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Final Fantasy 14 male focus original content porn.

Rules for the topic are as follows:
All male OC welcome. This includes anything from tbse slim to nymph to se-q to mars.
No complaining about other posters' preferences in males or derailing.
No reposting of ANY rule 34/booru/twitter/discord content outside of page 8-10 bumps.
If your album has a hrothgar or more than 10 images, use imgchest, catbox, mega, etc.
No females/futa.
Feel free to use the thread to meet with other anons in game for posing.
Follow all board/global rules otherwise. Don't like something? Make your own thread or jerk off to your feed on x.
Report and ***ignore/filter*** any breaking of the aforementioned rules.

>Modding, Albums, & Resources

>Art Thread
>Main Thread
>Het Thread
>Futa Thread
>AI/Repost Dump Thread

>Previous Thread
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Can someone help me figure out how to pose NPCs like Zenos?
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Yeah one sec.
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Use this mod: https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/16518
You have to either put on a collar or edit out the neck seam.
Thank you.
Np, if you want to pose a regular npc iirc you can just use a house vendor or carby.
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Op says no twitter reposts, spammer.
get her banned lol
well it's bannable now
>adds all of these new rules suddenly because 'one schizo' went wild.
u niggas are insufferable.
Simple solution: make your own thread. Nobody wants to see a twitter feed.
>spams 200 posts
>why u make rules against this
stay salty spammer
>no one wants to see Twitter posts
No one wants to see shota of Alphinaud and other questionable characters. Yet, here we are.
Remember to R&I. Complaining is off-topic.
This, stop letting GT shit up the threads already.
who is GT
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hey, add this to OP
i made a thread for REAL MEN!!
This is too mature of a decision to be the spammer, but sure, in the next thread they can.
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I need to find a roe to sleeve me like that.
Cute tush.
twitter repost
Newfag spammer melt.
The hell are you talkin about bro
he’s having a mental breakdown just ignore
nice cock
Love when the dude bottoming is the bigger guy.
Based, hope you're doing alright king.
>all the tribal animosity
i just wanna see squishy femboys romantically fucking beefy musclemen til they both ejaculate together desu
Ngl I gave up trying to pose a femboy plapping a broe, the clipping is insane.
super fucking hot, its stuff like this that makes me regret switching from a roegadyn to an elezyn. I dont get flits from baras anymore, but its harder to attract sissy bitches now too
>No reposting of ANY rule 34/booru/twitter/discord content outside of page 8-10 bumps.
what the fuck is this fresh retardation
i swear you people come here just to be as obnoxious as possible, what could possibly be wrong with posting porn in a porn thread on a porn board
you do know where we are, right?
mald baby bitch
Fuck off to the spammer thread, we don't need another bitch to whine as soon as someone dares to post a skinny male
>No females/futa
what the fuck is this fresh retardation
i swear you people come here just to be as obnoxious as possible, what could possibly be wrong with posting porn in a porn thread on a porn board
you do know where we are, right?
Kek stfu, tired of this shit.
>just split the community yet again to create even more dead threads
starting to think there's an end goal here
Stop replying to the troll, guys.
Gorgeous malezen. Bun’s cute, too.
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Rare faces! Nice.
Any malera or maleqote that rp?
This is the good shit, need way more catboys like this.
Unfortunately those characters are long gone relics of the past, sorry!
I assumed as much from the filename, but thank you for the food anyway.
meant to say flirts. Speaking of, the things I would do to either of those boys, mmmff
I do on malera, it depends on what kind of rp you're looking for though.
what kind are there?
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Any catboys in Balmung that want to pose with maleroe?
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Cute char
he’s probably asking what kinks
that is the end goal. no wonder the gay community so divided.
GyaTt damn she’s still seething
that is the end goal. no wonder the xivlg community is so divided. we need the diversity of women ITT to keep it alive.
no srsly nigga. who?
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Just mad that xhe can't destroy the actual ff14 lewd 4chan comm with r34 image flooding and whining about body mods, so xhe's trying any other method like pretending to not be a complete newfag here as if tantrums like that were ever tolerated, I suppose. Not worth indirectly replying or discussing it after this, it just gives her attention and encourages her to shitpost more. There's a reason none of them ever post their own content alongside the inane bitching and why the threads for reposting always die in a day or two, it kills interaction every time this kind of petulant spam happens. All-in-all a very lackluster effort to derail threads meant for oc and player interaction that has been tried to death and flops regularly. Utterly lethargic, much like their sad spam attempt above.
I noticed all the skinwalker posts replying for my images and other people haven’t been happening for once ITT after the fat spam meltie last thread.. shit what a freak, why does it even come here?
me on the right
I thought I was tripping when that happened, good to know it wasn't just me.
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can you plap me?
hell yea bro where at
i can make an alt and go where ever, what dc?
i’ll be available in 90 mins if you can cum to crystal
that's too late for me, sorry maybe tomorrow
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seeing my maleqote getting dominated, fucked gay, that sort of thing.
Face 2 cats my beloved... well and truly builded for getting his face pushed into a pillow from behind.
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Isn't that face 1?
Nice edit on the running makeup.
I wanna see a min height catboy fuck a max height malera.
God I love malera.
Outercourse with roe dicks..
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I will pay 500k for picture you post of your cock if you play a roe
500k is chump change
Ramming this bun over the table and stuffing him full
Please do, the bigger and rougher, the better~!
Per picture, what if I make it 1m per picture?
By all means.

You on Crystal?
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>shoes on
must be a masochist huh
man I need to find me a roe daddy like that
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made it to the header, nice
please consider topping a bigger guy
thank you
It's too hard to pose..
Give me a bigger guy to top.
do you do malera?
Sometimes ye
Hmm...an interesting concept.
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Is Shoro around?
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Those are both girls homie
You finna get that ate?
When are you around usually
I'm on Ballmonger ofc, mid-afternoons-to-evenings NA
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Hand me the oils before you get in?
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I hope art's okay
rimjob rimjob rimjob rimjob
Don’t think anyone cares unless you spam it desu.
i wish I could rim a roe stud while jerking him off
Smug buns are for bullying
God I wish that were me
Nothing better than some nice rough fun
love this dynamic
great malera too
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Hell yeah
Do you think you could use roe fingers like dildos, on account of their thickness?

Cute kitty
You absolutely could.
Thanks anon, really need to get around to posing more like it
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Hrothgar had some fun with me ...
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Caged for the big guys of course! :>
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