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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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>killed the Trumptard
OK, Kansas, and a little bit in Missouri.
Remind me to get some kneepads for when I get my bike back on the road.
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Best crash ever <3

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What was Toyota thinking?
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It's ugly, but part of me likes it
The size of the console and the way it kinda wraps around towards the driver makes it look like a cockpit, not 'just' a dash
Cope, it looks nothing like a rally car interior. It's just a misplaced slab of plastic
It's inspired by rally interiors, not lifted from it. They have to keep material and production costs reasonable. It's a refresh of an existing car after all. They can't remold the interior thing, the "slab" is just an addon piece that sits on top of the original dashboard, as you can see by the seams.
Ok zoomie.
It still looks like utter and complete shit, like some low-poly cope.

>*slowly bankrupts tesla in your path*
nothing personel
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This lol, the unwarranted narcissism of dead 4chan boards never ceases to amaze me. Same when they claim paid shills post on /p/.
Dude... what's more likely? That a multimillion company decides to invest some of its money on an obscure board on 4chan that has no impact and where people mostly own sub $5k cars or that fanboys shill their favorite brand? There's no return on investment for shilling here.
too many retards with trucks have no idea how to carry a bike in the bed without
>scratching the shit out of their tailgate
>fitting it in the bed
Quick release front wheels have been a thing for so long and stupid ass niggers don't want to take the 30 seconds to not damage their vehicle
Anon, they do it for free.
My truck can just fit a bike inside it.
Any car can do this.

new edition
put /dbt/ in the title edition

>Motorcycle bingo
>Twist of the Wrist 3
>pop a wheelie i pop a boner
>Too Many nobikes
>scooters / EVbikes dont belong here
>take the warning stickers off your bike
>take the anime stickers off your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>don't squid, even in summer, wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Heck yeah
When they say "full gear," Does that mean jacket and pants, or does that mean a full suit?
drink more water for heat stroke, or don't travel in the peak of the day if it's unavoidable.

sunburns: probably reapply midway through to your face if you're on a very long ride. the only place I get burns is between my jacket cuffs and my gloves so idk.
It's a chemical reaction that is powered by sunlight, it cascades and causes your skin to turn basic
Just rub vinegar on your next sunburn
Or lemon juice, that works but it attracts bugs
None of us NJers are regulars. I think I am only one south of Trenton.
Is the tank vent plugged? The first time I took my tank off I plugged mine without thinking, and it stalled obviously.

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>went for a ride earlier this afternoon
>roads are filled with tourists,croooozers who do 20kmh on a 40, double parkers, vans and buses
It's literally over bros, see you again in November.
Or post your car, I guess.
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Not a recent pic, but i don't care to take more. i had a lot of fun driving to texas to go see the eclipse listening to my music. i'm a croozer, but i am only limited in speed by my shitbox's horsepower (legitimately couldn't go faster than 90 in this thing).
>>went for a ride earlier this afternoon
Wrong move. Best to be arriving at your sporty road just after dawn.
You forgot the quads and sidebysides Greekbro

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how come no car comes with a 5.1 sourround sound system? Instead they all use inferior 2 channel systems
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>how come no car comes with a 5.1 sourround sound system?
Because the driver does NOT sit in the center of the car. The 5.1 surround sound system needs the person to sit in the center for appropriate sound effects. Using 5.1 surround inside a car's relatively tiny air chamber results in worse sound for everyone
By that logic you should only be using mono in a car. Stereo isn't stereo either if you're not sitting in the middle.
>Stereo isn't stereo either if you're not sitting in the middle.
Retarded, you're not sitting on the outside of the car listening to things. You've always got a speaker either to your left or your right.

5.1 aims for true "surround sound" where you need to space the speakers correctly to achieve the desired effect of fooling your brain into thinking you're actually there using slight variations on the time it takes certain channels to reach your ears.

It's a bit of a moot point anyway as going for sound immersion or high fidelity in an automotive application hits a ceiling. The moment you start driving and some road and engine noise enters the cabin all the subtle audio and frequency tuning some soundfag spent hours doing will be pretty much worthless. This is not to say that you can't improve sound quality in a car, but I think going for true 5.1 audio in a car is basically a fool's errand.
Thats exactly how my 2015 a5 is
>You've always got a speaker either to your left or your right
That's still irrelevant when one driver is 12'' from your ear and one is 4 feet away. That's still not true stereo at that point. I can sit in the back seating area of my home theater setup and still get the full surround sound effect but it obviously isn't ideal.

