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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Let us not forget Magnasanti:the largest and most terrifying dystopian city in the history of SimCity.
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Is there a reason why there hasn't been another Magnasanti made in one of the more recent city builders? I think Magnasanti was in SC2000, which was already not the most recent SimCity for its time, and since then we've had all sorts of city builders pop up, and yet nothing has been made on the scale and popularity of Magnasanti.
There are literally no roads in Magnasanti. It's a socialist utopia.

It's SC3K. I think SimCity 4 had smaller plots, you couldn't build a city as large in a single one (a region would have been much larger, though). I'm pretty sure SimCity 2013 and both Cities Skylines similarly max out at smaller city-sizes. There are plenty of videos on youtube about people making ridiculous things on Cities Skylines, though.
Going back to SimCity 4, I wonder how big a population you'd get from maximally developing all the sections in a completely flat region map.
Sim City 4 focused on multi-plot cities, Cities Skylines and all other newer city builders were either not popular or aren't as "gamey" as SC2000. You can't really do Magnasanti in C:S because it's more random and doesn't really allow the pure mathematical perfectionism of older games.
A big issue is also that Cities Skylines is very heavily restricted by the engine. There are effective limits on how many buildings you can have and how many of your citizens can actually be simulated (75,000 which is responsible for Cities Skylines not really simulating big cities that well since once you hit that number you'll never have more traffic in the city ever, so ironically the game gets easier on your planning the longer you go), meaning the soft-cap of vanilla Cities Skylines is somewhere around 500 thousand, pushable to maybe a million, but the simulation starts to break pretty quickly. You can't really perfectly efficiently fill a map because you'll get stopped before that happens.
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all of earth should look like this

>mfw when i realize that there's a group of people that uses burgundian as an adjective irl
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that's hot
good meme
speak for yourself
My nigga
remember that time when pdx hired a tranny from tno who posted about becoming obsessed and wanting to fellate a literal who russian bureaucrat who was made more prominent by the mod?

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Does the singleplayer campaign still hold up after all these years? I just realized I have RoC+TFT discs from more than 15 years ago yet haven't played the game except for a few matches at an internet cafe.
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So what's the best way to play the campaigns? Is Reforged fixed yet?
co-op with a friend on voice and on insane difficulty
Firelord can creep fast and and lvl up incinerate especially if you got agility tomes/items and or gloves of haste. Works even better with orc or elf, but is really a viable scaling hero going 1st as orc
Go double burrow before teching up with delayed altar since tavern hero, and you will have 2 grunts and burrows and firelord with a still decent teching time. The faster 2nd burrow allows us for faster units and creeping and is secured against early am/kotg harass
The firelord with firespawn also provided a ranged dps part to complement early grunts for creeping and skirmishing

Anon just kill the special trees of life, they give you like 3k wood each. And get a fucking shredder. The map does take some time but only if you do it like that on purpose.
Surrounding ememy units to block their movement and kill them is fundamental to WC3. Watch some pro games (or grubby) to see how its done.
>slowly going through all warcraft3/ft solo custom maps
>6v6s down to 3v3s
>6v6s were longass battles that ended up being fun as fuck using high tier units all the time and plenty of resources and shit to constantly upgrade
>even had time to visit goblin merchants for circlets of nobilities for everyone
>but 3v3s happen way too fucking fast but i got better over time
>just follow my comp allies and micromanage elsewhere
>but rarely able to finish get to tier2s before map completes
everything comes to an end

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We will get a new game one day, right?
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Footsies. Don't blunder first strikes. Build infantry from every base you're not building a vehicle from, and use them to shield your more valuable units.
That's your average Advance campaign Rivals! experience
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Romhack list
>convert pixel art to cal art
Why did they do this?

Will you finally buy it?

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There is no gap, they've worked hard on expansions and updating Sins 1. The audience continually asked for a multicore version so they eventually gave in and made Sins 2.
ogrovs can target ships now?
It's the opposite. Ships can cuck orgovs.
in the trailer it looked like the ogrovs were shooting the titan
No, the Orgovs were shooting the Starbase and the Titan bodyblocked it.

