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Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

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I've got a few questions. At a company event, we were given potted cyclamen (sowbread) plants. Very pretty. I maintained mine well, I even revitalized another coworker's one who kept it at his office where the plant didn't like it. I got two more at bad shape which I couldn't revitalize and only the bulb remained. Cyclamen are winter plants, and they hibernate during the summer in the ground.
Should I water the bulbs throughout the summer or just leave them dry until winter? Should I put some potting mix on top of them, since their tops are exposed to the air?
The couple which thrived extraordinarily long past winter recently encountered a heat wave and now they're exposing their seeds. I've tried germinating earlier seeds using YouTube guides, to no success. Washed with soap, washed with water, left in cabinet in moist paper towel, nothing happened. I tried throwing them in some potting mix I keep moist, still no change. How do I germinate these seeds to create a cyclamen empire?
I had hyacinth I forgot about come up earlier than everything else this year (Zone 6A) and subesequently lose their flowers due to random snow.

Can I dig them up and move them elsewhere or do I need to wait for the leaves to die down first?
These are both best planted in Autumn.
Cyclamens can dry out easily in Summer if they are unestablished. They are fussy as hell though in my experience.
Let the Hyacinth foliage die down and plant the bulb late Summer or early Autumn. They aren't so fussy though so it should grow back next Spring no issue.
>found a single tiny stalk of knotweed trying to grow in my front lawn
How serious is this? A seed probably got transported by a car driving by . I just plucked it out
What do guys think about people who think your faggot and unmanly for liking flowers?

Personally if had to run business, wouldn't mind it being flower shop or plant nursery.
Just keep an eye on that area.
>Wych Elm
Is that the coolest name for a plant or what
A plant nursery sounds cool. Pretty relaxing too
My yard is full of dandelions. I tell myself it’s more natural to have them but really I just get too mad if I’m trying to get rid of them because I feel like I’m doing it for someone else and the big lawn companies are winning. But they look like shit once they release their seeds. God damn Big Lawn, they’re ruining everything.
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It sounds like you have just as much of a problem with gay people as those other people do.
I personally don't give a shit what other people think about me and what I like.
But I do think that people who think like the people you describe are completely fucked in the head. I wouldn't want anything to do with them.
Use a hori hori and dig em out.
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New Zealand has giant ferns
Alright. Do you have any info regarding the seeds?
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My plants enjoying the sun
Based sun enjoyers
My first garden harvest - kale - is coming to the end of its life. I'm seeing flowers and seeds, so I know it's going to die before too long. Questions:
>any benefit to removing or leaving the stems in the ground? Can I bury them to rot and provide nutrients for next gen?
>how likely is it to successfully self-seed? I've got around a half dozen plants in a ~2'x2' square inside my larger plot, with spinach and green onions adjacent.
They're usually ok with anything I do because of my charming personality

This said I don't really try to meet people but when I do it's usually women because I'm not a faggot in order to run up to random men and try to befriend them, only when it's inevitable or they need help but don't really have any motive to be close friends with people

Women are usually fine with me liking flowers, they're ok with anything you do as long as you're good looking/have an attractive personality/treat them with respect

Apart from all of this God is the most important, God and the souls of the unbelievers, It's important what they think sure but only in order to figure out a way to get them closer to God and eternal life

Even the coldest hearted people turn into little children if you treat them with love, patience and admiration and comprehensive understanding that their soul will either end up in hell or heaven

So they usually end up liking or simply not caring about the things I like

Literally wrote an essay for no reason btw, I can feel the amazing atheists coming to call me a schizo
God is real lol
>God is the most important
Alhamdulillah akhi fi al iiman
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>I have an intense, deep-seated hatred for a group of people because they won't let me murder my baby
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>Early term abortion: That's murdering a baby because, bible
>Masturbation: That's murdering a baby, because, bible
>Menstruation: That's murdering a baby, because, bible
>Existing: You are murdering babies by reabsorbing cells, because, bible
When does it really end? It's just a tumor, man.

