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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
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>implying any crime was actually committed
Burt brings up a good point. I mean we’re just asking stupid questions here and not insinuating ang faction in world war 2 committed any crimes

Or even modern day…. Well except Israel we know they committed a ton of crimes since October of last year
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asking stupid questions is the key to opening npcs eyes. if they do any simple math, they'll quickly see the answer is greater than or equal to 110

you buffoons are like cockroaches in every way. can't you stay in your designated trashpile and leave us alone >>>/pol/
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Do you have a Heuer vise? Do the threads on the spindle look similar? Or have you ever seen acme threads with this sort of finish?

I was surprised, but I figure it doesn't matter for G acme threads. I assume this is a manufacturing shortcut. The thread flanks are smooth, and it feels fine, running it in & out.

But man, that looks shitty.

I have two of these that are rather old. Anyone have tips on how I could turn them into a skate board or where I could find another wheel to make a three wheeled board? I dont wanna spend any money just use junk I find. Also what are other things you can build out of found junk?

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- you can collect your own water
- you can grow your own food
- you can produce your own energy

So why are internet contracts necessary? You can tune into radio for free so how come there's no antenna device that pulls free internet from the air in a similar manner?
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the internet is just other peoples computers
you pay to use the infrastructure that someone else has installed to connect to those other computers.
big infrastructure companies have agreements to connect to each other for no charge because it benefits them both.
if you had some awesome web service that customers would literally change isp in order to use, then all the isps would offer to connect with you for nothing in order they keep their customers. thats basically it.
you can make mesh networks with wifi or laser or microwave but what people like about the intermet is that it has stuff on it. unless you get websites to join your network its just you and your friend talking to each other
Like >>2793984 said, the internet is just other peoples computers.

That's exactly the problem I was referring to. It's a mass-adoption issue. Even if I could figure out how to transmit the signal straight through the Earth to Australia, it wouldn't be useful unless I could get enough people to adopt it. And most people would rather pay a subscription fee for a more convenient internet that doesn't require the transceiver antenna to pan and tilt every time you want to connect to another computer. And that's not even including how much people would pay for the electricity needed to power the thing.
self reliance/off grid living is a myth
>- you can collect your own water
Illegal in many areas these days because of over regulation.
>- you can grow your own food
Buy too much fertilizer in a year and you get a visit by the feds. They will inspect and compare inventory with what was purchased.
>- you can produce your own energy
Illegal to install yourself in most areas without paying for permits or have a licensed installer and be inspected at multiple points during the setup.

Fun note: you can transmit text and images over HAM radio for free. Close to 300 baud modem speeds, but can be done.

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3D Printed Breakfast Edition

Last Thread: >>2787167

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

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>220F nozzle temp
It says to run that for PLA
Went ahead and bought a small selection of heat set inserts. Going to upgrade some of my prototypes a bit. Also might print a bung for a drain cleanout hole in my front yard. Probably going to start putting together a portfolio of builds and capabilities.
What's the best adhesive for bonding TPU to PLA?

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Thread thermally drifted: >>2787618

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

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>What can I do

watch and follow all 10,000 desoldering videos on youtube
if still failing, invest in some needles
Don't try and desolder components by taking all the solder off the pads. Just liquify the solder and pull the component off with tweezers.

If you're working with ICs use a hot air gun or short all the pads with silver solder then melt and pull off. If you're working with through-hole parts use a vacuum desoldering pump or snip the leads, liquify, and pull the remaining lead out of the hole with needle-nose pliers or tweezers.

also chipquik, which is usu for chips but ok for other parts
Get a Yihua 929D, if not a proper desoldering iron with a vacuum pump and temperature control. They work great, if a tad tedious.

There’s also the strategy of running thick solid core wire next to all the pads so you can reflow them all at once, but it’s eve more of a pain. Those extra wide soldering tips might be good for this.

