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No off topic garbage, low quality images, or trolling. ERP is OK!

>About /xivgd/
OG Balless futas, full package herms, and vaginaless transwomen are all welcome.

>Dickgirl/Futa Mods

>Previous Thread
>Vanilla Thread
>Fag Thread
>Off Topic/Fetish/AI Thread
>After You Coom
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Whoops forgot pic :/
Where I can find Lala mods ? Is it hidden on an obscure discord ?
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elky gocky
newer erp thread is >>8109770
Makes the image a thousand times for hot. Very nice
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This is a good thread and makes me want to fiendishly suck fat, hard, girlcock. No homo, though.
>No homo, though.
girlcock is never homo
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the australian bun has a cock now?
always has
very nice, would love to lick
now that’s a pencil dick
So much better than the gross twitter modbeasts ITT.
nadia is the best one
hello can i make out with your foreskin
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I feel like the order of the expressions should be reversed: trepidation before it goes in, overwhelmed and eyes rolling back after.
nah it's hotter when the knot hurts
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spam protection bump
horse cocks look like they smell bad desu
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Not the worst smelling
but not the best either
A fair assessment. I don't mind the strong musky odor.
man that artist is great
yes yes yes
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splish splish splish
cute af
Careful, they say the homeless hrothgar living there under the bridge there comes and sucks the cum out of anyone foolish enough to enter his territory
Is this the piss/scat guy again
lmao absolute bullshit, i remember him saying he'd never go futa
>making shit up on an anonymous imageboard
I enjoy his stuff no matter what but that bun 100% has not 'always' had the dick and 100% said he wouldn't give her one back in the day. Nothing wrong with changing his mind, but I'm not the liar here
sure schizo
kek I wouldn't schizo anyone, least of all a nice person!
Scroll down his twitter then come back and tell me she's 'always' been futa though
i know you're shitposting but people can play both a futa and a female on the same character depending on how they feel
get a hobby
Stop feeding trolls please.
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I NEED to know where to find more of this tiny-dicked slut
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Finally found a mod I like that does pubic hair textures very well (Bibo+ KNiku Legs)
only one pubic hair option but it beats any other alternative somehow

however, no IVCS and the pubic hair doesn't color that well if you go for brighter colors but it looks great dark anyways
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He's had futa pics on his twatter since day one, the only reason he ever gave to not posting them here is that /trash/ didn't allow them and he doesn't want to be associated iwth teh smegma horsecock shit in this thread
I like how he's trying to rewrite history instead of just saying
>yea I like futa now
you've tried doing this retarded routine with so many people and it never works
get a life spammer
I actually got off my ass and did a thing
Hot elezen, shame about the ivcs dont suppose she is into male chars.
Man i want to choke on that...
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Wish this guy didn’t post selfies on his porn twitter.
is he ugly?
really hot cat. a shame she's into guys :/
that's just a golem, i don't pose with anyone and don't even want anyone to know i do nsfw
..Are you high? That’s an f+ viera. Or are you being transphobic
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Might have forgotten to pack the marmalade
Shame thats a hot golem but understandable, if you ever changed your mind about it i'd be willing to meet up on alts and exchange throwaway twitter or discords
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I think you're looking at the wrong twitter. Lol.
wish my miera could plap and be plapped by this cutie
I was asked to post this here by an anon in the "no limits" thread. If any F+ anons are interested in being the F+ half of a new M x F+ image set, let me know.
>and a pov shot
gatdam based
This one is significantly older, but I'm actually shocked with how little M x Fu stuff I even have.
yeah its a shame how little content there is of that in general would be great if we had more
Fortunately, I've just figured out how to properly use the IVCS futa mod, so you can expect some more content from me in the near future.
Wait there's an IVCS futa mod? I thought you could only have penis bones or vagina bones but not both. Link please?
Turn of phrase, anon. I don't think it actually supports IVCS for both- I'm pretty sure the IVCS is just for the cock, but there is an actual futa/herm option if you wanted to try it yourself.

