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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Another blog post of a guy hoping to make it.
for reference i never complete any projects cause I'm lazy and I lack discipline, also because I have a day job.
Let's see if I can finish this time, goal is to finish a base mesh with game res and textures, as well as eyes and hair cards.
Also, please feel free to destroy me, I value your opinions.
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What is this supposed to be?
it's a 3D model of a Buddhist monk.
He should see a doctor for that thing on his forehead.
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you got it, it's gone.
And why does he have a doughnut wrapped around his neck?

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Just my luck ffs finally have a week of free time to try to learn something and it's gone.
Not saying I'm lost without it but it would help.
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It's pretty useful if you have to use a model a lot during a production.
Also he says that male model training data has generalised to a female shape, which would make the training worth the upfront training cost. Performant enough for realtime as well (mostly next gen I'm assuming)
>Performant enough for realtime as well (mostly next gen I'm assuming)

you lose over 100fps per character even with heavy optimizations
Solved by adding more machine learning to generate frames
>useful during a production
Nobody here works and/or will ever work in a production.
its better to work on your own productions in your basement in this day and age, really

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What are /3/'s thoughts on this new GLITCH animation?

Personally, this is some of the most creative modeling and animation I've seen in years

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Just watched ep2. It's cool I just cant fucking stand the lack of highlight compression in the rendering.
Episode 2 OUT NOW

Sorry for the wrong link. Here's the CORRECT ONE

I think its a concious stylistic choice to evoke the shitty edutainment aesthetic. [spoiler]And obviously to make the workload a little more reasonable.[/spoiler]
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>I have purposely taught them wrong
>as a joke
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so this is just a blender hate thread
yup go it
They all are great, but blender guru is just more basic, like a wizard master who teach you little tricks and doesn't tell you about hangouts he has with dormamu. But still he is good
>so this is just a blender hate thread
blender & doughnut grifter

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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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He needs you clothes, boots and your motorcycle.
Don’t burn you passion up. Doing this every day for 4 years sounds harrowing, even with such time that’s probably not enough man hours to get such a job done.
>"3D Animation and Game Arts"
Which university? Why did you pick that university?
It seems like op doesn't have the fundamental workflow down. His high poly and renders look good, but ignorance about correct workflow and best practices is going to fuck and burn him out before he ever reaches the animation stage.
Op, I recommend you check out courses for creating game and animation ready models, before moving onto basic animation in maya. Spend an intensive month or two on them. You'll acquire the core skills, and it'll allow you to be more confident and waste much less time pursuing your berserk project. Nevertheless, I'm rooting for you!
OP here, you made the exact right point. Currently i am tilting against windmills. Even if i like it or not, but i have to take a step back.
It's currently very hard for my CPU to solve the issues of my current mesh, to get it animation ready. I can't even remesh or retopologize in Maya (which i would have preferred instead of Zremesher).
I have ordered a new CPU and until i built it in, i will spent some time with courses to make the model animation ready.
Your CPU isn’t the problem, the model is over one thousand individual units of pieces all together within the illusion of a character model. You need the individual pieces to be together like a real model.

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I’m new to sculpting. What tips should I know to help me better understand and visualize the things I want to make?
ALL /beg/ questions belong in /beg/
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>What tips should I know to help me better understand and visualize the things I want to make

When you're observing a reference of something and making judgement about the spatial relationship between features,
pay careful attention not just to how the thing you are making line up to what's adjacent locally but look at the distance from that feature
to several landmarks around your subject. Finding out that something is off in your representation is easier if you compare it to the whole.

When you consider a curve or an outline of a feature don't just consider the shape of the feature itself but consider the shape of the outline
itself from the negative empty space side. Your brain has numerous preconceptions what a human is supposed to look like, but if you abstract the
shape from the negative side it is easier to see it for the shape as it actually exist in your reference.

That later is a quick trick to increase your accuracy making your eye measurements much more precise by simply doubling the data you're considering.

Sometimes your mind get tired and you need to walk away from a piece to see it with fresh eyes, but if you are under time constraints and need to judge
your shape more accuratly right now you can do things like flip the canvas upside down, invert the colors etc to stop seeing the surface as a familiar face

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ayy lmao
Thank you. I also want to ask you
Ive been trying to closely look at the shadows on the reference because I’m thinking that’s how I can fully grasp the shape of the face and the cheeks, but is this the right way to do this
shadows help inform you but problem is how different light cast different shadows depending on how direct or how diffuse/soft it is so it's difficult to judge geometry with any consistency that way. When I model or sculpt to capture the likeness of someone I like to use video reference and scrub thru and pause at various angles. Working around the face tweaking it from many different angles more rapidly brings out a good overall representation of the head.

