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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

Before posting a thread, please check our catalog to ensure that a thread about the same topic does not already exist.


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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

>Covert Cabal
>Determines that Iran used older missiles due to both the inaccuracy of the strikes and the common sense of depleting modern Israeli interceptors in exchange for older, less effective missile stock in a symbolic strike
>Actually gets called by the fucking feds due to his OSINT research being too good
>Able to produce short, high quality videos 2-3 times a month

>Determines that Iran used it's state of the art missiles due to that making Israel look better, I guess?
>Shits out videos every week where he yaps for an hour
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>wasting limited MRBM stocks and depleting deterrence capacity on fucking nothing
retarded enough to be believable
You're a fucking moron if you like Covert Cabal. He's a grifter who knowly rejects subject matter experts giving him advise on the grounds that "he doesn't have time to be 100% accurate".

I cannot believe people pay that fuckhead to misinform them.

t. knower
>Source: dude trust me bro
Iran's 'old' MRBM's are barely old enough to drive.
>They chimped out!!!
Yeah, by literally notifying everyone in advance of the attack, waiting for defenses to be mustered, and then launching said attack and going "We've just launched our drones!!!! They'll be in Israel in a few hours, okay?"
It was the most obvious fucking saving face maneuver ever.
If you think that this is a retarded waste of resources, you simply do not understand how important saving face is to thirdies. Everything is about posturing and acting like a tough guy. The results of the strike really are not important at all because the government controls the media and they can simply make up some bullshit about how all the missiles hit their targets.

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It's time for the last match of the group stage, it all comes down to our battle against the demonic alien invasion of /x/!
>what is this?
AI vs AI meme soccer/football/divegrass where each board is represented by a team of board memes. /k/ has had a team since 2011 and is still going strong.
>Where can I watch this?
>team wiki
>Status quo
/x/ - /k/ 20:20 UTC
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This team has been too shit for too long. We need a mass reform lads.
well its not a shutout
No we don't.

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>mfw she flips on my mercury switch
It was automatic. The spring kept it off when holstered, when barrel was pointing down.
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Same with me. When my barrel is holstered and pointing down, all is good. But unleash the beast, and it's automatic.
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Yeah but at that point who the fuck wants to SBR that shit? The whole point was a no frills basic ass super light compact gun which can be anything you want it to be in any length. Since the NFA didn't exist, 14" .22 barrels and 16" .410 barrels were A-OK and great for trapping or use in thick brush, similar to the Winchester 1894 Trapper 14" carbine. It was chosen for being a handy length before the NFA. Fuck paying another $200 on top of a silencer for an NFA item that's even more of a PITA. Then you have to get it engraved too in addition to the barrel chop job/barrel replacement. Fuck that; it's a manual action and a backup gun at best. In my state we can hunt with manual action pistols (but not semi) so at that point wait for the Contender to re-release and cope with an ass ugly brace. I have the silencer and paid my $200; I just really don't want to get into SBRs when there's ways to legally not have to SBR and have 95%+ of the function of an SBR (braces, Tacsol SRD type barrels, etc). Frankly the idea of taxing guns because muh barrel too short is retarded. Shouldn't have even happened; we didn't get the handgun ban/tax in '34 like was expected yet we're stuck with this. It has to go through a sale like any other gun complete with background check, so what's the big deal?

Also unless you're hunting coyotes or bigger at like 30yds barrel adapters really aren't a good solution for accuracy or power.
>This can be seen as a sort of poor man's suppressor, while it's not as good as using a real can, it's much quieter than a normal gun firing the same ammunition.
No shit? I've actually had that thought, like why has no one taken an old shotgun and custom made an adapter to, say, .22lr, and had a thin barrel go most of the way down the shotgun barrel with a bunch of baffles at the front and have the most retarded (but classy) integrally silenced reflex silencer .22 or whatever? Impractical, sure, but it sounds like a fun project if you're an SOT.

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>Russia’s Anti-Satellite Nuke Could Leave Lower Orbit Unusable, Test Vehicle May Already Be Deployed
>"We aren't talking about a weapon that can be used to attack humans or cause structural damage on Earth," according to Stewart. "Instead… our analysts assess that detonation [of a nuclear device] in a particular placement in orbit of a magnitude and location would render lower Earth orbit unusable for a certain amount of time." Low Earth Orbit (LEO) refers to a band of space that measures roughly 100 miles to 1,200 miles above the earth, and which is highly congested. Many capabilities that are highly important to society exist in this orbital realm.
>Here, Plumb referred to the impact of 'nuclear pumping' in the aforementioned Van Allen Belts — high energy radiation particles that form two belts that surround the Earth like donuts. Nuclear pumping refers to a phenomenon where nuclear radiation lingers in the LEO environment.
>The existence of Russia's nuclear anti-satellite weapon is concerning to the U.S. government and military for a host of reasons. Space represents an absolutely critical domain and is essential for the day-to-day functioning of the U.S. military. Moreover, it has in place various programs for developing distributed space-based capabilities, supporting early warning and missile-defense type missions, as well as intelligence-gathering and surveillance, communications and data-sharing, where satellite use is key. The United States' advantage in space is clearly something adversaries are seeking to negate.
We've just entered the Tom Clancy's timeline?:
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>bwaahh le evil reishists are hurting my feelies :(
Go back to twitter if you are so fragile, woman
wouldn't this be counted as an assault on critical US capabilities, leading to the US to respond in kind
then why is ukraine losing?))
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Maybe the brownest thread of /k/.
Another reason to take Putin out NOW and stop mucking about

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Saw it all edition
>todsy we hike to glacier and cook steaks

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Nta but i bring picrel
Eye relief on 4x is good enough.
Eye relief on 1x leaves a lot to be desired but as the other anon said it’s useable and that’s really the best way to describe it.
>why not get an acog / rmr
Why not get an elcan rmr?
Elcan does more than the acog you just trade weight for features.
If you are talking TA02 acog then the weight difference is much less significant.
It’s about 5 ounces for a centerline 1x.
Do a vtac barrier with an acog rmr and let me know how it goes.
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>Do a vtac barrier with an acog rmr and let me know how it goes.
Eotech/Dot + mag is goat
I have one of those too.
I like it a lot but it is also 100% reliant on batteries and doesn’t have the BDC of the elcan either.
The elcan also has better HOB so for the very niche use of a barricade it’s less likely to accidentally put a hole in the plywood if you care about that.