You can avoid this madness if only you
1: Plant devil's trumpet to deter missionaries
Which plants should I grow to appease the dark gods? I've heard blackthorn is devil approved
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>Plant kudzu along your fencelines for privacy from nosy solicitors
>Someone keep opening the gate? Hide a giant hogweed in there
>Aconitums are a nice decorative flower that wouldn't hurt a fly
Good one, cunt. You've derailed the comfiest general on the board. Fuck off and whine about people thinking you're gay somewhere else.
>Plum tree bloomed too early again
This always happens when I forget to hail satan on new years

At least it was pretty
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>find a 3 year old pack of cherry tomato seeds in the space behind my little seed cabinet
>Don't expect them to seed since they're completely dessicated so I just go hogwild with them
>Pic related a few weeks later

I realize it's gonna vary from plant to plant but how long do seeds actually last? I've got some habanero seeds I was given that I assumed were trash. Might try them too.
Yeah some lunatic always jumps in when God is mencioned

>They'll hate you because of me
Demons hate myrrh and exorcised olive oil
unhinged deranged post, do not engage or become retarded by proximity
Based Christians cucking whoever the fuck you’re whining about
I really like plants
They make me smile a lot
Plants are my true frens

Also my morning glories germinated in like 1 day. I was afraid they were planted too late but things might be ok lads
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>mfw the bamboo rhizomes I planted last year are sending up new shoots
Took them from the side of the street when riding my bike. No way I was going to spend the $150 my local nursery was charging
I did the same with black locust. Stupid shops wouldn't ship to my state so I found a local one to dig up.
Depending on the variety, kale is great at being a perennial and self seeding. Continue taking care of it until/if it dies, and mulch the area before the next frost.
I mean some people would pay to have their bamboo removed. And nurseries charge absurd prices.
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Should I invest in this tree? do they have ornamental value?
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>Should I invest in this tree?
Don't know, ask /biz/ if you don't want any profit.
>do they have ornamental value?
Female trees' "fruits" stink, but leaves in autumn are pure kino experience.
Absolutely based. Cover the earth in bamboo, I shit on native species. I personally plant all my bamboo directly against my property boundaries too, great screening. Fuck the neighbours, not my problem.
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Reminder that the Bald Cypress should be introduced to the swamps in Europe
That looks cool so I’m inclined to agree
So lush…
So vibrant…
Fuck I hate climates with seasons bros... I wish the Earth had no axial tilt, or better yet was tidally locked to the sun.
Reminder if you're in the PNW to plant devils club in the name of our lord and savior Satan (and because dumb hippies overpay for it if you put it in a cheap capsule and say it cures autism)
>disjunct populations in Lake Superior over a thousand miles away from the PNW
Wtf bros how did they get there
I used to work in a flower shop and plenty of men buy flowers for themselves, they tend to be older and just wanted some colour in their home or something that smells nice, their taste in flowers are usually different, looks more like something you just cut from the garden.
You can eat dandelions, they are delicious.
How do I get into planting.. trees?
I have some fig cuttings on their way that I would prefer not to lose.
As far as I understand cuttings only need humidity and air right?
Majority perlite with some compost should be good medium right?
Saw some fig pop methods... Basically just use plastic bags which is good cause I don't have tall pots , I will be getting big pots once I know how many cuttings survived.
Decided to go through and take some cuttings
My ficus Audrey to the right is having some trouble growing, no signs of stress. I might let the soil dry out for an extra week.
Good luck to your cuttings, they can be a bitch sometimes
round up people who capitalise species names and liquidate them
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My tree fern is coming along nicely. His most recent leaf is finally growing more tall and straight to catch the sunlight better. Not sure if he'll benefit from that, now that summer is approaching but I'll see.
Ferns are cool, will definitely get some in the future.
Tree ferns grow very slowly no? I don't think I'm patient enough for those.
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When I purchased mine, I was told that after twenty years, they'll only sit at 1,60m in height. However, it's great watching them roll out a new leaf every now and then - pic related was him in January on the day I purchased him.
Hello I recently got interested in non-native trees that I could plant here in continental Europe. I want to plant the giant sequoia as it can grow pretty well here. Does someone know an EU based site where I could order such a tree?
Got my parents some trees for their backyard, I live in southwest Ohio near Cincinnati. Two raspberry bushes, one blackberry bush, an apple tree, a peach tree, a pear tree, an apricot tree and a cherry tree. The apricot tree felt unusual, but it was my mother's wish and you don't deny mother.
Btw you might get rats, mice, other critters when you have fruit. Its inevitable
That’s fine, it’s a 40x20m backyard already infested with crawdads so mice won’t really hurt unless they get smarmy with the house.
Based, do you set up traps and make a crawdad boil?
>Based, do you set up traps and make a crawdad boil?
Not yet! My parents just recently got the house and are only moving in this Tuesday for the summer. Peak Boomer, right? Anyway, I'll tell 'em about getting crawdad traps when I see them for the inaugural move-in. Damndest thing, you wouldn't expect crawdads in the ground, but those holes don't lie.
Strange pet peeve
Don't forget those who refuse to write the genus.
Do I really need to support raspberries or can I just let it grow all over the place?
what sort is it? cyathea? dicksonia?
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>Turns your garden into perfume paradise....
>round up people who capitalise species names and liquidate them
Let's try to educate them first. Give them a chance.

