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Chubby edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

Previous: >>4786604

(This thread is sometimes called /kot/)
>ctrl-f "cat"
>63 results

fuck off and call it /kot/, faggot
>/cat/ - Cat General
kys trannie devourer
just call it kot dude why push against it
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How to herd cats?
My kot did not come home tonight. Angry at my wife right now because she made no effort to keep her an indoor cat despite me repeatedly asking. Boo was one of the dumbest animals I have ever met, a runt, and there's no way she would do well on her own outside. Our kid loves her, and I do too. Here's to hoping one of the trackers I messaged doesn't laugh me off for asking their services over a missing pet.
She doesn't really love it or consider it more than a soulless creature. Some people are just like that. It's their very nature and there's no changing it
Back when I was coyote hunting this winter, there was a cat that stayed near my blind. Under night vision, it looked like it was missing a foot. Couldn't get close to it. Saw the cat on my trailcam recently and it still has a foot, but it's bent all weird. It's got a huge limp when walking. Any idea on the costs of getting that foot fixed or removed?
When my cats pukes he always comes to the room I'm in to make sure I'm watching him
Lucky you, mine have a penchant for disappearing from sight
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he's comfy
It's just in case it goes wrong.
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comfy lil' tiger
People who keep pets and don't consider them family or don't give them the love they deserve, need to be executed by fire squads
I don't make the rules
Thank God mine doesn't puke too often, but I am sometimes worried when it looks like it's... Semi-digested dry food and not hair
Or maybe it's hair?
What is normal in puking in kots?
My cat pukes on top of the fridge so its hard to clean and sometimes runs down an inaccessible side
I trained my dog to puke outside. Git gud toxotwinks.
Yeah but can your dog puke down the back of the couch so you dont notice it until you pull it out to vacuum? Didn't think so, buttsniffer. Your mangy bark bark buttsniffing mutt probably isn't even allowed on the couch except to suck your dick LMFAO
based. d*gfags seething.

enjoy picking up shit with your bare hands while us toxoGODS mop up vomit that the roomba ran over
>le heckin chungus kot
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>set up the mosquito net
>catproofed the deck
The fellas have never been outside this long.
>catproofed the deck
Really we just tucked the mosquito net under all the furniture and heavy stuff on the perimeter. They don't try to crawl under it and escape.
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>pic is of British Shorthair
>a cat bred by design to be naturally stout and bulky
You disappoint me OP.
He's pro-ukikraine
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What kind of cats do I have? Is the black one a bombay?

The gray one looks like a maine coon, but it couldn't be as it's way too tiny for that right?
shut up queer
What's your favorite internet cat? For me is waltito the wizard
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The only.
Not a maine coon. Probably some derivative of Sibberian or Norwegian Forest breed. The other does a have a strong resemblance to a bombay, but honestly he could just be a generic cat with black coat.
>Finally getting a kitten again after years without having a kot
Feels good bros. First pick of the litter. Planning to train it so I can take it for walks and such, so it gets fresh air but stays safe.
Replace kot with dog and your post makes sense.
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>cat catches leaves
>cat catches twigs
>cat catches spiders
>cat catches mice
>cat catches birds
>cat catches bird eggs
>cat catches bird nests that just hatched
god, I love the little bitch
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I hate shitty super imposed photos.
>chubby edition
>corpo slop
>train your cat to walk on a leash
>le hecking furbaby must be kept prisoner
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>Anons mad they don't have trained kots
It's gonna be not cheap.
Hear a vet.
Can you take adult cats for walks or is it something you have to train them on as a kitten? I got a 5 year old from the shelter and he loves following me around. I tried taking him out yesterday and got out into the hallway of my building before a loud noise scared him and he ran back to my apartment.
>no quotes
Why should i kms exactly?
What is the process?
You can def have him on a leash but its better to let him roam
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Day 2 of letting him outside of the apartment. The hallway proved too scary so we didn't make it to the elevator, but he likes the balcony.
Unless you have a Siamese, Bengal or Devonshire Rex you can't train it anon. Don't be silly.
Because you were saying kys, simple.
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My cat just prefers to sleep in the patio like this. Must feel good to be sleeping carefree in the sun like this.
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Of course sometimes she goes to the shade. It was particularly hot this day.
I will keep myself safe thank you :)
It REALLY depends on the cat. I had a former stray who was 10 when I plucked him off the street that I could trust with being walked off-leash. My current cat who has been well cared for pet his whole life was rehomed to me at 3 years old and is a semi-feral little shit I wouldn't even trust out on a leash.
The choice of indoor/outdoor and leash training is very situational, mostly dependent on the cat's behavior and what kind of area you are in. In an apartment situation I definitely would recommend using a leash if you are allowing your cat out of your home.
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Just found out my little buddy has aggressive cancer, he displayed no symptoms until the past week where he was suddenly hit with extreme lethargy, low appetite and abdominal bloating...
Bro is clinging for dear life
Do what you can, I lost my guy last year to progressive feline histiocytosis. The tumor started in his toe so I was able to catch it early, but he still only made it 3 months past the start of chemo. I'm just glad that his quality of life didn't decline until his last 48 hours. He passed in my arms at 2am just after I sent his vet a message letting her know I would bring him in at opening to be euthanized.
Unfortunately he is too ill for any possibility of recovery. He is scheduled to be put down tomorrow.
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It was the weird liminal space hallway/elevator that was tripping him up. I used the cat carrier to get passed that and had a short walk with him (if you can call it a walk, it was mostly just him wandering around the lawn and sitting around). When it looked like he might be done I put the carrier down and he climbed in to be taken home. Will try again tomorrow!
>What is the process?
Start small (commands) like 'sit' and teach him to listen. Work to more advanced commands from there. A good friend of mine's family breeds and trains cats profesionally, so she'll be guiding me. I'm good with cats, but new to training, so for me it's a new experience, too.
why does my cat do the low pitched meow like the anybody home meow even though she can clearly smell me taking a shit in the basement with the door open
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>cat is overstimulated
>shit outside litter box
>he fell for the litterbox meme
Let it outside toxo
thank you for feeding the neighborhood dogs
I don’t have any dogs where I live so it’s cool :)
>Let it outside toxo
letting it outside is how you get toxo, retard
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Hello anons. My cat was outside yesterday, shes an outdoor cat 12 years old and healthy.
She came home all greased up down the back to the tail and black between ears. Hoe do I clean her to get the oil out of the fur. I've tried soap and water but it didnt work.