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QTDDTOT because there isn't one and because this is a stupid question:

6.9 lbf ft - yes it's the workshop manual, but this won't crack the battery casing right ? Feels like this thing just keeps spinning but I guess it's compressing the little pad the battery is sitting on until it can't. Or should I shoot for a little less.
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Mount a trail cam overlooking where you'd park it, or just keep it in a garage. Could pull double duty with a camera in the garage but if you're worried about feds and asking this question your car's already got a tracker on/in it. If it's new enough they've already issued subpoenas for your driving analytics to the insurance company and manufacturer which yes is legal, no they don't have to tell you and yes they do it all the time.
What if I'm more concerned about physical sabotage?
I.e. how do I vet my car to make sure they didn't already fuck something up?
Going to presume this is less a paranoid schizophrenic and more a "My ex knows I love my cars" situation. Get a locking gas cap, check your fluids before driving. Check the mouth of fluid reservoirs for powders or foreign fluids before driving. If you find any save it in a baggie if it's solid, dab it with a clean paper towel if it's liquid and stuff that in a bag and make what courts call a "contemporaneous note", write down why you did the check, what you found, the date and time, so on and so forth. You would give this to your attorney later, do not admit it yourself, DO NOT represent yourself in court. If you're concerned an ex or jilted lover or something is out to destroy a beloved car you need to find garage space or bare minimum set up a camera. You'll have to do a check each time you go out to drive to make sure each tire has air, the brakes aren't pissing when you pump them and that nobody has fucked with the oil cap or anything. If you're super desperate you can dust the oil fill cap and such with flour or talc and it'll give you an at-a-glance hint as to whether someone has fucked with it. You could also take pictures as evidence if you needed to sue for damages. Good luck, protecting a car from a psycho bitch is a chore and a half.
How would I know if there is a mafia style bomb under my car?

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How does /o/ feel about Drake crushing a perfectly good Dodge Caravan just to intimidate Kendrick?
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>my jungle beats and destruction!!!
kek, your race can only destroy, there's no creation with you feral beasts
At least he does have a massive penis
Lol, Drake is such a bitch.
The more of those stupid eggs crushed the better. I hate them.
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My dad drove a purple '99 dodge caravan for like 10 years. He passed away last year and I sold it to the mexican guy across the street who drove it all the way to mexico and sold it. Had to wrench on that thing like every week to keep it running.
Miss you, pop.

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whats the HARDEST you've ever been burned on a car?

>MFW bought a fucked up miata that ended up putting me atleast 4,000 in the hole.
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>spent $8k on a $1200 car
holy fuck dude. Theres a million and one nice low mileage panthers floating around
geo metro?
>banned by this mechanic, after the gas tank fell apart in their shop

peak /o/, I love it
Your 8k are the perfect proof of why sometimes it's better to look for a much nicer unit for a little more money. Had you bought a $1800 car it's likely you wouldn't have spent that much to keep it in shape.
Sometimes you're paying to get the job well done because you're aware there's ways to fuck up the job that someone experienced would know not to do.

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Yes. In the middle of nowhere we install ticket machines so you don't even dare to park your shitty vehicle for free.
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Yeah, I didn't feel any semblance of altitude sickness until the top of Pikes Peak.
>Sussex, England.
>People often get altitude sickness going up there unprepared.
Chat is this true? I just looked up the tallest mountain in the UK and it's only 4,413ft. Who is getting altitude sickness at 4,400ft? The morbidly obese? People with emphysema? 80 year old former coal miners?
Definitely not Souf Downs.

Looks like the alps somewhere like Switzerland or Austria.
gators, bears, lions, snakes every fucking where and great white hotspot of the world.
also niggers

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>fun to drive
>good gas mileage
>truck-like amount of cargo space
Does a car like this exist?
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Yes but not new.
VW Jetta has an inordinate amount of space for you to carry shit, the GLI is a fun little driver, and it is cheap. Go and get one. It's my DD.
>I want a car with no compromises
Kill yourself
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>fun to drive
>good gas mileage
>truck-like amount of cargo space

Good gas mileage and large cargo space are mostly mutually exclusive with fun to drive. A Miata is fun to drive and has good gas mileage; but its got no cargo space. A second gen Prius meets all of your criteria; but its not fun to drive.

I suppose a Pontiac Vibe GT or a Toyota Matrix XRS might qualify. They're both the same basic car with the same engine and transmissions. Good cargo space, decent MPG, cheap and reliable since they're basically a Toyota Corolla wagon.

What is the point of buying a fast car?
Like a race car or hyper car?
> you are not allowed to race with it
> you can not drive faster than the sleep limit
then what is the point? or is it just showing off and pretending to yourself you are a race driver?
are car companies selling an illusion?
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>DeLorean at home
North Carolina probably has one of the highest ownership of Confederate flags per capita in the states kek.
>it's faster and I can take it out without having to deal with people that made liking a movie their whole thing.
I'll take your entire stock (1(one))
I practiced fencing, but I do not carry a sword in public. I learned Spanish, yet I have never been to Spain. I have learned the history of Japan, Rome, and France, yet I do not plan to teach a course. Some things are simply for your enjoyment and pleasure. They do not need to have a practical purpose.
>you are not allowed to race with it
1. track
2. lmao i do what i want
>speed limit
speed suggestion

do i drive it fast all the time? no. i don't sprint everywhere i go either, despite having a sub 5 second 40 yard dash. it's not strictly necessary in the vast majority of situations but it's fun and often quite useful to go fast

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define this car in one word
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Nerdy. I have only ever seen nerdy ass IT workers and Asian twinks driving these.

does anything come close to it?
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>forced to cope by comparing it to 30+yo technology like it's some monumental achievement

Sorry, Gordie, nobody is going to remember anything you ever did after the F1. The new car is DOA.
>all the fixings
it's so BRITISH
its a fake skibidi
I heard the ECU is super hard to crack. I also can't see turbos playing along too well with the super high compression Z06.
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Cope and seethe

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