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do you like video game analysis
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"They" didn't make it, Morrowind came out over 20 years ago. The grand majority of the people who worked on Starfield were still in school back then, like 30% of the team from Morrowind was still at Bethesda circa Fallout 4's release and I'm sure that number has dropped since then. If he's mad at Bethesda for not making games like Morrowind anymore he's yelling at the wrong people.
I listened to all of them while working. He fumbles on a few issues but overall there's not much objectively wrong about what he's said.
>"Video Essay"
>there is no central thesis being argued, it's just a very slow summary of the entire game
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i do, but the only guy who was any good at it in written form is dead.
All the writers are gone, but the art and programming leads are still around. All these storyfags like Pat are just assmad that game studios value people who can produce tangible work and aren't shallow "idea guys".

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Alright take your pick, /v/. Which type of localization do you prefer?
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Right. I want the same game and experience that even young japanese children got to enjoy. I don't want some fags fanfiction.
Learn Japanese
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Already on it. But we shouldn't defend these people that actively change and despise the source material.

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Name one plot-hole
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>Bethesjeets trying to claim 1 as their game
Read the comic that came out with the game "All Roads".

Getting the jump on you is all he tries to do throughout the entire game.
There was that one nigger that tried executed his "friend" with a bird shot blast to the head and the dude survived. There was also the famous railroad spike incident.
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>The BoS is supposed to be super intolerant yet paradoxically doesn't mind two women being dead-end dykes
you didn't play the game
Pretty easy when you're not expecting it and the other party was planning it. No one knew it was an important package.

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I must be the only motherfucker on this planet that doesn't care for pixel art
I'd pork her
Congrats on killing SOVL, zoomer.

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If you bought Helldivers 2 and are in one of these countries, you just had your money stolen
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there's a different app id for the japanese version of the game
Maybe you should learn to read before buying something that's not available in your shit hole country?
You're not supposed to have an account from PR since it's not in the list of regions in their website. https://id.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/id/create_account_ca/
Don't forget to try again if you already failed, now Steam can't deny you your refund.
Cause it falls under United States.

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>10/10 writing
>10/10 graphics
>10/10 characters
>10/10 freedom in how you play
>0/10 gameplay
D&D in vidya was such a mistake
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Didn't the guy crying about bg3 get outted as an autistic gay russian
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The REAL ratings.
>Writing 9/10
+Side Quests
+Dialogue reactivity
+Lore dumps
+Main Story
-Ending (too generic)

>Visuals 9.5/10 (Graphics is a pleb term you retarded mokey)
+Art Direction
+Character design
+Biome variety
+Textures and Details

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It's a porn movie. D&D isn't the problem any more than pizza delivery guys are.
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I don't care how "high quality" the game is if it literally pushes an agenda against my lord Jesus Christ and his father's teachings.
faggot game

Who is getting Sakaguchi'd for this disaster?
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Well most of action game mechanics are actually coded right instead of faked. cloud has ranged attacks and better air combat, better movement.
boss & enemy design is actually competent so there are no longer attacks with 0 telegraphing and attacks that will damage you no matter what you do.
as far as I know No Damage on every encounter is possible now just like KH2.

Don't get me wrong there's still so much awful shit that ruins the game. Texture and environment quality is still not up to standard. but there was more potential here this time.
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You just tried to tell me they don't own any.
>posting a Youtube screenshot
It's ok, but I prefer Remake's.
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>this thread triggers the Redditbirthers
>selling 30% of an IP
Larian doesn't even own the IP.

ITT: underrated, overhated kino
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It really is
Its like they made a fully fleshed out game and then removed everything that could be considered fun.
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>Literally every single review was "4/10, too hard for THIS journalist!"
>Got buried under piles of slop
It's the only game I've ever played where the enemies feel about as dangerous as they should be, and you're punished for sloppy execution just as much as you're rewarded for excellent execution. The SINGLE thing I would have changed from the formula is the scripted ambushes that can sometimes make an obvious winning strategy into an instant game over because of positioning.
Rough gem
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Reminds me of this other underrated kino.
Maybe if it sold at a reasonable price

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>Game punishes you for thinking too far ahead
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Snek keks?
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Sony just accelerated the Helldivers drama. Just minutes ago they changed the steam page for the game restricting certain countries from buying it. This was something people asked why they were allowing in the first place and they sneakily removed all those problem countries hoping no one would notice.
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remember when google was an actual search engine and not a glorified way to shove ads in peoples face because the boosted results are up top? it used to crawl through ftps no problem and find anything you could ever want. it was the best site to find ebooks.
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>Sony restricts HD2 and makes it so you can't even launch the game if you're not in a PSN country
>recent reviews drops 3% in 30 minutes
We're at 23% now boys, only 4% more and it's overwhelmingly negative. Even people who had no idea about the drama will be forced to go to the steam page to see what's wrong because they can't play, and they'll likely leave a bad review.
how many hours?
how retarded
>we'd rather lose business in over 100 countries by forcing PSN
sony fucking sucks, bunch of retards working over there
I remember...I also remember when Google wasn't taking AI cock so hard you have preface every search with Reddit because it was the only place where you could find real people's opinions on something

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Liked by everyone
Loved by no one
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It's a good game; and like everything good in life they try to co-opt and destroy it.
>It's a tranny game because you went and stole a meme from Reddit
What the fuck are you talking about?
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Same. It's too bad Amazon is gonna canonize all of the retarded Xbox 360 Gamebryo Bethesda limitations like a tiny New Vegas.

