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>you sure you don't want Chick-fil-A sauce anon?
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I thought this meme was supposed to be used for something not typically attractive to most people.
I'm assuming Chick-fil-A doesn't typically hire people with gender issues, so I'm going to take a guess and surmise that she is in fact a real girl.
It is.
That and the fact that she isn't ugly as shit.

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I'm pretty sure she's an actual porn actress
Show hole, kitten
because it's ugly
Anon a porn actress would know how to pour coffee

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*taste like nothing compared to 50 years ago*
are the boomers right?
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What the hell you two spastic greenthumbs are talking about? I didn't even mention gardenning and you autists sperging on how your veggie dildos taste like it was top notch gourmet shit. Fucking boomers man..
You made assumptions and they made an ass out of you and umption
Ur a gay faggot kys
It depends
In Europe for instance, dutch tomatos are known for being tasteless plastic for some reason
It doesn't even apply to other crops they grow, it's their tomato specifically that are shit
Name me one creature that does not pillage arrogantly. Humans just do pillaging better so they get poopooed.

If you eat anything more than oatmeal, egg whites, and peas, you are a child.
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Epicureans are not to be admired directly, but can be modestly respectable in practice.
wow you did that with just egg yolks
no. I also needed period blood and other coloratives.
sounds tasty
I assure you its probably not.

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If it was a roti wrap it would make sense as that's basically a sandwich, but curry and rice is sauce and little grains, in addition to the mess it would just take so much time.
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Jesus...Imagine falling in...
That's why they dip their hands in the soup, so it has flavor when you eat the dough.
>ragi mudde
god why is this fucking language so retarded
...why not use the soup instead of water when making the dough then? I've used green tea instead of water in pancake mix and the result is nice.

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do you prefer tonkatsu or schnitzel, or something else?

IMO I prefer the thinner schnitzel BUT the ketchup-Worchester-soy sauce blend usually served with Katsu I think is great. I personally make more of a schnitzel but with a side of katsu Sause when I make pork cutlets.
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Schnitzel with mustard
I like the creammy mild mustard sauce like in the op pic on schnitzel, but not full on dijon or something. I think thats too heavy and overpowers the cutlet.

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i need help anons
i usually handle alot of our meal prep and such for holidays and events for the family, this year my mother picked out this dessert she wants for mothers day this year
great, fantastic
i have no fucking clue how to bake or do desserts
is recipe in question, i do not bake how realistic/hard is this going to be ?
my dad told me she was really excited for this so its what she picked so im going to make it, and i want to do a good job
anyone ,_,
This recipe is easy and relatively beginner friendly. Avoid overmixing your cake and you should be fine. Just be precise in your measurements and follow the instructions. Stand mixer recommended.

The amount you work the gluten and whether you knock the air out of your whites is going to determine success and failure here. You can quarter this recipe to 1 egg and test it if you are worried. The jam and frosting are baby shit.
What equipment do you have? For me personally I’m almost never satisfied with how my cakes turn out so I try to go into it with enough ingredients to make it a second time if I don’t like the first result.

Are you planning to do full from scratch? If so how do you feel about picking out strawberries? If it were me I’d make the jam 2 days before and the cake the day before. Also if you want to cut down difficulty you could probably just buy good strawberry jam, add some of it to some lemon juice for the lemonade jam, and then use some in the frosting (back off the sugar a little).
ya i just

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or do I just have to use a steel mesh sheet? can I put metal borders on it to make it solid?

also how do I clean this? a thin metal brush?
that just looks like a range hood filter to trap grease droplets. soak it in hot water with a lot of degreasing detergent.
If you have to diy it maybe mesh on a cheap wire rack would be easiest
from the 9 x 13 splatter guard/sheet

I've got bored of citrus soda drinks, recommend me good sodas
Baja Blast
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Squeeze half a lime into a can of ginger ale. Really tasty. Go for Canada Dry if buying a major brand. If you are going small scale just get a ginger beer instead.

