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>Feminized dyke version
This thread is about the correction of lesbian and bi women, because lesbian women are but women who haven't been properly dicked.
Bonus for Vi or feminized girls
No futa shit
No gay shit, this is a lesbian correction thread
No gas or onara
No drama
Previous thread
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I fucking love this picture!
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After correcting them, forcing the dyke and her sister to share your seed
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Threadly reminder that the Warden canonically raped Vi and she was fondled and touched all over by the corrupt Piltover cops
Probably Jinx too
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>tfw no good LGD exclusive centered weg or trainer...
Lets make one! The next Katawa Shoujo!
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Jinx is straight
I'm mostly into 3dgobbo type of 'art' lol but i take whatever its given, theres some dgd content in several wegs but they are never the focus...
Something like Milfy City but with two mommies and their dyke friends would be the tops.
I guess Sex Note more or less had that at the start but the thing is mostly an abandoned milking farm now, with barely any dyke mommy content...
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Some dykes need a straight girl to teach them what's right
>Some dykes need a straight girl to teach them what's right
This, the best way to be corrected is by their fellow women.
works every time 100% of the time
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Here's hoping you get that Adora request fulfilled too
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What do you think about a girl who used to be a feminist lesbian but now is straight girl who helps men to degrade and have sex with lesbians?
That concept very well may be the PEAK of /DGD/. Can I steal it?
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someday my friend, someday.
Fucking based though I'd rather have them fixed by a rough dicking
Christ this shit is embarassing
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Thanks for bumping the thread
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sounds like you're in need of correction
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This isn't so different from the average noncon fetish except that there's an emphasis on helping a girl straighten out her life. Catra is a good example of this. If she had gotten over Adora sooner her life would have been leagues better than it was. Everyone's life, really. A significant portion of She-ra's plot is driven by Catra's unhealthy fixation on Adora. Much of their worlds problems would have been avoided if Catra had gotten a nice boyfriend to take care of her and settled down instead of chasing Adora around.
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Disc is thotbro for anyone wanting to discuss dykes getting dicked
There is one thing i still don't get.
If you people hate so much lesbians in your waifu shows because hetero rules, then why don't you stop watching these shows that contain them?

Maybe this stupid trend (yes believe it or not being gay is a trend and brings in the money) of turning the girls into lesbians would stop and you can all enjoy your waifus being straight again.
But if you keep watching and following and shipping, it will never die.
>if Catra had gotten a nice boyfriend
It's called love, love can come in different ways, but you can't and never will understand, have you ever loved someone? Or have you ever been loved by somebody outside your mommy?
Probably not.
Honestly caring about fiction this hard is the root problem of this seething incel behavior. I just like hot art regardless of canon. I find it extremely hypocritical this always end up being how whether it black skin, gays, whatever, if it isn't straight what man x whatever its a hate crime against there existence. It's historical.

