like energy.
The fact Death Clouds are nearly always small and never move also tease an artificial or controlled nature.

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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Damn that was a masterpiece
Can't decide between an unarmed or sword build for my 2nd playthrough
it still is hard hitting as fuck; he didnt nerf its damage

craft a sword thats better than the dragon, lets see it

youre too stupid
and a zoomer to boot, GET OUT
I wish the soldier exosuit had a autoload option for guns, like it would automatically put in ten bullets per turn at 0 AP or something
And add a skill to double melee AP cost in exchange for double damage
Is it worth the astronomical biology investment for some of the Expedition poisons?
Thinking of pushing 75 for leper poison knives and caltrops, though I genuinely cannot see how 150 biology for heartbreaker poison is justified.
even 125 for spirit poison is pushing it, and that summons an unkillable minion that swings 2+ times every turn

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Some VAMPIRE RPG ludo-kino just dropped boys
>No depressive nu-vampire shit, actual kick-ass vampire with a big ass sword
>Comfy european fantasy setting
>Fun Turn-BASED combat with spells and cool abilities
>Cute chinks you can interact with
>No grinding aka no filler
>90s/pc-98 retro anime portraits and graphics
>Beautiful naturalistic painted backgrounds
>Unique characters and witty dialog instead of cardboard slop
>Mysterious plot about uncovering and slaying demons
SOVLFUL gothickino made by a solo dev, and the best of all is that it's fucking free: https://lilianduleroux.itch.io/the-voyage-sinister
And it has a trailer too: https://youtu.be/98jRzjMFtWY
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>he doesn't own a 4:3 CRT
Remember to use your summons, they're your most powerful attacks. If you got the Night Wolf his ability is useful for lowering the Undead's health down quickly. Consume Grysials when your mana is low to recover it. Also, use the Red Bombs which do fire damage and don't consume mana. Most enemies have at least one elemental weakness, when you find it you can turn the battle around.

And remember to SAVE often. You can do it wherever you want so do it. This kind of retro game doesn't have autosave so you're not cheating when you do that.
It's a consequence of the game being completely pure pixel-art + being made in an engine that's what meant to reproduce SNES-like JRPGs. Games that can change the resolution to whatever are usually not completely pixel-art or do some twisting to the graphics to fit the screen.
looks comfy
Has anyone completed the game? How is it?

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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>Find out Zeus has been pretending to be your dead husband and manipulating you in an attempt to commit a massive terrorist strike on Great Britain because they're atheists
>not a twist
The problem is that a lot of the DETAIL and NUANCE of this game that might sound super deep and amazing in a game lore bible end up coming off as incoherent and slap dash insofar as the actual game is concerned. So people can point to BUT SO AND SO MEANS SUCH AND SUCH all they want, the actual story telling is pants.
this kino will never stop filtering retards
Kitase's a pretentious hack and a coward.
>Overall player enjoyment would decrease if we made a faithful remake of 7. That's why the narrative had to be different!
>A remake of 6 would take 20 years!
>I produce RPGs based on my normalfag dad who doesn't play video games in order for games to appeal to a mainstream audience!
Who knew kino was code for dog shit

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So there are infinite Aeriths and Sephiroths and Zachs now?

What the fuck are they doing?
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>he doesn't realize how strong a (you) is, to where it bypasses space and time to be noticed
Have some patience
>shit voice acting
Oh no... Jill. Don't open... that door!
Extremely based.
Why the hell is this such a hot meme now? It's obnoxious and I hate it.
For me the best has for to be
>It's REALLY powerful! Especially against LIVING THINGS
It's the obvious pick but I always gotta go with
>You were almost a Jill Sandwich

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bought this game 10 years or so ago and i played it on and off across the years, still very trash at it, does someone have any good tips, cheese strategies or even just some random stories, please post.
Temporal Wardens are OP as fuck, if you want to win they are a good choice.
HP is basically the only stat that matters for the first 20 levels or so, use whatever gear has 40+ life on it.
Movement Infusions are overpowered, abuse them.
Don't do Vaults. Don't do the Crypts (with the girl being sacrificed), it is probably the most dangerous area in the game.

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Which covenant should I enter?
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is this the thread?
and can get knocked up too
It's Alice's birthday today anons
To celebrate the occasion we must all cum at least 10 milimeters into a cup or a bucket and chant Iä Iä so N̶y̶a̶r̶l̶a̶t̶h̶o̶t̶e̶p̶ Alice may come and collect it to have powerful children,after all,our beloved Alice doesn't have time to make love with all of us,but we must still contribute to the cause!
I'll do one better.
It's not gay if it's neither a boy or a girl.

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