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Anything huh? Okay, don't know how long I'll want to continue trying to live this life. It isn't doable, even with a salary of $90k, saving for a number of years, a house wouldn't be feasible if I'm renting (since they cost the same where I live, plus or minus a hundred bucks for a house 30yr fixed loan). Life kind of seems to be a drag unless I could become welathy, running businesses. But fuck if that'd 'happen', since I don't have a solution to a problem... Oh well... 12 gauge in the woods with no one around is calling my name. There, got if off my chest, suicidal for all the RIGHT reasons, no future.
'people dont change' or something along those lines. ive said it before really i think it comes down to a misunderstanding of an individuals state of being. you know somebody under a specific set of circumstances and if those circumstances change significantly they can seemingly become a different person. the split between those things is the true nature of the individual. so therefore your inability to appreciate who i am today is merely fault of your own flawed perception and preconceptions.... bro.
I gotta get my "it's not the end of the world" up
I will never have a boyfriend.

I will never have a fiance.

I will never have a husband.

I will never have sex.

I will never have children.

I will never raise my husband and children in a cozy little house in the cozy little suburbs.

I had my chance in my sophomore year of HS and I fucked it up stupendously.

I am a femcel. I am destined to be alone forever and post on 4chins all the while. I have destroyed my own life and my dreams of love, marriage, and family will never come to fruition.

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Hello, my name is anon and I wouldn't mind peeing in your butt if it suits your fancy. Unless of course you are repulsive, in which case, good day madam.

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My mom died and I got invited to a christmas party a month later by a friend, I had to take anti-nausea meds to not vomit over stress and mixed it with alcohol.

Ended up crying about the death and he recorded it and sent it to a female friend of ours. What would you guys do?

I saw him doing it and called him out but everytime I bring it up he denies and gaslights me I asked her because they've sent me screenshots of one another at different stages.

I don't talk to them anymore but it's annoying I thought they were my friends I don't understand why they would do that, I known him since 2007.
that's not your friend
no true friend records and degrades their grieving friend
beat the living shit out of him with a golf club, that's what i'd do
he disrespected you in the worst way and he needs to learn not to do that, just like you need to learn to defend yourself and not take any shit from anyone

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For those struggling, turn to Christ, our lord and savior, he who will heal your soul and guide you through the perils of life.
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I wrote it all out for a good half hour and realized listing all the health problems I've had the past year isn't gonna help anything. Tldr. I'm Early 20's and can't work the real mans trade job I'm certified for because of medical issues and I'm real scared because I just keep having more and more problems. I can't even hold a wagie job anymore and the shame I have from this is so great I've isolated from all human interaction outside this website. I have given up on life and I'm pretty sure God is disappointed
have, many times through different periods, hasn't happened. None Exists. Btw, I'm >>31178526
wrong person, was christian, was not homosexually accepting catholic. also, neither can answer why kids who cannot have a true belief still get cancer...
Find a mentor, there are apps that have them, and you can be practically anonymous. The right ones only need a first name and your phone number. If they require an email, use Proton. Follow the mentor's advice, they'll help you. This is after all a long fight against a web-based addiction.
Sorry to hear that man

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Not trying to be a creep but I rlly wonder do girls pussy sizes vary? like I get that the inside and feeling/texture may differ, but if a girl is fat or taller than a skinny/short/petite girl, is it less tight or looser? like for example, a six foot 200 lb woman versus a five foot 100 lb woman. there's no way the tightness is the same right? like the big bitches definitely have bigger vaginal cavities??
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ya after periods usually is peak tightness, cuz you go one week without sex
honestly kinda surprised
idk I feel like it just gets wider like the body does but idk I guess that's stupid
That and usually it’s harder to get aroused when ur finishing up your period since it sucks lol
No true lol, but right before my period I always get so horny. its like a switch

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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Yes, it often becomes too depressing to go outside. It reminds you of your subhumanity
Indeed, "touch grass" is the biggest meme of them all. Going outside only reminds me of what a reject I am.
Good luck, try Dr. Goldstein I hear he's the best
Another problem is there's nowhere to go. You go outside and then what? Do you just walk in circles around your city?
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Hey folks. Have been going out with an amazing girl but am very inexperienced so would like some advice.