Do I have to do anything or just wait for shedding naturally
Try using dish soap
the boy I just adopted is love biting me more and more, during cuddles he nips more often and I let him because it's affection. he's also getting more playful and getting zoomies more often. it this bad behavior, or does it mean he's getting more comfortable?
how do I let my retard cat out into my yard? I don't have a fence and its like 25 feet to the street where people speed quite a bit. I have a harness but she hates it. are there good options for some kind of pen or enclosure?
she looks good for 12
I wonder how to remove the oil or whatever too
open a window
set up a bird feeder in view of said window
retard cat thinks hes outside but isnt
Cats are the Jews of the animal world.
shut up
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My cat is super anxious and hates litterboxes. She'll pee anywhere that isn't the litterbox first, even when it's cleaned daily. It's not a UTI, she is not sick, we have checked many times. We just got her a new litterbox and despite spending 30 minutes in there with the door closed trying to get her to not be TERRIFIED of it but as soon as we opened the door she sprinted off and pooped on her bed. She stopped doing this when we gave her anxiety meds (she also panics at the slightest sound, moreso than normal for a cat), but she also stopped eating. We are at our wits end, we love her but we can't keep spending all day cleaning cat piss. Any advice, even the most woowoo pseudoscience would be appreciated at this point.

pic is her
>if I tell the epic hackermen at 4chan about the chinese cat abusers they'll deal with the problem!!!!!
Go outside.
Spray the house with those calming calming sprays
she looks… serious…
You try a bigger open air box? Different kinds of litter like wood? Though the latter probably won't help since it's louder.
my new cat tucks her tail when i pet her even though she's obviously enjoying the pets. closes her eyes and rubs her head against my hand, rolls over, lifts her butt when i pat her near the base of her tail. can a tucked tail mean something other than fear / anxiety? idk why she's doing this
Someone on 4chan telling me to go outside? Cute.
No, I don't expect at least 99% of you to be clever enough to hack or do something. Just spreading awareness.
Do you think there's hope in turning a feral cat into an indoor cat? He let me pet him when he was under a year old but now he's 3 with big jowls and doesn't let me.
There is hope, although it will require work and patience. My dad was able to gain the trust of a pregnant feral and she turned into the most socialized house cat I have ever met.
Right now I'm working on a feral cat who lives on my street, I feed him every time I see him and after 2 years he takes pets and follows me, when I get an opportunity I am going to lure him into my place and take him for a full physical then figure out if I want to keep him or foster him until I find him a forever home.
He was recently nabbed in a trap-neuter-return so that will also save me having to pay for neutering and a rabies shot.
thanks, I'll try that

We take the tops off all her litterboxes otherwise she'll never go in them. She's big and a bit awkward, she can't even loaf right.
>take him for a full physical
how much trust would that cost?
i don't think my cat ever forgave me for all those vet visits
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So this poor cat walked up to my home, he looks like he has a severe case of mange (both of his ears seem to have rotted away and most of the fur in his back and legs seem gone). I already have a cat so i cant take him in but i dont want this little guy to just die in the street, whats the safest way to trap it? Also any precautions i should take now that its starting to hang out around my home? Gave him some food and water but i also dont want to risk giving my own cat mange
How does a mother cat "move" her kittens after a few weeks when she can't carry them in her mouth? How does she signal them to stay put or come with her?
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This is my idle animation.
wow 1 frame, that sure is idle
Use basic Dawn or Joy dish soap. Rinse thoroughly.
My 16 years old cat living her last days, never thought talking animals is a good idea, but now it seems so unfairly that i can't have a talk with her before she go...
i got her while i was about 9 years old, now i'm 25...
I'd definitely try a different litter. When I got my current cats one of them refused to use the litter at all. Started with wood, tried corn, soon as I switched to clay he stopped causing any problems.
do you like your neighbor's cats?
Anon, I lost my persian cat last month, I had him since I was 12 and now I'm 27, I know what you are going through.
you mean "the soon to be former neighbor's" cats?
yes, I love them
>dog goes ballistic at kot when in crate
>very friendly outside of it
How do I tell this bitch she's not allowed to play with my friends?
>lock your dog in a tiny box literally called a "crate"
>no room to walk, no water, just enough space to uncomfortable shuffle around
>they become mentally ill
You know we crate VIOLENT PRISONERS to punish them for bad behavior right? Why would you do that to your dog and expect good results?


it's like prong collar, shock collar, yank and crank idiots... their dogs always get progressively more unhinged and violent until they snap and rip flesh off other dogs for "behaving too dominant-like" while the "alpha male" dudebro owner justifies it as "WELL UR DOG SHOULDA SUBMITTED TO MY DOG MAYB U SHULDA TRAINED THEM TO" (typical dogfaggot wont ever admit they traumatized their mutt into being a violent shithead)
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So in the 4 years I've had my cat this is the first time she's actually caught and brought back prey and of all the poor things she could have caught it just had to be a big ass fucking rat.
I’m in a similar boat. Had my current oldest since I was 13. I’m 23 now. My longest living pet. Hope he has a few years left in him
Any reason why you cat has anxiety? Any traumatic event with the litter box? Mine only get anxious in my bathroom because he associates it with baths
they don’t come with her, they usually just stay put or they’ll follow on their own, at least that’s what mine did
Beautiful. Yeah, I think what the others said: keep washing her everyday with dawn dish soap and water.
I have always enjoyed neighbor kots. In the building where I live everyone just lets their cats into the hallways and they mingle and visit other apartments. I can't tell you how many times I had to go to my late asshole's(may he rest in peace) favorite apartment to visit because he was hiding to avoid a trip to the vet.
Back when I lived with my dad the next door neighbor's cat started to hang out at our place until he eventually just stopped going home. Little did we know that jerkwad cat would live to be 25.
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Rescued a road kitten. I think it’s a kitten? Never owned a cat. I intend on keeping her. So far I have:
Litter box
12 cans of soft kitten food, chicken and fish.
Water dish
Food dish
Catnip litter box ‘attracter’
Anti-catshit stench removing spray.

I gave her a small can of cat food on the road, given her a bath with dawn dish soap, dried and warmed her up and now she’s sleeping a purring on my lap.

Catbros, what am I missing? Also any tips for litterbox training? Also she wouldn’t drink any water on the road. Is that concerning? She’s not foamy or gross so I don’t suspect rabies. How many times should a kitten her size be eating per day?

Her name is Fury.
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Additional Fury Pic. I accidentally woke her up, she’s trying to fall asleep as I type this though.
With wet food cats can get most if not all their hydration from the food itself so I wouldn't worry. As for litter training it should be minimal as long as she knows it's there as cats instinctively want to bury their shit. For food I'd just follow package directions desu
Please make sure that she is able to do her business. Young cats need their mother to lick their bums so that they may deficate. Try using a wet clothes on her to make sure she can go.
She is gorgeous.
so I'm cat-sitting for my friend and the cat just peed all over the wall
why did she do this?
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I love my cat so much.

