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Why do lions fuck each other's tranimal holes?
its called a pride for a reason
There are no transgender animals, changing sex is completely different from gender dysphoria
Why are male lions so gay? How come the manliest of animals are always the gay opens? These two are busting each other's crust right open in the middle of an open field.
it probably happens way more with other animals, you just dont know because most mammals aren't too dimorphic
Male giraffes constantly have sex with each other outside mating season, or when they fail to mate that year. It doesn't mean they're transgender or gay. It means they're horny animals without any concept of sexuality besides "this feels good".
Wolves are pretty manly and they’re trad monogamous heterosexuals.
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truth: faggotism is a massive cope to not getting some fine pussy
why has this word been in many recent OPs? did sharty go down or something? did a new city in india just get internet access?
>They choose to be with men
So it IS a choice!
wolves win again I see…
on point trvke
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Naturally, the end message of this program will be that homosexuality is natural because a handful of animals do it. Everything else that animals do like infanticide, cannibalism, incest, etc. however is because they’re just animals who don’t know any better naturally
Well, what are you guys up to. Spending 16 hrs of your day edging and addicted to pornography.
animals can't be gay, gay is an identity invented in the 70s not an act or behavior, you can be a virgin and gay/queer
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>It means they're horny animals without any concept of sexuality besides "this feels good".

Return, White Man.
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There is and NBCU making a documentary about it otherwise they wouldn't. If animals do it then that means it's natural in humans too. A lion is a symbol of masculinity? Well guess what, you will see them take in ass with pride and furocity of the true king of the jungle and so will you too soon.
I too would fuck a big lion in the ass ngl.
It's just mounting. I doubt there's any penetration or ejaculation going on.
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CHAD tigers will take all the lussy
when i was in college, my environmental ethics professor made this argument against a student who was trying to explain why being a slut was only natural. half the class was seething for the rest of the week. he was the best professor on campus.
People only focus on lions because sexual dimorphism makes it easy to spot whether one is male of female.
Yeah, this. Every animal with 2 sexes participates in homosexual activity, lions just make it easy to spot due to their gender dimorphism, as well as lions being very common in zoos.
B-b-b-b-based???!!!! BTC wins again!
I assume that was a while ago? Sounds like something a professor would get fired for today if they had the balls to say it. We need more like him
> Every animal with 2 sexes participates in homosexual activity
No, they don’t.
> gender dimorphism
It’s sexual dimorphism.
Oh there is. You think they have the control, or desire, to hold it in?
>No, they don’t.
This is an outlandish claim. I assume you have evidence that, for example, no fish ever has ever participated in homosexual activity.
No I'm assuming the bottom lion would not stay put while his lion bussy was being fucked.
He would if he is gay (which he is).
>animals of the same sex goon out on each other when they’re deprived long enough

This only cements the fact that fags and trannys really are just goons to the core nothing more nothing less
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oh no no lion bros
>right in front of my salad
I remember seeing a webm on /gif/ where this horse was fucking another male horse and the bottom one was making an ahegao face while cumming
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Clearly the snow is driving them mad. Lions aren't mentally built to handle cold weather.
Yes occasionally same gender animals fuck each other because they have abnormalities in their genes/brain chemistry or because they have Russian homosexual values of "it's only gay if you're the one being penetrated," do we really need a whole documentary covering it? At least with humans, you can make the argument that whether they're born with it or not, they can still be productive and function normally, but you basically admit with animals that homosexuality is an abnormality that kills lineages.
>transgender animals
I know that there is a ton of faggotry in the animal kingdom, but what would be examples of transgender animals?
Imagine losing your man to a fag. That lioness must be heartbroken, the poor thing.
So you can have gay sex and not be gay? Is the saying "No homo" afterwards actually required?
so they’re gonna show a bunch of trandingos and gayrrafes?
In this case I would imagine captivity has something to do with it, we already know that it causes some fucked up behavioral changes in chimps to the point they’re actually considered endemic in them
I'm a faggot tranny and even I think this is retarded and cringe
it was, but i emailed him recently and he was still working there. helps that the college was smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt, less likely to get fired for stating facts.
this brings up a new question: can something that reproduces completely externally with no emotional attachment have a sexuality? does a fish have enough self-awareness to consider itself straight or gay?
i predict they'll bring up clownfish or grouper which can switch from one gender to the other if there's a population imbalance. let's ignore the fact that its a completely different scenario than "i have decided i am the opposite gender, now perform extensive surgery to allow me to mimic my true gender."
Based. Hope he stuck to his guns and kept pissing off blue hairs and being a bulwark against this nonsense
Well yeah. It's near impossible to rub one out when you don't have hands. Sometimes you just get horny, and have no other choice but to hump the homies.
A fish doesn't have language and can't define things as such, but it knows enough not to fuck other male fish.
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Kissing feminine guys is the best. It's like hanging out with your friends, but also they're submissive and they let you cuddle them as the big spoon, and you can just make out with them whenever you feel like it.
Do any of the nonhuman fagnimals even actually sodomize each other or is it all just dry humping?
I've seen at least a few vids of stallions fucking other male horses or donkeys up the ass and ejaculating inside them.
Gender and sex are the same thing troon
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because they are bored and horny
When an animal is horny it is supposed to rape a female like the Bible told us.

