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Thread Question: Do you prefer futa who casually let it hang out, or futa who try to keep it a secret?
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Thanks for the thread OP
I prefer my futas to casually let it hang. That they assert their dominance constantly.
Happy to help. Hope this thread has some good discussion.
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I hope do too! I can always begin by saying that I like you amazonium pic. His comics involving that shy futa are excellent!
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He also made an excellent example of
>Hung futa unashamedly lets it hang out in the women's locker room
>western futanari general
>It's all shemales/transgenders
Every time
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That very true! His wonder woman art is some of the best. It completly overshadows nyl2 version.
DesireSFM also made some WW images, but I don't think he's ever made a WW animation.
It doea not suprise me. Given how nyl2, and amazonium have shown to be the top of 3d futa animation it's a little discouraging for some.
Are they aware of the effect that they have on other people? Do they revel in their dominance?
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I love to think that they always revel on it. Simply because of their size and extreme libido.
I know I would if I were them.
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I would too
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futas who are shy and get super embarresed about their fat cocks, especially when that embarressment makes them horny and it fuels a cycle of their fat cocks bursting out because they are rock hard from being seen
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>shy and get super embarrassed about their fat cocks
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we're pro foreskin in this general right?
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Futa on futa is so good, frotting especially
You're goddamn right.
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post futas shooting big hot sticky ropey loads of cum, the more cum the better
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>Thread Question
I'm going to write the most 85 IQ take of all time and say: it depends.
I generally prefer the "out-and-about" futas, since it gels better with other futa-adjacent fetishes I'm into, like public sex, size difference/comparison, hotwifing/cheating/cuckolding, impregnation etc.
However, my favorite animation is >>8172386 specifically because the whole "shy & hung futa and her confident, supportive & horny (girl)friend coaxing her into sex" dynamic is not that common.
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not enough xena futa out there
Be the change you want to see in the world, anon.
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>You will never be a massively hung futa making a freckled, bratty lesbian suck your cock
Why even live?
futa being bigger is hot
Futa werewolves. Yay or nay?
Remember /aco/, futa are woman
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futa superiority 101
Careful. Dont step too deep in furry because mods don't like that.
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Shit. Didn't even think about that.
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>You will never be a massively hung futa making a freckled, bratty lesbian AND her slutty bi girlfriend suck your cock
Small but important addition
Any good futa on male western artists out there? I usually only look at Japanese stuff, so I really have no idea.
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There is Lition3D, Mikeymack, Peterraynor, Femboycarti and Sleepy_B (tho he now makes more gay stuff) off the top of my head. I personally like Lition3D (picrel and >>8183174) the most of the bunch but his models are an acquired taste (he decided to make his own models instead of relying on game characters or stock Daz3D models). He's the only one who makes slice-of-life futa-on-male stuff (like BlackSheepOvca used to do), so he's worth checking out at least.
Wow, source?
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DesireSFM should make more images. They are just as good as his animations.
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>The air conditioning in the cheap motel room was already struggling to keep the midday heat out. The fact that neither the door nor a window had been opened since last night didn't help the stifling air and the sweat-soaked bed sheets in the room either...
The little blurbs that he writes for each one are great too.
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>Over the past few weeks, Yennefer was already beginning to realise that she would not be able to satisfy Triss's ever-increasing lust. Every day she noticed the red sorceress' greedy glances at her unsuspecting Ciri.
>But never would Yen have thought that her once best friend would actually be willing to cross that line....
Love the pseudo-taboo vibe of this one.
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The sequel to the pic is also really nice
>Yennefer thought that if she just kept Ciri close to her, that this accident between Triss and her would not happen again. If only she had known how unbridled their passion already was...
bimbo futa zelda?
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How would a woman handle hanging out with her futa friend, especially when said friend lets it hang out all the time?
Dominant Futa who dominates married straight women or married lesbian.
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I outlined a story once about a high-powered tomboy lesbian hedge-fund manager who is married to a stay at home lipstick lesbian. Long story short, she is cucked by their futa neighbor who breeds her wife over and over. Might work on it this summer if I can muster the motivation.
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Good luck with the story then
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dumpan divide arts futas
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ok whitekitten
my mistake
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How about evil girls being corrected by a futa?
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Nothing turns an evil girl into a good girl faster than being turned into a mother.
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Very hot, but not quite as hot as good girls corrupted by evil futa dick (because it's so rare)
Damn, you're right. That is rare. I couldn't find any.
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Femshep / Asari combo is one of the rare cases where I can't decide what I love more: Femshep having a dick, or the Asari.
Damn, those balls look so nice and suckable
Who made this?
Amazonium3D. Picrel is the followup image.
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C'mon anon
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Sorry. The 4mb restriction is a bit annoying, and I'm lazy
That's fair.
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Happy Mother’s Day!
You forgot these:
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Sauce? I love Nadine
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I actually don't know the sauce. That image is one of the oldest in my hard drive.
Rastifan made it, Saucenao told me that much. Do you know if there's a whole comic or is it just those two pics?
It's definitely not a full comic.
That's tragic, she's so underrated.
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She is a hot character, but IMO, her personality and role in Uncharted 4 was insufferable.
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Oh sweet lord!
Come back when your dogshit AI knows how many fingers a human has, retard.
Mile’s mom so lucky…
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futas need to be milked!
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insanely hot. that futa dick must feel soo good slamming her cunt