She follows me everywhere into every room. She is always by my side. She crawls into my lap. She sleeps next to me, or on my neck, or under my blankets.
She is always guarding me.

I genuinely love her so much guys. I give her kisses and tell her she’s sweet and try to give her the best life i can.

Her favorite toys are bread tags and twist ties. She carries them around in her mouth. Whatever makes her happy.
clean it up janny
she wants to let you know: you are the bitch
Why do you keep putting random objects next to them
Probably in heat idk
This is my stupid son. I found him two months ago now in a parking lot. I love him. He chatters like a creature and he likes to take shits with me. He doesn’t like being pet but somehow loves being held. His favorite food is paper despite being fed two meals a day and me begging him to stop eating paper.
I don't want to jinx it, but thank you so much for this. She's acting more like a normal cat than I've ever seen before. She's running around and getting playful instead of hiding or barely moving, and she's pooping in her litterbox! Many thanks, from my whole family.
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I really wish my cat was friendly, bros. I've done everything I can to show her love, but she is such an asshole. She hates being patted, will frequently hiss at house guests (and me, if I annoy her), and has really long hair which she will not let me brush. No idea what I did to raise such an awful cat - she got separated from her mother early, but aside from that I've no idea why she's like this. She was better as a kitten before I moved cities with her.
There are cat behavioral experts who can probably help you train her. Could also be environment, maybe something (or lack of something, like adequate safe spaces) is stressing her out.
Or pain he is hiding
Beautiful. You are so lucky! Remember to always take care of her and never betray her trust.
He likes to be held but not pet? Feline autism really is something
People really underestimate cat loyalty. A loyal dog is incomparable to a loyal cat.
so, she left us today...
i don't know i'ts a true relief or i just emotionally exhausted, but i'm feel better and glad she gone being home(not vet clinic) and without much suffering.
i've spent last days near her, changing her diapers and helping to drink water, that wasn't good condition for both us.
So i'm tired and goind to sleep, burial planned for tomorrow...
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A while ago I mentioned a small kitty that I found in my backyard. Today I was able to pet her for the first time.

I noticed that she was rubbing herself against walls. I presumed it was nothing unusual but I would like to hear what you think.
I feel for you, anon. I lost my cat 4 years ago and he still weighs heavy on my mind. For some time I was looking forward to finding his reincarnation in the form of another cat, but recently I've come to realize he's transcended the cycle of samsara. Our cats are our brothers and sisters, losing them are transformative times in life. I hope the burial brings a semblance of closure for you.
This is one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen.
My cat's name is Glue
Let's goooooooooo
Happy to hear
Cats do that to mark stuff with their scent so seems normal to me.
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For any mango readers among you I recommend you read this, makes me wanna tear up cus it's so adorable. However I would NOT recommend if you lost your cat, I'd definitely cry like a bitch.
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Just some weeks ago I talked with a friend of mine and he said "wow, your cat looks old, but she's in good shape for her age" and ever since then it hit me like a thousand bricks.
My cat is 15 years old. She's already in supercentenary years in terms of cat-to-human years. I've had her ever since I was a little kid. I didn't notice it but her fur's a bit less shiny than some years ago, she sleeps way more than before, and her eyes look a bit tired...
I'm afraid of losing her but I'm glad she's having a good life and still has a good appetite.
Oh God I think I remember that one's plot slightly. Holy shit that one is just pure diabetes made into a manga and I'll probably cry if I read it completely.
Based //a/n// crossover, will add it The List(tm), thanks anon
'dorable oreo
I adopted a couple cats two days ago that were declawed by their previous owner. What can I do to make them more comfortable? Are there any toys that are better for them?
That's good to hear. I was worried that she could be sick.
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Mine always pukes on the rug. There's a single 1 square meter rug in my apartment and he pukes on it specifically
She looks about 2.5-3 months old. Kittens that old can do their own business, no need to facilitate it
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Seconded. Siberians and Norwegian Forest Cats have softer faces compared to Maine Coons.
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boomer oreo kot
Fuck, poor babies... Maybe softer toys or chewy toys might be good. I have no idea why someone would declaw a cat... I mean, trimming their claws is understandable, but declawing...
It had to be an orange car, of course.
They're really fancy. Maine coons look like mini lions
guys i love my cat
Zoophile nonce
i wish my cat would love me
based zoophile
My kot respects me and thinks I'm the bestest ever
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ive been taking care of a stray/feral(when i say feral she will not let you pet her whatsoever) for the past year, she’s had a second batch of kittens and these two are covered in fleas. i’ve done my best to remove them, i covered their tails, ears and neck with dawn soap and dunked them in warm water for 15-20ish min. then i went through with a comb to take off the dead fleas and remaining survivors. But since she’s still feeding them, doesn’t she also have fleas? what can i give her to get rid of them? (reminder that she hates being physically touched and will attack)
based respectable pet owner
I left some food out for the stray but he isn't visiting :(
unless you’re taking those kittens away from her i don’t see the point in treating them for fleas; especially if you can’t grab her. you’d have to feed her meds or somehow dump diatomaceous earth on her but she’ll just get fleas again.
well fuck, she’s still feeding so it’s not like i can just take them away from her. how much is a vet visit?
you can try to trap her & keep her in a kennel in your house covered by a blanket. vets have varying policies on taking care of feral animals so definitely call your local office and ask first. also call local cat sanctuaries for advice on taking care of a feral cat.

you could also take her in to get her spayed and released once the kittens are old enough to be separated from her. some feral cats just really can’t live inside & it’s better to spay and release them. they’ll take the tip of her ear as well to show she’s a feral but spayed kitty so animal control will leave her alone— way down the line of course.
You live in Australia m8?
Could be dead. Or resting up. Anything is possible with strays
Has anyone ever experienced a chronically unhappy cat? I have one cat, healthy according to the vet, eats a good diet, has a whole house and garden to explore, has 2 other cats to keep him company when i'm not home, gets plenty of time to cuddle and play with me, has a bunch of toys etc. But he always whines and meows ridiculously sadly. He has the saddest meows I've ever heard. He meows like his heart has been utterly broken and there is no joy at all in his life. Do some cats just have sadder sounding meows or is he just genuinely miserable?
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well, i’m fucked
some cats just sound different. he may have realized you pay more attention to him or give him more food when he cries like that— if a cat is in pain or sick, they typically will hide it rather than vocalizing it.
tldr you’re anthropomorphizing him he’s fine
good luck!! it’s a great sign that she’s not doin shit to you when you’re literally holding her baby in front of her. there’s hope
i thought she only had 2 but then she brought out more, this vet visit just got more expensive
is it normal to get an erection while petting your cat's soft body
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forgot pic
damn you are really close to her, if she was super feral you would not be able to do that. it would be pretty easy to trap her and get them all vetted i’d bet.
happens to me often
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we have our issues, she’s very skiddish when you try to touch her, but i’m close to one of her kittens from the first litter
im sorry for your loss
How to piss off my cat:

When she comes around asking for pets, continually "air-pet" her. Just hover hand and mime the petting motion just an inch above her. Even when she arches up her back in anticipation of a pet, keep your hand hovering right above her.

