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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Was it really 64-bit?
the first true 64bit consoles were the PS4 and Xbox One, so no
First we have to define 64-bit. 64-bit what? Address space? Then the Nintendo 64 didn't have 64-bit, none of the consoles did until the PS4 and Xbox One.

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>bullets cause water ripples
>bullets can ricochet off walls
>underwater explosions cause bubbles
>trees can be knocked with explosions
>enemies have detailed motion captured animations
This was the most immersive FPS game at the time. And it ran on a console with 4MB of RAM. I do prefer the 90s PC port overall though.
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Yeah, Turok is pretty great. Love that game.
Acclaim bought valiant comics just to farm out the ips for various media, video games being the cheif example. I wonder what could have happened had the sale not happened and acclaim just licensed the rights to the games instead? The comics certainly took a nose dive once acclaim came in, i dot mean sales wise, just overall quality imo.
I forgot about the blood + water effects. There's effects for blood landing on water and enemies bleeding underwater. Plus those enemies that can swim and climb up walls.
When you knock down trees they stay that way the whole game, even if you go to another level and then come back. Neat
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best boss in any game ever

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Recommend me Saturn games based on my top 10 favourite N64 and PS1 games:
>1. Super Mario 64
>2. Tony Hawk 2
>3. Metal Gear Solid
>4. Super Smash Bros
>5. Mega Man Legends 2
>6. Ocarina of Time
>7. Spyro
>8. Ace Combat 3
>9. Star Fox 64
>10. Driver
In this thread we can put the "Saturn has no games" meme to rest for good. Let's get into the mind of a certain customer and pitch the Saturn to him. Go!
Die Hard Arcade
Guardian Heroes
Legend of Oasis
Panzer Dragoon Zwei
Power Slave
Bulk Slash
Elevator Action Returns
Sega Rally Championship
Psychic Killer Taromaru
1. Clockwork Knight
2. Zap! Snowboarding Trix
3. Scud: The Disposable Assassin
4. D-Xhird
5. Robotica
6. Linkle Liver Story
7. Super Tempo
8. Wing Arms
9. Panzer Dragoon
10. High Velocity

why did ps2 games look so good?
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glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. it killed AA middleware games and all creativity and risk-taking in the industry. I saw it in the difference between early 7th gen games being 6th gen games with better graphics and late 7th gen games being COD FPS slop.
i's scary how bad the recession fucked up creativity in the west. it wasn't even this bad with the 1929 Depression or the 90s economy of Japan.
>It was common on N64
It was probably less common on the N64. SM64 has it but it's a launch title. OoT and MM doesn't have segmented limbs, most Rare games also don't, even Diddy Kong Racing and Goldeneye, both of which came out in 1997 don't have segmented limbs.
Was there a particular art direction the PS2 hardware excelled at?
damn, that looks comfy af, i had a similar setup when i was in living in the barracks after navy boot camp while in technical training, had 3 roommates, a small tv, and a ps2, crazy how i had a better setup when i was a poor boot in the military than now as a grown adult with OLED gayming monitor and 4080
crazy how good the underlying textures were, picrel is from an emulator but it looks good because the baseline was great and aged well

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Let's have a /vroom/ thread. What racing games are you into lately?
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I can understand that but I actually like how they did it. The car settings tells you directly how they translate in term of handling instead of showing numbers that really don't tell you much. Also the tuning being XP based increasing faster if you care about your car and don't hit stuff all the time is really smart. Even without damage model this game doesn't fuck around with bad driving. And unlike GT you can't just slap a turbo on your car and trivialize the game.
As for the progression, I also like it quite a lot. My biggest pet peeve with Gran Turismo is how you're almost never required to downgrade to lower powered cars, but here in Enthusia's progression all being point based and rewarding the player for challenging themselves, you can just jump to endgame races almost immediatly if you win race with shitboxes. Pic rel actually
The complete lack of money mechanic is really cool, the entire game is focused on your driving skill as your progression with just enough XP grinding for car tuning, and there's no downtime choosing cars and event to race on.
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Best wheel/pedals for ps1/ps2/dreamcast?
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The handling is the best part about the game, I don't know what to tell you, it's close to something like GT5 but way more nuanced so you don't get trapped into losing grip or suddenly wheel spin less often, but you have to think about car balance and weight a lot more often, making the driving a lot more engaging all the time. It's more realistic to me, and the game doesn't have wierd artificial grip to make everything easier for casuals, so you can actually use driving techs without using specific settings like in most GT games
On emulator you need to use a tool like DS4W and reduce the triggers sensibility like this (for my Dualsense anyway), and you'll be able to use the full analog range. Once you do that it's perfect.
> it takes forever to level up your cars
Just don't hit shit. It doesn't take that long and the upgrades aren't so significant that you should be focused on them, it's mostly a bonus
For me the game was quite easy overall. I destroyed most of the game with an Integra..
i'll give enthusia two things over GT though and that's the driving model and it's equivalent to the license tests that are much more engaging.
I'll load it up in a bit and play for awhile. I'll try to think less arcade and more careful sim when I do.
I enjoy it just hated the punishments being so harsh. Im not good with car weight and stuff but ive only played a few hours so far and unlocked a bunch of cars. i've been racing the rx-8? since I got it and that helped me place alot better than the minivan I started with

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Is there any way to confirm all of this is actually true? Some anon pointed out that a lot of it may be bullshit and I’m inclined to agree.
>too generic to copyright
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE stop mixing up copyright and trademark
>generally soulless
it's not soulless at all, it's literally a generic platform carried by a great art direction and semi-horror atmosphere. if anything deserved to be played only because is a game full of soul among so many generic cashgrabs.
pedo-core game
the sequel ost is also very underrated btw, its minimalism grants a very eerie mood to the whole game.