Damn, cock only? I was hoping for a poseable vagina with a cock for penetration shots. Thanks anyway.
A possible alternative is to use an IVCS vagina with some sort of cock minion. Breeding herms is an excellent past-time, so at the very least I can appreciate the sentiment.
I need this witch to peg my bunnyboy
finally some good food
he means we eating good tonight
best cat
Strong desire to worship horse cocks…
Hyurs are so cute.
Find me on frencord :p
Meant to reply to this.
what name is it under..
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fuck yes I love femzen futa
Yeah? Do you wanna be the femezen futa and pose with me, anon? I'd been meaning to do a frotting set, actually... but maybe I'll have to switch to a sweaty balljob instead.
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i think futazen may be my second most favourite futa race, if not rivaling my first
Nice wand, I bet she hexes good
I find it pretty disgusting. Nothing ruins the mood faster.
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I am gazing. Respectfully.
I am worshiping, fervently.
The masculine urge to get utterly wrecked by futazen cock
do these shemales like female moonies
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Probably? I'm not sure really.
yummy looking cock
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pp jailbreak
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Didn’t they quit 4chan? Weird skinwalk..
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that's liora's shitpost you can't use it against multiple people
What the fuck are you talking about?
Who?? Wafflecat said on their twitter they would stop posting here.
what freckles are you using?
Is this [spoiler]X.A.[/spoiler]..?
I hope so
why didn't the tags work for anon?
How new are you people
not very, so I should know why
It looks like it was typed correctly which is why I'm confused
Hi twitterfrens!
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stop bullying me... I just wanted to know what anon did wrong :'(
Post your char’s dick and vag and I’ll tell you :3
my character only has a vag, she's for futas
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/pet /pet /pet
Cute anon, spoilers dont work in this board. Her is some more poses i made, that anon was being quite rude for no reason.
thank you
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>chan culture is rude
twitterfags need to go the fuck back or lurk another 20 years
based Elk
did you... think it wasn't rude? that would imply you act like this outside of 4chan
you might be a retard
go back
>using the r-word
Hypocrite much? Pretty rude my guy.
He’s right though, lurk moar.
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>that would imply you act like this outside of 4chan
You have to have arms longer than your prolapse to reach this hard
l’fah’s back so that explains it all desu
Go figure
all this because i posted spoilers
lol, lmao
>bro still melting hours later
No, I'm very calm right now.
ignore the troll
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One for each hand.
i wish that was my view
Don't mind if I do.
We need more :>=
you got this
How would you make this, moving the mouth bones around? there's like 4 or 6 of them, no?
It requires some scaling too but essentially yes
fiddled around for 30 minutes and all i managed to make is nightmare fuel
as silly as this fetish is, props to whoever made >>8207626 for actually making it look okayish
>small horsecock
Cute! Does she give or take?
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finally a good character
what races does she like
>that twitch
god that's so hot
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page 10
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what is she looking at?
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Something that makes her really happy and excited... (You) !!
that's very flattering but no
Fucking wish i could cheat on my wife with this elf
Do it~
bbc supreme
Hell yeah
you didnt make these
>announcing on a website that you're going to stop using another website

That's the gayest thing I've ever heard.
need this elzen pounding a suncat
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Some good old fashioned Ul'dah Hospitality, from one moonie to another.
free tracheotomy with plap?
I didnt notice she was getting shanked until after I posted aiieee
Love her expression
where do you think you are
any suncat?
Cutest girl in these threads
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Is there any realistic looking dicks in this game? And I don't mean realistic size, but like skin texture/vein/hair wise? That shit looks like someone made a cock out of playdoh.
How about female characters without dicks, you know, actual females? Got any of those? I'm so tired of looking at cocks.
it's interesting how this general never managed to have any quality
you don't see this kind of shitflinging in /d/ or even other /aco/ threads
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You're not funny.
There are some mentally healthy people who make futa stuff, but in MMOs in particular, identification with your character means that there's a solid chance any given futa player is a terminally online puppygirl rather than a garden-variety degenerate who makes futa shit because it gets him off.
Only on the trans mod because it's a port of the male penis and gays put effort into their dicks. No futa mod has detail, you'll have to settle if you care that much about realism.
Used to be in a pretty small discord with this cat (like seven people) and would jerk off to the links in their discord bio daily
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Less whining more girldick
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I'd want this if I didn't know you were deranged.
Mental illness makes her cuter though
I wanna fuck their dickholes...
you're not wrong, but I still have enough of my senses to say no.
What cock is this
bibo transgender's redux ivcs uncut option
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post quality horse
edit out the seams
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Stoopid sexy raen
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That is all for now.
Thank you. :)
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Wanna plap a fiera?
cute big kissable lips
Your other 2 pics are cute but somethings really off with the lighting on this one
I think it's from the water. It's reflecting the light in fucky ways.
I’m lacking pictures of auras with cocks. We need way more in here!
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Cute lizzer
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Catbox is down so I have to post it here in the actual proper thread. Like a Neanderthal.
old pic
What is it that makes lizards with cocks so hot?
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The usually delicate feminie features and smol size coupled with the vulgarity of a cock, regardless of pp size, perhaps? I don't know, I just think lizzer pp is cute
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Cute c@s!
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Any bunboyfuckers?
Who is the best at giving head that lurks in these threads? I'm trying to get my balls emptied right this moment.
her >>8262357
I guess...

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