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Please post BIG or otherwise interesting at-grade railroad crossings.
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In my old home town, virtually every thoroughfare with at least four lanes already has their level crossings replaced by bridges, the only exceptions being in our harbour (pic rel), branching off like this onto very minor terminals or company grounds, and in our outward industrial areas, which haven't seen rail traffic in literally decades
I've been on that dutch highway lately.

Americans would fear the fact you can travel 100kph (62mph) when coming from that 30km long levy and there's that out-of-nowhere railroad crossing.
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bring back the orange color. at least they promised more seat pitch in the new trains. meanwhile RENFE is getting their new Talgo Avril train sets that they want to use on their competing services. I don't know if that 2+3 seating in the RENFE trains will be very comfy.
also Jacques Cooper the designer of the original TGV just died recently. pic related. F
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What could have been...
idk... the only thing I feel looking at that is inoui.

This is what they took away from you.
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your grandma is more of a man than you are
That must be why every single motorcycle is fully rigid with comically large tires
i'm not retarded enough to think suspension is a gimmick, but comparing a 550lb+ vehicle to one that crests [redacted to prevent fatty cope] lbs is stupid. a road/gravel bike does not need or benefit much from more suspension than sufficiently wide tires can provide.
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>a road/gravel bike does not need or benefit much from more suspension
I used to believe that until I tried a bike with suspension
sorry your roads are xc trails

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Old beater edition
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In germany I dont even need a proper license and can legally haul the same tonnage behind a tractor as a semi may. Just not at the same speed and on the highway.
Not a very sustainable incentive.
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i think they only built about 300 of these and most went to australia. commiefornia emissions have probably scattered the last few here in the states
wabco made the best elevating can and i've seen pictures of some 653/9 machines built by an aussie with a wabco elevator
t. hates scrapers
>dad owns a small farm
>farming economy sucks ass
>old ass tractors and equipment, everything is jury rig and terrible
>Case IH 5130 and John deere 3000 something
>case has fancy electrical shifting that occasionally fails
>gears won't engage
>case has electrical clutch and it has no no feel to it
>reversing and putting on equipment is awful

>john deere is old ass mechanical beast
>nothing electrical except lights and they don't even work
>cabin is old and noisy
>breathe in dust and oil fumes
>speed and rpm meters don't work

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gonna argue that one. case 5130 maxxum has hydraulic clutches that are engaged by solenoids and spools. if ur shifting is failing, it can be the diode on the back right rear of the cab, or the shuttle switch are most common. the hydraulic clutch will also last 3 to 4 times longer than a dry mechanical clutch, though i do agree the feel is different.picture of a hydraulic fwd/rev clutch
check'd digits
nothing you described can't be fixed. a factory service manual is worth spending the money on and much cheaper than paying somebody to come out even once. it's silly to piss and moan when a few hours wrenching will remedy the issue

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Is there anything more based than 90s mountain bikes?
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This is what a normal size people have to do to fit on a 90s mtb.
My 970 was already small when i was 14.
The Krampus is like 10 years old, and fatbikes even older. Or do you mean 36ers or some such?
80s atbs
90s hybrids
Geometry is a gay buzzword that doesn't matter, sorry
late 80s to mid-late 90s touring bikes

Share your ride, ask for advice, shitpost about 'em, so and on and so on.

All posters with pedal less monstrosities like Sur Ron's will be summarily executed.
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This is why I prefer conversion kits because of the easy DIY. Some pre-made ebikes are just awful to work on
is fiido a good brand and specifically the fiido t1. to use for city travel and maybe carrying women back to my place from work
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Anyone familiar with the C13 regen braking parameter in KT controllers? I currently have mine set to "1", and it seems fine for flat ground. What happens if I turn this all the way to "5" and bomb some hills? Will I notice a difference? Will something potentially blow up? The manual says to not do it, and so does my budget--so I'm asking if anyone does this on the regular or knows in depth about this setting.
Pic related.
If you/ve ever lived in the midwest you know how uhholy the winds can be we are talking 25mph+ constantly with gusts, don't even get me started on summers/winters. Distance isn't everything in the midwest lol. Suiox falls can get up to 90F in summer with 80% humidity and down to 0 in winter with a huge wind. An e-bike is good if you're going to/from work or picking up groceries regardless what /n/ thinks.

How do you guys get to/from work on your bikes or groceries? Just show up "yeah sorry just did 10 miles don't mind the smell!" or "oh gotta leave even earlier so I can change from my areo outfit".

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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finally had some more time so I've just been crusing round countryside on this white boy. did 120km, been blasting Pendulum on the loop this whole ride.
maybe I'm gonna push for 200km this year
now a cold coke, kitkat and ice cream. good times.
nice bike. anyway what is the point of filling yourself with the recommended daily intake of pure sugar at the end of your ride?
I had a craving, can't be helped.
the coke alone is your RDA for sugar.