futa femshep is so daddy
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>futa femshep is so daddy
Can't wait for Rigid3D to complete the Futashep x EDI animation.
Even the WIPs are top tier.
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that massive veiny bitch-breaker is so damn perfect
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It sure is. Not sure how Shep would be able to lug that thing around on missions tho.
Someone in another thread suggested a prompt where some sort of catastrophe renders all of the men in the world infertile, while also spawning the birth of the first generation of Futanari, who are now the only ones capable of reproducing with regular women. I don't know if that thread 404'd or what, but I wanted to let that anon know that I liked their prompt and I started writing a story for it.

It's not very good and it's probably going to end up being a bit of a slow burner, but I'm having fun with it. Here's the first chapter for anyone else that's interested.

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plenty of holes to keep her drained
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Makes sense. Also, nice trips.
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Wow, so chapter 1 for this story "A Union of Marriage" got a lot more attention than I was expecting. Like over 200 views. I'm assuming that at least some of you have enjoyed what you've read so far, so here's Chapter 2.

>(because it's so rare)

Really? I've seen that scenario more than the opposite.
This is so stupid. They're obviously big, because she hasn't peed, she just woke up.
Damn, bro yapped nonsense so unfathomable he killed the thread for 12 hours
Maybe picrel will revive the thread...
Sauce ?
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found it in a previous futanari thread. Sorry, mate.
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yay, but they don't belong on /aco/
Do futa engage in more male-stereotyped hobbies like gaming?
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Do futa exemplify the feminine ideal while flaunting their distinctly male aspect?
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Chapter 3 for "A Union of Marriage" is out now, for those of you reading it.

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Nice. Keep up the good work. /aco/ needs more writer-Anons
Thank you! The support is greatly appreciated.
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that is one perfect futa mommy
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Absolutely disgusting
Chapter 4 is out now. It turns out you can't publicly post explicit content on Pastebin, so instead of changing all of the chapters to private, I went ahead and made a Hentai Foundry account.

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I mean why not? Futas can be gamers too in their spare time after their nonstop fuck sessions.
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That wasn't half bad.
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>it finally got fully voiced
Aw yeah, we're cooming tonight bros.
I saw that, It was pretty hot.
That condom almost feels like it's supposed to be a mocking gesture
Love the claw marks
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Thanks, I appreciate that. It will probably end up being around 10-15 chapters by the time it's done.
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Literally gonna save cum for at least a week so I can absolutely blast it to that vid
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i love huge veiny futa cocks!
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I need more futas with both dick and pussy
>>it finally got fully voiced
What is "it"?
out of all places this feels like the only sane one to ask
shackles of elswynn got a new ''update'', I was just wondering how many new scenes there are
>We continue to unravel the secrets of neighbouring city: Antewynn! What weird fate has been laid out for our main character?
sounds like a vague nothingburger
Do you not see the image he posted? For even more context clues, you will note that image doesn't even have a visible futa.
Absolute fucking kino, that's what.
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>In her heartache, Iris von Everec turned to the legendary Lodge of Sorceresses. They told her about a ritual that would lead her to a world where her loneliness and wrong decisions would be forgotten. In return, they wanted nothing more than shelter in her already empty estate. Iris was only too happy to agree to the offer. If only she had known what plans the lodge had for her home...
New DesireSFM image and caption
I like when they kind of keep it to themselves publicly, but aren't afraid to flaunt it in a scenario where its normal to be naked.
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Very nice, thanks for sharing.
it doesn't have a futa too, it's just another stupid shemale.
if it doesn't have a pussy it's not futa.
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I still can't get over Nacnac going on an indefinite hiatus
heh, funny enough amazonioum copy pasted that image from me, little shit.
I think knot.
Good one, kek
Chapter 5 is out now.

