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>Previous thread:

Previous campaigns:https://snip.dssr.ch/?13bb17497ee9288d#4sosfvz6HTqLrdA2A9RGqooWW7AgCsNoZg7tfR28dfQS

Password is gas4llspacen0ids to access page.

(Near) complete unit and character assets from Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V
[For those that wish to make their own creations with the potential for them to be added as mercenary blueprints to the current game OR for their own personal uses.]

Character set: https://mega.nz/folder/YSVzWbRB#iLhOMXSbzS_jBq3WGP6NxQ

Unit set: https://mega.nz/folder/EeNBQZTC#hg26dftks0YrIhTW25zL1Q
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Not the best at editing but I tried making the Kamikaze Raven from MS Saga using the Zaku I model.
Yea let's warn the child. Out of the characters this thread Noblesse deserves to keep his morality.
Blexar is obviously going to be fine in 0093 so this is mainly a vote to determine if Noblesse prioritizes his morals or his friendship with Blexar. Warn the child should open him up for potential recruitment.
That's never going to happen anon. Noblesse is literally best friends with Blexar and under the direct command of Bee Ardo, a man devoted to the Federation no matter what. Warning the child should have the good effect of keeping Noblesse nice probably. So he and Blexar don't become the warcrime brothers down the road.

It feels to obvious. If the kid ends up still hurting Blexar despite Noblesse trying to stop him it could make him more blackpilled on trusting the people of Earth. If Blexar does something fucked up after being warned about the attack it could sway Noblesse into not fully trusting him. Blexar is also going through some no nut insanity right now so he will be even less stable.

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Outsourced Edition

>Power Rangers Cosmic Fury:
Currently available on Netflix

>Official YouTube Channels:

>24/7 Streams:

>Boom Comics Recent Releases/Announcements:
- Ranger Academy
- MMPR: The Return

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I'd say Mechagodzilla would be Psycho Silver (if he was actually a character and not Zhane) but then I remembered there's no DNA/bio-energy/whatever to use
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I was gonna complain about using Pipebrain as a counter claim to Dairanger's monster designs being good, but you have a point there. Still, even if a lot of the designs fall into that, I think they are pretty good.

I think the big issue regarding people not having a good opinion on them lies more on the fact that there was limited footage to make more intricate fights. This is an issue in Dairanger too; pic related is one of the best designs from the time and is heavily underused even in the source material.
how rude jessica
Poor Ilia Volok sandwiched between Ransik and Lothor as a main villain. I'm sure Tzachor wanted him to come off as a threatening menace, but thanks to some bad directing, he acts and looks like a homeless Tommy Wiseau. It's even worse because Master Org's backstory is The Room. A successful guy finds out the girl he's in love with is in love with one of his friends, and he goes insane.
They might not have been able to handle a full on fight scene after only a year. They didn't build stuff to last back then.

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>Western mech fans insist that their mechs are 'more realistic' than eastern mechs
>Their mechs either end up being clunky goofy shit, or just being ripoffs of Japanese mechs
Every time...
hey is that the millennium falcon

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I mean I do agree with you but I think the west unquestionably has the capacity for good mecha content and good giant robot content. Do I think it will ever actually be made or popular? Maybe not in my lifetime.
I always forget the name of the artist but when I was a kid there was some incredible dude who did "spacecraft and vehicles" books.
eastern "realistic" mecha
>a cool robot with aesthetic stylings of real equipment
western "realistic" mech
>takes realism literally, making the mech retarded because realistically they're retarded

i like eastern better anyway

Previous thread:

Please check to see if the content you're looking for is in the spreadsheet below before asking!

Recommended Anime torrent and ddl sites:


>https://www.acgnx.se/ (torrent mirror/scraper)
>https://animetosho.org/ (eng anime, torrent mirror, subs)
>https://animk.info/xdcc/ (XDCC index)

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all this new shit showed up in Srungle just as their toy sponsor fucking died
Srunglistic joy! Thanks for this.
>their toy sponsor fucking died
Makes one wonder how Galvion even got made at all
Galvion was Takatoku not Clover. The latter was also doing Dunbine simultaneously. Note that Tomy rescued their DX Billbine from oblivion.
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Translated the first issue of Kazuhisa Kondo's new Gundam manga.

