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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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>blocks your path
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it takes great care anon. This is probably illegal and rangers sometimes are only young employees and don't know shit and probably don't care either. My intent revolving native plants is to 1. never take something whole, because that wouldn't make me any better than a poacher, and 2. do it with intent to multiply in cultivation in order to re-introduce more of that individual back to its native range upon returning. I do sell on the side but that is my hustle
my last advice is to wear gloves. I cannot stress how many times I have had microscopic worms burrow under my nails only to be long stretches of hours from civi. the worms have a natural instinct to dig down giving them plenty of time to bury themselves in my flesh. I recommend dipping your hands in alcohol and make sure to massage your finger tips to work the spirit into their little holes. if it's burning that means it's working
I feel secondhand embarrassment from how retarded you are.
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yeah I'll have to suss it out. not everything can be taken as a cutting but I'll do some research. we're going into winter now so I probably won't be much until spring when everything begins sprouting its new growth
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have sex and take a shower anon feel better in the morning. I have valued customers and friends around the world I must consult with about buying, selling, and trading exotic plants.
feels good owning my own business

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What's good hammock brand?
I'm in Eu
Need one for 2 pers.
Must have mosquito net and detachable rain cover
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>x is too expensive
>y is cheap but shit
>z is good but [not available in the EU] or [not from the EU]
Pick two: Good, cheap, EU
I just got some Bushmen stuff, and I'm not in a hurry to purchase from there again. Shipping (within the EU) took a month, they didn't respond to emails and the quality and fit seems subpar. It was fairly cheap though. I'm going to supplement with hamak.de, kuhla.hu and lesovik next.
Lesovik are hunting for suckers, mediocre quality for American prices.
I literally imported a tarp from Hammock Gear from the US because it came out cheaper than Lesovik's equivalent, with lower weight and better materials (and most likely better workmanship but I have not used Lesovik's tarps, only their other products and they weren't anything amazing).
Seriously go check your local producers, everyone's making hammocks these days since anyone with a sewing machine and a bit of experience can make one. It all comes down to the material used and the size. You can score a good one cheaply if you do some research.
Anon, that hammock is fucking tiny; it’s under 9’ long. It cannot fit a fully grown man. Not even a grown Mexican could fit in it. I thought Europeans were tall.
Warbonnet is a wonderful hammock. I have a blackbird that I bought at the height of COVID (when camping shit was 50% higher than normal). Use it probably three to four times a year.
Despite being a great hammock, it's not really worth the price tag, unless you hate having money and are a gear queer. I won't even deny my buyer's remorse; at times I prefer my tent, since I don't have to search for a suitable place to pitch that. Hammocks you need to scout out your campsite a bit if you want to use them.
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Bought hitch hammock and one wind. It just works.

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2718306
Fruit thinning allows your plant to allocate its resources more efficiently. Each leaf is a source, and each fruit is a sink. If you have too many sinks, the sources will not be able to provide.
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You won't miss a single opportunity to talk about biochar, will you?
Nope. It's the single most useful soil amendment with compost being a close second and mycorrhizae being a close third. It's especially important to me because I live in the western US which is experiencing a drought which is made worse by improper water and soil management.
if I only feed my dogs organic human food that I eat, can I use their poo in my compost?
You should look into composting manure before you attempt it. It's fine to add, but you need to make sure you do it right and you should treat the finished compost as a biohazard. Using different methods to repeatedly compost it would be better. Look into bokashi fermentation as a first step and consider vermicomposting as a second step before adding the finished vermicompost to your hot compost pile. That should be a safe pathway that should reduce the pathogenic load to the point that you can treat it as normal compost.
I got got rid of most of the trees I wanted gone all at once, it was easier to use the stumps as anchor points for winches and pulleys by leaving them up 2-3ft. I won't really know how I like it until I experience all the seasons, but either way I prefer to do tree work in the winter when the ground is hard, plus my municipality only allows "open burning" from January through April, I wouldn't make any progress burning brush in my 3ft metal fire pit, compared to my 12ft bonfires.

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Alright wtf are these zoomer talking about
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Does your country use girlfriend in the traditional sense? Or was she a lesbian
prietena can mean either, in this case it just means friend that is female
>I'm a woman.
stopped reading right there. Stop wasting peoples time pretending to be human.
Saying hi to people and asking how they're going isn't some useless social ritual. The intent is to make sure the people you meet in a remote area are okay and give them an opportunity to talk about track conditions, problems, if they need help, etc.

We've had strangers tell that the hut we were heading to had no water in the tank, for example. That meant we filled up on water from a creek a kilometre before it, which saved us a lot of fucking around after dark. Even just small things like "we've seen three snakes just this morning, keep an eye out" are useful.

If you're on a track that's not crowded and you refuse to talk to strangers then you're deliberately ignoring an important source of information just because you're an autist.
finally a woman with some sense.

