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How do Godzilla fags cope with the fact that he canonically lost to both Kong and Mothra?
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op's pic is from half century war. you're thinking of godzilla in hell.
Yet Kong would still crush
Isn't it funny that it's always newfags that try to cosplay as Jannie?
"Honorary /co/" was a mistake and you know it
Fine? Godzilla occasionally loses to the Japanese so it's not a stretch that he can be beaten by monsters that want to protect them and the rest of humanity.

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Does /co/ like Monsters at Work?
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Yeah I liked the second season. Hope there's more
>Low replies
Next time open with the lesbian kiss in order to bait retards, works every time.
I like the horny french slug.
Poor crab worked for 10 years and never got a tour.

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Toonami Drinking Game

Naruto Story

Tweeting Info

Toonami Bumps

New Shows
Ninja Kamui - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gtfZkGCGcQ
Uzumaki - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRrqvjjKlOs

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No matter how boring you think it was anon, taking down Pica was important to the plan.
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My sides.

I fully support this theory.
He probably doesn't get paid very much, though. It's only a few lines per episode.
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And the rest BEFORE that is them talking/filler

>existential nihilism is....le deep
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>Individuals in a cyberspace environment must 'preform' for the amusement of others in a sanitized childlike environment until they become steadily more deranged and expire violently, there is no escape
did she wanted to fuck the gator?
So it's a metaphor for modern Youtube
>religion is dead
>and in that task we are charged
charged by who, god?

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Which one?
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nta but anyone who has followed him knows that he has some mental issues and has gone to say that he feels bad about being attracted to children to the point it makes him sick.
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If I try to stick my dick in them, will I die like Mario?
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Shy Gal my beloved.
>We need to stop with this "personify everything as a cute anime girl" shit
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Shygal, because I love fecharis girls.

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Why does nearly every Youtube video about Bluey has to be "only for kids"? There are many Bluey videos where it would be nice to leave a comment but you can't because it's age restricted. How are you supposed to engage with other people who like Bluey too? Where are you supposed to talk about Bluey then?
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>"I want to fuck Calypso" x 10,000
You need Jesus.
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>watch children's show
>look inside fanbase
iirc there was a guy who did MLP fan animations and when they brought in YouTube Kids it classified them all as for kids and scrubbed all the comments. So he started putting gore in just so they wouldn’t be tagged for kids and people could comment. That’s what the algorithm has come to.
If you love the person you're with, then your kid is a superior version of you. If you are deeply enamored with your lover, then you have this joyous revelation that you can combine with them and form a new person. Your literal relationship could be a new, walking, talking person.

Now that Death Battle is ending, what was your favorite Death Battle?
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Dragon Ball scaling has always felt wack as fuck though, it's hard to have your apparently solar system busting characters feel like solar system busters when all their fights are terrestrial and notably don't involve the earth being disintegrated by the sheer radiation from a single ki blast. Like the Earth should have disintegrated long before Cell did and don't even get me started with how fucking nonsensical Broly destroying a galaxy is and how it doesn't align at all with what we see of him in his own fucking movies. It's just an issue of wanting to have these ultra powerful characters but also wanting to keep them tethered to Earth. Same issue that Superman has really, though with Superman he at least is typically fighting far weaker opponents.
These threads need to banned. All capeshit writers are fucking idiots and dragonball turned into complete dogshit.
If the jannies have any semblance of sense they will be soon. The show is dead, they don't have that excuse anymore.
They banned the MD threads even though
>Show was ongoing
>Threads were self-contained and constantly produced healthy discussion
I don't trust them to make good choices

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Literally how?
It was pretty much explain in the episode you dolt.
narrow urethra
Cotton getting his shins removed permanently widened his urethra