After about 30 seconds of that she will just fucking attack you out of frustration
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Man, our family cat is slowly dying and the vets don't see anything wrong with him. He lost so much weight already and he doesn't eat, today he pooped on a random spot I think that's the second harbinger of death. He is about 14 to 15 years old, he was a rescue so nobody k ows exactly.
My dad loves that lil guy like nothing else and is still a bit in denial about the fact we will soon have to say goodbye.
He doesn't really like getting held or pet so I don't know how to spoil him a bit before he goes and that hurts, is there any guide on how to do cat hospice care?
He is doing it really graceful so far but I am scared he will be cramping to death like my grandpa soon and I can't do anything but watch.
I never asked for those feels, why am I crying about a cat as a 29 year old man?
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Best friends.
As long as he eats he'll be fine. When he stops eating that's the end
go see a different vet
Did you have his bloodwork done? Is he active? It could be fip. No apetite, weight loss and apathy are all typical for it, though at that age it's rare
based it’s funny to mess with them
Oh thank God. I thought I was crossing a line.
I got a couple of cats recently and now I'm feeling a lot of regret. What if I can't take care of them? What if I don't like having them around as much as I thought I would? What if these aren't the right cats for me? Maybe I should bring them back to the adoption center, maybe this was a bad idea, maybe I made a huge mistake.
These are the first cats I'm taking care of on my own, are these kinda feelings common for first time pet owners? Do these doubts go away?
I think you just have anxiety and low self esteem.
these feelings go away, it's the equivalent of puppy blues. thought i made the biggest mistake when i got my cat, every sniffle he had made me think he was in need of medical attention, thought my entire life needed to change. got over it over 1-2 months as everything regarding cat maintenance became routine
I wanted to return to the shelter my cat the first week I got him because he used to poop all over the house then one day week later I got mad at him, he probably sensed it and went to pooped in his litterbox, I feel really bad for being so hard on him and decided to keep him. Best decision in my life
i jerk off my cat pretty often too, maybe don't take me as an example of what's normal
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We got some new kittens today. The girl on the left is named persephone. What should I name the boy?
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He sleeping like this
>The girl on the left is named persephone.
Yes they go away. Of course it’s going to be a scary experience if it’s your first time with a pet, but you do get used to it like you would anything else with enough repetition
>What if I can't take care of them?
You're a human being. You can take care of two cats.
>What if I don't like having them around as much as I thought I would?
Every pet owner experiences this sometimes. Raising a pet can be frustrating but it's worth it for the companionship.
>What if these aren't the right cats for me?
Part of the fun is the mystery box. What will your new pet's personality be like? Who knows!
>Maybe I should bring them back to the adoption center
Do not do that. Guilt. Shame. Remorse. Sin.
>are these kinda feelings common for first time pet owners?
All pet owners, and parents, have doubts and worries. Comes with the territory. Again, worth it for the companionship.

Just coexist peacefully with your new cats. They'll settle in, their personalities will come out, you'll learn their quirks and kinks, and it'll all be just fine. People been raising cats for literally thousands of years. And for most of that time they were retarded cavemen.
the male seems like quite the goofball
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He sadly really rarely eats, yesterday he ate a little bit of wet food but today he has no appetite again.
My mom and dad seem to be scared to do that it seems or they don't tell me the whole story. My father told me yesterday when I pressed the topic that the vet said we don't need another appointment, so I guess it's looking grim.
I hate the whole situation, my father clings to hope he will recover and my mom lost hope he will recover both don't want me to cart him to the vet.
He is not really active except when my father comes home, it is like programmed into him to come down and greet him. The two are really close, basically the meme of the dad that didn't want a pet and the pet that love each other.
Other than that he goes back to sleeping after greeting my dad and trying to eat a tiny bit when my dad wants to feed him. The bloodwork didn't show anything weird from what my parents tell me, though I start to suspect they are bullshitting me.

Thank you for the replies, it helps to talk about it at the very least.
I curse my former boss for crashing the company so I had to move back in with my parents, I wanted to avoid seeing that cat die.

Here is a pic of him from better times
>I never asked for those feels, why am I crying about a cat as a 29 year old man?
Because you love the little shit, and that's a perfectly normal thing to do, anon.
You'll meet him again one day.
Just learned that I have to give my cat primarily wet food instead of they dry I've been feeding him for 5 years now. I've previously heard that I have to avoid canned since it's too high in salt and might give him liver problems. How much of that is true and should I just switch solely to canned or mix them? Also, how much of a can should I feed him at a time (I feed him thrice a day) and what should I avoid when looking for canned food?
They need canned food at least once a day

Never heard of cat food having a ton of salt in it, my cat hardly drinks any water after I switched to feeding him exclusively wet food
>What should I name the boy?
Gardolf Kitler
>kot disappeared into the wilderness of my dad's trash pile
Will his brother be able to help me find him/lure him out?
For the last time: Your cat will come home when it gets hungry. It knows where the door is, it's not retarded. Just wait. Pace back and forth if it helps, idk.
Your cat will most likely eat poison or be eaten by another animal most likely after something spooks it and it gets lost, hit by a car, falls in a dumpster, etc
And yes it is retarded.

Dont let your next cat outside k?
No, I mean trash pile as in the house is a trashpit, hooray for hoarders.
just throw it away when he's not looking. he won't even remember half that shit that's there. That's what i do with my boss. Just throw half the stuff he hoards away. On a rare ocasion when he does remember, I play dumb
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i love my cat so much guys.

I wanted to ask, what are your opinions regarding the intelligence of cats? Do you think they have thoughts , or just operate on feelings and intuition?