It's a bit rough around the edges, as it's my first effort with this kind of thing. Enjoy bros!

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Previous thread: >>22454197

Wake up, sleeping courage!

Previous and current news:
>Action Toys J-Decker revealed at WonFes 2024, currently at prototype stage
>New quarterly graphic novel series Brave Universe Sworgrader just began
>J-Decker HD Blu-ray/DVD slated for July
>GaoGaiGar and FINAL Discotek localization out now (includes Blockade Numbers and Pachislot clips)
>Hakaiou manga ongoing (Conqueror's Thralls arc), King J-Der side story by Tsunashima Shirou also ongoing
>SMP J-Decker slated for July
>Upcoming Koto kits: Great Fighbird, Da-Garn & GX Parts, Pegasus Saber, Land Bison, Seven Changer, Great Baan Gaan (8/24), Mach Sperion & Weapon Set
>Cross Frame Girl Goldy Marg & Stealth Gao II, Star GaoGaiGar Set slated for June, GaoFighGar in prototype stage
>Hobby Japan AMAKUNITECH Genesic GaoGaiGar slated for May, Sworgrader announced; AMAKUNI Genesic Head Display Model with new Guy voices slated for Sep-Oct 2024
>THE GATTAI Might Gaine out now, Might Kaiser for April, and Good Smile Shop exclusive Might Gunner for May, Seven Changer for September, Fighbird for March 2024, Granbird, Sky Saber and Land Bison in development

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I remember this was a very sweet episode. There's only a few instances where I find a character so pretty yet also cheer on her and her love interest to be together.

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Inheritor edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

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Chris is gonna have to protect the girls from these laws, especially when they aren't at home.
America has no such laws cuz free dumb.
Fine FINE!!! I'll admit it. TRUST HEART is pretty good.
kill yourself
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Fuck off

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Anyone here read the manga?
So far I definitely prefer it over the TV series.
>Action scenes that don't consist of the same drawn-out attack animations, featuring some surprisingly visceral violence at times (Umi getting spiked, Hikaru's dog biting her in the throat)
>More confident in it's sense of humor, Hikaru's spontaneous cat ears and the super-deformed characters never coming across as an afterthought
>Story is more concise than the TV series, though I still appreciate Nova and a couple of the MOTW capers
Between this and the Sega Saturn game I've found a new appreciation for the characters and their interactions, a prime example of how a good cast can turn a fairly banal or juvenile work into something truly special.
>Hikaru is both a fierce warrior and the friendliest person you'll ever meet
>Fuu is wise, but too dense to understand jokes or hyperbole
>Umi is a snotty rich girl thrust into a world of monsters and warlocks
It's been a couple years since I watched the anime adaptations and I've still got about 3,5 volumes left to go, but I will probably stand by most of these words long after I've finished.
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White Knight Chronicles would work well with Rayearth stylistically.
>its a fucking Working Designs localization, so its BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD, makes 4kids and current Funi look like Intertrack in latin america
Nah it's not that bad. I mean, it is bad but there's none of the infuriating stuff you see these days like lame political rewrites at least. Iirc all the main stuff is mostly the same and all the really stupid shit like the infamous condom joke are for unimportant stuff.

IMO Working Designs might have taken their jokes way too far and their translations way to liberal (lets not get into the gameplay changes which ultimately boils to whatever you prefer) but at least they cared about the material unlike localization teams these days. Rayearth probably being the best example given they were willing to wait as long as they did to release it burning money in the process.
He quit due to the 2011 earthquake iirc, but he seemed willing to come back before passing honestly I'd be fine with it ending if it didn't leave so much open with that extra chapter they released
I kinda miss that series. It just didn't give a damn like a Troma movie or something
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Happy 60th birthday to Minami Takayama, Ascot's voice actress.
That's why I enjoyed it too. Also, Saeko was without a doubt the best girl.

