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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
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Last thread is dead, share your knowledge, do queries, exchange readings
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Sorry about the delay anon, i had someone irl ask for a quick read over a chat app. I'm back.

Past: Reversed 3 of cups
Present: 9 of cups
Future: Reversed Knight of Cups

Sounds like you had a rough relationship in the past. However, at your present you are in a much more stable situation. Good for you!!!

However- don't be impulsive to rush in. The reversed knight of wands warns us about having too much energy building up and having nowhere to go. Be careful and measured with your approach to romance and don't be overeager to charge in.
I needed to hear that, yeah. I was wondering if I should invest some of what I do have saved up (like $80k) to grow it but I was worried I could mess it up. I'm a neet also. I guess I'll just continue to neet a bit longer and see what happens. Thanks :)
Thank you!

>You are in a much more stable situation right now

Hahaha... Nothing bad is happening, but it doesn't feel that way. Now I'm stuck doubting myself a lot and I probably seem flimsy to others. Thank you though.
>Sun Cancer/Moon Pisces/Rising Aquarius

Context: I feel like a feminine entity is reaching out to work with me. I usually get signs in my dreams but I got nothing. I haven't seen any signs of who I *think* it is in the waking world either. Could you possible use your cards to figure out who is calling?

Thank you goddess Freyja
I think so long as the risks you take are calculated, you will be okay.

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What are the spiritual aspects of this? Is internet porn some weird sex magick devised by the elites to keep us as slaves? Why does it feel so hard to quit?
Because you don't want to but you've let people on the internet convince you you should.

Plus, this is like asking "why is candy so hard to quit?" your brain is wired to like stuff like sex and candy. All you nerds have quantified porn into something special which it is not.
Its addictive, tied into your most fundamental urges, easily and freely accessible, and this website is constantly riddle Db so t softcover and hard-core pornography
I know in my rational mind that it’s wrong and it’s hurting my soul, but I still keep going back to it. It just feels like I’m trapped and don’t know how to stop

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Anybody else notice this?
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Another one that drank the Kool Aid. If you believe the overpopulation narrative, by all means - you go first.
Yeah, the internet was a mistake.
he looks like a NIGGER
He really does, we should have someone stopping these guys from receiving promotions.

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Does the devil punish evil souls in hell? Or was hell created by God to punish evil souls, including the devil? Does that mean that demons in hell are good guys for punishing evil people? Can someone clarify this?
They're resisting tyranny
On the other side, people are attracted towards what they resonate with. So denser (heavier) areas end up with suffering people, who exploit one another.
But no good people punishes others.

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>no mass die off
>no 5G nanotechnology that turn you to a zombie
>no computer chip
>no Within 2 weeks the vaccinated will begin their ascension to a 5G giga consciousness
>no nothing
>still gets inorganically and massively shilled by the establishment for a meme virus
So what the fuck was the deal /x/?
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>People who got Covid, didn't die and are not vaxxed are currently the safest around.

Stupid statement. How are people that got covid better off than people that never got it. I swear you all move the goal posts every day. You were wrong, the jab didn’t cause a mass die-off, get over it.
So many idiots in these threads. You do realize you sound retarded right?
How are people not concerned about the constant illness? This is happening to everybody, regardless of vax status because of this shot virus. . I do not remember being sick this often ever or seeing so many waves of severe “colds” and I was a sickly child. It feels hopeless.
* shit
>It’s the pretending like covid never existed and has zero potential side effects that gets me.

Is it possible for covid to have a short communicability half life so that it could infect people within a limited amount of time much shorter than what they said?

On the one hand some people apparently got limbs amputated but on the other hand (no pun intended) if it was as dangerous and communicable as they said it way, the George Floyd protestors and unsanitary homeless encampers should have been dropping dead but that didn't happen.

Has there been studies regarding overlap in PCR results with the regular flu and covid?

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Nothing will EVER HAPPEN until you go within and awaken to your higher conscious states.

Its fucking simple and /x/ is just merchant misdirection.

Commit to 6 months of meditating 1-2 hrs per day, wake your astral body, and be done with it.