Do any of your cats exhibit intelligence?
They are dyonisian silly little creatures therefore intuitivity is the way they experience the world
I have no scientific data to back this up, but the presence of preferences always indicated intelligence to me. Consider: if you give a dog two bowls of different food, it'll scarf both bowls at random. But if you give a cat, or an ape, two bowls you can almost see the gears turning in their head as they decide which food to eat. That's higher-order thinking.
>Do you think they have thoughts or just operate on feelings and intuition?
i don't think so. I don't think any animal is capable of sapient thought
>Do any of your cats exhibit intelligence?
Depends on a cat. Some are intelligent, some are not
>i am a picky bitch therefore i am smart
i have a bachelors, an upcoming masters, and an indiscriminate appetite, AND most of my friends from particle physics class eat literally anything and everything too

sounds like you have fedora kid syndrome, that is, believing all the narcissistic and entitled traits of mommy's special boy and the smartest kid on earth are part of what makes them clearly superior to their peers in middle school. do you also think refusing to work is a sign of intelligence, and not wholly irrelevant to it (as it actually is)? do you believe being atheist assures intellectual supremacy?
Dogs are provably more intelligent than cats and demonstrate such higher order thinking that they pass causality tests that cats can't and understand human language with grammar, so your theory is bunk.

The dog has a much stronger digestive system and can survive on a wider range of diets.
The cat will probably die if the moisture and taurine content is wrong.
And just because an autistic kid (you) is picky, doesn't mean they're smart. Most autists are actually average or below average in fluid intelligence but excel in rote memorization so they do well on standardized tests, start believing they are smart, and then burn out hard in highschool/early college.
They can be really fucking stupid but also really smart sometimes. We had two elderly cats, sisters, for a few years and they generally didn't like each other. Just avoided each other. But when one didn't return from being outside for a long time (they didn't roam far, usually) the other would start looking all around the house for her, and then go outside. A little while later they would both return home together.
And then they would fight. True sisters.
Any assumption that cats are genuinely intelligent IS fedora kid syndrome. A classic part of it for at least the past 100 years. They relate to what they imagine the cat is. Also see: huskies, but they got it harder because they actually are smart and suffer more deeply.

Cat intelligence is jumping spider tier. Accurate with multi-day processing times.
>you have wronged the cat
>once he realizes how big of a faggot you are he’ll kick your ass
>next week
>give it time
>give a koala two food sources
>they take a week to pick one
smartest animal

cats are not very smart. they have decent memories and sharp instincts, especially motor control, but in terms of reasoning ability and speed they are ass and make small dogs look smart. and sometimes their instincts result in clearly irrational behavior, like falling off tables at random. hilarious.
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>Get cat

>Cat starts chewing on things

>Try to distract him with toy

>Only toy that distracts him is a hair tie of all things, and he plays fetch for awhile

>Can't play fetch no more due to the fact he chewed and ate all the hair ties

>Starts chewing on wood and now just recently, the metal and glass on my computer case

I'm at my wits end anons, please help
That's not kot that's gremlin
uh the word is “kit” not “kot”. “kot” is a corruption of the original “kit” because the eastern half-mongol village folk were too drunk to speak correctly.

t. original aryan kievan rus
>cat is resting by the backyard
>hears someone nearby
>meows loudly
>someone checks on her
>keeps meowing
>only stops when pet or played with
>What should I name the boy?
Good boy.
Ive got 2 cats. they were rescues. previous owner abandoned them when they moved out. neighbors fed them and stuff. they were about a year old when i got them. that was a year ago so theyre about 2 now. they are bonded and very close.

would it be ok to bring one of them to the vet at a time? theyve pretty much never been separated and probably went through some shit together. thing is, they really dont like being handled and getting one in a carrier is going to be hard enough, not sure i could get both in one in the same general time span
Srsly tho, Was planning on getting him a rawhide bone, do you think that'll deter the chewing
You should be using a top-loading carrier for cats, it's so much easier to get them inside. With one of these, you can load both cats at once. Take them both at the same time. They'll comfort each other.
trve aryan rvs
my neighbors let their cat roam straight out the front door so I placed a hidden platter of salmon pate mixed with 1/4g of decarbed weed behind my bushes last night

Before leaving for work I found their cat totally passed out in the middle of my front lawn... so I left it there. Came back. Cat's stil lthere. They still haven't said anything. The cat finally woke up and hilariously wobbled its way down to the wrong house and sat down on its doorstep to pass out again.

Why didn't I think of this sooner? I'm going to start putting cannabis baits all over
For what purpose?
Probably his teeth hurt, cats tend to chew on things when that happens
what the fuck, no they don't. Who told you this bullshit? On the contrary, when their teeth hurt they stop eating. So when you cat stops eating the first thing you do is check her teeth
Based. Going to start doing this to scare them into keeping their pets supervised. With any luck the roaming dogs owners will have a scare and keep them indoors too (no leashed dog should be sniffing my foundation)
Does your cat like cheese? Mine is obsessed with it. I only feed it small crumbs like once in a blue moon but when I do she goes crazy for it.
many cats like cheese. it's a milk based product after all. mine likes fruit and berries. strawberries and apples especially
Wtf reddit justice is this? What is mentally wrong with you
The girl is actually the goofball. He's more reticent and standoffish. He got more Siamese and she got more ragdoll
>my neighbors habitually neglect their pet so i gave it a ton of weed and laughed at their inaction
alpha male power play
Fuck off, retard.
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My cat is dying and this is honestly the gayest fucking shit I've ever dealt with in my entire life. She is just gasping for air every 30 seconds. Pretty sure this is her last night. This shit sucks and I'm about to cry.
Cats have a higher encephalization quotient than dogs, therefore they’re smarter
Mine loves papaya, he leaves his little fangs on it
But they are demonstrably way, way dumber, so…
I really feel for all the midwits that used to think they were smarter and being a borderline comatose asocial sperg was therefore admirable and a sign of intelligence in their eyes
put her to sleep you idiot. Don't make her suffer
you are a horrible fucking person & would've honestly been better if you just shot the poor thing. don't do this.
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>i use intelligence as parameter to pick my pet companion
Holy reddit who fucking cares
>how dare you expose my lies
Reddit behavior
My cats are smart :)
OH no no no explain this
my cat is retarded
possibly the most retarded cat i've known, he can't figure out how to get under a blanket, he just claws at it until i lift it for him
same for a cracked door, he just claws at the carpet rather than even try to push or pull it
he has less problem-solving ability than a crab and i love him
shit source
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my scrunchie :)
Psychopaths prefer dogs to cats because it is socially acceptable to torture and enslave them. They blend in with the rightoids who harm animals to show others that they are callous and results oriented, and demonstrate their fascist ideals, but the psycho does his dog torture for personal satisfaction. By blending in, the psychopath has easier access to victims.