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You could shop at five or six stores, or just...one.
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>redeem code
>disconnect internet from PS5
>pop in disc so game installs
>keep internet disconnected and play game
Says who?
>My chest is augmented.
I love the freckles they gave her, rather than the typical smattering across the nose and cheeks she actually has them on her arms and sides too like you would
isn't that what cyberpunk is?

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Anon... you must get up... I believe in you...
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But I need my cute anime girls.
There are tons of manga and anime with nothing but cute girls
Omega was decent at worst and got a bunch of unwarranted hate. The biggest issue is that both seasons have slow starts.
I would be shocked if Old Man Kido isn't revealed to be Zeus's vessel. Its one of those things that makes sense, considering how Zeus got around in the myths.

This game looks too ambitious..

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absolute souless game

devs making unironic 'unfun' games post 2020.
I'm not racist I just dont like em.
The majority of Sims players are women with old, shitty PCs. This InZOI game is too graphically demanding for women
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>It's soulless.... B-BECAUSE IT JUST IS OKAY!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Describe what's soulless about it
Oh cool another South Korean game, that ISN'T an MMO"RPG". No no, this is actually a good thing.

>y tho

Lies of P is a masterpiece.

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>go fuck your selfie
How would you reply?
Victoria was the hottest chick and I'm tired of pretending she wasn't.
I always thought that she looks like a young and slim Michelle Williams.
you gae son

Everyone I know is like "Wow look at the phat Vanilla the Rabbit gyatt Sonic characters are so hot im a furry", but nobody ever talks about Mario characters.
Which Mario character has the fattest fucking ass? It's Wario
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that chance time is the worst thing to happen in the history of time daisy was fucking robbed
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100% a faggot if you don't pick Hariet.

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To all the shills that said what they did wasn't a scam and wasn't going to warrant refunds. Rest in shit. Its over. For the game and for Playstation's constant bullshit. WE WON!
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I just refunded my purchase a few minutes ago, it is working.
Can we finally admit the game was repetitive and a mid grindfest at best?
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>all those sea and niggers banned
wtf i love sony now
>I actually do have options. I love living in the EU.
Guess what, I do too. Doesn't change the fact that there are exactly 2 companies still including chargers and headphone-jacks (without an after-market adapter" with their phones. Do you own one of those? As I said, good for you, then. If not, congratulations. Your entire argument is invalid because if there is no choice left, it doesn't matter what you WANT to buy, but what is AVAILABLE.
Also, the argument "just dont buy it then lol" was retarded back then and still is. Ignoring something because it's not directly effecting you right now ist NOT a smart move. Just ask some Jews in pre-WW2 germany how it worked out for them. Guess your argument would be:
>lol just stop being jewish like, I don't get it?!
Who in their right mind would like be a janny.

/v/..... is he right about videogames?
Video game here, he's not wrong.
good game
>click on video
>middle aged retard with superhero toys behind him
>close video

play the game you stupid fuck sucker

What were they thinking?
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apparently is was going to be another swamp
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They weren't. It's absurd that TotG and the map itself suggest that it's on the same level as Ash Lake.
There was nothing to improve. Lost Izalith was perfectly lore-compliant.
No it wasn't
Ceaseless cum is actually the worst designed DS1 fight.

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Phone verification can be used to get your name and address dumbfuck. I know it's asking a lot but put your last few brain cells together so you can understand why giving away identifiable information to a company that not only sells your data but has data breaches every few years is a bad idea.
everyone is spying on me all the time everyone wants to know what I am doing what i am thinking what i am saying what I am wearing what is in my head they all want to know i am the main character in this world i'm so important that's why i spend all day on 4chan i'm important everyone wants to know what i'm doing what i'm thinking they spy on me they listen in they steal my data to trick me to trap me they want what's inside my head i am the main character they're listening to me they want to know my thoughts my actions they are in the walls in the computer in the phone in the building across the street there's an entire team of people dedicated to deciphering and predicting my every move they need to know what's in my head it's important i am important i am the main chartacter in this world i am all powerful and important that's why they want to spy on me and listen to me and know me and become me they're trying to clone me because i am the main character they need to know what i am who i am they're listening to me they're looking at everything i do there's a team of people spending all day spying on my every move the eye in the sky satellites are trained on me covert special ops are tailing me they're trying to know what i know they need to know what i know they're watching me waiting for me at home they're in the walls in the floors in the cupboards in the ceiling the eyes they're on me constantly they want to know what i am doing at all times everyone is interested in me because i am the main character they need to know what i'm doing at all times they're spying they're looking at me the eye in the sky is focused on me i'm the main character i'm the one everyone is looking at they're trying to copy me to clone me they need to see what i'm doing because then they can become me and entire team of people is dedicated to watching my every move they're inside the walls and in my pc spying on me they need to know what i'm doing i'm the main character i'm important
>submit your photo ID
absolutely not. piss off and die, data harvesting kikes
Not because PSN dont need my persona photo or id card ib my region
Mutts BTFO
ah, an american

which one? I have a few dozen from using things online :-)

Dear, Sar, I ask you to Kindly, and Needly understand: phone number is not ID

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