These aren’t that reliable, often there’s just not enough room to fit them between the pad and the lead.
melt the solder then quickly whack the board. the whole blob will come flying out, and you can just pluck the leg off of the via.

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Abominations Thread XLV

Problem Solved! edition

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2777360 #
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Hello. I would like to find quality hair clippers to cut my hair off with.
I have bought this set a couple of years ago for a great discount, is this hair clipper a good model which should last me years?
The hair clipper is a Wahl 09243-2616 and doesn't use a battery
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Andis CeramicEdge Carbon-Infused Steel Pet Clipper Blade, Size-50SS, 1/125-Inch Cut Length (64355)

These work on Andis, Conair, Oster and Wahl. I forget when da wife bought the first blade many years ago but I bought a second in 2018 and that's done weekly military-style buzz cutting since.

I have the Andis clipper which survived many doggos (they got coarser blades) but the blade is more key than the clipper if you get a good one.
BTW a red ball cap or do rag lures horse flies out of your face and they can't bite through it: My horse rancherbro tipped me to that trick.
Been using what I think is that exact kit from Wahl for nearly a decade. #2 guard every day. Couple drops of oil every few weeks. Clean it a couple times a year. Zero issues.
I too used to cut my balding hair with electric clippers. But one day, I had an epiphany...
>Buy solid steel safety razor (70 dollars) that will last beyond my lifetime
>Buy safety razor blades (About 30 dollars or less) a box of a hundred will last you a few years
For a hundred bucks you can have a permanent shaving solution for all your shaving needs that will never break or need electricity.
>shaving my wifes back and shoulders for 30 years
Is she an ape? Post pics

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But the Shitposting Must Go On edition

Previous thread drowned out by contesters: >>2785963

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

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>he missed the Chad Repeaters
Your response is unnecessarily abrasive. The suggestions I was looking for did not have to relate to the radios I purchased. I'm just asking if there is anything within the hobby that might come up on my job that I can look into or research. I am trying to find something interesting that connects to my work.
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>I posted it again for the hundredth time
>I'm so smart and awesome
How do you deal with whack jobs such as this guy?

continue to ignore a literally who

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I'm not talking about used cars. I mean for metal, machinery, etc.

I see so many Euro videos where they're like:
>Just head down to the scrap yard to find one

Nigga, I don't have that. None of the metal recycling places will sell me material. I just want to get some cheap metal parts and old machinery, but they won't sell it to me.
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watching the post apoc inventor tool up his entire shop with scrap was inspiring but there really isn't a way to pull that off in the states.
the best we have is ebay, yard sales, and charity shops and those all cost more than the price of scrap by weight even if you buy nonfunctioning tools with the intent on fixing them.
Any city generates enormous amounts of scrap. Most people never notice because they don't bother to learn how to find things. Consider all the spoonfeed questions in this board from people to lazy to learn effective information searching despite tens of thousands of hours on the net.
>but there really isn't a way to pull that off in the states.

It's done constantly (as I and other anons do) but if you don't know what's out there it will seem barren. Every developed country generates vast amounts of scrap and surplus. Methodical searching is how the same set of Serious People get stuff. Industrial auctions and estate sales by shop owners are often online.

Be willing and prepared to travel. For example my county is so advantageous to live in because it's poor and I've a middle class income, but the tradeoff is low frequency of good auctions and sales so self and bro drive in a three hour radius for what we want. Business buyers range MUCH further and travel interstate to equip their factories and shops.

Study auction sites and get notified by email of upcoming sales. Own at least a half-ton pickup with suspension mods (my F150 rocks Timbren urethane springs, Hellwig add-on leaves, and coilover rear shock because they were handy). I did that to fit a Tommy Gate (cheap used, simple, easy to install with the factory adapter plates or fab your own) which makes trucks vastly more useful. Own basic rigging gear, manual and electric winches, tiedowns etc and a dual axle car trailer though it's worth knowing hydraulic drop deck trailers are rentable.

