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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

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the korean geyser herself
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Guess that makes sense (it doesn't, but what do I know)
News tomorrow maybe?

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Professional Quality edition
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What tf does adjusting the bridge even do???
I believe they currently just slap their name on imported designs. Once in a while they do a Vox copy.
It stretches the strings so that when they start to get too dull sounding you can tighten them back up
Best cheapshit amps for 100-200$?

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>No one's ever had me (Had me), not like you
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I didn't bother listening to the shit, but people are saying she's pissed at her exes because one was too depressed to commit and the other didn't want to commit.

Maybe So High School is a compliment because the bitch is mentally 15.
it means he does anal
she left Joe because he was boring as fuck.
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>Man looks like a Greek God (6'2, blonde, blue eyes)
>Chill personality
>GF writes the most romantic songs ever recorded about him
>Is called King of Her Heart
>All of a sudden his 6/10 gf starts fantasizing about a greying, 5'10 druggy who is absolutely average looking
>Calls him her eternal consolation prize after a 6 year relationship because she's fantasizing about being with the lesser man

There's no winning as a man, is there?
People give Taytay too much credit. She isn't Stanley Kubrick. She isn't hiding some shit under 5 layers of meaning. She is in love and the love makes her feel young. Now if the relationship falls apart, she'll definitely go scorched Earth.

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I think you ain't realize... I'M NOT TALL...
I spit more bullshit than my assHOLE
Black people are like... KOOL AID...
Martin Luther King SCHOOL DAY!

Drake is bad because he can rap;
did he realize I like to go to the GAP???!
I'm not very tall my wife tells me what to buy;
(Even though my wife plows every dude she would like)

Hahaha, by the way DRAKE, you not a FAMILY MAN.
But also, my kids ain't share no DNA man xD.
I mean this girl I pay for, I call my wife, she fucks a lotta guys, takes 'em between her thighs and says the kids are mine.
That means I'm super with the culture, you get it guy?

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wow I gotta say Kendrick won that round with a rap about how his wife fucks other men it shows how he is really good rapist
Cuckdrick Lamar has a cucking fetish. All black people are like this and thats why they have so many abortions. Kendricks inner guilt of being black, and therefore a baby nigger killer has caused this whole beef. Black people never have children because they are too busy having sex with eachothers wives and they aren't always sure whose babies is whose...

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Back in my day nobody gave a shit about top 40 artists on /mu/. The fuck happened to this place?
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>some random forgotten band that probably peaked before 4chan even existed might have gotten discussed a few times 20 years ago
totally the same thing as totally organic threads about the #1 most popular rapper completely shitting up the board
You have to be 18+ to use this website.
I'm 28 and I can't remember queens of the stone age ever being popular
No they didn't. You had some people say they enjoyed them but they were never loved or hated on here. If anything Kyuss was more loved on here. Stop pretending you're an oldfag, you don't know shit from shinola.
They were extremely popular. Even zoomers know who they are, you out of touch cocksucker.
Astroturfing and shitty moderation that allows a million threads about the exact same thing.

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Y'all white motherfuckers need to STOP PLAYIN' WITH US BLACK FOLK
what's trader's joe
>trader joes
isnt that just more expensive wallmart what does it had to do with hiphop?

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Drake apologists, we are here waiting for our GOAT to release what kendrick trannies deserved

Just wait brothers, SOON
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>drake fans

Drake doesn't have many fans like that. He's a normie product that everyone likes
You're more of a retard than I assumed. Yes, nothing ever happens, no consequences. Lol you're so short sighted it's actually sad, but you speak for plenty of like minded anons here. Firstly, this is not real life. It's entertainment, but wow Idk you can see into the future as well. You have no idea how things will play out. You're a consumer that cannot wrap your brain around the fact that no one goes into business for themselves like some sort of guns blazing outlaw, you're living in fantasyland, disillusion. It's all woven together, not for financial gain, but for their higher ups entertainment at the expense of your time and energy. I mean really think. You're at the point now where you'll literally believe anything, no discernment whatsoever.
Yes, it's listenable. It has staying power. Everything kenny's put out will be forgotten about in 2 weeks
Kanye, please, not again...
Signing NDA makes it so you have to say that
also raping children is common among blacks.

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This is Kendrick’s most “Drake-like” album and it’s better than any Drake album
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>This is Kendrick’s most “Drake-like” album and it’s better than any Drake album

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THE definitive American Rock band.
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What are they then?
literally who?
Listen to more music.
I like all the songs where they count to four, except for the songs where they actually count to seven, and even eight!
Punk is a British invention. MC5 and Stooges don't count. God I hate mutts so fucking much.

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Let’s hear it
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>Industrial Hip-Hop
>Dollar Store Death Grips



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>electronic, idm, whatever idk






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>death metal
>real guitars
>real bass
>programmed drums
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>gothic country, psychedelic folk rock, post-punk

>spooky folktronica or whatever for GHOULS

High quality!

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ITT: 10/10 masterpieces
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Baemon who? We keep winning Illiterates!
what does his post have to do with lisa?
in 6 months
what IS newjeans doing right now??

what are some ways to practice freestyle rapping and get better?
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Frog rhymes with a whole bunch of words. Dog, log, fog, bog, wog, and jog.
There's probably even more.
You just have to practice
Yo, gimme that beat
I'll show you how to rap
Real quick on your feet

First you think of a word to say
Then you say a rhyme but don't sound gay
Follow me and see what we can do
If I can rap then you can too!

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Hi, I'm the guy who had a nervous breakdown in february because I couldn't find something as good as Usagi/Midori/Mariko Gotou. I just wanted to thank the anons who recommended Masu Dore and picrel to me. I'm sorry if a Drake vs Kendrick thread went to the landfill but it was important to say thank you. Now you can do with this thread the same as with your life
J-Rock スレ?

I fucking love Lostage. Play with Isolation is an incredible album; the one with the tits on the cover is also really good -- something about Dreams; I forget the title.

I'm also a sucker for early Cinema Staff. They ripped so hard; it makes me sad that they don't get as heavy as they used to.

Everyone knows Bluebeard... I guess they're more emo, kind of like Mineral.
You're welcome.
90s Butchers are good, but 2000s are way better, since Hisako joined them as lead guitarist in 2003. 「ギタリストを殺さないで」is probably their peak.
>the one with the tits on the cover
Sorry.. one more sidestep.
The opening track to In Dreams kind of reminds me of Idlewild's A Modern Way of Letting Go
Someone has that cute photo of Mariko with a mask, I think it's a screenshot. His eyes looked so sweet there.

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