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i have worked 3 months as a waitress at a restaurant as a twinkhon in a transphobic region of a transphobic country
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You ghosted my email baka
my employer may suspect but he does not know
some people probably suspect but nobody has said anything yet
sorry i ghost a lot of people i am mentally ill and very afraid of getting close to other peeple
Oh I figured, I was just kinda being angry in a joking way :) Gotten better at cooking in the last 3 months?
worse because i dont get to do it as much and i was never any good

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The transgender movement is not demonic and they don't hate Jesus Christ - Oh wait!
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That's not hard desu.
i am transgender and God is my guide.
Blessed trips.
He has spoken, i guess
Agp satanic vs Christian hsts.
Glad I have a Christian bf to share in the faith with now. Litterally all you gotta do is not be a comer and if you have genuine dysphoria ur good.

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old >>35657300
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monke is frenbro
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i look like this
someone be my bf pls
what is THAT
anyone who goes to her shows is participating in elder abuse

1. Do you like learning? Tell us something cool you've learned recently
2. Do you have any special interests/stuff you're really nerdy about?

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.

Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi

Old threat:
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As well as anyone else at the performance? We don't exactly hang out after the show or anything
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I don't get an energy boost from caffeine. Coffee and pic related does nothing for me. Is there something wrong?
Lucky you. I have to limit my coffee intake or I get the caffeine jitters.
Caffeine is metabolized by the liver. Either you take something that strenuous to your liver, keeping it active, or you drink too much caffeine.
Is what I've been sipping on lately. I still prefer my venom's though, they're $1

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How bad does your TDS need to be that Elon Musk is like "maybe stop obsessing over trannies love"
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native white brits are the lowest form of life and what's happening to their country is very funny to me
Pretty sure his drug of choice is copious amounts of ketamine
waow.. he just like me fr
>Bans people who call cis people cis
>Pro free speech
>Source: my prolapsed asshole

Discuss the horny here
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okay ill train your throat to my cock
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Godd, progesterone is making me so needy. Getting off isn't enough anymore. I need a man to touch me all over, in all of my favorite spots. I desperately need to be overpowered. I need a man to just pin me down, grope me, and use me however he wants. I seriously just sat for two hours watching videos of men cutting logs. I want to lick the sweat off of his body.

And my doctor wants to raise my prog dose from 100mg to 200mg... I might just become a doormat for superior men if I took that much.
wanna get a wedgie now?
post your ass then
Would it make you boys happy...? I just want to be useful, das all

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They arent ftms lol theyre just not fat
fem not, flamer
morality doesnt make sense considering that the sun will turn into a red giant in a few billion years and all life will be eradicated from the face of the earth. also the universe is constantly moving and expanding. homosexuality is eternal.
dont do this, its not cute
>sassy flamer bf
God I'd rather be afflicted with the trans than date an insufferable shit. I might actually abuse that bottom (physically).

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>be me
>have dysphoria
>become NatSoc because race is under attack
>NatSoc friends tell you dysphoria is Jewish lie
>Still have dysphoria
What the fuck
just leave this place it's not that late

Meanwhile in /lgbt/ mansion....
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i'd go on tv to live in the lgbt mansion and be obnoxious.
wait till you hear about bridges
>are you a virgin, little geek?
In which case who would need a helipad and why would the garage be useless? Fucking think for two seconds.
it's still a peninsula so don't really care, and the end result would be the same with the first anon being retarded

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Why does it always cause seeth when I tell other fags I'm bisexual but only want to date women? I see guys who are bi say they only date dudes because women are evil and no one has a problem, but I choose women over men and all of a sudden I'm suffering from internalized homphobia or have some hangup. Why is it so hard for people to get that can simply prefer women that much more over men?
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I would never date a guy. zero feels for guys. they are just stunt cocks.
>I'm the privileged majority why do minorities get upset when I go out of my way to tell them I don't want to be associated with them wah waah
I hope you have a prostate cancer.
I feel you. Sounds weird, but its really no different than the average bisexual woman. They fool around with girls but they don't want another girl as a life partner, they want a man to compliment their energy.
but to be fair- any guy I am with knows that full well going in, has no interest in dating me and is under no illusions I want to date them. I wouldnt even be oposed to dating a guy if I ever felt the slightest emotional or romantic attraction to them...but I dont
I don't know I think even if I did like a guy like that I'd still want a girl, girls just fit better with men and I don't see how a man an replace what women have in terms of that comforting femininity that we seek as men. And also dating both just seems messy.

apparently terfs choose the man lol
and they still think trannies are the reason they suffer...
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your father had sex with you as a child
lol don't project ur trauma onto me, creep
>woman screeching entire paragraphs like anyone cares at all
women are so funny, they're like small retarded children.
aw it's so sweet of u to respect my gender identity like that, chud :3
you have no chance against the bear, absolutely zero
you could potentially kill the man or outrun him

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>mtf 18
>started E a few months before 17th birthday
How fucked am I for passing?
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ygmi with brow and chin ffs
you got the cis horse-faced girl aesthetic, you're fine. if you're rich and in the NE you're literally golden
absolutely fogs me and im 3 years on hrt you are definitely gonna make it
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youngshit kys

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott 1: are you into feet? if so, what's your favorite thing about them?
qott 2: how would you feel about dating a girl who had a foot fetish?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35642016
discord: https://discord.gg/hrbygddw
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chill the fuck out i'm literally just begging jordan to call me back so i dont actually have to do it myself
Kill yourself.retard
>are you into feet? if so, what's your favorite thing about them?
Yes I'm into feet, I love the shape and the smell and the fact that they're the lowest part of the body which means you're literally beneath the person whose feet you're worshipping. Extra points if they look disgusted while rubbing their feet in my face and they berate me for being turned on by it. I love the degradation/humiliation.

>how would you feel about dating a girl who had a foot fetish?
I'm not really into having my own feet worshipped I just want to worship other people's feet.
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hi so like okay thats my stuffed animal and my gfs butt youre talking about and like just no not cool sis okay because like wtf why are you so horny the fuck check your shit okay not cool wtf
I jerked off earlier to being married to a girl and having a threesome where my wife forced me to take off my wedding ring and put it on the other girl while they fuck each other

I'm middle eastern tranner who's 4 months on HRT

My foreign ex BF who promised that we would live together broke up with me and was very cruel

I'm detransitioning I have a bunch of single use vials left so if anyone wants them I'm open to give them to you

I won't forgive my ex I hope someone else can live the life I was promised
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when are you becoming a German wagie
I have a friend who lives there and he talks about how shit it is, he says nobody really cares about fags and he has painted nails and stuff but everyone will lose their mind over trannies, it's like anti-Iran
Too pussy to move alone
Yeah pretty much
Where were you going to move to?

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why are black communities so homophobic yet black people are most likely to be lgbtq+ of all races?
these studies sample tiny amounts of non-white participants, any claims that one race is more likely to be gay than another are erroneous
black people arent most likely to be lgbt but black lgbt people are the most likely to actually be lgbt. white people have the most trenders by far, and that’s not weird. society isn’t equal, being white is looked down upon so to climb the oppression ladder white people will call themselves nonbinary or bisexual. bisexual is real but a lot are straight trenders. i think we should all be equal, being straight, cis and white is just as okay as anything else.

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