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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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How is this body attainable?
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So is this synthol injections?
>synthol injections
are synthol injections achievable natty?
That's not an FTM
All the cum is I his chest
The way they lick themselves is just mortifying. Body dysmorphia can be horrifying

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How are you old fellas holding up? What are your lifts, goals and other thoughts on being old and fit
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physical peak is 24. Physical decline starts showing a lot at 34. You had/have ten years prime. I hope you didn't waste it.
I'm 30 and here's what I'm noticing
>things heal slower
>need more sleep to function
>harder to cut
>lower libido

Lifts still going up. Body still looks good. Face looks more handsome.
>no back pain
>not balding
>own property
>stable job
>lifts are good
>currently getting lean for summer
Can't complain
gonna be 32 in 2 weeks been lifting 5-6 days a week since september of last year able to lift around 2-3 what i came in there at mattering on what im working out
39 years old. Looking at the hill of beeing 40 next year.

Don’t feel any apprehension whatsoever.

My hair is still going.
Injuries take longer to heal. So my kickboxing is slowing down (the sparring at the very least)
Good paying job I enjoy.
Time with my kids.
Lifts getting stronger.

Feel pretty good. Yesterday my 8’year old hyped me up to his friends about my squat beeing 400 lbs. and one of his friends cries out “thats impossible”

Still strongest of the dads at cups.

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Herniated disk squatting too low + heavy. 6 months later, can't squat or DL. How fucked?
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Fuck. Noted, thanks.
Here's the thing bro. It's fucked for life. It doesn't heal. All you can do is make it less bad. Look up McKenzie exercises and do them 3x per day. Do minimal back volume; just enough to grow and no more. You'll learn what aggravates it and what calms it down (usually just not messing with it). You will likely never deadlift 4 plate. Just have to make peace with it. If it's bad enough you can get shots.
Your limiting factor from now on won't be your strength, but your spine stability that day. Some days you can lift big. Some days you can't lift half that without pain. Do not lift through the pain. Some days you'll lift and then randomly your leg hurts to walk on for a few hours. You're in for a new lifestyle now bro. It's not that bad; you can get used to a lot of shit.
>another one down

I told you about squats and deadlifts bro. I fucking told you. But you wouldn't listen

It will heal if you give it time and leave it alone. Don't do anything that hurts or makes you feel discomfort. It took three months for me
Thanks, and I appreciate the honesty. Some things are too good to be true.
And you know what's crazy, I thought I was doing a good job! I knew about buttwink, and I thought I had minimized it enough. To be fair, what I didn't know was that if I have that weird precursor pain that just feels like a little tweak it could explode into something much worse. In all honesty, I was rather diligent; there's conflicting information out there on best practices. I bought into the "lower is better" shit just enough to get burned. Of course, looking back now, knowing, the signs are obvious, but in hindsight, it's hard to say that if I'd just read harder I could've prevented this. I'd say I would've been better to have gotten into a real-life lifting community or to have found a coach or something.
Herniated discs do heal you fear mongering spastic

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Pushup Thread! Roll them bones, dubs we all do 20, trips we do 50.

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>twitter waifu
Doubling my roll.
Doing God's work anon

>wrist pain started 2 weeks ago
>dont work out at all for 2 weeks
>its still there
I am convinced that working through pain heals it quicker than resting it in cases where the pain isn't due to some direct structural damage like a complete tear or something
The injury needs blood flow and use
Just don't make it worse, it might still hurt when you use it but it might then heal
I had a, I think rotator cuff injury recently which lead to pain when I lifted my arm at certain angles. I rested it for a few weeks with no change so I just went back to doing what I was doing and it healed two weeks later.
>wrist pain
>can't tell anyone because they always make a masturbation joke
This is empirically true for muscle injuries and connective tissue INJURIES. You need to do high reps low weight to heal those quickly. This is not true for joint problems like arthritis nor spine problems.
OP, try intentionally inflaming the area vs exercise until it hurts so bad you can't continue. Then the next day it will be better.
rice bucket training will help you

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How fit do you have to be to go cave diving?
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That's why I used the qualifier "mostly"
stfu Karen.
This is an adrenaline sport. If you're too afraid to do it, fine. But you look like a frightened pussy by chirping at people who are braver than you.
>i don't usually do this
5 minutes later
peepee potty cave?
Not very, just retarded

no homo but this guy has literal flawless skin and im mirin
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Everybody showers every day. It's just a lot of people don't really know how to do it correctly or what to do throughout the day.
Sweden has 20 hours of sunlight in the summer. I'm literally getting tan right now in May over here.
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>Everybody showers every day.
>I'm literally getting tan right now in May over here.
You mean slightly less snowniggerish
Swedes aren't really paler than other non-med europeans. But how would a mutt know that

