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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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I would personally choose a woman. If I were alone with a woman then I could tell her about all the mgtow videos I've watched and teach her about hypergamy and stuff. What do you all think?
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Anime is pretty based
I also choose bear
bear is friend

I would choose a woman so that if a bear shows up I can just leave her to die and run away
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Are u sure about that brother

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What causes grey hair in 20 something yo kids nowadays? It wasn't like this 30 years ago
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Probably the vax
no, but like half of it is
It’s genes, my grandpa was grey by 35.
Today the neighbor kids were playing outside and I shit you not one of them had the hairline of a 40 year old man. Couldn't be older than 16. Fucking wild.

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I had a hard time adjusting to Australia. I get anxiety on planes and I couldn't eat for a week...
How do I stay here? I can't find a rental or anyone to sponsor me.

Everyone just treat me like shit and it's not fair. :(
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youre less than 1% of the population in this country and the largest anti-gun population
kaalus wont do shit
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If you jeets are so smart and superior, why can't literally your entire country learn to stop shitting outside like filthy animals?
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>- 6 out of 10 at best.

there shouldn't be a gap between the minus sign and the 6.
>youre all turds floating in the ganges

we really need to stop that river from reaching the sea. with any luck the 2040 cataclysm that destroys China also takes out enough of coastal India to throw up a massive sandbar and Lake Ganges forms.

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Who does /pol/ support?
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Total Nigger Death.
(Drake first though).
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Do you tourist faggots realize where you are?
>er a bunch of surgeries, also, he really loves going to erotic massages places in montreal
You should sell the receipts to Kendrick.
>containment board.
Did they call our the Jew like kanye? If not neither

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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israel blew up all the live streamers, unironically
unfortunate, isn't it? anything else you missed?
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I think this is fake. I think.
cool now where do I click to donate to Israel
So much of that is happening right now.
The left has brought forth a fake science for the origin of the universe, a false God to believe in.
They have elevated the beast, the non-white, to be something we are all required to bow down before, and those of us who don't are targeted for destruction.

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Yea well all these boomer fucks either are going to die from their UN vaccines, or we will execute them for selling us to the UN for pensions.
>ruined 20 year old trailers in the middle of nowhere (no services no jobs no nothing) are 300k now.
show me a 20 year old trailer worth 300k you stupid bitch
So 2 million dollars in 1970 terms is like $12 million today. Who is gonna let a high school educated man in his early 20s borrow $12 million dollars to flip houses today? Also he went bankrupt and didn't pay back his first round of loans. Then he just borrowed more money and gambled again until he won. Let's call it the Sam Hyde method.
thats not true
i see on the offer up many for like 3 5 7k destroyed mobile homes
you need to tow them and fix them
the land maybe cost you a lot tho
Beautifully said

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How will roastys cope?
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I want robowaifus but I frankly could care less about the sex aspect.

I just want a feminine humanlike companion that won't immediately betray you if you get injured, lose your job, or get emotionally vulnerable with. I'd be happy with a robowaifu who I never have sex with if she has those other features.
Rolling let's go
Something that doesn't get mentioned in these threads is the fact that waifubots will have superior male psychology. You'll be able to fugg them, then get to enjoy the company of a rational, higher thinking individual, and do cool stuff like talk philosophy or play vidya. It's like that old Sam Hyde clip where he mocks people for trying to find a wife/ GF with a personality type that can only be found in an autistic male.

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The last thing the Yank soldier will hear on that cold morning coming through that Southern fog with Shanquia on his right side, Jessica (previously Jeff) to his left.

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Not only can't the left meme but they also can't think since the democrats used the confederate flag when they invented the kkk and they behave exactly as fascists. Everything they say and do is always exactly the opposite of reality. It's very weird, yet that's what being a reactive character is.
interesting times

NAZIs were far left ya dildozer
Yet what would happen if Trump team called for all true Americans to help remove invaders? He definitely has a vast amount of power simply with his word. He's absolutely a leader and not a milktoast politician.
hmmm nah not dying for israel, sorry!

Daily reminder it doesn’t matter who you vote for
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I will say that Trump is at least intelligent enough to understand hypotheticals, unlike you.
>Mr. Trump, what would you be doing about the Israel situation if you were president
>Israel would be getting the best bombs! Hamas would be destroyed quickly! We'd be deporting anti-semites! Biden is a joke! Hates our greatest ally!
>what do you mean what would Trump be doing if Israel got invaded when he was president? They didn't get invades when he was president.
Hmm. The "Trump gave them 500 billion dollars" guy disappeared, and then another guy showed up, and started arguing the same way the first guy did.

Nobody ITT said Trump gave Israel $500B dude are you ok?
Start running for office then you lazy useless pieces of shit. Stop letting boomshits and libshits run the show.
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It's obvious to everyone that has been here for more than a week that you are a shill. Shills and glowniggers always accuse others of what they do. It's a common Jewish deception.