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Moving out to Oregon for a job: near the cesspool called Portland. Any suggestions on places to hike for someone who has never been in the NW.
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I just bought land in Christmas Valley lol.
Has anyone hiked Mount Saint Helens? I have a few questions about the park.
- Can you in the crater where the explosion happened? I know its still "active" but is there any danger or rules against doing it.
- Is there snow on top of the mountain all year around? Just need to know if I need crampons or microspikes.
Cove palisades
>Cove palisades
Lake Billy Chinook is okay, The only thing worth seeing is the Metolius Balancing Rocks.
>Can you in the crater where the explosion happened?
No it is illegal

>Is there snow on top of the mountain all year around?
No. It will be gone by some time in July or August.

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Welcome to beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2577491
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i feed them sugar
winter is quite long here and sugar makes them poo less than honey does
would like to feed them honey though, but as theyve tended to shit in the hive early spring ive found sugar to be better for them
Based jitney operator.
>10tons of bees
not bad, thanks for sharing
How hot is your climate? I'm in the rockies where the summers are easily 110 degree at its peak and they're fine. The cue that they're too hot is if they're bearding (e.g. sitting in front fanning their wings trying to cool the hive), sort of looks like picrelated. If they are bearding you can swap your bottom board to a screened bottom board and that will get them some circulation. Its very likely your bees are doing their orientation flights as they're getting used to their new home

Hive beetles aren't a problem in my climate so you'll need to do your homework there, from what I understand dealing with the beetles has a lot to do with prevention and setting up traps and preventing them from getting a foothold. Do your research,

as far as Varroa mites goes, learn how to do the powder roll test and the alcohol bath test (alcohol bath is lethal to the 100 bees so I prefer powder). Your bees are probably fine for now, but you should do a test for varroa at least once a month and treat if they breach threshold (2-3% or 2 mites per 100 bees) (https://www.instructables.com/Sugar-Coated-Honey-Bees-or-How-To-Test-for-Varroa-/). I typically have to treat at least once a year during the fall and I use formic pro strips cause they're easy, but there are a bunch of other options, some you can treat with your honey supers, others need the supers to be removed.

Learn how to spot for other conditions too, things like European Foul Brood, Nosema, Tracheal mites, chalkbrood, etc. They each have their own symptoms and ways you can treat. The big one you should learn are the signs and symptoms of American Foul Brood, which unless your bees are vaccinated unfortunately requires you to euthanize and burn your hives. My state (utah) requires us to register our hives and we get notices if there is a AFB outbreak in our area, (we had a scare last year but all my hives were unaffected fortunately) but if your hives get it, you gotta act fast.
I got stung on the face today, I was checking to make sure the queen I bought for a split got released properly, I finished boxing up the hive and left for 30 minutes and came back with a level to make sure it was still fine and had my hood down. She either was just coming in hot and I was in the way or she was just pissed as fuck but she got me on the chin. I might have to give my suit a vinegar bath since Im thinking my mere presence tilted her (they're not typically aggressive right off the bat)

speaking of level, this is important, make sure your hives are generally level. I made that mistake on my first hive and it caused me a ton of problems for a while cause they drew out their comb on the empty frames wierd and it took forever for them to correct it. (drawing comb is very difficult for the bees, so if they can do it right the first time the better)

imagine the ambient bzzzzzzzzzz

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What is the tried and true bivy. Light/durable/inexpensive etc
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>most 1person tents are 2.5 to 3.

Lol. Maybe $20 chink tents from Walmart poorfag.
Even run-of-the-mill 1p silpoly or silnylon trekking pole tents are under 2lbs. X-Mid, Lunar Solo, The One, Lanshan… all around 28oz.
the military one is badass, it's pure goretex
nothing else will be as waterproof and still breathable
get a down bag for inside though
>I laid out exactly why I didn't need to post

It's a fucking bivvy. It's going to be shit and wet inside from condensation. Packing out heavy ass goretex larp gear for no reason other than to larp as a spec op team. Just /out/ things.

Why does everybody want to drive hours to some tourist attractions when there's perfect /out/ right under their noses.
I live in the suburbs with a few parcels of green space wood land of several dozen acres in size. It's undeveloped and has no obvious access or trails so I am probably the first person to have been there in years or decades even.
views + waterfalls
normals are afraid and when /out/ they dare not take a single step off the trail. I have stopped inviting people out for this reason
I visit my local park to hike and run the trails 2-3 times a week. It's a pretty big area and the hills really weed out most people so once you get a couple miles in, it can feel like true innawoods sometimes. It's fun on it's own, but I treat it just as much as training for actual innawoods mountain hiking which I like to do several times a year in various locations. Plus my local spot becomes an arid shithole in the summer. You can't just limit yourself to local stuff when there's so much /out/ to see in the world.

