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Containment breach is underway!

Several SCP's have broken loose!

And they're all horny!
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what is this expression trying to convey?
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Head empty
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Has there ever been smut made involving SCP-294?
Be the change you wanna be, anon
no there hasn't been
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Would you 096 or 173?
096 because he's more humanlike, and being around him means I have to keep my gaze away from him, and sensory deprivation is a real turn on. I'd think if he wanted to have sex with me i'd put on a blindfold get on all fours... feel him rub himself up against my body. I wouldn't see him but I could feel his cold boney body against my skin, his breath on my neck, the smell of blood on my nostrils... All of that combined with not being able to see would excite and intimidate me, and when he slips his penis inside me i'd melt from that sensation. I just have to keep my blindfold on and not look at his face
tldr i prefer 096 because i'd have to wear a blindfold and blindfolded sex hot
it's hip
But is it coral?
Which SCP is this?
SCP-1702, apparently. Humanoid bee-hive. Only the Queens seem to have a human-like intelligence, though the pheromone communication of the hive makes it seem intoxicated. They're also kind of directionless, requiring the workers to actually get her to do anything, from moving to egg laying. Other members are obviously intelligent but completely uncommunicative to human interlopers.

No spoilers on /aco/, so: it's pretty obvious from the reports that the "Queen" is actually a transformed human woman captured by the hive and "sculpted" into their ideal Queen, kept complacent through their pheromones, who then goes on to reproduce through egg laying to create more of the hive (using at least a partial diet of humans to produce viable offspring). Should the Queen ever break free, they destroy her and replace her with an identical Queen shaped from another captured human woman.

A very obvious fetishy set up for an SCP, and that's saying something.
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How convenient...
it depends on how you look at it really
Nice butt.
Which SCP has the nicest tits?
Love slime girls
too bad they're a bit of a rarity
>staring at her own butt in the mirror
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They're everywhere
same here
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are any of them a futa scarlett?
There is an SCP that is a futa with big tits but we can only post art of it on /trash/.
If you had to make a porn game like Monster Girl Quest or something which SCPs would you feature in it?
It is criminal how little porn there is of her when that is a huge part of the article.
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well maybe they should be
811 has good art. Perfect ass.
Didn't this artist also draw 096?
yes, but that one didn't have her ass showing so I didn't save it
Well that's a shame
it's still up

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