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I am a muslim from India and we're been oppressed and killed by the current regime. Muslims live in small pre-ww2 era jewish like ghettos across India and there isn't a majority area except kashmir. How can we resist?
>one of the poorest grps in India
>political leaders being jailed, killed and blackmailed to cuck out
>muzzies full of dumb inbreds
>jobs and bussineses dependent on hindus
>bankrupt pakistan won't help us
>USA investing alot in India to counter china
>armed government sponsered militias lynching and killing muslims
>muslim ghettos full of spies and government agents
>guns aren't easily available
>hindus on full genocidal mode due to media propaganda and social media
Help /pol/ bros
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>Advice /pol/
kill hindus back
>ashraf, arzal, pasmanda
I kek when I hear newly formed buzzwords by pajeets just to show they know much about us kek
>if you genocide you
Likhna sikh bsdke varna thread se nikal madarchod. Pata hai har reply padkar seething response dega uske pehle nikal mc
muslisms from arab/ iranian/ turkic ancestry don't even marry you fellow lower caste muslims.
these buzzwords will come very handy when the killing starts.
How many none-muslims in pakistan ? Near zero ? So, your religion is being thread far better than other religion in places yours is a majority. You should:
1. shut the fuck up, or
2. fucking move

True and real politics.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news - facts
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html - troofs
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thats a whole lotta fuck all
Jeff was a good lad turned astray by brown bumholes and vulnerable brins
are you o.k?
topkek those are some words. do you think I'm pube or something you spastic newfag?
what does brincel mean? gimmie lore

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Why do Muslims hate Jews so much? There are like 100 Muslim countries. Why not let Jews have just 1?
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If you have to ask, you wouldnt understand.

Fuck off back to AIPAC
Even that bankrupted Shahjahan. What a fall from grace when you compare them with Gupta period India. Also for modern examples, Ram mandir is pretty good as well.
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>My Jewish friend
lol fuck off pajeet you aren’t human, shut up and clean my toilet
If you're anti-Islam you're pro-Jew by default.
why does everyone hate jews so much? there are like 8 billion people on the planet? why not just glass all jews so we can all be friends afterwards?

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Had to wait till he nickle dimed them or is this the new rug pull?
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I don't need a nigger to tell me Hollywood is full of gay pedos I already know.
It sounds like sodomy. Maybe he's insinuating Drake had to bend over, like a victim of pederasty?
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I know history and geopolitics well. Any questions I'm here.
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No, people just eat a lot better in the modern age and because Persian food is high carb everyone is fatter in their faces.
LMAO. There it is. The same cocky attitude Sadaam had and fooled his entire country with when he challenged the US. You guys actually think these things happened because of you? For all you think you know about Iran you dont know shit about the states. America backed off because we arent colonizers. You just wanna scoop in like the little crows come to feast.
israel is the best, that's how
Athens was sacked twice. The second time because they refused to surrender and went into hiding. Most of the Persian army returned back to Iran a long with Xerxes. The Greeks didn't defeat the Persians until 12 months after Thermopylae. Obviously this is a victory for Greece but when Xerxes had left Greece its because he thought he had won already.

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What’s the problem?
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My understanding is both of those are true here too.
It is legal. Long term, you pay for women/sex one way or the other - until robo-waifu-genesis. Honest prostitutes are currently actually the cheapest option. Plus, no suffering involved. Unless you occasionally get lucky with a roastie bar fly that you never see again after.
The people willing to kidnap your child don't give a fuck about prostitution laws. Fucking a kid is illegal almost everywhere even if you pay for it
It encourages more sex trafficking and slavery. Keeping it 'illegal' but only acting when it's bad is a better situation.
legal dispensaries get robbed becuase its a cash only business.

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Why are white women so goddamn mentally ill?
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It's women in general.
They're more susceptible to go with the flow (consensus thinking) and are put on synthetic hormones the moment they get their first period (birth control).
I really don't understand the birth control thing since you're only supposed to be taking it when sexually active. I wonder where the "you must take it all times" thing came from.
Don’t open your mouth 4 white butthole and keep it closed on white issues, niggernougat.
Sure. And then you woke up and realized you don’t know any white woman.
White women are basically sexually active from the age of 5 onwards by this point.
One time a white girl I knew had sex with 17 guys in a single day. They just have sex constantly so they stay on birthcontrol constantly.

>Stop looking at me, creep!!!
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I don't think it's about whoring. I think it's about men not putting them in their place. Women are wired for atttention but are supposed to be wired to control them. Everything is out of balance. That is why I think men need to stop simping and being chivalrous. Women need to be treated like men. No quarter,
Only reason I would look at her would be with disgust
looks like a kike eww
You are completely brainwashed. A cucked self loathing man a product of feminism.
It's one of the many ways our species tortures us like bugmen. We're not only supposed to wageslave and give resources to women (and society), reproduce, kill each other in wars, etc. but we're also subjected to countless shit tests that make the process much more arduous.


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