>Don't forget those who refuse to write the genus
I agree. That is the worst. People need to understand that saying "Muh longifolia" or shit like that means nothing. There are loads of different longifolias from loads of different genera.
We need to know the genus in order to know which species you're talking about...
Been thinking about replacing a Forsythia hedge with American elderberry or redbuds. I'll probably do it next year when I get plant money.
I'm considering ordering 50 giant sequoia seeds from this seller www.ebay.com/itm/114149043077 do you guys think he's legit? Seems kinda risky ordering them since the tree could be any random conifer and I wouldn't know until years later at which point I would've already invested a lot of time in the seedlings.
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Floating carnivorous island in the foreground, water lilies in the middle, bald cypresses in the background. Rate Zagreb's botanical garden
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Dicksonia antarctica. I've been told that tree ferns are only for advanced plant carers and while it is true that his leafs turned a yellowish green when I forgot to water him for two days before repotting, he recovered no problem. Compensated by layering different soil types in his pot.
I have absolutely no idea on what to do once he becomes too big for my house. Man's been unfolding a leaf every month.
Too bad these can't do outside in central Europe. Otherwise I'd be planting them.
I am in central Europe and one day, my fern will have to go outside. They can tolerate temperatures of -7 degree Celsius and as long as the stem is protected, it shouldn't be a problem. I might even buy a second tree fern as an experiment to see if the spot below my elderflower is sufficiently shielded during winter. Otherwise, I'll have to construct a hut for my main one specifically.
dude that's cool as fuck
there's a like 20 foot one near where I live. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone growing one
I got two a few months ago.
One is staying inside, one is outside, that will be put in the garage over winter.
As you said, it's going to take 5, 6 years until the inside one will be to big for my room.
Why haven't plants/fungi evolved to eat non insects?
They have
Also, they haven't needed to; photosynthesis kinda works.

Puya have been known to sneer sheep in their spikes, the sheep dies and fertilises the earth.
I got four of these to germinate, I have three still alive.

Fungi 'eats' decaying matter.
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Can anyone help me. I want to plant peppers but I don't know a thing about planting plants.
Is this soil still usable if it has been like this for years?
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I also have this box. Should I use it?
Pull everything out, 30cm square of clean space for each plant.
Buy a cheap bag of compost and take a big spade full, or four big double cupped handfuls and work it into the soil.
Plant 3 seeds and cross your fingers.
Or buy a plant from a garden centre if you have one in mind.
Or start the seeds off inside, but again, use 2 or 3 seeds for each plant you want.

Tell people where you live, it looks good anyway.
Flaunting all them strelitzia outside.
You're not in Europe then.
Portugal. Summer is starting so I think now should be a good time to do this.
Thank you for the advice. I want to start with the seeds and to learn how to grow them. I want bell peppers in that huge space. My only probablem there is that past 1pm the house starts blocking sunlight there. Is it still fine?
That side of the garden will stay for the flowers at least for now. I just want a space to grow peppers.
I miss FL…
The swamps are so nice and under appreciated.
Should be fine. Of course the more sun the better but you still have plenty of hours of sunlight. Good luck growing peppers.
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Agreed. Might plant some of those bald cypress here in Europe. Also reminder that the purpose of the aerial roots sticking out of the ground is unknown. There were two hypotheses but they are now essentially debunked. One is that the aerial roots serve to get extra oxygen, and the other is that the aerial roots serve a structural purpose.
hey bros, might not be the right place for it but any shouts for a grow light for two bonsai? the shit ive seen recommended looks like what youd want if you wanted to grow a 5 tonnes of weed a month
Plants do. Frogs and whatever else can fit in pitcher plants get eaten
Just grow 'em in the sun mate.
got norf facin flat lad so dont get much intense sunlight
might be fine still but would like consistency
Why does jalapeno drop flowers? Should I keep it in shade during the flowering phase? I figured that it's dropping flowers because it's probably too hot. Normally around 25C but in direct sun it gets easily close to 30C. I've kept the soil moist consistently and fertilized regularly.
strelitzias are basic bitch granny plants and they're ugly
Your mom is ugly
my point stands
Define bitch granny please.
Sterlitzia are kinda rear in the UK
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What's happened to my dragon tree?
S. juncea is cool, it doesn't have leaves.
Does it get direct sunlight?
came here to read the OP and ask for first terrarium advice and you retards are arguing about sexuality and religion
is nowhere safe from schizophrenic americans ruining this website
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how long to go from a 200L nursery purchase to a proper tree like that
will it do it in my life time? will it do it in less than 20 years?
i want to plant a big tree in the middle of the garden at my new house and that looks absolutely kino for the kids and dog to grow up with
Why read it?