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Terranfags just got deleted
how would you even get stuck in diamond with zerg for a decade? never make 80 drones or never figure out when to send your drone out for a 3rd for 10 years straight?
play for fun, never google "sc2 rapid fire" and always play """macro games"""
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zerg players are the most oppressed race
yeah he did (no homo) and still he holds some of that charm, and his voice reflects it well. That being said, I wish both Art and Taste (try saying 'Art and Taste' 3x fast in-a-row) would try to get a bit healthier. I know two people who went from complete fucking slobs to running half marathons by following that Katawa Shoujo running regime- Couch to 5K. Fasting keeps you sharp supposedly, but *I* know for a fact that running/jogging makes time seem to slow down. I also think it'd be funny to watch Artosis's lanky ass jogging. But anyways, time is not slowing, youre just going fucking Super Saiyan. Get vascular bros. Get out there, do the *time* on the pavement and never mind your pace. Do the bare fucking minimum jog (i.e. not walking- your only requirement being one foot on the ground at all times) and it's no big deal- you aren't impressing anyone... yet. Soon you can add sprints to your jog to reduce how much of your *time* you're wasting having to do stupid fucking shit- like having to jog in the 21st century when we should all be super human. I say they should run but anything that makes you move a distance is good because movement. Dont do treadmill bullshit. Why did I type all this shit out? It's because I'm tired of Artosis sounding like he's waking up when he's casting some ASLs. He does this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78gmVpL8hwg&list=PLn8OEAChtaMODXlpwoLiVSg5FM0cCoLOv&t=3022s "And *that's* something you can do as well." Bros, get fit.

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>he never won a war against Rumburg
git gud
Too many variables. I am willing to bet my ass that the next DLC will be Galmland with you trying to balance the knifes edge of doing your own brand of socialism while trying to doge Valg and Contanan attempts to curb your ideological independence and Arcasia trying to bribe / coup you. Basically a Dubček experiance where you attempt to not get Prague'd.
Of course, but a man can dream.

DLC-wise, the devs are going BACK in time, so this will be even before Rizia. Which means there is a good chance you will start in the century of revolutions, and your entire early game will be nothing but (guerilla) war, trying to consolidate control over your Falklands-looking ass not-Nordic country. Maybe you will get to meet Ulbricht. I mean, Ulbrik.

Midgame would be trying to piece the country back together, NEP to appease the petty booj, and building stuff. With ideological conflict coming up in the late game. Market Socialism? Goulash communism? Who knows.
I would love a Fallout game in the style of Suzerain, playing as House manipulating factions behind the scenes while trying to keep New Vegas stable...

>please refrain from playing the game and realizing how bad it is
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Seriously? The more I hear about this game the worse it gets.
Early access game is early access and schizos are surprised by this. Nothing new.
Which it was until hooded horse picked it up and he could hire a couple extra people.
So it seems, haven't tested it extensively but it appears to be correct.
no, i'm saying a name like vakhniuk is most likely ukranian. lots of ukranian names end in -iuk/-yuk

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Warno? or Waryes?

Also general warno, wargame, broken arrow thread.
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27th - BMP-1/BMP-2, BTR-80 and T-80.
39th - BMP-1/BMP-2, BTR-60 and T-80.
79th - BMP-1/BMP-2, BTR-60 and T-80.
119th - BMP-1, BTR-60 and T-80.
6th - BMP-1, BTR-60 and T-64, T-80.
7th - BMP-1, BTR-60 and T-72.
K.D.A - BTR-60, BTR-152 and T-62.
4th - BMP-1, BTR-70 and T-55.
Berliner - BTR-70, BTR-152 and T-55.
35th - BMDs. It's VDV, they don't get tanks.
Top three Soviet divisions are exact same shit, they do have some differences in what support vehicles and planes they can take but aside from obvious Unicorns like the Vikhrobus the rest feels like it's been done only to camouflage the fact they're the same shit - 27th gets a TOR, 39th and 79th get a KUB. 119th is a bit different because they trade everything else for superheavy T-80s, but even there it's mostly the same shit and they round out the collection with a BUK. Of course 27th and 39th are nominally Infantry while 79th and 119th are Tank Divisions, but you can pretty much play them as either, in a reasonable match you'll never really run out of a tab.
Yes, it sort of is expected because it's REDFOR but still, Soviets don't even have T-72s of their own. The issue however to me isn't even that there aren't unique units in divisions, there's tons of Unicorns but that's the point the divisions tend to play very similar and the Unicorns they have tend up not really changing up stuff that much. It's basically tailored to be HURR BALANCED in the most boring, symmetrical way but also at the same time entice people to buy more DLC because of single card units they want to see.
Divisions system was a mistake.
Ironically the best implementation of division system was the first time it was used, Steel Division 1 felt like its divisions were different enough, there weren’t too many of them, and hell, even Eugen themselves bothered to write proper descriptions of them in-game - the lack of those descriptions in SD2 is extremely telling how even they must have hard time trying to figure blurbs to make different divisions feel unique enough.