How do you access threezxc's mega on kemono?
>aren't afraid to flaunt it in a scenario where its normal to be naked.
So locker room, own bedroom, nudist beach, and spa. Nice.
Keep up the good work, Anon.

Fuck the AI spam. There is good AI futa art out there, but some of these AIfags just spam their shit, and expect us to like it.
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Big veiny girl cock!~
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I dunno. I get my three zxc fix from f95zone.

Agree with everything you wrote except the tilde. Please don't use it like that.
Thanks. The support is appreciated.
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You got it! <3
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Love that OC. Shame he hasn't drawn more pics of her or futas in general.
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This is true. For what little futa art that he has it's suprisingly good! I really do hope that he does do some more in the future. Specially if it involves the marvelous Gianna Love.
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>Futa needs to take prescription pills to control her libido
This is a goated concept.
>Futa needs to take prescription pills to control her libido

>This is a goated concept.

I couldn't agree more. Looks like I have my next writing prompt in mind for when I'm finished writing A Union of Marriage.
it's done already and not as fun as it seems.

not to mention you guys never mention the futa never urges to be fucked, only use her dick.
in fact that must be why there's no long run futa comics in the western front.
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>it's done already and not as fun as it seems.
Also, a backed up futa being more driven and controlled by her dick than her brain is hot as shit, and no one can convince me otherwise.
Well, in Dulce Report, Aoi, the biggest dick in the story is constantly overwhelmed by her libido completely out of control if she doesn't fuck the shit out of someone in a matter of hours...
It gets tiresome after a decade seeing her doing that just to be killed and ressurrected through her daughter just to do the exact same thing.
If you do that now and then due to some special circumstance, okay but if it becomes Popeye's spinach motif it will get tired.
>love futa visual novels
>they all get abandoned or will never be finished
it hurts, recommendations would be appreciated

or just post general futa smut stories
>FutanariFuta on MaleGirl PenisBlow JobsFirst Time Blow JobsVoyeurismAccidental VoyeurismWatersportsCome ShotFacialsSmall PenisSize DifferenceOlder Woman/Younger ManScents & SmellsArmpit KinkBody HairSweatNudity
it's funny when 'muricans show they can't into centimeters and think bigger testicles means more cum.
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>it hurts, recommendations would be appreciated
Star Periphery is the latest and greatest one. And Futadom World is still getting updates.
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If you're looking for decent comics, Serge3dx's older stuff is great.
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if you're satisfied with a dickgirl protag that can't do anything but fuck everything in sight from literally waking up to not sleeping filing wombs with cum, yes. Personally I find it boring.
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>Star Periphery
done and dusted
now it's waiting for it to be finished so I can enjoy it fully
>Futadom World
I don't get how to play it and it's a bit too much of the ''futa is superior'' stuff that it's not fun anymore
read all his old and new stuff, waiting for more
I was excited for shackles of elswynn but the game showed why wegs are never to be trusted after a single update
also just generally more smut stories (optionally with pics here and there) would be fine too. I would know most visual artists but virtually zero writers
>now it's waiting for it to be finished so I can enjoy it fully
A new update should be coming soon. Though based on the roadmap it should take about another 2-3 years for the game to be finished.

>I don't get how to play it and it's a bit too much of the ''futa is superior'' stuff that it's not fun anymore
You just click around the map and keep interacting with a specific futa to advance her story. There some futas in the game that are switches.

There's a few games that have one or two futa characters in their cast that are good. Like Fetish Locator and WVM.
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>about another 2-3 years for the game to be finished.
I can be patient, the current state is very good and if the dev keeps it up then it will be a really good game definitely worth the wait
>keep interacting with a specific futa to advance her story. There some futas in the game that are switches.
I never bothered to play it like that, I just went and did everything I could (school, bar, park, church etc all at the same time) and that wasn't really fun. another case where I'd rather wait until it's finished and then try and get all the content. probably won't be finished in the next 10 years though seeing how it started in 2017
>Fetish Locator and WVM
>default daz look
honestly not a big fan, unless the dev makes it stand out I usually avoid those cookie cutter vn's (futa or not)

I appreciate the response, I know I'm picky with these things. for example I don't like hyper and there's so much hyper stuff that there is basically no escape from it

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