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>west virginia
Holy shit I share a board with plebs
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>live in VA
you must be in DC area?
>any kind of /out/ activities whatsoever
there are mt biking, fishing, paddling etc closer than 5-6hrs.
its an 8 hour drive from chincoteague to bristol, all in virginia
Illinois was fine until you city niggers exported your politics to the rest of the state like the AWB and increased trailer sticker prices. I would gas anyone north of I-80 and east of I-39 in a heartbeat if I could.

t. peoria suburb-fag
>forest preserve
Those are always crowded as fuck when the weather is nice.
Wisconsin has some of the best waterfowl and deer hunting in the country. Trapping is big here too, as is ice fishing. It's also one of the few places where you can still spear for sturgeon. If you like marshes and wetlands, then you'll love Wisconsin. The northwoods/UP is god's country, and we have two great lakes to choose from at any time.

Heading here next week to peakbag and enjoy some solitude, was wondering if any /out/ anons had any additional recommendations for some smaller hikes/caves things to explore close to I25 or I10 in TX and NM

Current itinerary:
OML + Emory and South Rim in BBNP
Guadalupe Peak + Carlsbad NP
Sierra Blanca + White Sands NP
Organ Needle
Chicoma Mountain
Wheeler Peak
Rent a vehicle that's a 4x4 to experience all of that area has to offer. Also drink lots of water. Get prepared for 0 humidity.
I did my geology field camp over there
check out Gila National Forest
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Saw this in the sky at some random horse camp in a NM forest, be safe out there anon
Devils Hall, 4ish mile hike off the same trail head as Guadalupe Peak. Also, look up Sitting Bull Falls. Pretty relaxing after hiking the Guadalupe.

Be i
Like going to forests
Spring here
Rains stop, good calm weather
The forestry service forbids the make of campfires in woodland lands
Do not even bother lifting the banning when THREE days of rain fall upon our earth
Seems they just placed the "fire hasard" for all spring or even all summer
Obliviously are lazy drunks who do not want to go investigate smoke wall and just sit in their cabins drinking vodka for day
Season nearly ruined because of those devils
Outraged am i, outaged rightfully
Going to write a personal letter to our president Alexander Lukashenko!
Complete abuse of power happening is
Hope he does something about it and puts the forest men's hubris down a bit
Consider enlisting. You're neighbor countries both are looking for people to spend long periods of time outside.
I am not idiot. I like what Russia doing, but no why or in what which way are they doing this. Ukraine is no independent force even, fighting for cover-up CIA front is an idiot choice.
Fuck you you product of brother sister incest
You idiot? No argument? Just bad word and insults? Pathetic.
Sounds exactly like America.

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*blocks you path*
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That's not what it is. Note that it has blue stars on a white background and that section is oriented horizontally. It's actually a flag that was used by early customs vessels (predecessor of the Coast Guard) and has been adopted by Sovereign Citizen morons who think that the normal US flag is for the military and this vertical stripe one is the civilian version.
Sounds like threeper nonsense. On par for /out/
>take off the signs
I don't know how this would block my path considering I have no reason to go on somebody's property other than using their driveway to turn around.
Go in on a dirtbike. Good luck catching me.

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Topics include:
>soakers and how to avoid them, dude
>non-slip grips, kid
>clearance sales, chief
>cleaning and treatments, boss
>wellies, chauncy
>vintage gear, toots
>stay-aways and ripoffs, jack
>liners or wool socks, professor
>hunting boots and camo options, rambo
>handmade leather and bespoke examples, fabio
>ropers, riders, and cowboys, huck
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what's up with lowa zephyrs? they look bad ass but what else are they good for?

i need boots but i've been walking in barefoot slip ons for a year and the last time i put my old boots on i could barely make it around the block
Is cleaning your boots necessary? I got clay on mine and wondering if I should bother, they're goretex lined. I never bothered cleaning my hiking boots before but the manual on my new ones said to. Seems a bit silly if you use them very frequently
i can walk forever in toms, basically nothing sole and a bit of canvas, they are comfy as hell as barefoot shoes but they fall apart in about a month, wish i knew an alternative for cheap

Clarks Goretex collab active air line just werks. Leather, waterproof, autistically straddling the line between formal/outdoors. My current pair is a black version of picrel, about 6 years old, very minimal wear despite mostly daily use.

I really don't understand why this type of shoe has gone out of style. At this point mine are basically leather socks, not far from barefoot shoes. I suspect I will be quite sad when they finally kick the can.
that's what I'd want out of all the ones posted
those look good too
jackboots are dumb, 1lb on your feet = 5 on your back

Modernity is so goddamn gay, decades ago you could hitchhike easily and truckers would pick you up really fast, nowadays they aren't even legally allowed to pick you because laws, company policies and insurance garbage.
And this is just an example of many, as we move forward and as the population grows things get worse /out/ wise.
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This is the third time in two weeks with the exact same reply, and it’s the third time I was able to find a source after 5 seconds of googling.

Pic is a propaganda a poster. The article is wrong; it’s from 1966. Lol “sex maniac.”

Here’s the article with plenty of links:
>stick thumb out
>get gangstalked
theyre probably feds
better not risk it
Don't thumb it. Hang out at gas stations and rest stops and ask for a ride.

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