If you are ever in British Columbia try Phillips Soda Works Intergalactic Root Beer. Its excellent.
Ginger beer. Not ginger ale, but specifically ginger beer. If you've never had it before, it will change your fucking life.

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Time for Tubby toast!
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I am ashamed of my son.
I'm a tubby custard fella

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And after a good meal there’s nothing like a good cigarr
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Depends. A pipe with pipe tobacco is better for trying a lot of different things, but you have to invest in a decent pipe as well as the tobacco. Cigars are a bit of a commitment in that once you light one up it's going to be a much longer experience which if you decide you don't like it is a bit more of a waste. ACID Blondie is actually a pretty good choice for a new tobacco user. They're infused with essential oils, and have a sweet flavor that makes them much more comfortable for someone not used to tobacco, but they are much better quality than your typical gas station "cigars" such as Swisher, etc.
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Same desu. I like the cigarr feeling but i dont want to suck on it for an hour.

These are absolute crack though
First time I had a cigar I smoked it too fast or something and burnt the shit out of my tongue
along with brandy or limoncello
Odds are it was too dry. It's hard to smoke a cigar "too fast" if it's been kept at the correct humidity. The first time I smoked a cigar, I found a few of my dad's that I found in a random drawer in our garage. I could tell he'd forgotten about them because they were hard, and "crunchy" for lack of a better term. I knew I had to rehydrate them if I wanted them to work correctly, so I kept them in a drawer in my desk with a bowl of water for about a week. After about a week in a confined space with that high humidity they became noticeably softer, like velvet instead of paper. I smoked them in the middle of the football field of our highschool with my friend in the middle of the night one summer.

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What else do you pair with a peanut butter sandwich other than jelly or marshmallow cream?
pb&j has been my go to midnight snack since it's so easy, but sometimes I don't want jam.
I've tried bacon which was pretty nice, but I don't buy it all that much.
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Trail mix
Can you even imagine the smell?
Cottage cheese
Peanut butter and honey go great together. Occasionally, I'd throw some raisins in my PB&Js.

>£18 for a mediocre cheeseburger and fries
Are they taking the piss? For the same money I can get a tastier takeaway meal from a middle-grade restaurant, eg charcoal grilled lamb shish kebab, various curries, rendang, szechuan prawns, etc or even a frou-frou burger from Gordon Ramsay's restaurant chain, etc. A burger is something you cook on your own or outside barbequing, or is an affordable fast food item that something that's decent enough for the money and convenience, it's not something you're supposed to spend good money on.
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no every corporation is trying to rape the middle and lower classes of every dime they have before economic collapse.
Honestly I don't think that cheeseburgers are worth the price because they're basically just a McDonald's hamburger but good.

However the cajun fries are absolutely spectacular
Usually smash burgers are actually leaner. It's just a foolproof way to get a great burger. If the patty is too small, just use 2 or 3, which should be plenty unless you're a total fatfuck
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Why does in n out suck with fries so much? It’s not hard to make decent fries but they almost purposely try to make them shit

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What's the best rice cooker? Our 7 year old tiger cooker has scrapped coatings and I fear it
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Used to do it all the time. Use a Pyrex container and assume the water will boil over so be prepared to use a sponge to clean out the starchy water
Japanese rice cookers cook rice slowly at low temp which allows sugars to develop in the rice.
what tech do these have that warrants such a price tag
I'm pretty happy with my $20 rice cooker. Still beats the stove.
How long you're supposed to cook in microwave?

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Is high hydration a scam?
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>Nope, ChainBaker has some crazy high cold ferment recipes they look absolutely inspirational
I thought of him before I even opened the thread. I still can't believe this is real:
Why are baking steels so expensive?
Agreed, and that’s a very handsome loaf.
I like it but only for long slow rising no knead recipes. It's good for whole wheat in particular, less than 90% hydration and I find it has a gritty texture.
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I've been making 1-2 loaves a week since I found this recipe. makes excellent sandwiches, toasts so good, just the right amount of chew, great crumb and resilience,(doesn't fall apart)

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