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Does losing weight really make you look older? I want to lose weight to look better, not worse. Are only old people affected this way? Could a spry youth of only 27 lose weight and look younger?
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Also OP if you’re not fat you just want to go from 15% bf to 10% bf yes it ages you and in a lot of cases having a bit more fat is more attractive and I apologize for everything i said. But youre probably just a fattie 40% bf
>losing weight
no gaining weight makes you look older, you fucking lose the weight and now look like shit.
Staying skinny from childhood is the best thing you can do for your skin health.
Just get buff mate
you'll look younger than your age when you're 30 n above
>Does losing weight really make you look older?
Depends on your percentage levels. Going from fat fuck to a healthy body fat percent will take decades off of your perceived age. Going to below 12%-15% will skeletonize you, making you look older
Skinny people look sickly, weak and homosexual.

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caffeine should be made illegal
people making the laws would prefer you dead anon
i too would prefer myself dead but my mom would be sad
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Is this a troon?
Caffeine seems to be the only psychoactive drug that actually does something that is good for you to habitually use long term. I guess nicotine sort of is but it seems to cause more problems leaving aside the usual unhealthy delivery mechanisms

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>see a fat person
>day is instantly ruined
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i saw a very obese 5ft goth girl in 12" goth boots. i almost killed myself there.
not much pisses me off but a confident fat girl sends me into a rage
>see an incel
>day is instantly ruined
tax fat. every percent of fat calories over 10% should mean 100% tax
10% 1dollar
11% 2 dollars
15% 6 dollars
below 10% dont tax it. tax fuctose too except fruit make cities walkable and cyclable fat fucks are revolting. i would rather walk among lean people but people throwinf shit and piss out of widow like in dung ages than to see o'veast monstrosities ignitibg ibtense repulsion in me

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It kills my gains.
Please be nice.
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You shouldn't worry about other people. You should worry about what you think of yourself.
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No, I am going to call you the n word:
millennialtard take
there there anon, just do your best friend :)
Or don't live for yourself and be like this unhappy faggot. Your choice op.

i neglected my deadlifts and they are weak asf:

>245 lbs with the hexbar flipped for reps of one, did like 5-6 reps, and a couple warm up reps at 225lbs.

i can bench 225 lbs for 4 reps @ 162 lbs but ive only been squatting and benching until today. I noticed I was dropping weight like crazy (lost 12 lbs in ~5-6 weeks) and I realized that the deadlifts are the best compound for GAINING MASS.

thank you for reading my blog.
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can you just... ignore these threads? kind of cringe desu
Noone mentioned white women, retard. You could have been a pajeet, black or Arab. Way to out yourself as a loser when you couldny have sex with the most promiscuous demographic in the last decade.
can u just... ignore these threads? kind of cringe.
"have sex incel" is the white woman rallying cry, retard. it outs the shrieker as an angry post-wall white woman who wasted her fertile years
lol. that anon is so cringe.

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Isn't upper body pretty much solved my picrel?
What's stopping me from dropping barbell workout in favor of more calisthenics volume? What muscles am I even missing here?
The sensation of having full control over your body is crazy good.
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yeah the only calisthenicstards that are big are the ones that do weighted calisthenics and ignore the skill aspect of the sport. planches and levers and other shit like that don't build mass. inverted rows are real rows as long as you weight them like any other exercise, and they don't fatigue your lower back like bent over rows. win win imo
Needs weight
>it's a meme because he was desperate to "leave a mark" in fitness culture
As if winning the Olympics was less of a mark than having a random exercise named after you?
Incline cable flues literally changed my life. I was skinny and now I'm huge, nothing else can I attribute to such muscularity besides standing db rear delr flies.
Your pecs, delts and bi's won't get enough from just doing this unless you are a manlet.

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why wouldnt I just use this?
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One one hand, it gives them a physical confirmation that they have a problem so the bad things in their life aren't their fault or in their control
Escapism, in a way
Talking about it helps them cope with their problems, whether they genuinely suffer from what they medicate for or not

On the other hand, i'm not a medical professional
I'm assumes most of these issues are fixable with a little mental fortitude and aren't genuine (although i'm sure there are those who do need some medication for irreversible brain worms)

>serotonin syndrome

Fun times ahead, bitch ass hoe
>tfw actual schizo anon here
i need to take the medicines so I don't go insane and succumb to the voices, i was diagnosed at 23 and i'm 25 now

no, it doesn't affect my gains
no, you can't outlift the schizo (ive tried)
yes, exercise and living a healthy lifestyle helps but i still need to take meds (i'm on seroquel and trintellix) - last time I stopped taking meds shit happened and I woke up in a psych ward

>last time I stopped taking meds shit happened

Like what?
Do it goy, it's completely safe, trust the science

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