Psychopaths prefer cats to dogs because it is socially acceptable to live feed them. The psychopath lives vicariously through their cat, which is frequently encouraged to flaunt rules and kill and torture small animals while the psycho watches. This helps them blend in better than they would by owning a snake, ensuring easy access to victims. They differ from normal cat owners in that they revel in the bloodshed rather than believing their cat is happier or getting rid of a pest problem.
how is shooting a cat better than getting it stoned?
I dont think you understand how diabolical anon is

While adult humans without genetic defects suffer 0 long term consequences from smoking one fat blunt giving many the impression that it is safer than vodka after hearing every successful man say “oh yeah i did smoke a lot of weed in college big deal”, and you’d have to smoke a bowl or two of “the danker shit” a day for a decade to do any damage, cat and dog brains are not even 1/1000th as robust and a stiff dose of dope like that causes permanent personality changes. I know people whose pets got into edibles merely once and they never un-chilled or got those IQ points back. Think retrievers that just watch the ball go past, and cats that now lay on their back and watch the birds fly. A bowls worth of dope in some fish paste is enough to make a cat permanently more retarded than it was originally.

Humans are unique in our ability to safely handle large amounts of plant based poisons like thca, nicotine, ethanol, LSA, and caffeine. Other mammals get some sort of organ damage every time.
i wish i had a squeaky cat
Has his fur changed texture? If yes read on. I have owned a lot of cats and volunteer with a local rescue, given his age my guess would be feline hyperthyroidism, ask your vet to test for it specifically, its not expensive to test or treat. With meds (you can mix with Churu) you can have a couple more healthy years with him. Its worth it.
>my elderly shorthair desperately tried to teach kittens how to open a door
>after a solid year their position is still to whine and cry
You wasted your time, old friend, but your loss is my gain.
RE hyperthyroidism, my vet diagnosed my 15 year old kot with a start of that afte blood tests and I decided to try a perscription food for it, we had some more blood tests after a couple weeks and his levels were lower so that's another solution too. It's Hill's prescription y/d for the record.
My boy can open these types of door handles. I had to change all my doors to knobs instead. Problem is, the neighbor has this type of handle on her FRONT door, so he just lets himself in, the little faggot.
I live feed my cat
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I tried that with my boy and he just made friends with the rat.
how to spot the disabled instantaneously (never fails)
Sorry man but sounds like it’s her time. Should probably take her to the vet.
> and you’d have to smoke a bowl or two of “the danker shit” a day for a decade to do any damage,
It takes way less than that but ok.
enjoy your disease
You have weight-lifting cats.
...So they avoid pork, have weirdly large noses and really like to light candles? That doesn't sound like cats.
My cat also really loves to be picked up! Maybe they're related to each other.
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Reply with only the most aesthetic looking cats.
got a cat a few weeks ago for the first time since i was a kid
how often do you feed these things? is twice a day (morning and night) normal? how often do i have to play with him? are there any other important things to know about having a cat? he is a little under 2 years old
>"can you believe the music this guy plays?"
Damn, she’s pretty
Kot genius
my cats don't kekekek when they see birds. Are they broken?
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He is eating again and active! Now he is super ravenous and wants to eat all day. I hope I can get him off his holocaust survivor physique now.
That's very interesting to hear, I didn't notice any change in his fur texture but I will def keep in mind this sickness exists and will ask the vet about it! Thank you and >>4804526 thank you too for that info!
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my cat, objectively
Mmmmmm, shrooms...
Lmao flat face
No, it’s something mine do too. I think they’re trying to mimic them and trick them into thinking they’re birds too. Very strange
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She's too pretty, I love her.
I got a email from my apartment manager suspecting that I've violated the lease terms by owning a pet. What's the process to get emotional support animal paperwork and how often does it work? I'm in NYC so they have the same protection as service animals apparently...and I would qualify easily (anxiety/depression)

It's a indoor cat I've owned since it was a kitten for 15 years, and giving her up is not an option. This retard went on a hunger strike when I left it with my parents. She's pretty quiet and doesn't give issues. It's rent stabilized too which should give me additional protections.

I was gonna go Monday to retain a tenant lawyer and ask for their counsel but I was wondering if anyone here had experience.
I can't even tell if they have any proof and the lease terms are oddly draconian about it too. Pretty sure they said cats were okay at first however when we first signed.

>Dogs or animals of any kind shall not be kept or harbored in the Apartment, unless in each instance it be expressly permitted in writing by the owner. This consent, if given, can be taken back by Owner at any time for good cause on reasonably given notice. Unless carried or on a leash, a shall not be permitted on any passenger elevator or in any public portion of the building. Also, dogs are not permitted on any grass or garden plot under any condition. BECAUSE OF THE HEALTH HAZARD AND POSSIBLE DISTURBANCE OF OTHER TENANTS WHICH ARISE FROM THE THIS RULE BY EACH TENANT IS A MATERIAL REQUIREMENT OF EACH LEASE. TENANT'S FAILURE TO OBEY THIS RULE SHALL BE CONSIDERED A SERIOUS VIOLATION OF AN IMPORTANT OBLIGATION BY TENANT UNDER THIS LEASE. OWNER MAY ELECT TO END THIS LEASE BASED UPON THIS VIOLATION.
My one advice is to not live in that shithole of a country
>I was gonna go Monday to retain a tenant lawyer and ask for their counsel but I was wondering if anyone here had experience.
Just go to the lawyer and ignore any advice given here.
I'm stuck here unless I win the lotto or btc hits $500,000.

Unironically what it looks like. I have at least a few weeks and I imagine they need more proof than whatever the Super told them. The annoying bit is everything I find online deals with dogs...this is a 8lb cat that's healthy and poos/pees in a litterbox. She needs me.

I'm already coming up with a list of lawyers I'm gonna email today/tomorrow and visit Monday-Tuesday.

I could always lie and hide her if management pushes for a apt inspection, but it's annoying I even have to go through that.
Lawyer can't do shit, sorry. Lease is cut-and-dry, and you signed. Hearsay like "they said this" does not hold up.