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>watered down matrix with somehow worse cgi 25 years later and 400+ million views worth of ad and merchandise revenue
>every character is one note
>every line of dialogue is obnoxiously predictable
and either drawn out/extremely uncomfortable and pathetic
>overanimated but not even in a somewhat aesthetically satisfying Disney way, just floaty and annoying
>every character sounds like they're on the verge of orgasm, 14 year old drama kids idea of awkwardness is acting as if you have a finger up your ass
>the pacing and plot is literally ai passable cartoon, nothing really sticks it all just washes over you with how boringly safe it is
>is introducing brand new epic set pieces and characters as a substitute for content when we barely know any of the main cast
>all side characters voiced by australians because glitch is retarded
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>Bro it's been two episodes.
If it had character development this early, people would complain 8 episodes in that the characters took no time to flesh out...
Let people enjoy things fags not realizing the inverse would also apply
Admittedly this show has some good ass animation. I still don't get the fascination with this show but it's at least visually pleasing.
Pretty colours!!
I like pretty colours, truck go vroom vroom!!
Ha ha
Look mommy, shiny truck!
Candy people in the truck!
>is introducing brand new epic set pieces and characters as a substitute for content when we barely know any of the main cast
This is what bothered me most about the second episode. We've barely seen these characters but it's already getting weirdly sentimental. If it was just a movie it might work better since we're ~50 minutes in, but it's formatted like a TV show. I feel like these internet animations have been banking more on fandom interaction to fill in the gaps of characterizations, sort of like a Touhou situation. I'm not sure if it'll work well then for random people who come along to watch it all in one go later.

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from the Dall-E thread
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rating slop with slop
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Is AI so dumb it sees crossed arms here or is Liefeld's art that amazing?

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>Slade can't, since he's too straight, like all of his fans. So he trained his daughter to do this.
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An advantage in what?
rose is hmong
Op is a bit retarded too, but we shouldn't hold it against them
Tarantula and Mirage are Latina, Liu is Chinese, Bea is black. It's bingo.

What would it be about?
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Self discovery bullshit in an early 2000s urban setting with plenty of Ska, Punk, Rock n Roll, and Hip-Hop. Her friend group consists of
>The smart best friend Asian girl
>The loveable dumbass skater dude
>The Goth girl
>The athletic token big black guy who acts like a brother figure to all of them
>Slick back hair blonde hunky guy that's too fucking dense to realize the main character has a crush on him
Stretch it for about 4 seasons, a few holiday specials, and call it a day
obviously someones self insert
A show where she just has amazing sex with her boyfriend (boyfriend played by me, also heavily favores my likeness)
Magical girl, where the outfit is humiliatingly revealing
She has to overcome her shyness and self-consciousness and become a heroine

Transformers Animated Discussion
Autobutts and Deceptibuns welcome.
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I thought the backstory was more "He had a point until he lost his fucking marbles", not "he did nothing wrong".
Are you high anon?
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>big rig is supposed to have a bed inside for trucker to sleep
How would a Transformer replicate cloth? Or would it just not have it inside?
does that energy attack optimus has in Amrada have a name? the one where he puts his hands together and shoots some atom looking beam
polyester maybe?
I'm sure a guidebook or something has a name for it.
If it's said outloud in the dub, you can bet it has like 3 different names in the dub.

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This has to be the worst period in DC comics history. Where did everyone go? Comic channels are dead, reddit is dead with the same 100 people commenting and complaining, 4chan is dead filled with stupid boomers, every DC fan I know what's nothing to do with the comics anymore. I'm trying my hardest to not give up on comics, but I'm losing interest myself.
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Let inflation and WB's stupidity kill them off.
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there is literally no reason to care about nor get invested in these characters and stories in an era where entertainment competition has never been stiffer. They killed themselves by being retarded
What's worse is that those "100 people" or whatever small number of people talking about these comics elsewhere aren't genuine, alot of them are shills trying to build up false hype.
>what happened
They hired people like Bendis, Kelly sue, Scott Snyder, Tom king, Tom Taylor, mark Russell, Ram v, Simon spurrier, Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Tim seeley, tiny Howard, chip Zdarsky, James tynion, Mariko tamaki, Leah Williams, Tim Sheridan, Jody houser, Josie Campbell, John Ridley, and Geoffery Thorne to run roughshod over the characters and company.
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Yeah I wonder what happened...

This show is aging like milk left in a roach-infested attic.
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I'd do it but I don't feel like it.
Idk why so many retards here assume the unhelpful character that makes up random lies to torment max was delivering the real message of the episode, it's clear the marxism line was just him saying something deliberately obnoxious and unhelpful
Yes Canada, or maybe if you can, try to immigrate to some Nordic countries, since they have a crazy high quality of life
I genuinely don’t think Max has any kind of politics other than supporting Israel or making fun of Hassan. While the former is cringe, the later is based
I was never a bronie. True, I was & still am a nerd, & love many nerdy things, but I never got into MLP.

I watched the first three episodes, just to see what all the hoopla was about. I was 20-21 at the time, & I still watched kid's cartoons. Alas, I couldn't see what made it special. The porn is pretty good, though.

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