Anyone ITT projecting their insecurities over fictional cartoons needs help, immediately. Just fucking fap to hot drawings, ffs.
It's not the drawing, but these faggots taking and making everything personal like they are some hot shit when in reality their are below a turd, im a average hentai enjoyer, and as i said in my previous post if you hate lesbians, then don't watch their show.
Wasn't She-ra considered one of the worst shows of the season? And guess what it's still getting new season thx to these retards still following it.
Catra and Adora is one the most toxic relationships in western animation, even setting aside the lesbianism. Not all love is healthy or good.
I don't watch that stupid show but isn't Catra supposed to be a villain while Adora is a hero?
So the toxic relation is pretty normal, i might be wrong cause i don't watch this crap.
Bus as i said before, drama brings in the money.
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prayers were heard.
Look, you guys are confusing hate with "I just think the girl is sexy and I want to fuck her", it's just another fetish.
There is nothing more pathetic than complaining in a place where porn is posted, besides, if they entered this thread it is because you were looking for this content, or would you say that you clicked by accident?
Nah, this is more of a "im pissed that my waifu is now canonically a dyke" type of thing.
Listen man all i did was asking a question, and giving a simple suggestion, if there are people who hate lesbians this much, then stop supporting it, very simple, this "fetish" only exist cause people are mad as fuck that their waifu are canonically gay, everyone knows what type of disgusting fandom follows their products, sometimes i think they just do it on purpose to piss off the nerds.
It was brought up last thread, and it's an interesting thought. How many attractive, NEW lesbian characters have there been in vidya or comics since 2014?
Strictly and explicitly lesbian or just ones claimed by the community as being "queer coded"?
Strictly and explicitly lesbian. None of this Tumblr headcanon bullshit.
What level of a scene are we talking about? Because there's a fuckton of indie lesbian shit
Anything that gets widespread consumption or acclaim.
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Lesbians being abusive is just realistic
3d looks like shit stop posting it
is there more to this?
There's more for Asami but it hasn't been compiled into one image. You can find it on the panda. Artist name: shishikasama
I love the face a dyke makes when she is about to receive her first cock
That is true, but hetero couples aren't that better.
How many couples are there cheating on eachother like it's nothing, or what about all the abuse and killing?
Don't talk like the other is perfect, cause it ain't at all.
Wouldn't know about it, I'm white
Praise be the drawthread
Hate them? Buddy I don't hate lesbians, I love lesbians. I just also feel a powerful need to fuck them.
It's natural. That makes it better by default
The shows that push lesbians are unpopular unless they have a major network pushing them.

Rule 34 of canon lesbians is very rare if it's not paid for as marketing or non-existant if said character is a butch lesbian.

And characters that are assumed or are straight and have rule 34 will instantly see that rule 34 drop to almost nothing. Like in the case of Tracer. You couldn't find any organic non-paid for by blizzard tracer porn if you tried. And the previous bi and lesbian tracer porn basically dissapeared.
Same thing happened to ellie from the last of us.
You're retarded and nothing you just posted makes a lick of sense.
Shut up and fuck off.
Hetero couples are better.
Lesbians litterally have the highest rates of emotional, physical, and sexual violence of any couples by far.
And the highest rate of partner murder.
This isn't even up for debate.
This is a verifiable fact.
The Kyoshi Warriors were founded by a dyke. I think it's very good that the show runners didn't let that stop them from making the leader of the current Kyoshi Warriors straight. Given what they did to Korra, though, I'd wager they wish they could retcon Suki into a rug muncher. But, whatever poisoned their minds while writing Korra can't affect Suki. I count this as an overall win.
What a pointless ass post. Nothing said had any reason to have been posted.

I'm not the one trooning out over cartoons like they are real. They were never ever going to be on your dick in the first place, even if they were real. Just fap and stop personalizing your autism as a social issue.
Stop with this nonsense. "Le more = bad less = good" shit is retarded dripple because they aren't going to stop dating women and they aren't going to run into a man that isn't just going to treat them like filth anyways. You certainly aren't going to the "right man" so why even bring up statistics like that's going to get your dick wet.