Self and bro search Fecesbook daily and nighly because getting there first gets bargains. I never turn off my PC so I just leave useful tabs open on one workspace (xfce FTW). Craiglist sux but is worth searching because like trade papers at convenience stores it does get some traffic.

It takes money in hand to get bargains. I carry enough for at least an "earnest money" deposit (get a receipt) so if something pops up I don't need to find a bank and can buy opportunistically. No one can see inside your wallet unless you show it off so I carry about a grand in cash. It may sit there six months but it pays off nailing unanticipated deals at yard sales etc. Sellers hate turning down cash.
Those are lawn decorations. No waste there.
Based. I search facespace, craigslist and all the regular nationwide and local auction listings any chance I get. Not usually looking for anything in particular, but rather anything that catches my eye near my area usually (125 miles or so).

I usually only carry a couple hundred at most with me at any given time, but I'm also never more than 30 minutes from home or a phone call away from the wife at home so i can grab any cash from there I would ever need quickly and easily.

>Craiglist sux
I still have pretty good luck on there. Just last week I scored a 60hp deutz diesel out of an air compressor. Guy was selling it for $800.

Was crazy busy on the farm drilling in seed ahead of water and didnt want to make the 2 hour round trip to go pick it up. Luckily I had some hay customers coming down from there and passing right by the guys place so I had them pick it up for me and I knocked $100 off the price of their hay. The old man selling it said there were some controls and stuff that went with it if I wanted so I said sure send em down. He sent an entire tow behind compressor along with the engine!

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Baby Ape Edition


In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?



> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)


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I have a tiny little FPV drone, and I wish it had a longer transmission range and didn't get blown around in the wind. Is there a decent pre-built FPV drone or noob-friendly parts kit I can get for under $200, or is a DJI Mini the best value I'm going to get in an RTF?
what drone/goggles/controller do you have? you could just put a stronger video VTX on it.
there's many quads under 200$.

look into darwinfpv they make cheap stuff that's still (in my personal experience) working well
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I don't think I can do much upgrading to this, besides a bigger battery.
Is there a certain size or style you recommend for outdoor flying/not getting knocked around in the wind? Darwin has both a 3 inch and a 9 inch drone listed under "long range"
the babyape is very good i fly it outdoors all the time, the OP picture is my babyape (upgraded)

get the one with the caddax ant camera (babyape pro i think) because the cheapest camera it has is dogshit but everything else it has is serviceable.

My wife and I recently lost our little girl. It was a stillbirth but we had some really compassionate nurses that made a hand and foot mold for us before we had to say goodbye. I’m worried that the (I’m assuming) plaster they used is really delicate/fragile. The detail on them is great but I’m eager to find a way to scan or duplicate them to ensure they survive long term. Could anyone give me some advice?
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Scanners those capable of scanning baby foot wrinkles..
That would fucking cost a house
No joke
Semi-translucent flesh would not help with scanning either
I think you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about or joking, i can't tell
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you can make another mold from the plaster positive, then make as many duplicates as you want in plaster or whatever; that'll definitely capture the fine detail. I think you could use alginate like in your picture but AFAIK that works best for skin molds, but it degrades quickly after that, and it's better to use silicone or something else for copying objects. there's probably a specific material to use for copying plaster, if you search around.

If you want a digital copy, you can get good enough detail with lots of pictures from a phone camera and free software to extract a 3d model. It won't as fine as the mold or a 3d scan, but you'll still have surface detail in the texture (from the photos), same as any other 3d model.
Thanks anon, definitely a devastating turn we didn’t expect.
Thanks that makes sense, is that a silicone mold being made in your image? I didn’t think about doing two halves like that.
I think so. smooth-on actually has a bunch of decent info on making molds of various sorts, could look through it for plaster https://www.smooth-on.com/howto/basics-mold-making/?tags=video-tutorial .

also if you do the photogrammetry thing, meshroom on https://alicevision.org/ is what you want, you can find more detailed tutorials too if you need it. I have used it and while you need a lot of pictures, it is free to try.