Also be wary of what sort of lens is used, 'talking head' type shots of people are often shot with 85mm lenses as those tend to correspond to a flattering natural
sort of perspective distortion representing what that persons face would look like in person at conversational distance from your eye.
When I work on heads my default goto therefore is to view the head in a FOV of 24 degrees as this is representative of a 85mm lens (23.913 deg).
While working on the full body I typically switch to 35mm or FOV ~55.

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Do they take a special computer graphics course in Japanese only? Why do we westerners have to be content with a subpar anatomy tutorial with ugly bodies?

My answer: Topology over anything else. After extracting 3d models from multiple japanese games myself, they were simply made by hobbyists with no background at modeling. It's the information they had available at Japan which is something I need to obtain.
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Do it with this model: https://3d.si.edu/object/3d/1903-wright-flyer%3Ad8c62e5e-4ebc-11ea-b77f-2e728ce88125

I know you can’t because the scanner messed it up and become impossible to use it.
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same way they mastered pixel art:
by being a country of obsessed pedos
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It's all in the texture
Why is it so hard to find lowpoly mannequin rigged?
Every time I find sometimes it's either:
>under price tag
>actually has 50,000 faces (but is still described as"low poly")
>actually has 50,000 faces (but is still described as"low poly")
Lowpoly generally means anything that's not a sculpt

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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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>For some reasons some very, very tame Pixiv artists were b&n earlier this year (and later this previous years). Most have no idea why. We're talking as tame as Ganseki.

>does anyone knows what happen to gansekiiwao on pixiv? They nuked his account!!! Where I can find his stuffs now?

I think I may know why. I read their terms yesterday and they do seem to disallow pictures that look "photorealistic" and it says it can lead to the suspension of the account.
It was an image set featuring a character from a porn VN. They wanted more of her. It ended up being about 30 different images. Told a little story. I don't want to boast too much, but I get told my stuff doesn't look like DAZ, which is probably the highest, albeit, back handed compliment one can get. I do allot of custom morphs using Marvelous designer and Zbrush so clothing and skin aren't so static.

There's allot of money in the VN market. I've seen 50 to 80 dollar commissions routinely go to people using Koikatsu and Honey Select ONE.
How did you get approached, like where is your main platform for people to notice you?
Also what is VN?
Fuck, maybe I should learn how to make custom Daz sculpts. Last time I spoke to Toto, his queue was 1 year long.
VN is a Visual Novel.

I float around some f95 VN servers and post here and there. I'd rather just make a VN and post it to steam and collect residuals than have a patreon.

It's not unheard of for a 2 person project collecting 6 figures in a single year.

Which VR device has the most accurate/precise controller tracking for modeling in VR?
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No, Cris. The bestest are the jannies.
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No, you are the only person who is the best
This is the best one
This is the second best one

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its kinda crazy what blender is capable of in 2024
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I will try harder next time
here's a tutorial if you need it:
Looks great. Good job, anon!
insanely real, rispect, if you've reached that level of realism, go the extra mile and get inspired by this type of dough >>982326 to improve it even further
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Guess we're all doing donuts now

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Previous >>959310

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
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i actually give up on sculpting, too tedious compare to normal modeling
It's nice that you agree with yourself.
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this was my first attempt, never tried again
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...still suck at topology :3
Use front and side references from here until you develop understanding and u own style

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So I am only a day old diving into Blender after 3 years of trying 3DS Max with no progress which is more of a skill issue on my end.

I am specifically wanting to model cars. I have something started but am not too happy with the outcome of the doors. I am starting with blueprints but still getting to grips with pretty much everything else.

What tips can you give an absolute noob when it comes to modelling?
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Don't jump directly into the high poly/subsurface model. Do your low/medium poly that has EVERY detail you want in the final product, with decently clean topology. Only when you're COMPLETELY done that, duplicate all the parts and start working on your high poly (should be pretty quick since you've already planned out all the geometry) with any necessary supporting geometry and edge loops.

Lots of people jump right into trying to make things with subsurf from the get go and work themselves into a corner.
There are a handful of common 'problem' shapes that you should probably learn, things like circular holes in curved surfaces. They're not so bad once you've practiced them a little but if you don't know them you'll end up using way more geometry than is needed and your mesh will become difficult to work with.
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Line work is the base of any car model.
Start with line work. Lay down lines and curves in 3D space according to your blueprints. Start with lines that are present in a lot of views, these have the greatest "confidence" and they'll help you lay out other lines.
Be aware that most blueprints aren't 100% accurate, so one point might be off in one of the views.