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"運命か・・・" Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3
>models for all the gen 1 parts

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it depends on who's hosting honestly
i tested it out with a guy in the sticks and he couldn't get me at all
Because network delay exists, you don't dodge online by reacting to and evading shots, but by predictively evading before the shot comes. When someone QBs, it throws off tracking for a fraction of a second which means that there's a window during and after your dodge where any shot fired will aim wrong. The bigger your QB, the more wrong they will aim. The worse their FCS, the longer it will take to stop aiming wrong after that QB.

Hit detection is attacker-sided, which means if your opponent sees their shot connect, it connects and if you see your shot connect, it connects. When you shoot your shot the interval it takes to reach your opponent is essentially fixed, there's no latency. But the time it takes for that shot to be communicated to their game, for them to react and dodge, and for their dodge action to be communicated to your game is determined by network conditions and latency. Even under good conditions it's pretty rare that the dodge action will arrive in time for the attacker to see it before their shot connects, so dodging online is basically entirely predictive and based on using patterns of QBs, ABs and hops to forcibly break a track and keep it disrupted when your opponent wants to shoot.
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what are your favorite missions for screenshots? is it for a specific reason like lighting or the environmental design?
also, post your ACs.
Also to expand on this the full flow of netcode is essentially:
Attacker attacks and sends a superficial message to the defender saying "I attacked" which causes the defender to render a superficial animation of the attack.

Attacker's attack flies through the air and connects with the defender

Attacker sends defender a message saying "I hit you"

Defender receives the message and checks a couple things like if they were in a valid state (ie not invincible/dead), how much defense they have etc. and calculates the damage taken.

The defender applies the result of this attack to themselves, then sends a message updating their AP/stagger status to the attacker

The attacker receives this message and sees their damage pop up and the defender's AP diminish

This has a number of implications:

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What's everyone watching or reading or building? Looking forward to anything this year?
Let's keep it /m/-related.
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Kill yourself you retarded pseudo-intellectual faggot
Jesus christ, it really is emperors new clothes to pretend actual garbage like Combattler is amazing
Lots of the love for Combattler is Filipino nostalgia and the show's cultural/political significance. It's like how in the US Voltron is "the giant robot show" but Golion really isn't good. However, the show does have Yasuhiko character designs and it was a more sophisticated super robot show for its time.
That's Voltes V, not Combattler.
ITT: subhuman evafag comes here to cry after being insulted in his terrible bait thread

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>non-comprehensive list of the images that Duel defecates on the board, with their common filenames and hashes. If this board had actual moderation, posting any of these should trigger an automatic ban.
1590033148448.jpg, ‘h0lbcaigDnqVFXzpy1iLrQ==’ [PURPLE 'RECOMMENDATIONS' TROLL LIST]
1617568595682.jpg, ‘yqFZc6mH729f84pUJDatSQ==’
1702949095871058.png, ‘ZSvDX1sTxNMZipTsEBTgsA==’
1708398884287545.png, ‘H8OIhTKGrW9592P+0OoSFA==’
1714331182545.jpg, ‘527EhtfZOgSYjDud7Hh6uA==’
1714373298336779.jpg, ‘ni0IeFXShx7pFA62UjmLSA==’
1443716897739.png, ‘Aq/xbWOF7KkoKMTWr/WtrA==’
1713042067172.jpg, ‘527EhtfZOgSYjDud7Hh6uA==’
1708658803039551.png, ‘TiPFFrKVpbfycXLToacT0Q==’
1708655640397867.jpg, ‘3EmeoK+39QurRaG4Yl8Ftg==’
utena and subversion.png, Kd86FU0VWHc++UvVPY0W1Q==’
not even coffee works for this bs.jpg, ‘bHTWKdg6BYqIs5S6T60X2w==’
enlightenment.jpg, ‘AjCHjSUSQu8STkKvZIPTJA==’
I am america and so can u.jpg, ‘FME6Ywa4w8Qk0wYmceOsbg==’

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4chan mitigation has always been slightly below the level of the full on troll war imdb message boards. days. Of course the imdb mitigation was non existent. Proto1 taught me that if shit on the chans bothers you the only way to deal with it is to take out the problem yourself. No other way. Simply take the piece off of the gameboard.
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Next OP suggestion.
"singing frog" isn't duel though
Yes, he is.
Bikinifag came into the Hibiki im@s thread on the jay and got b@ in like 10 minutes.