Just read what you're here for ya dick.
Are you the kinda idiot that clicks on adverts?
What kind of massive retard gets butthurt for people talking about random shit

Shit that can be ignored

You're literally like a retard, think about it
>Are you the kinda idiot that clicks on adverts?
only if i think they'll get me laid
Learn to ignore things, see >>4792369
is this post intentionally ironic
You can actually ignore texts you don't want to read and just focus on the things you want to

Amazing, I bet it's like discovering a superpower for you

I mean guess what, you don't actually have to get upset
no I mean basic bitch / granny
only basic bitches or grannies like strelitzias
You seem very upset is it just cause someone was mean to Americans?
They're fairly unusual in the UK as the conditions aren't ideal to grow them.
Basic bitches here grow easy stuff like Monstera and Ficus, grannies grow Hydrangeas and Begonias.
I mean basic more in the taste sense. Where I'm from they're just the default hardware store plant and they still take a ridiculous amount of upkeep to look good since they keep any dead leaves or flowers indefinitely and generate more constantly.
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Why are plants so expensive
>Live in Ohio
>Fruit trees bloom during the initial blast of warmth
>Oops! Snap freeze!
>Flowers die
Every time. We still get fruit because they're still trees, but for once I want a proper bloom with the first fruits of spring.
My plums this year said fuck it and didn't even bother with putting on flowers.
Every other tree at least had flowers that frozen.
Are plastics 2 (HDPE) and 4 (LDPE) actually safe as pots for growing vegetables in outdoors, or have I been psyopped by Big Petro shills?
What if the tree turns out to be female and starts dropping disgusting fruits.
I know next to knowing about medicine, science, chemistry etc but I avoid plastics and prefer to plant in clay pots.
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I excavated the monkey puzzle tree because I felt it was planted too deep. How deep should I plant it?
that little wound around 4 will probably grow into a root
can any lads help me identify if a mate's marijuana plant is male or female? or is that kinda shit not really what an is for
I do too, but the weight is starting to become an issue. A 14 inch 40qt pot weighs 12lbs, but if you go up to a 17 inch pot it more than doubles to 28lbs.
how much does a 17 inch pot cost where you live?
About 30 freedom dollarydoos, which I suppose given its weight and the shipping costs isn't totally unreasonable. The real gouge is the clay saucer, that's $20. But again, I'm less concerned about the price than the weight.
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So I have a question
I'll include a photo of what I think is the stem in my next post but is it normal this to happen? I feel like the biggest grape vine ever is just growing in my back yard am confused if the stem is this giant thing coming out of the ground or the vine has just wrapped around a dead tree so intensely that it just looks like it's the tree?
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Ordered some seeds for these thick trees. Apparently they do well in Europe.
I was upset someone genuinely got upset because people went off topic for 5 minutes

It's like a discord mod
They're so cheap here in south America, this place is like paradise, once civilization as we know it disappears this place will thrive
Have you ever see native Monkey Puzzles?
Yeah they're everywhere here, I have one like a 5 minute walk from my house