Practice Surat Shabd Meditation
(Listening to the Audible Life Stream within yourself)

First Step
>Practice mental mantra repetition at the 3rd eye center between and behind the physical eyes
>Most important is to listen intently to the words as your mind says the mantra

After a few months of this you will be able to fully withdraw from the physical body, your third eye will open and you will wake into your astral body

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The glowie tapes say protect yourself with a Resonant Energy Balloon. Any such thing you recommend? As far as you know... Protection?
Glowies hate the tapes, with your ignorance you now support their hateful narrative.
No, I called them that in jest.
From the Wikipedia on Carlos Castaneda

>Around the time Castañeda died, his companions Donner, Abelar and Patricia Partin informed friends they were leaving on a long journey. Amalia Marquez (also known as Talia Bey) and Tensegrity instructor Kylie Lundahl also left Los Angeles. Weeks later, Partin's red Ford Escort was found abandoned in Death Valley. Luis Marquez, Bey's brother, went to police in 1999 over his sister's disappearance, but could not convince them that it merited investigation.[6]

>In 2003, Partin's sun-bleached skeleton was discovered by a pair of hikers in Death Valley's Panamint Dunes area and identified in 2006 by DNA testing. The investigating authorities ruled the cause of death as undetermined.[6][17] However, Castañeda often talked about suicide, and associates believe the women killed themselves in the wake of Castañeda's death.[6]

>Castaneda's Journey also includes 47 pages of quotes Castaneda attributed to don Juan which were actually from a variety of other sources, including anthropological journal articles and even well known writers like Ludwig Wittgenstein and C. S. Lewis.[6]

KYS to live in an alternate reality copy of yourself based on the word of a Mexican fiction writer and plagiarist

>I think I'll pass, but thanks anon
Have you tried Vimalaramsi's 6Rs? Not necessarily using metta as the object of meditation, but at least the process of release, relax, resmile? All the breathing meditations and such felt like a meme to me, but that actually worked...

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Satanic panic chads were right

And no one will admit it
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It’s the same with the so-called “official” claims of MPD/DID sufferers (multiple personality disorder/now renamed dissociative identity disorder) who were also sometimes claimants of SRA (Satanic ritual abuse) or undergoing child/sex trafficking “just being confabulated based on therapists leading them to make these up.”

This could be covering up a deep dark rabbit hole of the ties between (deliberately induced) MPD/DID and trauma based mind control, with roots in Project MK-Ultra and specifically, according to some claimed whistleblowers, victims, and investigators, the subproject of it called Project Monarch.

You want another deep dark disturbing case of this with ties to Belgian politicians, courts, police, royalty, and some powerful/wealthy European elites in general, you look at the Dutroux case. (Warning: traumatizing to read). Practically memory-holed now, but once so big a case in Belgium it had hundreds of thousands of Belgian citizens marching in the streets over the miscarriage of justice. https://isgp-studies.com/belgian-x-dossiers-of-the-dutroux-affair

Cathy O’Brien’s “TRANCE-Formation of America” is also a disturbing read of a reputed Monarch survivor saved and deprogrammed by her later husband, Mark Phillips. Interestingly (yet horrifically), this was published in the 1990s, and includes the Clintons as figures she interacted with involved in this horror, some decades before the Clinton-Epstein ties came out.
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In Cathy’s book is also Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, whom she claims was a high-level programmer of Monarch slaves, and he shows up — yes! — in Senator John W. DeCamp’s book “The Franklin Cover-Up”. Again, by a former Senator and attorney, DeCamp, so clearly not just some retard or random guy. DeCamp worked seriously with the victims and people tied to the prosecutors of the case to uncover what he could about it. Another part that shows up in both books (Cathy’s and DeCamp’s, which make no reference to each other) is the claim of Bohemian Grove as a site for some of these rituals, abuse, and human/child sex-trafficking. Cathy O’Brien also claims in the book that cameras were set up in Bohemian Grove to get footage of politicians in compromising positions, fucking and/or abusing minors, hence putting them on the controllers’ strings. Strangely prescient of the Epstein/Maxwell case more openly revealed some decades later (with them having almost certain CIA and Mossad ties).

However, most people are sadly so well-programmed they don’t have the inclination to even look at any of this seriously. They just view it as “already debunked”, according of course to the protestations of official mainstream media and governmental sources which obviously, if such a horrific plot were real, would be IN on it, or at least compromised by it at the highest levels, such that they would CLEARLY deny any wrongdoing occurred, if such a plot of elite-backed occult abuse were real. (“We, the elites, investigated ourselves, and found ourselves innocent, nothing to see here.”)