We've been out twice now and kissed on both occasions. First time was really awkward, but the second time (on the second date) felt really nice, and at the end she put her head on my shoulder and started laughing/giggling. She then was touching me like a mother would (I guess), like fixing up my appearance/hair because I looked disheveled after making out. She said she definitely wants to see me again, sent a text afterwards, but I don't think we'll be able to see each other in more than a week because of our schedules. My questions:

>Is the giggling/touching me up a good thing?
Obviously, I know I'm not the greatest kisser (yet), but I felt the second kiss was really nice (quite passionate). I just hope she wasn't laughing at me because of my abilities but more laughing cause she felt great.
>Should I message her soon?
I don't want to come off needy and over-interested. So I was thinking of not really messaging her this week (maybe on Friday) to see how her weeks been and try and get a third date lined up. Would this be smart? I'm just worried about killing the momentum we have right now.

Everything's just felt so easy with this girl and I really don't want to mess things up so any advice is welcome.

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How do you cope with the fact that every woman you see on the street has had at least one (1) penis inside her mouth?
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literally that is the mental starter that takes you to the mindset of a pedo
A moral system of "I've done something like that before therefore it's kosher" is very egomaniac
I don't care if I'm not the first, as long as I'm the last
That’s kind of weird of u anon
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omw to become the 1# pedo

Serious question, how and where to find mentally ill (depression, autism, ADHD, etc.) girl?
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That makes sense. chicks are harder to drag and bury when they are overweight.
I just don't like fat people, so I won't get involved with someone like that and feed her twice.
so tell me you're looking for a relationship with one of them? why would you ever want that?
please do not attempt a relationship with a mentally unstable woman

i dated a girl with bpd for a month, began to fall in love, and when she broke it off it absolutely wrecked me. still does when i think about it.

there's something absolutely intoxicating about that sort of personality. don't recommend it for anything more than a quick fuck.
Savior complex probably.
I wouldn't go that far to BPD.

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I'm trying to distract myself, but nothing helps. I see couples everywhere and they make me feel jealous. I'm improving myself in various ways for years now, but I still feel like I'm not good enough for anyone. I don't feel desirable at all.
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i've been doing research for almost a year and i haven't found anything of use, i would say "being le okay with yourself" and meditation but coping and being busy seems to be the best option, until your libido dies probably that will also do. also stop daydreaming of being in a relationship that will just worsen it and stop improving yourself because you want a girlfriend, do it for yourself, that will also help

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I'm 32/m and since the coof hit I ended up NEETing way longer than reasonable and ended up getting really out of shape. My hair loss also sped up, despite me already being on oral minoxidil and finasteride for a number of years.

I wanna IMPROOOV and break out of the funk, but today I took a good hard look at my scalp and realized that I'm gonna have to shave it and keep it that way as my regular look. my issue though is that I have issues motivating myself to get fit because I'm never going to look the way I want to ever again.

I'm also a virgin so I don't even have the self-validation of past success with women.

how fucked am I? should I just not even bother with women? i've seen the stress of relationships and what it's done to my friends who have all their hair and are way better looking than me, so I know that it's a grass-is-greener situation too.
If you don't have some type of stable career and own some type of property, then unfortunately finding a high quality female as a mate will be incredibly difficult for you.

Finding a female you love is incredible and totally worth every bit of bullshit that comes with it.
I understand, but I also have concerns about being seen as a means to an end; just a resource provider and nothing more.

I don't think I can handle having to support someone financially knowing that they can easily "date up" from there.
I'm afraid that's a personal problem and you'll just have to learn how to play the field to deal with/avoid that sort of shit. I get put in bad situations all the time and they end up pissing me off anyway despite me knowing full well that I am playing with fire. I have learned many lessons from this insanity and have no regrets.

Some guys just have to learn the hard way, simple as.