They look insane once you start looking at it closely, like an alien species, don't really know why they're so unique
That is some based ass three, looks unique to those particular regions where good white folks inhabit for some reason
Grapes grow a pretty thick trunk, I don't think there's any dead tree in there.
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whole bunch of bunyas where I live which are a very close relative, on almost the exact opposite side of the planet
Here's some Norfolk pines that have been naturalized to Ascension island. In fact most of the plants you see in the picture have been introduced to the island. Some of them by Joseph Hooker who was encouraged by Darwin.
You live there?
>Keep collection of plants in my bedroom with grow lights.
>Night time comes so I turn the lights off.
>Within a few minutes, can pick up the scent of plants for a while.
>This happens every time.
Whats going on exactly?
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They don't grow fast but they can live for centuries. The major drawback is the stink of the female fruits.
So, it is advisable to plant several of them because:
a) you can cull down the females if the stink of the fruits is too much to bear for you
b) you may grow a healthy family of ginkgos which can reproduce
almost bought one of these at the nursery today. Only reason I didn't is because there's a chance it will turn out female. I need some time to contemplate the probabilities.
They're probably not female. Nurseries know nobody wants their rotting fruit so they grow ginkgos from seed and then graft male cuttings onto the root. If you see a bunch of suckers popping up then you know it's been grafted.
Yeah I bet the nurseries here don't do that lol. They are just looking tu cut cost and not people that buy the ginkgo here don't even know they can make disgusting fruit.
The jalapeno plant that I have inside has grown to be over one meter tall. Still not any peppers though. House turns into a jungle.
I love pineappleweed
>I figured that it's dropping flowers because it's probably too hot.
It might be this. I tried growing one last year in my new greenhouse (before I blocked off the sunset-facing windows and installed a shape tarp) and it never grew any peppers because it got way too hot in there.
shade tarp*
What are some houseplants that require low lights and will increase the humidity?
I want to make a jungle in my room, cause everytime the humidity drops my nose is full which is annoying when you work from home and spend most of your time indoors.
Have you considered a little electrical fountain? I have one of those little waterfall things with that spinning glass ball at the very top and I keep it right next to my Nepenthes and it seems to do a lot for humidity.
Lucky Bamboo can sit in a water/sand filled jar. Spiderplants, Anthuriums and Peace Lillies might be worth looking into. Maybe a Fern?
>will increase the humidity
That's only possible if you have a lot of plants (I mean at least fifty in the room you want more humidity in) with big leaves or tons of smaller leaves close to each other. If the humidity drops at night, you need succulents, which will be impossible with low light, but if the humidity drops during the day, you need 'normal' understory plants. Pick anything you like the looks of, just make sure you get a lot of them.
Don't they need quite a decent amount of direct sunlight?
Wait I thought humidity makes your nose runny, do you live near the coast?
>Maybe a Fern?
I like ferns.
I don't know. When I'm outside all is fine, but when I'm inside all day I get cold/full nose.
I was told it's due to low humidity indoors.
I'm in central Europe, no water near by.
May be spores in your home

The levels of humidity where I live are insane I get a runny nose and when I go to the desert away from the coast it's all good

What city do you live in exactly? Google the humidity levels of your city

Anyways it all goes away if your inmune system is good
Humidity rising
Air movement (from you)
You becoming more aware
Change of your clothes or everyday smell to a room of plants

Prove me wrong, but these are some pretty good explanations of the top of my head
you're falling for a journalist/marketing meme, just like "houseplants purify your air".
go buy a humidifier. it will cost less than a room full of plants, it won't care about light conditions, and it will actually fucking work
thats not how tree gender works, it wont 'turn out' to 'be female'
also this is a genetically modified male only variant anyway
I'm a 6'4 skinhead, everyone listens respectfully when I sperg out about the dangers of vegetative miscegenation.
I think so that's why they're next to a window.
No picture because I'm lazy, but I have an orchid and one of the roots has what appears to be a cut and it's browning. Should I cut the whole root or can I just shave away the brown part and hope for the best?
Could just be a damaged and dried out part. I have a root that partially snapped but I left it and the entire root still functions. My mom damaged a root before and proceeded to cut it which I feel regret over whenever I see it because the rest of the root didn't die off.
>vegetative miscegenation

What does this mean nigga? Could you elaborate?
i assume he means crossbreeding plants with things they wouldnt 'naturally' breed with or is just making a joke
I was hyped it actually meant something related to plant care I didn't know about
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walked past this tree the other day
its pretty cool how does tree grafting work? does it have to be a close relative or can wildly different types of branches be grafted onto other trees?
Ah, I think that's the case, thanks anon. Is there anything I can do to make sure it doesn't expose the plant to more harm or is it cool just to leave it as is?
it has to be realtively similar species. You couldn't draft a cheery onto an orange I think.
same family irc. so technically you can have apples, plumes and cherries on same tree.
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planted some of these
I doubt that is a graft job, why would anyone graft a tree that's under utility lines? The city wouldn't bother, and the power company definitely won't. I can tell you exactly why that tree looks like that from my experience working on a municipal tree crew; the part over the sidewalk had a low limb at some point obstructing the walkway that was pruned off, you can see the junction where the tree veers towards the road, after being cut that junction produced new epicormic growth, aka arial suckers, that younger wood is healthier and able to produce flowers still on a tree that is getting too old to otherwise produce. Another reason you might see a cherry tree only half blooming is if the tree is half shaded by a building because the sunny side will be warmer and resist freezing during a cold snap that kills off all of the buds on the shady side.
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Every morning, the local bugs have an important bugs meeting on this Chionanthus virginicus specimen
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technically they don't have fruits
Underrated post, to be quite honest.
Cactusheads, I need your help.
I bought a Fairy Castle cactus and want to repot it because its grown right up to the rim of the pot, but I'm wondering how you guys take it out and get it into a new pot without getting poked.
I was thinking about maybe laying it onto some tinfoil with something else under it, but I'm not sure if the spines will actually puncture it. Its a small plant, but its covered in tiny spines.
Just wear some thick gloves.
>What your thoughfs on LECA instead of soil for house plantt?

