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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
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11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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Growing up edition

Previous thread : >>77365511

>What was your childhood like? Were you a good or a bad kid?
>What about your high school years? Any embarrassing memories or phases?
>At what age did you start coming to 4chan?
>How much have you changed as a person in your life? Do you consider yourself mature for your age?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives. It's not complicated.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?

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That's because it's a pre-emptive raid thread by router-tard. Report it for spam. It's fucking obvious.
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Yep, that's /BioFem/ General, Thanks for confirming
You're not a girl and you're here. So why would you expect anyone else here to be different?

Is router-tard in the room with us right now?
There are multiple nonas on this website. Cope.
This guy is getting UN-BEAR-ABLE
*ba-dum, tsss*
picrel is me with future boywife
No problem!!! Let me know which video you watch :0

My therapist has said she no longer wants to work with me and that she doesnt think she can help me
Am I doomed to be depressed and bulimic forever
should I just kms
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wtf is going on IM NOT TRANS
to be clear i dont think theres anything wrong with being trans but im not trans???????
Just report "her", several posts where she mentions being 16, how the thread us still up is beyond me (oh wait it isn't, mods are discordtroon groomers and everyone knows that)
okay ur not trans but im trans, im op btw idk why ur jumping in just to tell us you're not trans... like ok??
lmao im op im not trans ur trying to report me not that i gaf
stop pretending to be me already WEIRDO
im sorry guys like i said i like being honest and the truth is im trans take it or leave it

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Check out my nuggets
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more nuggets
This one seems like a good /biz/ image
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the nugget forge is truly cooking
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heres some red for ya

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What's having Asperger's actually like?
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Its like pregabalin addiction
any specific examples you can think of? and dont you eventually "learn" whether people are joking or not after enough interactions?
You should try weed, i believe its better for aspergers than for normies

Id watch kaleidoscopes on youtube and listen to records and id go into a full body orgasm (!!!) for an hour when i started getting into it for the first time

Also will make you interpret everything very very differently and better

Weed allows you to manually speak to and connect with your unconcious mind
What does it mean when they say autists have a "routine" that they follow? As a very unstructured person this is hard for me to grasp.
What doesn't make sense to me is why women find mundane shit like this repulsive? I don't have autism but assume everyone is serious around me because everyone is like that in my environment. I live in a shithole with a lot of bad people

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Twink on twink love ver

Previously on /r9gay/
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You can work on things by thinking about them to a pretty far extent. Let me guess, you can't think? You're a disgusting leech. You have nothing but excuses to never change. You cannot be serious about anything. You cannot self reflect. You don't want things to be different. You just want to be the victim.
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To me, physical problems are potentially more difficult to overcome but you are right. Some of them can't be overcome period, such as serious physical ailments or just being plain revolting. You're still cute and young, that's a major leg up compared to a hopeless case like story who's a mental case plus greasy fat man or god forbid that fucking insane bosnian nonce. He's the truly hopeless one. There's people out there who understand this condition and can show patience for when it seems like you're falling apart. Those people are the sort you'd even wanna pursue a relationship with period. Someone who can stick by you when it feels doomed. That fear of being abandoned is very familiar, but being alone without even trying for it is much worse to me.

Dating apps are utter shit no matter what, that's also true. It's much harder to make contact physically, but I'd recommend at least attempting that route. Surely the capital has somewhere to go for resources to meet decent people in person? Or just areas you frequent that you might recognize people from like the library or work? You have friends, that must also be pretty invaluable, if they can help in any way please don't hesitate to ask. They're friends for a reason.

Dying is doing yourself a disservice more than anything. Robbing yourself of a potential happy future and outcome. I genuinely wish I could help you in person but I can't right now. Our circumstances simply don't allow it but I truly believe in you meow no matter what. Its not truly over until we're rotting in the dirt.