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Girl I'm seeing brought up early she's doesn't want relationship. I said okay. We keep doing couple things and hooking up (1st - 3rd base). She'll bring up that we aren't in relationship / say 'if we were in a relationship xyz' constantly.. but also say she doesn'
t want one. I never bring that convo up. She asks if we're friends, since we aren't gonna be in a relationship, I said I don't see her as either. She's now dry with me but maintaining contact. wtf does she want? Does she like me or not?
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>woman waves red flag in front of man's face before using him
>man ignores red flag because lolpussy
>man wonders how he got into and why he can't leave relationship with crazy redflag bitch
Many such cases. Sad!
Because its generally considered degenerate behavior to treat others with complete disregard for their feelings just so you can indulge your need to not put labels on a relationship. All relationships have labels, they're how we know what the rules and boundaries are, and what to reasonably expect. If you have a problem with your partner setting boundaries, you don't need or want a partner or even a friend. People do not work that way.
if girls talk about being friends always take it as a compliment and then make a statement about how she can help you bang her friends
its a shit test, half the girls ive fucked do it, and they all cry the exact same when i leave them (fwiw i dont think shit tests are real, i just think girls like to be teasy assholes, but if you “fail” they realize ure a bitch, and yes i know this seems like the same thing but imo its not)
OP for FUCKS sake pay attention to >>31182566

it is OVER my friend. WALK AWAY.
I've been there.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with >>31182566. I've been there and it was honestly awesome to be with her. I don't even fucking care that she was deranged and doing that shit-- the pleasure of her company was enough to make it worthwhile.

Unfortunately, her leaving also fucked me up big time so I guess there's that. Man, those were some good days, though.

Need advice to ruin my life, it can be anything, I just want to make it worse, the worse the better.
I don't wanna any obvious life ending ones (or maybe i do), i just want to make it as miserable as possible since i don't plan on staying in here for long

I have to upload a file apparently so here's a random sad face to represent my entire existence (my first time posting on this site so sorry for my stupidity ig)
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walk across your country
Nobody is gonna help you with these cries for help, you are the only one there for you, the sooner you realize it the sooner you start getting better.
Also cut off your dick and balls so your hormones will get fucked up and your whole personality will change forever.
cut off your hand or get a gangrene infection and don't treat it, that should be a decent amount of suffering
>Learn a musical instrument, become damn good at it.
>Realize you need job to save for move to a city (for me Nashville, Tennessee because music industry flourished there)
>Hold no job because ghost offers are all that are in your area. Look to others for a job.
>Find you're alone when you need someone or something the most.

My own pursuit of more is already gone, follow those steps and find yourself here.
Shit in a sock, hide it in your closet. If your family asks about the smell deny the source

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Why does the last pic on a girl's Tinder profile always look incredibly unflattering? Is this a shit test?
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They order the pics from most attractive to least attractive, so the last one is always going to be the ugliest of the pics, or the one that barely makes the cut.
Yep pretty much. Same thing with a group pic being the first one. If their top pic is a group pic just assume it's the ugliest girl, because it always is.
Tinder is like a meat market. Pretty sad if you think about it.
Almost certainly a shit test.

She's making you think with your brain (not your cock) about how attracted to her you are.
Me personally I try to add a pic or two where I don’t look my best so the guy doesn’t get his hopes too high and think of me as a catfish if we meet in person, but I also don’t want it to be the *first* picture or else I feel like they won’t match altogether. Basically I want to put my best foot forward but also be realistic

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On forums and the like, is it considered bad form nowadays to contact people by PM rather than address them openly in a thread?

I don't like cluttering up threads or conversations with off-topic posts, so if I have question/want to talk about a tangential point another user brought up, I just PM them. I've noticed that lately people are a lot more reluctant to answer these, though, and it's been giving me a niggling doubt.

Is there more stigma/suspicion of ulterior motives towards not discussing things online openly? Are PMs more something you use exclusively to talk to close friends or for business/commissions?
Depends on the forum and topic of conversation
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Right. Here's a few examples of what I'd normally do, if it helps:

- Topic is about physical vs digital media; user mentions off-hand about collecting a very large number of vynils. I PM them, as I'm curious whether they stick to a particular era/genre or just collect whatever catches their eye, since they have so many.

- Topic is books that influenced you deeply; user posts an author I really like, but not my favorite work of his. I PM them to ask if they've read his other stuff, and what they think of it.

- Two users are having an argument. I agree with one of them and want them to elaborate on a point they made off-hand I'm curious about, but don't want to sound like a sockpuppet or add flame to the argument. I contact the person on the side.

Assume these are all people I haven't really interacted with before. Would any (or all) of these be considered questionable?
Pretty insane to think netiquette is dead or dying though. Most would rather-

one word or short sentence reply

-And continue. Kind of sad that most hate to spend five more seconds and elaborate.