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A thread on recent Russian vehicle losses at Vuhledar
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>they could have won the entire country of ukranian territory easily in a day if that had been their objective.
That was literally the goal though. They were just too retarded to realize they'd actually put up a fight and failed to get support when their "allies" realized how badly they miscalculated the situation
> the ethnic russian zones of the east because those are easy to occupy since the population is benevolent to them
You do realize that those “easy” regions have still not fallen under complete Russian control despite several years or war and that “ethnic” Russians enlisted in the Ukraine military in droves after the invasion started.
3 days...
I agree with your assessment that Russia is focused on the Russian speaking and ethnic populations of the East. However I do not get their desire (and the Ukrainians') to continue the war even though no major territorial gains/losses have occurred since the Kherson/Izyum counteroffensive in November 2022. I would have called the invasion a fair success if Russia ended offensive operations in the first few months, taking fairly light casualties, most of the ethnic Russian Donbass, and having established a land bridge to Crimea. They could've used Kherson as a bargaining chip, giving it back in return for a ceasefire. The losses in men and material in recent times just don't match the minimal changes in the frontline.
That's also the most dangerous aspect of communist strategy. They displaced the native population and replaced them with Russians so the area would be easier to control because there's no ethnic homogeneity anymore. Creating ethnic tension makes the population easier to control

AK General /akg/
Mag Dong Edition
>Thread 2023

Old thread here >>61517852
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Try looking for a SAM5 firing pin or similar
Desert Fox Sales
Legion USA
Try those places first
The sam5 looks to have a sprung pin while the beryl has a free floating pin. Is the wbp jack 5.56 bolt ak 74 spec?
Email AoA about it. They might actually send you one for free
Just my shitty WASR/10
Why would you strip the finish off your bolt carrier?

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Are lever actions more popular than ever?
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>opened to straight wall rifle cartridges.
So, the only reason for the .350 Legend and .450 Bushmaster to exist and still be superior to any lever chamber..
45-70 is superior to either.
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>optic on a top eject
>optic on a side eject
Ideal deer setup in the area I hunt (straight wall or shotgun slug only state, hilly forests with max sight ranges under 200 yards): straight wall cartridge rifle with a lpvo or red dot, depending on your preference. I went with a .357 levergun because I wanted one, but a .450 bushmaster AR would also be fine.
>as gun culture fades
Nigga there's more people becoming has guns in the last 4 than ever before.
The only people who even still veiw gun control a realistic are out of touch boomers.

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>You're going to die lmao
This doesn't seem like a good thing for morale
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To the last zigger
Go suck a dick, faggot.
Is it you, Olga?
Post guns
He purged all competitors and survived to old age when he died in his sleep of a heart attack. Keeping his own people dumb and poor meant they had zero chance of overthrowing him. Attacking the Vietnamese was an attempt at purging their influence in his government. You need to understand that when you are a leader you must secure your position against any and all challenges because you can't do shit if you get overthrown by someone else.

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The significance of this development is massive, signals Vietnam, historically in the chinese/russian sphere as far as weapons, is moving towards NATO standard weaponry

How mad are the chinese and russians going to be over this?

Sweet. Love the vietnamese
T. America
Germ sisters... our response?

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HK edition, flex on the poors ITT

Get gud doc: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik (embed)

previous: >>61549567
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Reminder, if you're promoting Trex you're an unpaid marketer who fell for the grift.

Any company that doesn't get into divisive culture politics. Most companies in the gun business don't have their CEO go on Tim Pool's podcast
>Any company that doesn't get into divisive culture politics
It's already divided. Luke Skywalker is running around saying the Force is with Joe Biden. Who cares? Do they make good holsters or not?
>Do they make good holsters or not?
There are better options.
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Trex arms clearly stated in one of their videos that they show their bias, and are honest about reviews. They only do what's best for the concerned citizen. Therefore I'll be spending $12,348 at their store since they are based, and fighting the gubmint.
Didn't they make a very snobby video about nvg's and then talk about how they totally aren't like the other nvg sellers?

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New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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What gun did you buy?
numrichs sells replacement hammer springs so you should probably check out that route.
if all else fails you could remove the firing pin spring and make it free float though it may slam fire soft primer commercial ammo in that condition.
An old used SKS. Haven't shot it, just taken it apart and played with the magazine/stripper clips
will take a look inside thanks anon
Weekend is still young, go shooting

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All modern sniper rifles are either simplified mauser actions in a chassis system, or just an accuratized AR15/HK416.
There really isn't enough diversity of subject matter for anyone to have a unique list.
I really like the SVDK. It's in 9.3x64 Brenneke which is similar in performance to .375 H&H.
Literally none of them are simplified mausers, you mongoloid. Not every bolt action with a rotating bolt is a mauser.
Muh dick, your dick, and your mom’s dick
m76, svd, psl

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