Do what your ancestors did and fuck off northwards. They came here with zero pesos and the clothes on their backs and they made it work somehow.
i've tried too long and too hard to fix things until it broke me
travelling costs money
Yeah no it's hopeless I'll probably just start planning the suicide the problems are too big and numerous and I can't imagine even getting started anywhere

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Imagine being a 6'6 chad with a 9 inch cock and getting to fuck babes like Ariana all day, every day. Just endless amounts of smoking hot gorgeous gorgeous girls sucking and fucking your giant thick veiny juicy cock. Hnnngh fuck I'm gonna coooooom.
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Her stupid tattoos are to attract niggers lol
Please do not post while on pregabalin withdrawel
She looks like shit pre-surgeries and pre-makeup.
like bottom 20% attractiveness.
She's femcel tier, but money can buy looks.
Been there.
Bodycounts and fucking get boring.
No matter the hole
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Fuck this stupid slut till she's pumped full of your hot thick seed.

is "genocide" now the geopolitical version of "incel"
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then be the definition you put here it doesn't count as , so what the fuck is even your point?
>then be the definition you put here it doesn't count as , so what the fuck is even your point?
sorry i dont speak ESL
lol the most satisfying thing about this whole israel vs palestine encampment bullshit is seeing firsthand the wannabe activist types who made everyone feel like they have to walk on eggshells 24/7 for the past ~5 years finally get a taste of their own medicine. Not antisemitic in any way either, but some of the loudest of the bunch I know, who made the most inflammatory statements towards even other minority groups (asians, hispanics, blacks, anyone who ever had a job making over minimum wage) are jews and now they're getting force fed the exact same shit they hurled at everyone else and there's jack fucking shit they can do about it.
It's been meaningless for as long as people have been able to compare "cultural genocides" to the holocaust.
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I just don't understand how they distinguish between white people hating Jews like Charlottesville which they condemned but when Muslims do it it's okay
sort of like the 180 between lockdown protestors and BLM protestors. If they didn't have double standards they would have no standards

>finals week
>walking home from class
>about to swing into the alley that leads to my house
>take one step in, see 4 cop cars and a few undercover vehicles right outside my house
>panic and start thinking about the dozens of illegal items just laying around the house
>walk back to campus and sniff some adderal in an empty lecture hall and do homework to take my mind off it

>find out a few days later from other room mate that he was trafficking children
>dozens of charges, all involving sex with minors

>he got bailed out and goes on trial in a few days I think.

>If he gets locked up he probably ain't coming out for at least 20-30 years.

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Previous thread : >>77376046

Getting moids to make up for the gender pay gap edition

>How many orbiters do you have, and what do you expect of them?
>What's the most (money or expensive gift) you've gotten a moid to give you?
>What are the best ways to convince moids to support you?
>How much more income would you be paid if you were a moid?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives. It's not complicated.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.

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But I want to have sex with her and cum in between her ass cheeks.
>How much more income would you be paid if you were a moid?

I should be making at least $200k/year (average moid salary) for my work as a coffee chef at Starbucks. If I were a moid I'd have been given that from the start. World is so unfair toward women.
>What a fucking cow KEK
hello anachan
alright guys bloke here. I purely only want to get my pleasure from you. you are dull mongs.
bro stop insulting my tiktok waifu okay??

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i know some C# and have been using maya for like 6 years now if anyone has skills in 3D art/unity C# lmk

This little goblin is going to need therapy after a week in prison. Ironic really.
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He's not jailed for hacking, he's jailed for blackmail
Hacking isn't, by definition, a digital action. It's easier in the digital space, but the professionals hack minds.
I always figured therapists would be retarded enough to store those notes permanently, digitally, and it's what's kept me away from going
Really hate to be vindicated this way
I would leak that shit and put it on the internet and say fuck it already going to jail
The best work with others to rewire the mind, the kakoi inject malware.

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My teeth are crumbling. Jesus fucking christ it just gets worse.
I lost my front tooth
I've done 7000$ of dental work over the last 18 months and I won't get it back until October.
i just keep ignoring them even though i need them fixed now before it gets worse but i simply cant afford it
It fucking sucks im willing to brush daily but i fucked up in my 20s now its over

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Drug use discussion thread
This is not a harm reduction general


Testing services:
defunct testing service:
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You want to try DMT?
or I guess robotripping?
I don't know what DMT is.
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I took 2 and 1/2oz of delsym, I'm 120 pounds. What plateau will this bring me to? 5oz brought me to the 4th last time.
machine elves
>Joe Rogan bro science that is actually retardation
No thanks.

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