This goes WAAAYY back before modern stuff about “Pizzagate” and “QAnon” (both of which may or may not have disinformation deliberately sprinkled in precisely to “debunk” this and probably even to get in before and discredit the outrage that should’ve been greater about the Epstein/Maxwell case and their ties to fucked up so-called “elites”).
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Silence, you kill children !| The Testimony of Regina Louf about the Dutroux affair.

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Other interesting and plausibly related sources of info: Ted Gunderson, former FBI chief in the L.A. department, talking of government/military/intelligence ties to organized Satanism and child trafficking, besides other conspiracies.


(Note: this is fucking shadowbanned on YouTube! You can exactly look up anything like “Ted Gunderson FBI Satanism” and it doesn’t fucking show up, it’s just other irrelevant videos for pages and pages).

Ronald Bernard, claimed former Dutch investment banker who got into them out of this. This one I’m unsure of but still an interesting case, especially because of how genuinely emotional, cracked up, and shaken up he seems, as well as consistent over hours of interviews, meaning he must be some great actor if he’s acting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLNvpogVzzk

Cathy O’Brien’s website and blog: https://trance-formation.com/blog/

Related to this, but I haven’t seen it, although I read/watched some interviews with Caviezel and other related figures in it and some summaries about it: the “Sound of Freedom” movie.

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Assume it’s not real:
1.) You believe it and spread info about it, but it wasn’t real — you come off as dumb and misguided, spreading disinfo, but your intentions were good, and due to the tight control over the MSM, Big Tech and academia by political correctness anyway, you don’t really have much reach anyway, as it’s going to be extensively debunked and attacked.

2.) You don’t believe it, and it was indeed NOT real — no real harm or benefit, besides just being in alignment with the truth.

Assume it DOES exist.
3.) You believe it and spread info about it, and it is real — good job anon, you’re a moral person who stood up (in however small a way) for what’s right, shedding light on some horrific abuses of power and crimes against humanity.

4.) You DON’T believe it but it IS real — you are a fucking smug arrogant Redditor making fun of or even viciously attacking the victims, whistleblowers, and believers of such horrific crimes beyond belief, even while probably patting yourself on the back a few years ago about how you “believe all women” and “supported #MeToo” etc. and are a “good progressively-oriented person beating down the chuds and dangerous conspiracy theorists.” You end up being a massive fucking asshole on a cosmic scale, complicit, in however small a way, in the coverup of such crimes.

Ironically, this very same moral calculus has been used in the “believe all women”/“MeToo” movement I mentioned! (About how it’s morally better to take women claiming sexual assault/rape seriously than it is not to). Yet when it comes to stuff like this, R*dditors will smugly gloss over it and even make fun of it. At least in a moral and existential sense, it’s a greater show of conscience to seriously consider this wide-ranging bunch of evidence, than to dismiss it, even if it turns out wrong. That’s just my dumb opinion, anyway.

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Genesis 3:11
King James Bible
And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

>being naked can kill you of freezing temperatures


This is ur brain on a really fucking stupid religion. If ur religion can't even interact with reality, abandon it. If God cared he would have gave you clothes and shelter to protect you from the elements, which knowledge provides. These things existed as evident inside of dumb animals that walk around the place and walk off ledges, without knowledge you would be the same as these animals.

If God is logos, he killed himself cause logically, knowledge is a survival advantage most animals lack. Anyone that goes outside naked when it's raining, freezing cold, can easily logically think, "Oh this is why I wear clothes..."
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You shouldn’t use that word.
I don't understand it. Anons are generally bright and can see symbolism, as well see a lot of other things in the world that people miss. But once the bible is brought up, all the blinders are on, and they use the lowest common denominator approaches.
That's actually crazy. Also >>37837326 taking the Garden of Eden literally is so small brain. Many early Christians did not interpret the OT literally, Origen for example, but they were murdered, burned, and called witches just like all the other Christians who thought for themselves instead of listing to muh dogma and muh holy tradition. Looking at the story from a psychological perspective reveals a lot about the nature of man, and I don't think the original author meant it to be taken literally. Whoever wrote the bible was much more intelligent than all the Jews and mainstream Christians that highjacked it.
It was evil that made us realize we were naked.
Genesis2 is allegorical. But it does not express an origin story. It is a threat against edomites instead

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General,
Enlightened and noble chads edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong.