>LECA my balls lol

A conversation that happen me today on the nursery
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>buying plants
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New to this general but my goal was also to make a jungle but I could only get so far in my apartment in the upper Midwest even with grow lights. I moved to a state where I can zone push almost anything and continued my jungle terraforming.
Here’s a diy greenhouse that I recently built for one of my patios. I keep a humidifier in there and it keeps it at 80% humidity minimum all day and night with temps never getting below 60 even in January in there. I grow varieties of star fruit, mangosteen, lychee, longan, a lotta shit. Here’s one pic but I got more. I’ve actually been building my patio space up so that plants are stacked to reach the most density and sun exposure but still giving it a jungle feel.
Here’s the greenhouse. I’ve got more pics if anyone is interested. Recently joined a rare fruit growers club which has been fun as well.
You said upper midwest, but do you have a more precise location? I'm in southmost Canada and have been very interested in getting a greenhouse so I can grow plants with high sun requirements outside without having to worry about the winter time or cooler temperatures.
I was even considering buying one of those Arctic Acres domes, but I don't know if they give enough light for things like Cacti or Succulents, though they apparently give enough to support crops.
Tell us about your greenhouse, anon!
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Did my willow tree grow cancer? or what is this abnormal growth?

should I cut it off?
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I was in MN, but I had to overwinter my plants inside and keep them alive with grow lights until the summer. Had a garden patch outside my apartment complex that the landlords were cool with me having during the warmer months but this wasn't sustainable and that many plants all indoor together led to mealy bugs and the like.
Now, I am in SoCal, and grow an absolute shitload of plants on my patios and in the greenhouse.
For your situation, which sounds like it'd be similar to MN, you'd need something that was insulated enough to not freeze, which then requires a space heater in the mix or something that has insanse insulation, which like you said, has a tradeoff with light. I bought twin walled greenhouse poilycarbonate as a compromise to get both good light and heat retention and then created a frame out of pvc, and sealed it with water proof greenhouse tape (which was also used as the hinge). Then used form fitting pipe foam insulation fitted around the door to provide a seal and velcro strips on the sides with tethers that stick to the velcro as easy ways to hold the door tight to the frame and open/shut easily while still providing a good seal.
..sorry I haven't really talked to many people recently so all this has just been kicking around in my head. I'll trim down another pic of the patio to post if anyone cares.
My balcony garden has flowers on my blueberry bushes and strawberries but I'm not seeing any bees. :( I'm on the 4th floor.

I spotted one bumblebee a week ago and that's it.
welcome to the future
You'll really need a lot of flowering plants, all packed in pretty densely to start getting bees and hummingbirds. I've started seeing them on my patio only once I had enough plants out there that there were always atleast a few that were in bloom.
is that fucking wild cannabis? it looks horribly sick
it might be your elevation, or if you're not near a forest tough shit
tf do you mean the future? any city without many trees or plants/flowers around, like you know, almost all of them, don't have many bees
Bees were more common in cities though

I used to see them all the time 15 years ago, now they're all almost gone

I can only imagine this happened to 90% of cities at least the big ones during the last decades

The future is gay and the apocalypse is happening soon
Update about my jalapeno. Almost getting close to four feet tall. First pepper has started to grow. I think I'll post a picture once it reaches the glorious four feet in height.
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A couple more photos
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And here’s my prize lemon I picked just now for you guys.
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I found these pictures on the internet but left image, I have many orange coloured "welsh poppies" in my garden (identify app classifies it as welsh poppy). Today a yellow one has bloomed. I have never seen a yellow one before. How do I make more of this? Should I try to harvest the seeds it produces and grow them or will orange ones grow from them? In my village (The Netherlands) the orange coloured poppy is common, I've never seen a yellow one in anyone elses garden.
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If you google "Welsh poppy" or, better still, it's proper binomial, Papaver cambricum, most of the photos are of yellow flowers.
I will bet you 1000 guilders and 1000 euros that the reason you only see orange ones in the Nederlands is because Dutch people are crazy for the colour orange.
It's because of the Dutch that we now only get orange carrots in the supermarket.
Thanks, any tips in having more yellow ones grow in my garden instead of orange ones? I see that blue poppy's exist too (meconopsis) and red ones. I want to see if I can get some more colours going. I can find the red poppy seeds for sale but haven't found blue ones yet.
>any tips in having more yellow ones grow in my garden instead of orange ones?
Maybe buy a packet of seeds for the yellow ones?
Looking at range maps of a few invasive species in North America, why are they seem to be concentrated around Toronto but not further south? Example is sea buckthorn
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Just get anything you like the look of.
I don't know where you are but remember to try and keep it above 10 degrees C over winter.
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Building a greenhouse this year.
Very fashionable and well organized. I coukld never make things that pretty. I bet it's tough to get too depressed with an indoor setup like that, chilling on the couch surrounded by plants. A lotta monsteras and houseplants I see.