Fucking clown. Some women are just never going to be yours to have, it's out of your control. Who cares at that point.
Kyoshi was bisexual, and the Kyoshi Warriors are prostitutes
Bisexual in modern media means "lesbian that dated a man once"
Bisexual means bisexual
Not in media it doesn't. If a girl says she likes boys then turns around and starts munching rug and never so much as looks at a boy then she's a dyke. Kyoshi dated a guy once and then fucked off to make her dyke paradise. At the end of the days she's a lesbian that lost her gold star but still a lesbian.
>Hetero couples are better
Keep living the under a rock neet life, better not go outside, you might be shocked to death about reality.
Reminder that we lost the based commission thread for this fucking turd.
>modern media
Anon you need to get off twitter and reddit, im saying this for your own good, those two places can literally fuck your brain to no return.
Media is not real.
Neither are the characters in this thread.
Exactly, glad you understand and aren't retarded like the others seething over fake women.
is there such a thing as gay men getting corrected by women
Yes, girls are also attracted to gay men and want to help them see what they are missing.
or seduce a gay couple and make a sandwich.
I want you to stop shitting up the thread with bisexuals.
That's sorta the point, isn't it? Kyoshi is in need of good dicking to remind her why men are superior to cunts.
>now even bisexuals are le bad
What a truly toxic fandom, you can smell the saltyness of being a pathetic no life virgin neet who is mad that their waifu can still cuck him with the superior V.
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Did you even read the OP? Bisexuals have always been part of these threads. They're just less liked because they aren't full dykes. Obviously, gold star dykes like Amity are the best choice for a good dicking down but I think it's important to remind bisluts why dick will always be best.
Funny you say this since most girls go Bi because they had been with guys who couldn't satisfy them and they go to the other side since they know the spot to hit.
But you do you, since you are living a delusional dream caused by the high amount of porn you watch daily breaking your fragile pebble brain.
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One bad experience shouldn't condemn them to a half life of abuse and unsatisfactory sex. That's why it's important to give them a good dicking to let them know what they're trying to leave behind. Even if they think they hate it. It's for their own good.
>That's why it's important to give them a good dicking
So that is the reason for all the cheating and infidelity with a combo of abuse and murder in straight couples. Now i understand.
Hey nothing is perfect right?
But still significantly less than lesbian couples. Few things in life are ever truly perfect but nature and natural selection has been guiding us, all life actually, towards perfection. We wouldn't be here if it weren't. To go against nature like that. Is it any wonder why lesbian relationships face so much more hardships than natural heterosexual couplings. It's not surprising. Trying to swim up stream when all of our instincts tell us to swim with the current, so to speak. No, I should think not. Not when women defy their nature. The inherent need to surrender to men. A dyke cannot give another girl that euphoria, not when she herself yearns to be dominated by a man. It's a tragic thing when a normal girl loses her way and wonders from the straight and narrow. The right thing to do, the good thing to do, is guide them back to the correct path in life.
Not true, there are more lesbians that go bi for guys then the shit you are talking about.
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are there any good doujins of this kind of stuff? hard to find since theres no tag for it
Why'd they draw her so fat
My personal favorites because they have at least one lesbian who, in the end, becomes completely straight
only the first link was good
You say all this shit, and you are probably a angry sexless virgin sitting 24h on your PC using mommy's Wi-fi talking about cocks.
Can you faggot literally wait like a month or a bit more to make these fucking threads? We know you are a angry cuck who takes non existent canon lesbians to a personal level because they rejected "You" in their crappy shows made by trannies.
All i see is the same old shit posted in the previous thread and some new stuff that honestly sucks ass, the only difference was that the previous one had Tracer in the OP.
Wait a bit, let some new content get made, even if it's little content, atleats we can talk about it.
Wait a minute, that's not a dyke, that's a tomboy!
Anon, you only had one job!
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The phrase 'keep seething' comes to mind.
Same could be said to you.
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>no u
Is it true that the ones sho made this fetish are literally yurifags?
nah, yurifags are the ones who created the futanari fetish.
They want yuri, but they're bored with sex, so they add a cock to the equation.
Totally wrong, outside of 3D Overwatch, i never saw lots of futa art about a yuri, the only futa art i see the most is about that lemon yuri or whatever, some guy loves to NTR the main girl with her futa rival.
Any pics of dykes luring their girlfriends to a lesbian correction rape?
Bonus points if it's a lipstick lesbian and there is clear indictation that she's been corrected and the girlfriend being lured is a tomboy/bulldyke.

It will remind me of old times.
Yeah the yuri fags...who are mostly women who want dick or wish they had a dick and men who are a single shot of estrogen away from being trannies and closet cases pushed it at first.