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Mine came with OoT, but I thought you had to get a separate compilation for MM?
I wonder how many copies of Wind Waker were sold exclusively to get OoT on the Gamecube.
WW has 49 islands to explore.
Anon lied as easily as he breathed
Quite a few were purchased exclusively for Master Quest by people who had previously shit themselves with rage that Nintendo understood graphical limitations enough to not go for the most realistic thing a Gamecube could draw, which would look awful in three years.

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Why did they shoot themselves in the foot by treating you like a drooling retard for these games? We could have had some actually cool shit.

Are there any other examples of companies with such a profound loss of confidence in both themselves and their consumers?
Fuck me. The development for these games should have been folded into eachother instead of coming out with 2 half baked games.
What a shame.
Twilight Princess is nearly impossible to go back to for me. Holy shit man. Its ugly. Links model looks fucked. And there is so much non-gameplay, the obnoxious intros, and it takes for fucking ever to get to a dungeon. I dont even count the forest temple as a dungeon because of how little there is going on. The game starts at the goron mines. I actively avoid money and treasure chests in this game so I dont have to deal with another annoying pop up
Windwaker's intro is absolutely agonizing. I like sailing and I think the game looks great. But then the dungeons are braindead. The triforce hunt was fun.

Ironically the biggest flaw in these gamecube zeldas is the total lack of courage on the part of the development team.
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>OoT and a lot of other Zelda games suffer from introducing items that have pretty much one use and then you forget about it. The Megaton hammer in OoT is a good example of this.
This is what I was addressing when I said that views of conventions from later games get retroactively applied to OoT. There are a ton of items in TP, WW or some of the handheld titles that apply to what you're saying, but this isn't true for OoT. The Megaton Hammer is by far one of the least useful items in the game (which is why you no doubt singled it out), and it's still vastly more useful than most items from later Zelda titles, and even some of the items from Z1 (such as the ladder, which has far fewer uses than OoT's hammer). Outside of using it in the Fore Temple, it has optional uses in other dungeons (such as the switch to open the optional shortcut in Spirit Temple), it can break certsin boulders that bombs can't, it can flip Tektites and Torch Slugs over to disable them, it can knock Walltulas off walls/vines, and most importantly, it's the only main weapon you have during the first half of fighting Ganon (when you lose the master sword) if you don't have the Biggoron's Sword. That amount of utility is not comparable to some of the bullshit items from later games like TP's dominion rod.
Funny you bring up the stepladder, I actually consider it to be one of the better items in Zelda 1: You use it automatically and it allows for more freedom in the dungeons. I'm also aware of the extra utility offered from the megaton hammer but flipping tektites is more of a fun easter egg. The slug flipping is useful though, I can't recall if deku nuts can disable those little shits or not.

and the less said about TP's inventory, the better. It's probably the most egregious example of items that're used once or twice before being discarded. The ball and chain is cool as fuck though.
>The Megaton Hammer is by far one of the least useful items in the game (which is why you no doubt singled it out), and it's still vastly more useful than most items from later Zelda titles, [...]
Items-wise, SS was a big improvement over TP. I would even argue that it's on the same level as OoT in this regards.
I want to unmake my own thread. I haven't posted once since the OP. I forgot how bad Zelda fans are. I feel bad for lowering the quality of /vr/
>I feel bad for lowering the quality of /vr/
No you don't. Now fuck off we're talking about Zelda items here.

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality.
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

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>keeps using fuck ton of battery on sleep mode.
Make the switch to android
I'm still on my return window since I got it trough amazon, thinking about it.
not the anon you're replying to, but if you're open to it, 100% worth the switch imo.
I started with linux, moved to android and never looked back. You have to do a lot of setup yourself though.
RK3566 can't do battery metrics right.

On screen? No. You can check battery from EmulationStation or RetroArch's menu, but like mentioned RK3566's readings are off so you might as well stop at 20% for good measure. I've seen mine hit 0% once.

Come to think of it, that's another rare 2S shortcoming, could have used a power LED.

It's well worth it if you pick a good one. Retroid have the best builds with bells and whistles, Ayn lags behind only because of their exclusive extra input lag, Anbernic is mediocre with some awful releases and is basically just stock, Powkiddy is stock Android but with guaranteed issues.