>Just get anything you like the look of.
I like to get things with a..purpose, if that makes sense. Now that my greenhouse is in good shape, my next two projects are collecting plants that reference every major part of the human body so I can symbolically create a plant homunculi...and also to make a meditation spot with one Buddha's hand tree on the left and my other on the right. So, it's like meditating with buddha.

>10 degrees C over winter.
It's SoCal, so it never gets below, like 15C regardless. Greenhouse keeps it at 20C min in the winter at night so my dumb, fragile mangosteen won't keel over.

Nice, that'd be a perfect patio space for a diy greenhouse. The bigger you make it, the more it'll take to keep the temp/humidity up. What's that plant with the compound leaves in the midground of the photo?
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Looking for a perfect plant.
Necessary characteristics:
>Must be very hard to kill, and must be able to defend itself from diseases, fungi, insects, etc.
>Must be really easily to take care of, and should only require things that are easily available.
>Must live atleast as long as humans.
Preferred but not necessary characteristics:
>Should have traits that make it interactive, i.e., flowering of fruit-bearing.
>Should be Monoecious.
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You've described most house plants, aside from your last two preferences. A boring answer would be something like a peace lily. Impossible to kill. Monocotyledonous. Flowers easily indoors. Doesn't get sick etc etc.
My real take, if it were me, would be a lifesaver plant as its both easy to take care of, fulfills most/all of your requirements and constantly produces fascinating flowers that feel to the touch exactly how you'd expect
meant for >>4796501
Cacti and succulents is what you're looking for

Now there's are some cactuses that have consumable fruits idk about succulents

You should take your time to look exactly for these
I have heard that self-pollinating harms the plant. Is cross-pollinating as simple as buying two of same plant and placing it near each other or is more complicated?
You'll have to point out which plant you mean from which photo.
If you mean the first photo, the plant in the middle growing up string, it's a jade vine.
If you mean the outside photo, possibly a wisteria?
I doubt you mean the fatsia japonica.

My greenhouse is about 4.2 x 3.5 meters, it won't be air tight, you can see the wooden slats on top of the walls.
It's mainly to stop the wind, to the front of my bungalow is a huge field, even a slight breeze and everything gets bashed about, nothing grows straight, and all should be twice as big by now, but it just gets battered.
I'll be happy if it just keeps the frost of in there.
That's the best I can hope for being in the midlands of the UK.
I actually was asking about the false japonica. hadn't seen it before. Neat that you have a jade vine too, though.
The greenhouse will definitely solve your problems. I built mine originally for that reason because starfuit/carambola hate wind. The added humidity on top is a game changer.
Every plant I've put in there grows at least twice as fast and it works as a temporary plant hospital for anything that needs perking up.
>is that fucking wild cannabis? it looks horribly sick
I think it was cancer? can trees get cancer?
Could anyone reccommend some good horticulture or bee keeping books? I'm pretty new to gardening and enjoying it, but my big sister is really serious and has her own bees and greenhouse and is big into organic sustainable gardening. I want to buy her a book as a present but i don't know enough to judge if i'm getting her something worthwhile. Any suggestions? I'm looking into the JADAM book right now.
is your big sister single
shes 60 and married now answer the fucking question
>Looking at range maps of a few invasive species in North America, why are they seem to be concentrated around Toronto but not further south?
Maybe you're just looking at the maps of the ones that happen to be concentrated around Toronto. Seriously.
Kudzu, for instance, is not concentrated around Toronto (though it does grow in Canada).
Couple of thoughts: weeds thrive on disturbance, which kills off existing plants opens up bare soil and provides opportunities to get established. There is a lot of disturbed soil in and around big cities like Toronto.
Also, invasives don't invade everywhere simultaneously. They might start in one or several locations and take some time to spread/be introduced to others.
Invasives that are currently restricted to the area around Toronto will no doubt spread.

