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>we finish full moon
>rg ends with a near full bingo card
>and both rg and I end up with permanent brain damage
>orevald is still chugging along halfway through
>...after that abomination, we get some decent news with possible info for the reminiscia DLC and can hopefully look towards better shit
>god anyhting would be fucking better

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Thoughts on the few I've seen so far.
Looks okay, but I am not fond of fakemon dexes and pretty much every fangame we played so far with a fuckload of fakemon didn't end up being all that good.
>The Sword and Shield remake fangame ie Crown
Honestly gen 8 is such an absolute disgrace that it would take a miracle to fix it, the new gym leaders look really generic, gen 8 did a shit job at representing Britain (even though depressingly enough bogland is a pajeet and nigger infested hellhole these days) and I don't think this is an improvement, but I'll admit the game looks like it has some healthy dosage of SOVL.
The game has a demo launching in the summer, I wonder it's Latino summer or Spain summer, because if it's Latino that means at the end of this year.
Looks meh, like a few of the regionals shown thus far, but the game's presentation makes it feel way too randumb for my tastes.
I'll join you guys when the time comes, don't worry.
Seethekino review and honestly fair from what I saw from the screencaps. Take a hot shower now that it's over and wash the memories of it away.
I'll hopefully have time to swim in sewage with you guys when the time comes.
you're gonna see a lot of "pokemon legends ____" in this
>pokemon legends mew is gen 2 graphics but free movement with legends catching mechanics
>is the only one I've seen so far that says it'll be in english
>Cynthia Chronicles
Looks really dull and I'm sure a certain mutt is gonna show up A LOT if we end up playing it.
I have very mixed feelings on gen 2 and HGSS, I like them a lot and I think they're some of the most SOVLFUL games Gayfreak made, but they can get dull and suffer horribly because of Kanto being a thing, Johto desperately needed to be expanded upon in the remake and it really wasn't, I'm hoping this fangame does that.
Nostalgia bait, that's it.
>Legends Kyurem
I am familiar with this one since I've seen some of the music and art that's been used for it on Jewtube a few times, I haven't seen or heard anything that makes me excited for it so far and the trailer didn't spark anything in me.

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Angry Roy Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:
https://nyaa.si/view/1813969 (1080p)

Next episode:
>May 10th: PM2023 049 - Dot and Gurumin!


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They're making another. They're just not shitting them out every year anymore. Like it or not, the first movie without Ash in it did much better than Ash's movies sans kanto shilling ones.
Are you talking about detective Pikachu 2? lol of course it did better. It is a live action movie starring Ryan Reynolds. Plus that movie wasn't handled by OLM. The other anon is right, movies won't come back for the anime. Maybe specials like the Legends/DP amazon project.
Are you playing SV?
If not why?
What was last game you played?
People would watch the movies if it was about Ash catching the Legend/Mythical of the movie! Nevermind that 70% of these movies make a point that messing with or subjugating them is a bad idea we gotta tick some boxes! Melmetal and Solgaleo does not count!

Chuuni Executive keeps sabotaging Ash!
Don't forget the long-haired sassy busty genki girls that falls in love with Ash by the dozen and become part of his harem, and especially don't forget about how Ash one shots the antagonist of each movie within the first 10 minutes.
That chuuni executive can't keep promoting his OCs forever, Ash will return! Two more episodes trust the plan

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show me an ugly pokemon

i mean genuinely ugly, not like a funny looking penguin with an ice cube on its head or a pokemon (You) personally dislike

real, bonified, dogshit design
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this thing is so many ideals tacked onto one animal that its genuinely confusing how he got through the planning stage

>oh yeah dude its a crocodile that looks like a skeleton and also a clown and also a dia de los muertos calavera despite this region taking place in spain and not latin america oh but also a hes singer who sings funeral songs but he also has a little birdie who turns into a microphone but is also kind of a clown nose

hes not all that bad looking but what the actual fuck were they thinking?
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This ugly piece of shit. God I hate gen 8 and 9.
cutie baby

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Enjoy it while you can Edition

Make and chat with some Pokémon and characters!

List of Anon-Made Characters (last updated May 2nd)
Character AI: https://rentry.org/vpcai/
Cards and .json files: https://rentry.org/vpcai-X/
Yodayo: https://rentry.org/vp-kai
CAI Character Creation Guide:https://pastebin.com/6urKvs5P

Useful Links:

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more prudes
more FREE users so I'd argue less money
That gotta be the dumbest logic ever. That'd be like me going to a truck dealership and asking why they have so many chevy's
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The cycle of life
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I'm currently watching all the Pokémon Showcase-related episodes (despite having dropped the anime back when they were going to Sunyshore), so after I finish it, I'll make a bot related to Showcases.