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What is THE gamer's right of passage if you had to choose ONE?
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you never played Milon's Secret Castle or Castlevania II if you think Japan doesn't pull this crap on a regular basis
How do you beat...Pinball?

Black box Pinball is not a simple pinball simulation, it has a twist to it. Specifically there is a bonus screen where you rescue the Donkey Kong girl when certain conditions are met.
you saying the space program wasn't useful and that many of the technologies we use today weren't made possible by it?
it would be much worse trying to do the SNES library

ITT: Post underrated, obscure, or simply recommend games you don't see being discussed often.

I will start with this bad boy here.
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This game is actually hella good, fuck the haters

And no it's not nostalgia, I'm playing it for the first time
It's pretty good. It's just that most Yakuza fans are posers that got into the bandwagon with 0 and whine that the very first game in the series doesn't have all the convenient design decisions that could only be iterated after a few games.
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>hidden gem
every PS2 owner knew about it
Did the kickstarter for the sequel reach it's goal yet?

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Can an oldfag shed some light on why Max Payne 2 flopped in terms of sales? I don't get it. The gameplay is better and it was reviewed well at the time, it's got the perfect aesthetic for the early 2000s, ending on a post-grunge song. What went wrong?
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It is the single sperg shitups the entire board episode.
Move on people.
>I'd rather play Syphon Filter
no you wouldn't.
Maybe the lack of multiplayer?
Funny, I never heard anyone badmouth MP2 until I was on this board. I was actually shocked when I learned it didn't sell well, I always thought it did.
>it became le reddit meme that it is
You have some mental issues, kid.
Or you could rent it/borrow it and decide if you want to buy it. Or play it at a game store. It's not like you had to buy a game knowing little about it, barring things you could only get online or from a catalog(like imports).

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>incredibly poorly balanced
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>Like anyone should be impressed that specialized hardware designed to do something specific is more "impressive".
The Model 3 board was considered top of the line with the launch of VF3, it went on to have other games made for it as arcade boards do. You're twisting in the wind unable to accept how arcade hardware and consumer hardware weren't technologically equal, mistakenly believing arcade hardware superiority somehow invalidates the accomplishments made on other platforms.
It's definitely not as disingenuous as you're making it seem. Like at all. These are 2 completely different games on different hardware. 1 is a billion dollar company purposely building specialized hardware to get the best utility out of animation, polys, and colors, specifically in the context of a fighting video game. The other is a first-person shooter running on generalist hardware made by some newcomers. You can quite clearly see that these are completely different games, for extremely obvious reasons. The reason I prefer Quake is because it has much more elaborate engine trappings that make it more fleshed out in most regards that I think are imporatant. idSoftware made something that was more impressive in my eyes. I'm not even trying to dismiss VF, like it's doing something 'wrong' for not being Quake. I just think Quake is quite clearly a better representation of technological prowess and innovation. If the argument is that VF is 'better' because idSoftware didn't create custom computers, I think this is just eye-poppingly stupid. Quake without any limitations is something like Dimension of the Machine. It's that simple. They weren't idiots. They were geniuses, who purposely chose the most pragmatic technology. Technology which actually won out.

See above.
>The other is a first-person shooter running on generalist hardware made by some newcomers.
How exactly were id newcomers at that point? Wolfenstein, Doom, and Doom 2 were incredibly popular and had basically defined the genre at that point. Quake did a lot, for sure, but it was absolutely building on a firm and established successful structure already.

Sega had a lot of money, but you're acting like they were one big bank account that Yu Suzuki could freely draw from and that they were ONLY working on AM2 stuff, which isn't even true. And even if AM2 DID have more money, spending money on R&D doesn't change how influential it was in any way. Plus VF was NOT just building on a past success, so they were a lot more of a "newcomer" in that sense than anyone at id was, given that they were creating a brand new type of game.


Not in any meaningful way. There are punches and kicks but the way jumps work and the introduction of the block button changed them substantially.
You watch your mouth when you talk about my wife, buddy
Aye yo dis nigga gets it, i've scene a wrassler, boxer or heck any martial 'artist' ever get ring outed.
Looks like they're getting PIECED UP by each others feints

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Whoever said this game is better than Ocarina is insane.
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why the fuck would you think I'd want to see a picture of the 3ds version. Retard
>forest temple
for me it's the ice cavern, only gripe is i wish it had a unique "boss" instead of the terrible pushover wolf guy
but strangely my least favorite part of mm is probably the snow area
OoT still is a masterpiece, but I think it's fair to point out its shortcomings from a modern perspective.
The only issues I can parce are
>Text speed is purposely slow with very few opportunities to speed it up, hampering repeat playthroughs
>Unskippable cutscenes, hampering repeat playthroughs
>Most textures look like smeared ugly messes outside a few cases (MM fixed this)
>A second analog stick to control the camera would be nice
>First person aiming sucks
>D-pad could've been utilized to hold more items
The PC port alleviates most of these issues, but I'd suggest people only play it AFTER they've played OoT on OG hardware or emulation.
honestly they're both pretty fucking solid games. i gotta say, MM is way more consistent. every single time i play it, i beat it in like, three days.

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