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If Onions Green was made out of people then what were Yellow and Red variants made out of?

Which era had the best Horror and why was it the 80's?
>Muh heckin' mainstream 1980s slop!
If you are a true horror fan, you wouldn't watch mainstream trash like Friday the 13th or Saw, you would watch real fucking horror movies, Extreme horror. Extreme horror is movies like August Underground, Serbian Film, Guinea Pig, and Salo. These horror films are for hardcore horror fans, not normalfags or w*men. People often dismiss these films as just "torture porn shlock", but they are true horror films, to quote Fred Vogel (director of August Underground), "these films are true art". They are like what would happen if the joker directed movies. They are masterpieces. Stop watching gay ass mainstream jew shit, and watch actual kino horror. Also, when you watch them, make sure you don't watch normalfag extreme horror like Martyrs or Henry, that shit is gay. True extreme horror is like August Underground or Serbian Film. I imagine this post will piss normalfag horror fans off.
Is this a copypasta?
all of those movies suck though. Cannibal Holocaust is cool but you didn't even list that

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Why did the torrent community die?
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too many leeches
not enough seeds
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>Have a job.
>Just buy the $30 game (on sale for $3.32)
>It just works.
All torrent problems go away with 1 (one) week of work.
Like $400 will set every neet up for years of games and movies.
Why do games have a thriving DDL environment but not movies?
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i donwlwad from there all the time and my virus scanners report nothing

i think shes full of shit
just because your shitbox stutters trying to play them doesn't mean it's bad

Screen Gems is working on a new Resident Evil movie. Details are being kept under wraps, but it it is expected to have a budget closer to Afterlife (60 million) than Welcome to Raccoon City (25 million).
It remains to be seen whether the beautiful and talented Milla Jovovich can be persuaded to reprise her role as Alice, or whether the studio will make the suicidal error of not asking her to return.
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Does anyone really want another one of these movies?
what is so fucking hard about just making RE:1 into a movie. STARS members get stuck in a mansion and they have to solve puzzles, find each other and destroy the Tyrant. it's so fucking simple but they literally cannot do it
>STARS members get stuck in a mansion and they have to solve puzzles, find each other and destroy the Tyrant. it's so fucking simple but they literally cannot do it

I mean, they did try.
The last Resident Evil movie basically pulled an Alien 3, and wasn't really the conclusion fans had been hoping for, or the team had been wanting. So a do-over that provides better closure would be well received.

It's like how they always wanted to make another Alien movie with Ripley returning. Never happened due to Fox problems, but there was demand for it.
They mashed RE1 and 2 together with this one. The sets were pretty good.

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Just finished this, anyone can recommend some other historical series that is good?
What do you want, more sword and sandals, or just more Sopranos rip offs?
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Does /tv/ have a go-to film to put on when bringing a new girl back to your place? Asking for a friend.
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Hancock is the ultimate date movie because it's great for the first like 30 minutes and then becomes really boring. Do with that what you will.

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Any other time where an actor became their character?
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now criticize the Muslims
fuck them as well, their religion is just a cult to one schizophrenic man and further fan fiction about your fake jewish books, fuck all your fake abrahamic jewish shit.
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Bible is shit. Talmud is shit. Qur'an is shit. All "holy books" are shit. If that cunt who worships the Flying Spaghetti Monster has written a book? That book is SHIT.

ALL organised religion is SHIT. Want to feel spiritual? Go right ahead. Hell, feel all the fucking spirituality you wish. Impose that shit on me or my kids, however? I'll fucking PUNCH you, cunt.
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Hey, that's me! Where'd you get that picture from?!

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Characterizing the Borg is by far the stupidest, most tonedeaf decision in the history of writing.
The entire point is that they are an enemy Picard doesn't have the skills to deal with. He's a diplomat and wants everyone to work together.

They are a perversion of that idea. They want to make everyone part of them and work as one mind. And they can't be reasoned with.
>Characterizing the Borg is by far the stupidest, most tonedeaf decision in the history of writing.
You mean the Borg Queen from First Contact? Yeah that was lame.

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Katt Williams live special on Netflix tonight at 10pm EST. hollywood and illuminati are sweating bullets. will you watch?
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>make up a bunch of bullshit on podcasts to hype up new special
nah I don't think I will watch
t.kevin hart
He exposed p diddy and then it all turned out true.
what are the chances of him actually being funny again? his last few stand ups were bad.
Hope he says something controversial like Trump has an orange tan.
I watched the latest Dave Chappelle and it was absolute garbage, nothing of worth in that.

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Das rite
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M'baku was based.
>actor wants more work
I am shocked, SHOCKED
Hey man, we just want the main characters to reflect the society we currently live in
Watch it he the first Batman movie where Batman really doesn't kill anyone

Watch it be the first Batman movie where he does explicitly kill and it's totally ok because magical negros would never murder someone who didn't really really really really deserve it
I missed the part where that's my problem

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>Makes the best action kinos of all time
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Imagine being the one who fell out the top window. Not for me.
>literally a card carrying member of the CCP of china commieland.

lefty >>>/pol/ pls.
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OFC you did

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Well... what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

I actually agree with him, i felt it early when Marvel was dominating, there were good movies here and there, but the whole thing was in a downtrend. I blame the first writer strike in 07-08 and Global Economic Crisis, it was visibally getting worse on 2012. they started adding gay characters for no reason just to appeal to gay people. interracial coupling was a big thing, every show on 2011 to 2016 glorified mulatto babies. they prioritized the agenda over quality of film making.
the last thing i noticed before the death was 2019 with Once upon a Time in Hollywood . Tarantino got attacked for not having black people in his movie, and that Margot had fewer lines than the two male leads.
the movie it self was excellent, and it was the last film i enjoyed in theaters..
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teenagers are doing rlm threads?
>95% of movies have always been shit,
this isn't even true. Find some random low tier slop from the 90s and it'll be leagues better than most new stuff.
A few years ago I got some discount DVDs from shartmart and the straight-to-video movies that were on there were visibly shitty yet still more enjoyable than newslop
The one movie I remember from those DVDs was Fielder's Choice from 2005 if anyone wants to know
I don't think he's even known in non American Anglo countries, That 70's show got more airtime than Seinfeld. There aren't really any internationally famous comedians famous for comedy though, maybe Mr. Bean is the one exception. Comedy tends to be far too culture-specific to travel much
I suppose you have a point. But still, #notallwomen
its been 'over' for well over a decade you fucking retard. youre just such a fucking npc that you need (((seinfeld))) to tell you its official so you can talk about it openly with other npc goy cattle.

Are we watching the toronto maple leafs game on TELEVISION tonight?
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Dallas Vegas will be way more kino series
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yes, but Toronto fans are notorious little bitches who flip-flop depending on the score. I'm here to feast on the pain and anguish when they lose
Bruins will light the lamp in the next five minutes.
>Having to choose between Boston and Canada

This is like choosing whether to lick an Indian street or an Indian's foot. You're getting shit either way.
Scared yet laffsfag?

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More. MORE! Give me more.
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What does he says to Paul in the residency? I've seen it twice and it sounds like
>As one-seventh of the Imperium, you will bow at my feet
>your father, hid the spice, up his ass, for three years
I laughed at that both times it saw it
As a servant of the Imperium

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