NYC is a backwards shithole that may try to force landlords into accepting "emotional support" animals sure, but even then you would have to have it registered beforehand. Not just flout the rules and retroactively claim that your animal is for emotional support. And plus, landlords can still refuse animals by arguing that they pose hardship (like destroying property, which cats do). Luckily, the law is very solidly on the landlord's side in these cases.
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i've had my new cat for about a month and she's still hiding in the bathroom. she's comfortable around me, loves pets, eats out of my hand, but refuses to come out hiding. is there anything i can do to help her? i've been leaving her food and water further and further away from the bathroom but that's the only time she leaves her hiding place. i have toys, a cat tree, and a scratching post all visible from where she eats but she's showing no interest in any of it.
i'm worried she's just bored all day sitting there. i come in to pet her a bunch and she loves it but she isn't playing with any of her toys or doing much of anything
Then the lord of the land will start getting calls from 311 for everything from funny looking scaffolds and unsafe façade to dry removal of asbestos roofing to hot water/heat not being hot enough to recyclables not getting properly sorted by the super. And my super loves to fight at home...DV situation meriting a 911 call?
i had to put down my cat today and i feel awful
fucking torn over this cat I rescued six months ago. he was underweight and was screaming in a hedge in a parking lot so I took him in. I fell in love with him. ten days after I took him in, he hauled off and swiped his claws right at my eye for genuinely no real reason I could detect. I did not get injured from that but it's only because my eyelid shut at the last moment. obviously, that made me feel very upset, especially since vision is so crucial and he had been a total sweetheart for the first ten days I had him.
I ended up keeping him for the time being, I got him his shots and got him neutered at 5.5 months old. he was more of a handful than I anticipated and honestly quite stressful for me to deal with his kitten behavior and how he would keep nipping/biting me and disrupting my sleep.
his behavior very, very slowly improved but he's not the cuddle type, which is extremely disappointing for me. I thought to myself, if he does not swipe at my eye again I will see about keeping him long-term and in the meantime I will take care of him and get him healthy.

he's gotten large and healthy but at the start of this month, he swiped at my eye again - except this time he was obviously feeling playful and thought doing so was OK play behavior. I feel like waiting for a third instance is risky and I need to move to another location hundreds of miles away soon, so I contacted animal sanctuaries near me. none of them had any room except for one but I have no idea if the people running it would treat him all right. the animal sanctuary's focus is NOT on cats but they have an assortment of animals. I figured with his swiping behavior that animal shelters wouldn't take him if I was honest and even if they would I could see this cat getting stuck in a revolving door of adoptions then surrenders because of the potential tendency to swipe something so important and that he is simply not a cuddler.
I feel he cannot "fail" out of being essentially a barn cat at this sanctuary so it's a safer bet than regular shelter adoption (and again, who knows if any shelter would take him). it seems damned if I do, damned if I don't: if I am honest of his behavior, the shelter might not take him. if I lie, the a shelter would take him then the new owner could end up injured and surrender him anyway, thus putting the cat right back at square one.

the thing is that despite my concern over my eyes I am attached to him. he's my little buddy... yet, I am finding I do not care for pet ownership either. I can't help but dislike cleaning his messes and having to care for him for easily 10-20 years. I worry he will harm someone else in my household and of course the move is going to make his behavior regress at least temporarily. I asked myself, if I had a child and the cat nearly took out their eye, what would I do? and my answer was to no longer own this cat.

but I'm fucking crying my eyes out at the idea of placing him at this animal sanctuary at the same time. what if something happens to him there? it bothers me that I won't know how his life unfolds and how he dies. it feels like my attachment to this cat got all fucked up and warped from being tense over something happening to my eye. I am torn in two directions; no, I don't actually like being a pet owner and I want my eyeballs intact but the idea of him being apart from me and feeling lost/stressed without me is making me so sad for him and myself. what the fuck do I do?
over 20 years ago I should have put down my cat but didnt, and for the past 5 years I have been having frequent nightmares about it and its been extremely hard on me.

I think you did the right thing anon
Don't be a bitch and keep him. if you know that he tends to go for the eyes, then don't stick your face into him
I was not sticking my face into his space at all, either of the times to be clear.
one vote for keep then.
Sorry man, I’ve been in that boat too.
Sounds like a tough choice on your hands. I can definitely relate to the whole ‘overthinking our respective futures’ thing and to worry about being left wondering what could have been. I don’t really know what to tell you, maybe look into some behavioral specialists to try to get that eye swiping quirk out of him? It sounds to me like that’s the biggest dealbreaker for you. Work on that and you should know what to do after.
I doubt she’s hiding, really, seems more like she’s found a favorite spot to relax in, incidentally my own cats love near the toilet/in the bathroom, but it has only been a month so give it some time and she should come around
>overthinking our respective futures
exactly what's going on.

it's the eye swiping and having the tray of his waste in my place that are the largest issues I have. I honestly do not like being a pet owner much at all in an overall sense as well, the simple reality of taking care of him, his needs. but it's mostly his amaterasu eye attacks and his gross tray of waste. I scoop it daily, just gross regardless.

and yet the idea of this little kot going away has me in knots.
nta but I’m also happy to hear that. my girl had a month or two where she would pee anywhere but her box, but I sprayed some kind of cat-calming pheromone (cat attract I think?) and it cleared right up. we don’t even use the spray any more and she’s still fine. treasure her anon
Idk you seem to put way too much focus on that eye thing. It's happened twice in months, and how? While playing with your face near? While you held him in your arms? A cat normally doesn't have the reach to fuck up your eyes unless you let them. You sound like you care about this guy despite not liking cleaning after him and being worried about his behaviour so I'd just try and correct said behaviour (which you can probably just avoid overall anyway). For the cleaning thing if spending a minute cleaning the box a day is too much for you you could look into one of those automatic ones I guess.
Are there seriously people to afraid to pull out a tick of their cat with their bare hands? Do they really need to use tweezers?
one of my cats normally has the highest pitched squeekiest meow, but its gotten much lower in tone and courser, and her purr is extremely loud.
Does she have a respiratory infection? is she going to be ok?
I’ve never had to do that but isn’t it recommended to use alcohol regardless how you do it?
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Probably to combat the infection. But I never used any alcohol and tweezers are shitty to use.
My cat runs around in the high grass near the house and often has multiple ticks on her
Do you guys know a quick/cheap way to patch a window screen? My cats finally made the hole in my screen big enough to squeeze though.
There's websites that openly advertise ESA licenses where you can chat with a psychologist (or doctor) and get your license with no strings attached. My dad did it to save money on rent years ago without any past mental health documentation. It's very easy. As for getting a lawyer, I don't think that would help.
>Pretty sure they said cats were okay at first however when we first signed.
That really sucks that you were told that. Bait-and-switch lease terms are very common around here. I was told that I would be guaranteed a parking spot at my place, but it wasn't included in the actual lease agreement. I overlooked that. I didn't end up getting a parking spot.
I feel for you anon. I was in the same situation last year.
i've never owned cats.
i found a bunch of kittens in a barn i demolished.
i kept 2 of them
one orange one has 6 fingers. why?
and when do i get their balls cut off?
>one orange one has 6 fingers. why?
happens sometimes. it's a semi-rare mutation, nothing to worry about
>and when do i get their balls cut off?
Preferably after their baby teeth are replaced, so when they're 10-11 months
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Post cat houses
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also they make a shit ton of noise. all the do is fight and destroy shit. it's kind of funny for my kids but i'm gonna need to repaint a lot of shit.
well, they are kittens, they socialize and learn valuable life lessons through play
Does he sell any ‘eed related items?
first time
>I was lying beside him on the floor, quietly speaking to the cat. he looked at me without his ears pointed back or flat, no hissing, no growling, nothing really. cat then swipes his paw at my eyes, my eyelid shut at the last moment. I can feel the very tip of his claw moving across the skin of my eyelid. he did not break the skin but it was very, very close.
second time
>he was feeling playful, I could tell, as I was bathing, so I looked at him from the edge of the bathtub and spoke to him. he looked at me, and ran toward me, swiped his paw at my eye so I jerked my body away from him then he ran off.
the second time had way more context to it that I could anticipate him acting the way that he did. for me, the second instance I could see (ha) it coming far sooner and easier that he might have been in the mood to attempt to swipe me.