The system only works as long as you don’t have too good generalist divisions, every one has clear flaws and strengths, and every single division has a clear identity.
A quick bit of research:
The 1st Canadian Division was stationed in West Germany during 1989. It was part of CENTAG, but based in Lahr in southern Germany to serve as a reserve force, so if in this alternate history scenario France remained with the rest of NATO's command then it makes sense to place them with a hypothetical SOUTHAG. It's a combination of anglo and french units, so no favouritism there.
It used a mix of Leopard 1s, M113s and LAVs for basically every platform, from AD to transport to engineering vehicles. For air their entire contribution was F-18s, with Hueys and Kiowas for helis.

Gameplay-wise there isn't really much there to go on. Most of their equipment is already in the game in other NATO divs. The only thing really unique would be LAVs as infantry transport instead of just as recon vehicles. There's notably more light infantry than a normal division (including Canada's only airmobile formation) so I suppose they might do some forward deploy shit with it to justify being stuck with only basic Leo 1s for tanks but I don't think that will make it much different from the existing forward deploy divs.

Canada is a little weird because the 1st Division and its constituent brigades stationed in Germany in 1989 were an ad hoc formation with basically had no history or heritage of their own, but were made up of bits and pieces from several different regiments, each with their own reputations and legacies tracing back to WW1 but all in completely different contexts fighting in different formations. I guess they could leverage that to justify some unique infantry options but otherwise it doesn't really feel like Canada fits into the game's division system or really brings much to the game to justify a $20 DLC.
Or they could just get rid of the division system so you can have fun Canada.
They did this with france already, made a "division" that was just a brigade so they could dedicate a whole deck to an overtuned forward deployment meme deck in honor of the losers that lost Indochina.
But that's because it's a game made in France. I doubt they'd give Canada that kind of special treatment. Instead Eugen will probably do no research and we'll get cringe shit like "Canadian SAS"

Post your City, Anon.
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Water and trade routes. That's it.
when I throw it over a noemal long house then right click in the center I get 100% roundness showing, might just be a .65 thing and .66 changes it?
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very nice house warming gift, almost too nice
Accept the offer, hire mercs, burn the place to the ground.
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Here is my little 1.5k population shitbox, currently in the process of outgrowing its walls. It's my first city.
All the farms are just opium, I no longer need to grow grain and cotton and I'm also about to remove the offscreen clay pit and ore mine, I'm fully shifting from agricultural to manufacturing economy.
I really want to build more things like the riverfront residential area on the south bank instead of the shitty grid I started off with.

What strategy games encourage the extensive use of unconventional/irregular warfare?
Depends on the specifics.
If you mean like mechanically the only option you have is guerilla shit, as you are the underdog in the fluff: X-COM 2, Highfleet, Rebel Cops, etc
If you mean like there's one faction that's more regular, while another is like irregular: Star Wars: Empire at war, Command and Conquer: Generals, most 4x will have diversified faction, etc.
Or do you mean like neither and just like autsitc level of Guerrilla tactics build in?

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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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I'm just waiting for them to add legend mode to the game, although seeing how the development of the first game is going, I'll probably die before seeing it.
Anon I...are you ok?
Legends Mode is already in the game anon
youve been waiting for nothing them because Legends mode has been back around a year or so now
sorry I wasn't clear with what I said

I can then become a warlord who usurps kingdoms with my military power, enslave all species that are not human, obtain sexual slaves who only serve the purpose of giving me heirs, make them develop Stockholm syndrome out of a survival instinct and spread my legacy of terror across the world with my children?

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Since there isn't a thread up
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The luddics are "native" to the Persean sector, as their religion started there.
Tri-Tac in the sector is just a branch of the whole megacorp... but it is implied that they moved the backwater shithole to do unregulated R&D away from Domain's eyes. Hence why there are like fucktons of prototype Hyperions and Scarabs floating around in the sector.
that's what i mean, make it so the rest of the domain thought it got perma shut off was because something flood-level must've broke out
so when you open up the gates you get flooded with dominion tech warships, hell, it's been over 200 years so maybe they've evolved so much over that time (exponential growth) that they maybe have themselves been changed by their tech (gene editing, neural interfacing/merging/melding) that they can't even be communicated with and they don't remember what humans looked like or something, so any human they see are identified as the shit that had to be contained, and in the case it reopenned, had to be purged.
You're not me liar.
proof next thread?

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Realistically, how do we fix this franchise? It seems like no one in the strategy player base is fully happy with it.
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for empire tw. vdm
They're bitching about the engine because they're retarded npcs who parrot things off eachother.
You are a newfag and your opinion doesn't matter, because you don't have played any totalwar game outside rome2 mods aka attila, warhammer and saga trash. spend a few bucks play these games and then you can talk
Maybe some of us want newer games to at least share DNA with the old ones? Total War got cucked at some point: the kids aren't his
I agree. unironically the only tw battles I enjoy are heavily modded ntw ones
the other day I wanted to check out sship, and I had tons on fun...till my very first manual battle. noped the fuck out immediately

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