Now it's just transexual and homosexual recruitment propoganda.
Overwatch really was a blessing to the rule34 community as a whole, wasn't it?
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Getting to correct Vi and feminize her would make me so happy
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>trainer where you blackmail your lesbian neighbor and gradually convert her
>after you hit max corruption you can persuade her to start helping you convert her girlfriend
Or one of those 'lol i have magical aphrodisiac powers bs' and i convert my lesbian mommies...incest wegs are basically the only way to make moneys lol
I'd love to play that
The dyke from noruet has finally been dicked
YES! At long last!
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For three years, she existed without being dicked. It was that long that artists were too afraid to draw her being dicked. No more.
I think it's because the webcomic she's from isn't very popular. I didn't know about her until she was mentioned in these threads. Also it's nice to see how a man is better at eating pussy than her girlfriend. She'd never go back to a girl ever again.
I think it was more for respect about the artist.
Btw did you draw this?
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>I think it was more for respect about the artist.
Is the artist someone important?
He is popular with his DBZ stuff and the comic.

Btw i said "respect for the artist" because they are OCs not media characters
No anon, but how would you feel if someone took your OC without permission and started drawing her in stuff you don't wanna see her in?
I don't know, I would feel good maybe? I take it as a compliment, I don't know how most artists take it, technically all the characters that exist are OC's.
This truly shows how stupid you are, let me rephrase it for your dumb brain to understand it.
You are a artist
You draw your own OC in a specific way
Somebody takes it and requests stuff you don't like.
Because if you liked that stuff you would've done it yourself, so how would you take it as a compliment?
Well, it's inevitable, everyone knows that once you publish your art it becomes part of the Internet and its dangers.
How often do you think she was raped in prison? I like to think she was dicked at least a few times a week as part of her rehabilitation
Not that anon but since when was Vi a lesbo?
Don't tell me they pulled a Tracer with Vi?
>Don't tell me they pulled a Tracer with Vi?
basically yes.
They made her gay in Arcane

A lot of the people with this fetish *are* lesbians. Idk if you know this king, but bitches be into some fucked up shit. Probably says something deep or whatever about dudes or society etc that so many bitches get off to shit like rape and monsterfucking, even gay ones.
>Don't tell me they pulled a Tracer with Vi?
Yeah sadly. Also Tracer is old news, they also pulled the lesbian card with Pharah when Blizzard got into deep shit.
Is this reverse psychology to get more art of her or are you a genuine stupid Twitterfag with your stupid "morals" over a fictitious character? Whatever the case, I'll make sure to get art of Beverly being intimate with a boyfriend. Time for some commissions.
Beverly is one of the best dykes to dick

I did not and it does not matter as all dykes, including her, will come to dick
Why not make Beverly the mascot of the threads? She is the perfect dyke for it, strong and masculine but still feminine and sexy and has a wife to cuck.
Here is where I found it
The hell are you talking about? Are you paranoid or retarded? I just gave a reply to why i think the character was never drawn by another artist "willingly" without being paid to do it.
I don't give a fuck about her, it's not my OC, you can do whatever you want, it's your money, and this anon >>8223754 even said the truth.
What did Blizzard do? Was it because of the Overwatch 2 bad sales?
>all dykes, including her, will come to dick
Your reply sounds so cringe and gay, I have 9 OCs and they are all huge dykes, and will never ever come to dick (even if i follow this fetish)
Her wife is bi anon, Nortuet said it in a bio.
If her wife is bi, then it is more likely she would be a cuck, as her wife likes men
She likes both.
Best of both worlds
God she is so hot.
Sadly the only good thing about Batwoman is that she is gay, that truly tells how DC has fallen.
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Why would you care?
Vi has been with Cait for a pretty long time, before lesbians were even "the thing"
Are you open to anything dgd related or you got some limits?
In general comics are in a sorry state right now.
>right now.
Batwoman has been gay since 2006, meaning she was gay 9 years before /aco/ was created and has been gay for as long as /co/ has existed.
Funny thing is that they know their fanbase very well, but they still go woke, and get paid huge money for failing.
True but 2006 gay stuff was just there to have something different it wasn't a big deal because the comics revolved about the usual action, nowdays it's all about your sexuality, skin color and politics.
Hell iirc in Batwoman reboot comic the 1st chapter is all about some chick telling why she is gay, we don't even get a proper introduction to who Batwoman is.