it's not the cleaning/scooping of his tray exactly; it's the permanent presence of the tray itself within the home that bothers me.

anon, you should get the cat checked for throat or mouth cancer, sorry.


I got mine neutered at 5.5 months old, he had lost his strangely appealing kitten scent, began to smell sort of pungent and started to lap at his penis more than was strictly necessary. I didn't want him to start spraying.
update that no one asked for
>went to the supposed animal sanctuary, the only one around me that either isn't totally full or didn't respond to my inquiry at all
>I had made basically an appointment to drop him off there today
>a swarm of dogs greets me
>multiple vehicles on the property are present
>nobody is there
>I call the property owner's phone
>nobody answers
>I wait, no one shows up or contacts me
>go up to the porch
>ring the doorbell
>nobody answers the door
>I wait, holding the cat in his carrier box
>still nobody makes themself known
>I look around and notice I see no other cats... in fact, I see no other animals, period, except for the crowd of dogs
>I don't hear any other animals from either outside or from within the house
>I can't quite put it into words but the atmosphere of the house or the property in a general sense felt wrong, off, foreboding, bad, "dead"
>say fuck this to myself and leave
>a hour after I took off there's a text message and voicemail on my phone from the property owner saying can we do this next week, that he's ill... so he wasted my time instead of letting me know he can't take the cat today
>however, that means he was inside the house while I was there?
>none of this is making sense, the property looked more like an animal (well, dog) hoarding situation instead of a sanctuary in which my cat can have peace
>I ignore the text message and the voicemail entirely
>I sense the man has quietly lost his mind if he ever had it to begin with and I'm disgusted at the idea of sending my cat to live to such a place
>or, this man has been scamming humans for years and maybe literally eating/killing the animals dropped off there
>this place was visually fucked from the instant I looked it over with my own eyes so I'm not sure how anyone has felt confident leaving their pet with him yet somehow the glowing reviews of the place do exist online (it looked dilapidated and had a negative feeling in the air around it)
>my cat almost hurt me and he stresses me out but I'm not sending him to die in the place like that
if I let him outside now on his own he will die and I don't have faith in putting him in a shelter, I doubt doing so would amount to anything productive for anyone. so here is what I am going to do: he is being taken with me on the move.
the options will be: I keep him long-term/forever or I find an ACTUAL animal sanctuary in my new location or I carefully take the time to rehome him to a new owner that is made aware of his challenges and still wants him and will treat him right.
you're overreacting. You're like those hysterical soccer moms who want to put an animal to sleep because it scratched their precious spinegrinder. Animals have claws, deal with it. You WILL get scratches, and you WILL have your furniture ruined, but you WILL be happy
Well I'm not glad you picked that option in the first place but at least you're keeping it. Also I still don't get what the whole deal is about. Just trim his claws, and yes dealing with other living beings generally isn't all sunshine and rainbows, be it animals, children or whatever.
hopeless toxo case, sad.

it's not being clawed at sometimes, it's the nearly on my eyeball part that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
>anon, you should get the cat checked for throat or mouth cancer, sorry.
kitty is only 2 years old tho
anon. that doesn't matter.
my new kitty is very chill, very affection driven but I'm worried that I won't be able to keep him stimulated enough because I live in a studio and work full time. I try to play with him before his meals, but he seems very smart; pays attention to the string and myself more than the teaser, and only hunts and pounces rather than catch and kill. He decides himself when he's fed up with play and wants to eat, and play usually only lasts 5-10 minutes. Should I be looking for other ways to keep him active? is it possible he'll be perfectly happy as a lazy cozy cat and I'm stressing about nothing?
do a flip
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Get him a friend. Having 2 cats is always better than 1 because they can play with each other.
I picked up a kitten outside that had been injured. At first, I thought its front leg was broken because it looked like it was in an unnatural position and the cat was just sort of dragging itself around by pushing with its back legs. After taking it inside and feeding it with an eyedropper for a day, I'm thinking it might actually be partially paralyzed since it doesn't appear to be able to move its back legs very well either.

I won't know for sure until I can bring it to the vet on Tuesday. The kitten has enough locomotion to put its chin up to a plate and eat very finely minced canned cat food, but even that requires me to put it right in front of it. I know up until two days ago, he was eating food I put out on my porch (His mom was a stray dumped off who had three kittens, so I'd see them around eating pate cat food), so I assume he was attacked or otherwise had some injury that crippled him. All she's been doing is mostly laying in the same spot when I'm not holding it in a towel.

If the kitty does have an injury to its spine, is there any hope of it getting better? I honestly don't know much about spinal injuries except for severe ones can cause paralysis, so I don't really know what the prognosis would be.
You can't trick me that's just his stand
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I can't I have 2 cats to take care of
Vile beast
bring to medical professional. yes theres hope
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Just do as >>4807039 says
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I haven't given up on her yet. She's still eating well, drinking from a bottle, and pushing herself around on her back legs. I still can't figure out if her legs are broken or she's paralyzed.

Her mother came in and picked her up, took her to the pasture, and plopped her down out there, after two hours of searching I heard her meowing and brought her back. I'm glad I was able to find her.
could also be a neurological thing. either way if it's eating that's a good sign.
a new place is always more terrifying to a cat than a new person. they will pick a "safe room" and it might take months for them to explore the rest of the house. every cat is different, but I took in a borderline feral that still spends 99% of it's time in a single bedroom 2 years later. if it gets spooked by anything it goes back to that room.
New thread
looks like kitty has some slightly inflamed tonsils. will give prednisone for 2 weeks and see from there

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