>I have heard that self-pollinating harms the plant.
Nah. Too much self-pollination within a population can reduce the overall genetic diversity of that population but it doesn't hurt an individual plant.
>Is cross-pollinating as simple as buying two of same plant and placing it near each other
Sometimes it is, but it depends on the plant.
Sometimes you need to buy both a female and a male plant.
Sometimes you need a specific animal (insect, bird, mammal, etc) to pollinate the flowers, or you have to do it yourself.
Many popular house and garden plants have evolved to reproduce vegetatively to the complete or near-complete exclusion of sexual reproduction. They are quite happily and successfully infertile. Nurseries propagate them via cuttings and/or tissue culture.
You just gotta google your plant to see how to propagate it.
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>can trees get cancer?
Out-of-control cell growth like burls, galls and tumours, sure. It's fascinating stuff. Many insects, arachnids, fungi and other things fuck with the DNA of trees to induce the growth of galls and shit for their own reasons. A massive, crazy, wonderful rabbit hole do go down...
Does it have high quality soil or shit you bought while shopping for doritos.
Nute burn, to much water, it'll take care of itself
>Maybe you're just looking at the maps of the ones that happen to be concentrated around Toronto
Probably lol. Some other examples are himalayan balsam, giant hogweed, and European Swallow-Wort. Obviously it's a large city so it's more common for things to be imported and then escape but I was wondering if there was something about the colder climate that was favorable for these species.
>Put my carnivorous plants outside.
>Flytrap was wildly successful last summer, Sundew and Sarrencia are new editions so I put them out there too.
>Go outside to check on them and make sue they have enough water.
>See a fly on the rip of the pitcher.
>Sit and watch.
>The fly proceeds to crawl around two pitchers, sucking them clean of nectar before taking off, never falls in.
I wish to see images of your carnivorous plant collection

also story from today:
>be me two days ago
>notice new Sarracenia pitcher already bent to the ground for some reason
>be me today
>pay closer attention to pitcher on the ground
>notice something bit some holes in the pitcher
>look inside pitcher
>There's a fucking slug inside eating my pitcher
>poke slug so it dies inside the pitcher and gets consumed
>check on it an hour ago
>slug nowhere to be seen
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>order wishlist plant online
>arrives healthy and looks fucking great
>couldn't be happier
>few days later realize it was also shipped with a million fungus gnat larvae that have started hatching inside my plant room
How will you solve this problem?
How do you have a plant room and don't have a habit of drowning every new arrival in two different types of insecticide.
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Two different types? I can kinda think why, but what's your reasoning behind this?

Iris confusa in the picture.
I sometimes forget to do new plants but I do my plant room three times a year, but only with bugclear as a root feed.
If greenfly find their way in I get the spray out as well.
Soil drenching every single one of my plants with larvae killer each time I water for the next 2 months. I've beat them before, after much trial and error. it takes time and consistent widespread treatment since their life cycle spans slightly over a month, and they colonize any and all moist soil they find. In the meantime, I'll just have to cope with any obnoxious adults that appear and pray they leave my seedling tray the fuck alone (damping off)

usually I quarantine new arrivals, but I'm an idiot and I trusted this seller
What do they discuss?
How do you get problems with bugs?

Just spray garlic all over them
>t. has never had root mealybugs
Honestly, just get a big Pinguicula, it'll wipe out all of them faster than the insecticide would.
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My plants. House is going to turn into a garden
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Aint they trees?
What are they?
Jalapenos. I almost had no idea it would grow that big
I that your 4chan setup?
>blocking the window with the tv
>putting the plants in the corner of the room, away from the window
Plants in the corner that don't like or need direct sun light.
The window is not top to bottom glass and has a 5 inch plastic bit across the middle with a fuckin letter box in it coz the cunt who built it just used the cheapest shit he could get hold of.
If I want to look at my garden, I have legs, I can walk and go sit in my garden.
Also you don't know the dimensions of my room or sofa or where the door is.
I hope I have explained enough for you to be satisfied.

It's an old picture, also I don't fully understand the question.

Maybe it's the colour and the light through the leaves that seems pleasing to me.
I tried to grow chilis last year but, it's England, the weather was shiyt.
>It's an old picture, also I don't fully understand the question.
Was that the monitor that you used to use to browse 4chan?
you guys think it's alright if my pots with sequoiadendron giganteum seeds are always sitting in a tray of water? It's a convenient way to keep them wet I'm just worried about the seeds rotting away or something
Grow Drosera, sundews. Someone on /plant/ recommended I do it when I was you bitching about fungus gnats a few years ago. Drosera Capensis is easy to keep, and a few mature plants has kept my fungus gnats in check. I have a quarantine rack in my entry way where I put plants moving from outside to inside and I keep a few Drosera Capensis on it to eat all the flying bugs before the plants move indoors indoors when proven worthy. I keep some in my terrarium room too.
Might want to prune them to get more flowers and therefore peppers. If you care about that.
What's your favorite smelling flower /plant/?

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