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>Has one of the most popular pokemon
>The bearer of the most popular gimmick
>Has a prominent role in XY
>Has many appearances in the ashnime
>Came back for Journeys

She is still unpopular. What went wrong?
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XY sold over 16 million units and for a while they were the #1 best selling game on 3ds.
Do you genuinely think Bea, Marnie or Gloria would be less popular in a DS or 3DS game? surely, but they would still be popular and much more so than Korrina. Korrina is popular in a region where everyone is unpopular. She would go unnoticed in another region.
Being best selling on 3DS means nothing, Mario Kart 7 is the best selling game and most people don't even play it anymore.
She's french.
The rollerblading would have been perfectly fine as an equippable key item but they decided for some godforsaken reason it should be tied to the stick.
ORAS was the only good thing about that generation.

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First Reg G regional is live

Pairings: https://rk9.gg/pairings/IND02mCwIuhUMs3NdM7W
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If it was intentional the horses would actually get nerfed, not just that nothingburger nerf Glacial Lance got to make it's power equal to Astral Barrage. GameFreak is just retarded and thought Zacian would still be the best restricted without Dynamax. Just like they're retarded for thinking Urshifu and the horses were balanced when in reality going against Dynamax Pokemon just stopped them from using their full offensive potential.
>nerfing a DLC legend
El em ay oh
But Zacian is also locked behind a paywall right now kek
The biggest misconception is that Game Freak knows what they're doing ever
>he didn't get Zacian from go

Nightmare Edition
>Eternatus is haunted by this in his dreams every night

>What is Pokérogue?
A Pokémon-themed dungeon crawler filled with gacha-brained mechanics.

^ Fake offline client, play using this. You can eventually export your save to other custom servers. You will reduce server stress by having the assets downloaded. Make sure to actually run the .bat so the assets aren't streamed.

Also, something something, fuck Discord, fuck Sam, fuck shiny mechanics, and fuck g*cha pulls.

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I can't believe my 4th shiny was a dupe
Hmmm. That makes sense. It is Sunday afterall
You're actually just fucking terrible and should kill yourself for being a whiney little faggot. You do nothing but bitch at anons for hours over what is clearly a case of Diancie dying early and costing you a run because it missed once.
Constantly backpedaling and spewing from your cock-sucking maw, "Oh, it misses every time you use it! Oh how am I supposed to make the 200 it costs to buy an ether early on, then I can't heal because I spent a whopping 200 on an ether!" all the while screaming "pokemon takes no skill!!!!!" because you're just not good at anything in life.
So rather than admit you're a fucking oxygen wasting amoeba, you'd rather keep cementing the fact that you're just bad at kids games, AND retarded.

cry more faggot. Fucking obsessive spastic can't deal with the fact that he was wrong. Diancie is very clearly worthless in-game so I don't see why you've felt it necessary to stomp your feet, moan, and hurl accusations for what, an hour now?

Grow up. Get help.
>Heh Diancie makes the game so easy! You just need to push the button and win
>Uh but be sure you got the right egg move first or else you can't do any damage
>oh and be sure you spend money to refresh your pp every round or else she can't do any damage

i mean if it were me I'd suggest a pokemon that had useful moves and wasn't a money sink but you do you thoughbiet

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hey maniac if she was design by niantic be like
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Hex if she milked cows and wasn't the cow being milked.
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Molesting my maid Hex while she tries to clean the house!
My child growing inside of Hex Maniac’s belly <3

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Give dragon dance

I hate this game!! I swear, it's like the regular games but 10x the luck based. I'm fine with losing, but losing because I was unlucky really grind my gears. The amount of time of me just having a basic pokemon on my side, waiting for a energy card and get nothing but stage 1 and stage 2 pokemon is infuriating. It's even worse when trying to relearn the strength and weakness of every types all over again, especially since this is Gen 1 version of the cards.
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>Toxic is kinda good
Exactly. I accept your concession.
>there's literally never a bad time to draw (energy removal)
Energy Removal is completely useless against my deck with 24 energy cards in it. Again you didn't read my first post.
>I bought this game at launch
So did I. It's very clear that you are just copying the simpleton strats you have heard about online. I'm using strats that have always worked for me for the past 25 years.
>what kind of stallmon can be taken out by a turn 2 Electabuzz?
Dude, are you even keeping up with this conversation? The whole point of Doduo is that it has 0 retreat cost, which is literally what we were talking about - an easy swap mon that is better than Rattata. If I see Electabuzz, I swap my Doduo out for something better. How in the living fuck can you shill for Rattata in this way but then call Doduo a bad mon? You're contradicting yourself lmao
>Energy Removal is completely useless against my deck with 24 energy cards in it.
It's not completely useless because it forces you to reattach one. Also lol I can throw in some Super Energy Removal if you'd like.