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Space transportation general. Since spaceflight is increasing exponentially, since we are up to at least a launch per week and since we are days away from an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:

Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal

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>Gravitics Awarded U.S. Space Force Contract for Tactically Responsive Space Development
What third world shithole cuntry is that?
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SpaceX just unveiled the EVA suits
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Any fellow Texans here? Summer is right around the corner and I am starting to feel the heat. I'm expecting that we will reach 100F (38C) temperatures very soon. Is there any way at all to deal with this? or I just have to embrace being sweaty?
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Like everyone says a change of clothes, also before I change I usually wipe down the extra sweaty areas like underarms and my back with the shirt I was wearing so you at least remove a lot of the sweat that way
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go faster?

I rather a place where cars are NOT essential for a satisfactory work/life balance
Spanish here.

Shower and use a mild body gel every morning. Apply odorless deodorant.

Wear natural fiber clothing only, not too tight and in light colours.

Shower in the evening if needed but without soap.

You could be sweaty, but never smelly
Embrace sweat. Two bottle cages, always.
Tempefaggot here

I know I am going to get shit on this board for it but I bought an electric bike to combat that and wind. PAS is fucking a blessing when it is 110F and 80% humidity in monsoon season. Usually PAS to work then for exercise pedal back home unless it's monsoon season and 112+80% humidity+haboob

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Post Your Bike Thread
Slow Roll Spring Edition

Previous Edition
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Thank you for the advice, I wouldn't have thought to look at the tires. It has a lot of problems because it's old. The back break doesn't touch (and stops working after I break once or twice after tightening it) and one of the bolts holding the front breaks together fell out today. (I rode for a while before realizing that I had lost all ability to break, but caught a bus home). I am happy for these issues because I get the opportunity to learn how to fix them, but I'm posting her here to see if there's anything non-optimal that I wouldn't have noticed noticed (like her tires). It's not a specific request, I just have the itch to customize her some and want to know what more experienced people might think to change first.
those aren't really mtb knobbies they're hybrid shitter tires.
Perfectly appropriate for the bike like sure he could upgrade but nice tires would be worth more than the bike.

Extremely low end full suspension bikes are the absolute worst because the suspension only serves to bounce you up and down as you pedal which wastes a lot of energy, and it adds weight and something to fail.
It's not even fucking up because it's old, that kind of bike fucks up when it's NEW because they tend to be extremely poorly assembled at the factory and at the shop.

In terms of fixing your brakes even the absolute worst v brakes can be made to work reasonably well. Take them completely apart, clean, and lightly lube them. You want a thin film of grease on the posts that they pivot around, the threads of all the bolts, and the mating surfaces (the concave washers) of the brake pads (makes them much easier to adjust).
The cables are probably adding a lot of friction. Don't pull the inner fully out as you won't get the end that's been clamped back through, so you'd need to recable. What you do is drip some lubricant onto the inners at the ends of the housing and try to slide it around to work it in.

They're pretty basic mechanically so you should be able to overhaul them without instructions, just do one arm at a time, and one set of brakes at a time, so you always have several references to look at how they go back together.

You want to clean stuff with a bucket of hot water and dish soap, and kerosene for stuff that doesn't remove. Rags and tooth brushes.

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Basically, it's worth doing a full overhaul if you want to learn to wrench on bikes. The few times i've tried assembling a bike like that for a customer, new out of the box, it has needed a full overhaul.

It's an opportunity to learn to wrench.

Look at RJ the bike guy on youtube.
I always thought it was weirdly bouncy, but the suspension is nice for surmounting the many curbs of city sidewalks. Fixed the breaks tonight, just need to get some grease and find a screw for the front break (for now, Ill use one from the handles that is just a bit longer).
I'll watch that youtuber and come back to post a nicer bike in the future. Thank you for all your help and advice anon, I will follow it all.
Searched archives if i could find the image I deleted but all that remains is the thumbnail. If it's not clear from the image it had a bull-bar with clip-on aero-bars. I hope /n/ doesn't block links.


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Post some cool /n/ webms you have
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Its obviously the cyclists fault you biased retard. Share the road
It's not a webm but it's still cool

Yet another Scharfenberg, this time with... uh... data bus connectors.
aerial fire fighting is a massive waste of money that doesn't accomplish anything
its around because it makes politicians look like they are doing something in public emergencies and the services make tons of money doing this are always politically connected
US Forest Service did a study on this and found it was a massive waste compared to spending like 10% of that money on private forest management
public forests are terribly managed because of environmental faggotry which makes management impossible and just another way of scamming tax money for nothing productive

the mustached man edition

Read this:

Old >>199235
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just make sure it's all cleaned up. you'll be fine for a ride for sure.
bike fit advice trying to recitfy a singly symptom can very often have greater negative impact somewhere else along the chain.
What type of bicycle is it or if you know, thats the current tread width ? Do your knees either track in towards the top tube or out at the top of the stroke ? Since youre on flats (with no retention !?) where do you instinctively place your foot to contact the pedal, which oart of the foot feels 'right' to you to oush through ?
Also try different shoes.
I live in the alpine area. It's definately 'hilly'. I run 48/17 most of the time and my daily commute is 32 km one way. And I'm not the only one in the area running fixed most of the time.
Anons who think hilly areas and fixed don't match probably shy away from all sorts of challenges, have no ass and no quads.
You can always get a lower ratio if you're not fit. This will not only enable you to climb steeper at acceptable cadence it will also enable you to descend steeper inclines without relying on brakes.
Fixed gear bikes are no different from other bikes, if any a bit simpler. As such you won't have quality issues if you get a reputable brand bike.
Do make sure to run a front brake. One day you'll just be too exhausted to skid after giving it the beans or something and choose to just wing it et voila. First completely avoidable crash.
Is this a copypasta? I can't believe you haven't utterly destroyed your knees and joints. I don't know which alps you are talking about, but there cities are usually in the valley and the flattest you could find. I live in a hilly area where cities are really on hills, and I ride normal modern bikes. I lived in super flat cities, used fixed and 3 speeds and hated it.
So don't listen to this man from 20 years ago. Choose freedom, choose gears.
Towns here tend to be on the hillside, on the slope and you have to go across hills and ridges to go places anyways. Naturally only the fewest roads here are passes and infrastructure has developed to follow the path of least resistance, which usually is next to the streams along the valleys and around the mountains.
My knees used to be chronically hurt for years but that was when I only road derailleur and IGH. Fixed was a thing I tried because of my knees and while fixed was not part of the solution I liked it and stuck with it for daily commuting.
Town in my area are definately not flat.

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Why does this keep happening?
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>i guess i would too, you guys are hot shit.
Thank you for kneeling, subject.
Swiss does transatlantic flights with A220? Quality fucking journalism.
But seriously does JFK lack a Runway Awareness and Advisory System (RAAS) or are they just dealing with high ATC turnover?
Theoretically we should, the crossing taxiways have runway status lights and we're specifically told not to bee line towards the hold short marker past 20mph otherwise it'll spook tower (which doesn't help when its a airliner going 10mph I guess). However the RSLs might not be visible cause it's sunny.

Logically the latter I don't think exists. Having been on the runway in question I don't see any form of sensor or anything that would be able to tell how fast youre coming up to the holding position marker. Just the 6 indicators you're approaching a runway.

imo controller stress/turnover and a shit ton of traffic (pre-COVID levels)

America has globally, objectively low commute times. And generally the more public transit usage and walking there is the longer the commute.
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>At what point does it become apparent that the government is controlling supply
Depends, what level of government has overall control over land use in the city? Is it the city itself, a regional level, or national level? Because if it's at the city level, it could easily be the incumbent residents lobbying the city government to keep the status quo, same as most US cities. If land use is legislated at a higher level, you could be right.

>a dominant city like London
I wouldn't include London in that list. Worse housing crisis than San Francisco but with none of the USA's stronger COVID recovery. London is important because of NATO and the post-WWII international situation, not because of anything the city itself did right in terms of housing and land use. The UK overall is just a bigger dumpster fire every year.

>it's artificial demand created by regressive zoning that prohibits normal growth.
Trains (and also bicycles for people closer to their jobs) would still be the most efficient way to move people over longer distances even if Amsterdam and every neighboring city suddenly built Tokyo-style.
buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
If Amsterdam had to rely on cars instead of trains to funnel the amount of commuting workers, it would quickly quadruple the Netherland's need for oil and refined oil products, and would make the Dutch balance of accounts completely collapse.
The same thing happens in Japan and Korea. Small, rich countries will always pick transportation and electricity which is not dependent on oil so they can lower needs to import.
public transit causes longer commutes. it takes about 6 times as long to get anywhere via bus or train as it does to drive
[citation needed]

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If you want help picking out a bike, post your height, what you will use the bike for, and a link to your local craigslist.

>I want to buy a new bike. What should I watch out for?
Don't buy Wal-Mart garbage.
Don't buy department store garbage.
Beware of amazon and alibaba garbage.

>Should I buy from Bikes Direct?
If you are clueless enough that you need to ask, no. If you have no mechanical ability, no. If the alternative is walmart, maybe. Ask first.

>I want to buy a used bike. What should I watch out for and where should I buy?

Craigslist is good for old bikes. Pinkbike.com/buysell is good for used modern mid- to high- end mountain bikes.
Ask in /bbg/ if uncertain.

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>full carbon gravel bike frame for $500 from chinks
>Barely any reviews
Am I investing for a huge hospital bill or are they decent enough to get?
I’ve heard that the low grade stuff has very poor quality workmanship. It’s carbon, don’t risk your death.
You're right. Found some guy on leddit and it cracked open like glass.
I've been looking for a perfect all-year multipurpose dropbar bike that fits for a long time and my local shop has this superior x-road elite gr.


The geometry is super comfortable, but it doesn't seem like a do-it-all bike. Max tire width is 40mm and no full fender or rack. mounts

Any thoughts? should I keep looking?
Literally not worth your money at $300

Posiden was selling redwoods for $500 new, bout the bottom line for me

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