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Remember ladies, it doesn’t matter if you’re not genetically blessed, overweight, disfigured, bitchy, crazy, lanky, acne-ridden, old, flat, diseased, handicapped or even deformed. No matter how you look or what insecurities you have, there will always be dozens of men who will kill to be with you. No exceptions. Somewhere out there, you’re the ideal woman for a certain man. The entire dating world is your oyster. You can have Whatever man you want. Although, you also have to choose your men wisely. You don’t want a man who will use or abuse you. Don’t take him for granted either.
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All the guys ik talk about women they’re actively pursuing or interested in in front of me. Is this not a deterrent so I won’t ask them out? I’ve always assumed it was because I know women do this
Nah they’ll take any woman who comes their way. Men fall in love easier than women do. You probably have dozens of men currently pursuing you.
Man here, true, though both sexes have generalized standards.

It is significantly more difficult to find a partner who is outside of what most people consider normal.

Note: that just means more looking. Believe it or not, for most good men the thing that matters most is your personality, and contribution to the relationship. Not really sexuality or sex (having in this case, don't confuse the two). You, whoever you are whether fat, short, tall, skinny, normal or average, smart, dumb, whatever stage of life, poor, rich, you can and will find your other half if you look hard enough.

Also OP is BASED, solid advice.
I don’t completely reject that notion, my issue is I’m still a virgin and have a really low if not nonexistent sex drive. I genuinely don’t care for sex and never have, most of my “fantasies” end at cuddling or kissing. The guys I do happen to click with ghost me when I tell them I’m not down for sex, and probably won’t be in the near future. From what I’ve gathered men kind of need sex to function so I don’t want to condemn a guy to being stuck with me, either. Oh well.
Don't lose hope. I was with a girl for 3 years who wouldn't fuck me, and it drove me insane at first but eventually I accepted that I just enjoyed her company (and began to rely upon it and her for emotional support). We actually did end up having sex (sort of) and it ruined everything. I loved her and I miss her dearly and I'm pretty sure she's basically gone forever.

Vibing with someone is infinitely better than sex. If she were more comfortable with sex I'm pretty sure it would have been glorious, though. She made me hornier than hell.

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Hey anons, my wife gave birth to our son two weeks ago.

The problem is, we brought him home, and my dog has been extremely aggressive since. He's an alaskan malamute and he's been growling, teeth bared, and my wife is genuinely scared he might hurt our son. I am too. I'm not sure what to do because I've had this guy for seven years and he's never been like this before. He nipped my hand enough to make it bleed when I tried to keep him from snapping at my son. We've been keeping him locked up in the guest room but he bounded over my wife to get to the baby and started barking like he has never has before.

I think my dog hates my son. What do? He's been usually well-behaved. He's friendly with our cat and didn't have such issues when we brought him in as a kitten. Cat doesn't care too much about the baby aside from initial curiosity.

I feel like my older son hates the youngest. Wtf do I do? I've never been a dad before, and I want to really savor the memories, but this anxiety (and constant barking and howling if we lock him up) is fucking ruining it.
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>An insect is worth more than the lives of lots of humans
Well, glad to see you're a well-adjusted individual with a good sense of priorities. Oh wait, you've actually let life beat you down to the point where you no longer have the basic civilized sense of compassion for your fellow man. Maybe you shouldn't be around children, OP.
Does your wife fuck the dog? Maybe he is jealous that you knocked her up despite being the beta and he the alpha.
>Nooooo you need to like people first! What do you mean you like your dog more than me, a random stranger grown man? I thought we had something going on anon ugh! I'm jealous </3
Imagine being a grown man saying that shit to another grown man. Gayest shit ever. I would save my dog over you anytime dude, cope
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Discipline him the same way Alaskan malamutes discipline each other for unruly behaviour in a pack.
If you want to keep that dog but want it to behave, you have no choice but to resort to physical means of discipline when it shows physical aggression.
It is either that, or surrender that dog.
Dogs aren't human, and you can't treat it the same way you'd treat a human.
It won't respond to you the same way a human would anyway, and that means your dog might not understand that your son is infinitely more valuable than his life to any reasonable human.
If you have trouble deciding between a human and a dog, then you are too stupid to raise a human child, but I refuse to believe that you are that stupid.
So, what's it going to be?
>I would save my dog over you anytime dude, cope
most based thing i ever seen on adv, i agree

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