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>ruins your afternoon
I hate these niggers like you would've believe. Impacta, plus a torch plus penetrating oil and they still take 30 minutes of smashing. Tempted to buy an oxy torch just for blasting out these fucks.
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yes of course, I use it on basically everything in the brake/rotor/driveline area since it gets blasted by salt, sand and whatever else, but the screws in the OP aren't actually necessary at all.
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>relubing caliper pins
>one of the boots has a tear in it
>its after 9m
>car needs to be moved
>I have to take it apart again since I have no spares
It's never been so joever
The alleged "redpill" is in many cases that they're just retaining screws for easier assembly at the factory and don't actually need to be replaced after drilling the fuckers out the first time, the caliper and lugs do a fine job holding the rotor in place. But I'm a sucker for factory repair manuals, so Mr. P.B. Blaster and his friend Dr. Bernzomatic [usually] own my rusted ass.
Samefag, I say "usually" because I got depression after breaking an EZ-Out bit in one of those retaining screws, it's the "next guy's" problem now (i.e. me in 2 years after forgetting).
zap a nut on the head with the molten metal hot glue gun and take it out like a white man

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I must be retarded. I cannot find a good guide on how to make a wall like picrel without the wood part. Specifically, a 2foot cobblestone retaining wall, utilizing mortar or cement. It won't be very load-bearing, 80% decoration 20% to create a clean terraced area.
I've looked up fieldstone, cobblestone, riverstone, and they all do psuedo-walls with fake thin rocks mortared onto wood.
Any advice, or should I just go with brick/timber/combination? Good stones are too expensive for me
Stack rocks as high as you want. Mortar is optional
You literally just stack rocks on top of each other, what's the difficulty here? Your ancestors figured this out on their own.
if i was tasked with it, i'd do them as precast panels flat on the ground. build forms out of 2x4s on edge 2ft by 8 or 10ft. flop them down on visqueen and put a piece of medium hog wire midplane for reinforcement. fill 3/4 up with concrete and bed your rocks.
layout your wall with deadheads at the panel joints. set the panels and bolt them to the stanchions. backfill the wall with dirt and roberts your mothers brother
Do I need rebar anywhere, or just mesh? or a thin rebar matrix. The wall will be 30 feet long, can I work one base layer at a time and work my way up, then cap it off with cut stones?
Also, every guide says to use a drainage pipe with the holes facing downwards. Don't I want them pointing up at an angle (or in every direction for that matter) so water can seep from the dirt into the pipe and redirected out to the yard? Do i have to lay the pipe on a downward slope too?
generally you use as much steel as your willing to spend money on. a grid of #3 bar might be less than hog wire
>build upwards
i meant precast the panels as a facade piece to lean up against bulkheads cut back into the terrace. make the panels as big as you have equipment to move and place
>drain pipe
i've only ever put in the perforated plastic tile. i'd wager holes on the bottom would be to keep the pipe from filling with dirt. water only flows downhill and has to go somewhere, so plan out drainage accordingly

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How do you make an alcohol-powered engine? Moonshining is legal where I live so I'm curious if I could grow ny own fuel.
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>Nobody gives a fuck about your personal vocabulary,
That is literally what I just fucking said
ok, So:
>Boomer: a person born during the period between approximately 1945 and 1965
How is foster's house a boomer cartoon?
“Literally” now seems to mean “figuratively”
The time for English being “descriptive” rather than “prescriptive” is long since over.
Boomer here. I’ve never heard of it. I was probably working my ass off to build the civilization you all enjoy. Didn’t have time to lounge around and contemplate being trans. Which didn’t exist except in chemistry and the rocky horror picture show.
There is something wrong with the way the elbows are drawn on the green hoodie.
I don't think you know what a boomer actually is. Hint, they're a minimum of like 60 now.
modern definition has changed doofus, dictionaries are always a decade or so behind

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