Im not complaining about gayness, i love lesbians to death, the only thing that pisses me off is that they have to slap it everywhere where it's not needed.

Anyway speaking about that pic, Batwoman looks hot as fuck, but i saw the unmasked alternate with Kate and gosh it's nightmare indulging, how did the artist fuck up a hottie like Kate so bad?
>it wasn't a big deal
Yes, because there wasn't a culture war cottage industry built around loner nerd grievances at the time.

The number of canonically lesbian characters of note is so tiny that these threads are being kept alive by pressganging art of bi girls.
What is that?
>The number of canonically lesbian characters of note is so tiny
This is because that everyone knows that true, gold-star lesbians don't really exist. It's an open secret, even among woke circles. So vidya and comic creators subconsciously don't create lesbian characters, choosing instead to make bisexual ones.
Which is different from lesbians being "everywhere".
I'm not >>8227123 I'm agreeing with you.
Fair enough.
How many gold star lesbians are there currently? Off the top of my head I can only think of Amity.
It isnt retard, those "statistics" everyone bases these claims off were skewed as fuck and also counted lesbians who had been in abusive relationships with men before they went lesbo as "lesbian in abusive relationship", but seething straightcels love parroting them because le evil queers
Ellie from The Last of Us, even though her status as a lesbian is a clear retcon.
Who makes these?
Gonna race me there tranny?
Kek the tranny got deleted!
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who the fuck is this supposed to be and why is she built like a man?
Isn't that Ellie?
Ellie from The Last of Us. They made her butch dyke in the sequel
there's something about Arcane stlye Vi taking dick that's even more hot than just her regular LoL version taking it. Prob just cuz she looks more like a dyke in the former
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Love their faces
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>Was it because of the Overwatch 2 bad sales?
Yes, now turns out if you don't want to pay to win in OW2 its because you are a fascist pig who doesn't respect gay love and deserve to die.
who cares so long as we keep getting great r34 out of it
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Love how Vi looks like a huge raging dyke in Arcane
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I really really really wish I could keep dykes as slaves and fuck them whenever I want and they can’t say no, and eventually despite being fat and smelly, hell BECAUSE I’m such a fat ugly bastard the girls fall for my rapes and abuse. I want to build a loving harem relationship forcing myself on girls who don’t want me, until they do. I want to fuck loving me into them, I want to fuck past concerns of a woman’s repulsion. I want to make her want me, I want to seed her mind with lusts for the right gender and fix the broken girls.
Jesus christ bro get a boyfriend
Sheesh I don’t get why dykes need to damage control in a porn thread but I guess it must of struck a nerve.
I find nu!Vi design cooler than the original
i dont know any of these characters yet I beat my meat knowing that they are lesbians losing to the dick and my money is where it should be
you can start kneeling now
Sorry not into disgusting tranny/faggots, but i expected some low iq idiots to not understand what i wrote.
Doesn't matter still get a laugh at it.
That look of defiance and slight rage.
Her tight pussy getting wetter and wetter and throbbing in time with her heartbeat.

Drilling into her harder and she quickly turns away and moans, her head hits the pillow and she arches her back.

I hear her whimper a resolute fuck you into the pillow. Like a little defiant brat.

Would drill into the dyke and own every square inch of her body leaning into her and slamfucking her with every ounce of power I have. Then stopping and slowly fucking her after I've completely broken her.
A soft kiss on her neck my arms around her waist.
Searching her flushed sweating senstive body for that one spot or two. The one that will break the tiny bit of resistance shemight be holding onto.

"You're a very good sister. Giving that sexy little dyke body of yours over to me. The medicine I'll make her, will help her."

Will make her my personal bodyguard and onahole after that.
You entered this thread by your own volition. Quit lying seething faggot.

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