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I mean women bellow 20 too close to the limit age, Jesus.

Only a subhuman 4chan janny has the mind so rotten that he insta relates "young women" with cp.
Did they delete your post?

Women under 16 is absolutely pedophilia. What kinda sick shit are you? I hate you pedos more than anything.
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Yeap. And insta ban for "trolling". The jannies are trolltards.

Nobody said anything about "Women under 16" you foreskinless fiend.
I saw your post, can confirm it didn't say anything about 16.

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Post your favorite underrated esoteric YouTube channels

Let's begin with the GOAT - Esoterica
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Filters exist, use them. Aside from that suggestion, why let threads like these rustle your jimmies so easily? That's just draining you of loosh / energy. If they aren't the type of threads you like, simply don't pay them any mind and scroll past them.
Thank you for denying the Talmud
Post wendigoon or anyone other than this guy, it fucking derails the entire thread
Of late he has been making more and more redpilled videos, I find kinda ironic both him and Mr. Z are red pilled but have different opinions on how this is all gonna play.

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Do aliens believe in God?
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science explains much, but not everything. today's science is 500 years ago's science fiction. I do think that there is an explanation to everything, but I also believe that there are questions we didn't even imagine to come up with yet and a lot of shit we just don't know yet which is why we think of it as "unnatural" or just don't consider it. people who actually put too much faith in science and materialism think that we already have all the answers to every question.
why do you think that the universe is barren? the only explanation i can think of is God and that He created mankind as an exception.
man, this leads to questions about our consciousness as well. this actually exceeds my imagination and leads to some "this cannot be" which is the same conclusion those people who think we got all the answers would reach, just in another context.
I'm actually at a dead end and there is much shit I don't get, I'm just desperate for answers.
Has anyone asked them?
The pleiadians referred to it as source last time I was telapthic with them. They said that Pleiadeans had come to earth, but due to suffering the primitive primeval conditions of the undeveloped planet they had slowly cut themselves off from source. The arcturians seem pretty big into cosmic spirituality, they seem a bit like bodhisattva's, but I couldn't say exactly what they believe other than they know the identities of all these mythical and spiritual beings humans know, and they know which ones of us are those beings reincarnated into this world. They told me which name I had and which angel I was, but its not entirely sure what angels are or where we came from, though it seems like we are descended from some type of transcendent cosmic entity who wanted to craft human life that could live in physical environments.
The universe is a operating buffer for human consciousness.
His Name strikes deathly fear into them. The galactic federation of light knows its days are numbered and its leaders, the archons, being prisoners, know they'll be thrown into the universal garbage can we call hell.

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I can usually tell gay people apart by their eyes. When I look into them, it feels like I'm staring into the eyes of a satanist. Like I am looking into the soul of someone very evil.
I can hear the gnashing of teeth, weeping, tortured cries of sinners in their forever punishment.
I am trying to stop being gay by transitioning into a female, I feel like that is the path that the LORD would support.
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You will just be an ugly tall hairy man in a dress
Lmao you people are fucking pussies

Just trust the plan jfc
Eyes of shame, Eyes of self hatred, Eyes of inferiority complex
This is such a retarded take. Ofc the more you have non-conventional sex the higher chance of you hsving parasitic and bacterial infections.
People will try blame anything for their sexual desires, yet they'll go down on women that have already had plenty of cats and dogs before you.
Well there's a reason every religious tradition on the entire planet condemned it at one point or another

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Bored mystic 2 electric boogaloo
I have a treasure trove of occult secrets and shit posts
Feel free to AMA
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I'd rather not but thanks

This is all very interesting..I'm not surprised. I know everything exists in this bizarre mathematical balance - but math to what end? Is the human spirit not more important than math? Is not feeling, heart, love?

What strangeness, I think to myself, that some numbers end up being what it's all about when math for me is a practical tool to navigate life - not the ESSENCE of life itself. I don't even know why one would want to know all this, unless it affords an ability, or enlightenment to the subject.
If you think heart and unity isn’t involved you weren’t paying attention
What I mean, Anon, is that math is cold logic. Feeling isn't.

Help I can't stop thinking about this high tier witch, she keeps popping up in my head and I keep imagining her and I in a mating press. Is it magic? I can't stop
only a kind of male could satisfy her
There's nothing supernatural about this, you're just down bad for Lady Gaga. Damn dude that's rough.
KEK! 2pbp

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