I have placed colored spots in pic related, these lines (and all of the wheel well edges) are the ones I would start with.
Keep in mind that lines which aren't connected to other lines could be "reflection lines" - these are unimportant and should not be modeled, at least not right away.

After you're confident with all your lines start connecting them with faces and work out the surfaces. In this stage blueprints won't help you as much, go online and start looking for photos, full body and close up, where the paint shows the surface curvature.

Don't do panel work (cutting out doors, roof, fenders etc) until you are 100% satisfied with the proportions and topology of your mesh. Cutting out panels is the last step.
That's useful knowledge. Anything else I should know? I want to learn low/medium poly modelling because from what I have seen, you can at least add a modifier to your mesh if you want to have high poly. One of my mates does low poly SubD modelling and they say you can edit it any time you wish to remove all the modifiers and turn it into something else
>you can at least add a modifier to your mesh if you want to have high poly
that's correct, but then you're in topology territory and you'll have to pay extra attention to how your edge loops flow in order for the subdivision algorithm to give you a nice looking mesh. Cars are among the hardest subdivision models to get right, if you're starting out I'd stay away from that for now and focus on getting a nice low or mid poly shape out first.

a casual image that i will use for my new album
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Poser and Bryce weren't nearly as popular as AI today.They were only known in the relatively small CGI community back then and not used by every normiefag like AI generators today. But it's true using Poser was looked down at by a few of those that could even model, rig and animate a character.
For most of the zoomers participating in this “movement”, it started when this particular video showed up in their home page on YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK8ilaPZbKE]. This isn’t a guess, this is THE answer to the question from someone who’s in the know.

It may not mean much to you since this was just the mundanity of everyday life back in the day, but I think it’s something special when you look at it with fresh eyes. There was something really magical about watching this video for the first time, with the ethereal music and the surreal visuals. For people who grew up playing low-poly games, watching 3dcg cartoons, and looking at the Windows pipes screensaver, “bad graphics” is something they can look past and actually appreciate what’s there. These images could be recreated using modern software to get something that looks cleaner, but then the dreamlike quality they have would be gone.

For a moment, imagine being a teenager during the 2010s. Most of what was at the forefront of “aesthetics” was corporate minimalism, mobile games AAA realism made by people with no artistic sensibilities, and pop stars and rappers encouraging people to be degenerates. After a decade of anti-aesthetics, I like to believe a lot of young people are copying things like old CGI, Y2K, Frutiger aero (dumb name), etc. because the things they experienced during their childhood were legitimately better in all regards than what they got later in life. I suppose the 2010s had vaporwave, but that got old quick when everyone started jumping on it without any creative ideas, just like what’s happening with this. Ultimately, that's the problem with OP’s pic. It could be due to a lack of ideas, but I could also just be because he doesn’t know how to use his program, and is limited to only the most basic tools.
Have you tried getting a degree in psychology instead of posting?
No, what for?
I'm the guy you responded to, thanks for providing a legit sounding answer. I suppose the people nostalgic for this are the ones who are maybe half a decade younger than me and this is part of their connection to what then remained of a 'pre-internet' type world.

Obv the internet was already there for them but it was in it's infancy without the social networks, tubesites and smartphones etc.
I guess I understand what they say when talk about how legacy media and games had more 'soul' I'd tend to agree with that statement.
Where I'm lost is when they point to things like 'Frutiger aero' and 'Bryce 3D' type aesthetics as representative of that 'soul'
because to me that would represent the peak 'soul-less' of that era they're reaching back to.

Maybe it's more about having something easily reproducible that's just iconic for the time. Like how ugly juxtaposed neon colors & slalom patterns can invoke certain 80's nostalgia.

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Sup, /3/? I’m sick of Cris shitting up /v/ and all of the other boards with his dogshit models so I have decided to combat him in his domain.
You might know me better as the guy who made that one Jet Force Gemini picture, but I have much more impressive stuff than that.
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Can't wait to report your next github
Can’t wait to see you disappointed when I unleash my next GitHub.
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Axolotl Men.
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Here’s the enigmatic Warlord, the main antagonist of my game and Fygoon’s nemesis.
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Finally made a new render, and it’s just to shit on the /vg/ crowd.

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