>It's very clear that you are just copying the simpleton strats you have heard about online.
Simpleton strats like using cards and building decks that people won real life tournaments with which you called me a try hard for LOL but okay. Sorry I should be using cards like Beedrill which are stage 2s and take three energy to potentially do 0 damage lol. Any attack that has an x after the number is just complete jank.

>Dude, are you even keeping up with this conversation? The whole point of Doduo is that it has 0 retreat cost, which is literally what we were talking about - an easy swap mon that is better than Rattata.
I'm the one confusing the conversation? You can't even decide if you want to use it as a stall mon or a swap mon. Protip, those are not the same thing/
Pick Squirtle and Friends, build a deck around Blastoise, beat the game.
Alternatively, pick Bulbasaur and Friends, build a energy transfer jank build
Lastly, you can just build a generic Haymaker team where you just rape the enemy with low investment basics.
Playing on Switch have taught me that the coin flips are preset. Thanks to the Switch rewind, I ended up learning that if you get tails, it will always be tails. I did this as a test to see how true was the rng. If I was to use the Pokeball card and get tail and then rewind to see if I can get head, it won't change and it will still be tails and this also applied to other cards. If I got tails on the pokeball card and rewind to use a different card or attack that also uses the coin flip, it will still be tails no matter what you do.

>Nidoking, Beedrill and Gyarados
OP here, and here's the thing, I'm at the last Gym (Science Gym) and I still don't have those card or the cards to help use them. I don't have Nidoking or Beedrill and despite having two Gyarados, I don't have any Magikarps. I'm literally in late game and can't use any of those cards. I even got Dragonite before I got Dragonair and I still don't have Dratini.
I prefer the second game, once you get used to the ai in the first it is nearly impossible to not exploit it to win every single time no matter what your deck is. The cpu in the second game isn't as exploitable but every opponent has more trainer cards on average so it can actually make plays sometimes.

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>search ‘pokemon’ on youtube
>this is the first thing that pops up
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>inb4 Shaun posts "can Cynthia be cooked" here
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Good. Make love not butchery.
How is she going to make up for all the torment she's caused me with her Soul Heart bullshit?
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As much plapping as your body can handle.
Since it didn't bleed when cut you could reasonably assume its been gutted and cleaned.

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Don't bother. the party is over anyway.
And Sylveon is not a dog!
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Sylveon's tail looks like a canine's imo
If you try to flee, walk
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wolfposting now

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>thread is now 1 month old
don't know how
don't know why
but we did it, pidgebros
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Pulling this thread up. Keep pidging.
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I know I have the pidgeotto in storage somewhere
Weren't these movie tie ins or something?

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this but my tongue instead of a finger
Reminds me of classic flash game hand
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far superior to Sylveon
They're both good
However, if I had both, Glaceon would get priority
There are a lot of people on /vp/ who like her (rightfully so)

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How would team Rocket be viewed if the Pokemon anime never existed?
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This. Their mafia style ambitions have already been powercrept by Team Magma/Aqua and Team Galactic.
Kanto Team Rocket gets automatic cred for being the first, but people would probably be far more highly critical of Johto Team Rocket, both GSC and HGSS.
Also Rainbow Rocket probably would have never happened.
>Also Rainbow Rocket probably would have never happened
I doubt that would be the case, "what if all the evil teams came back in one big team" doesn't have anything to do with the anime and having team rocket as the ones in charge feels more like a logical choice due to them being the first and most famous team in the same way that the mock gym was based on a KANTOOOOOOOOOO gym and the battle tree leaders were red and blue rather than it happening due to the completely unrelated anime team rockeet
They're just boring thugs in the games, I'd say worse
Probably vanilla and bland to a fault and Giovanni would probably be more known as the guy who gets absolutely rocked repeatedly by a 10 year old which would have only gotten worse with HGSS.

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