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Previous Thread: >>22601872


>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):
>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)
>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai)

>List of subbed series:

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>We will teach Japan to have many babies, Abe-san
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just things we did for fun, feel free to do whatever you guys feel like doing to them. consider us as unknown artists.

https://vocaroo.com/1lWI6nTmnWxA - Coffin of Steel
https://vocaroo.com/1eVPGxRN1EVU - Falcon's Might
https://vocaroo.com/1bRGVFIndV9Y - Fall of the Duke
https://vocaroo.com/1mBgSoYoHcdF - March of the MechWarrior
https://vocaroo.com/1dtgJreIz1iS - Mercenary
https://vocaroo.com/17RITIF3av9A - Steel Embrace
https://vocaroo.com/1iwGfdu84KUL - Timber Wolves Ascend

don't care what you do with them, as long as you enjoy it
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
OC content is always a plus, thank you anon.
that's the exact vibe we were going for!
not a problem, I'm just glad to finally get these out there.
>Local /m/an makes better music than /mu/tants can
Why am I not surprised?
Good job, OP.
Effort like this is always appreciated OP.
They're too busy caring about gay hip hop beefs and Kpop whores to make anything.
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Wow! This was a super cool thing of you to do, anon. Thank you mucho for these!!

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Previous thread >>22360584

-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.
-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.
-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.

>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL
>Rare Tokusatsu Blog
>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)
>Big tokusatsu google document
>Other links of interest

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299 replies and 66 images omitted. Click here to view.
Hey if that guy who wanted to see the rest of Solbrain's dub is still here, here y'go.
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Which way, jinzo ningen?
Is there a list of all the Kaiju movies?
I don't just mean just the Japanese ones, but also including things like Pacific Rim and Cloverfield.
I found a few different torrents, and I haven't found one from the last few years, to easily know which are missing.
I've mentioned before that I've found ALOT of shows that aren't in English to have full Mandarin subs, mostly by one "ZIIT SUB", & I've been losing my mind trying to figure out where exactly they're coming from, because 1, some of his releases use higher quality raws for their given shows than are currently available, I.E. Triple Fighter 2, because having access those Mandarin subs could potentially prove useful, it's how Giant Robo & Daitetsujin 17 got subbed even if I admit those could've been a bit more polished, & 3, perhaps it might be possible to contact them & see if they have any Japanese scripts they might've worked off of, which would be even more useful!

Got damn. I need an Aki in my life. D boy lucked out & its deserved. She has a pretty bland personality & characterization but something about her just clicks. She's a loving waifu of the most important factor. To top it all off... she became like a mother to our dear D boy takaya.
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No, it's Martina Cariddi you lying faggot
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>main character sounds like he was meant to be born a last boss
never been topped
oh sorry i'm just about to unleash my ultimate attack which is literally tearing open the space-time continuum with the power of sheer rage set to a theme of drums and horns reaching a fever pitch like the final seal has just been broken
You know the VA literally blew out several studio mics while they attempted to record that scene, right?

Wanna know something else that's funny?
They also voice Kyosuke Nanbu, which is why everyone went nuts over Kyosuke doing the Gespenst Kick.

Wanna know something else that's creepy?
Miyuki/Rapier == Excellen Browning.
To think Blade was Morikawa's first lead role too.

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Where's my stompy mecha thread?
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got bored with a few friends, have fun


might post more in the future
I love the japstalker
Honestly I could never get over the goofiness designs and general zaniness of the setting.
Which designs do you consider goofy?
The Cossack, the Hitman, the Atlas, the Kabuto...honestly it'd be easier to list the mechs I don't consider goofy, we'd be here all day otherwise. To be fair though, I prefer my mechs to have a more 'tactical' look.

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