When the partner is another male it is gay. No exceptions.
Perpetual victimhood complex and cloutchasing
To most people they are. But gender is the propaganda word here especially in this context
proof satan rules this world
Yes those are all behaviors which are sometimes beneficial to a population, which is why animals which sometimes do such things have been doing just fine with them for millions of years.
Humans made up many of our own behaviors as part of this still extremely new thing called culture. Quite often, cultural rules are total nonsense with no reasoning besides some people assumed a behavior was bad with absolutely no proof. Homosexuality is one of those things.

And guess what? Humans perform infanticide regularly through abortion, and it does a great societal good as unwanted children are a massive burden. Cannibalism sometimes happens under conditions of extreme stress, and we often see the survivors as pitiable for having been forced to do such a thing, not themselves immoral for it. Incest can be pretty bad for humans because our genetic variance is miniscule, but powerful families have done it anyway to enforce empires and create stability, and to good effect.

Homosexuality is natural. It's a behavior seen in a huge variety of animals. It does some good for populations. In humans it helps control growth and keeps reproductively unnecessary people occupied.
- and other lies to tell children at the next transgender drag queen story time class
An announcement, I know you doubt this, but human beings aren't clownfish
Cope. It happens a lot in the wild too.>>4801469
Ok yeah those are faggots no clue why this gets you so excited weirdo.
we're not all like this I promise
I hate these people for how godawful they make the rest of us look
...... where did you find these videos...?
Because they're the kings of the jungle. Who the fuck is gonna stop them?
we didn't need gay marriage to be legalized. that's where it all went downhill.
it was already legal for people like us to just. shack up and move in together. nothing's stopping adam and steve from having a wedding or calling each other husband. it just wouldn't be recognized by the IRS. which is fine. who gives a fuck about what the feds think?
but when we got what we "wanted," then the special interest groups like GLAAD needed to pick another demographic to milk so they didn't run out of funding. and now we have to deal with the freaks. forever.
It was on liveleak at the time. I'm sure Google can help you find them.
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I can't tell but I always listen to some good music when watching vids of horses ejaculating into other ones.
Yet another reason why Tigers are the straight man's animal
It used to be we'd get offered a son and pretty dresses and a permanent place with a husky dog or pet fox and collar on so nobody would judge us. Where we genuinely belong with an actual song and dance and oh...oh my God I've never been this sad before.
that’s not the kind of stuff I used to watch when it was still around…
It's good fapping material.
Tigers do gay shit too
Only wolves are consistently straight (but they sometimes hump male tigers, honest mistake, they seem like bitches to them)
Lion cope
>Naturally, the end message of this program will be that homosexuality is natural
I think you meant to say natural and beautiful
I had a full blooded white german shepherd when I was a kid. One time another male dog tried to mount Simon and he took that other dogs ear home with him.
BTC triumphs more often than not
yes it's why the center for disease control uses "men who have sex with men" and not "gay"
Lions, and by lions I mean Panthera leo, used to live in areas with cold, snowy weather during winter.
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I have always found it extremely retarded to use nature (or history, for that matter) to justify absolutely anything about present us, it's always cherry picking ignoring the 50 other riper cherries
The argument isn't "it happens in nature so we can do it too". It's a counter to "we shouldn't do it because because it doesn't happen in nature".
You are a clown if you think this >>4801469 is the wild. That's literally freshly ut grass, not a sabanah.
Charity and mercy happens very rarely in nature, therefore we shouldn't do it.
Because OP is gay
You are welcome
>natural so le good
Why can't we be transphobic or racist then? Animals discriminate and torment deviants in their social circles all the time.
These webms always make me want to Kazakhstanpost.
The trailer is worse: https://youtu.be/GikfSszcBHE

I wonder if they'll include dolphin and duck rape
>its le natural see?
>amongst the dumbest of beasts

When the bible is wrong they make up some shit about satan walking the earth and faking fossils
unmmmmmmm that’s not the same chuddie we should only emulate the progressive values they exhibit and not the bigoted ones because we just should ok? :)
That's not what is said.
>X doesn't happen in nature therefore it's bad unnatural and immoral
>Well, here's an example of X happening in nature
It could still be that X is bad but you'll have to find an argument other than "because animals don't do it".
How did these animals get a twitter account?
>Faggots bad because... it's unnatural, okay?
>Actually, faggots bad because animals do it naturally and we need to be different from them!
Truly, homophobes are the biggest annoying faggots around, incapable of defending an actual philosophy.
>everyother species on earth
>incest is based


why are humans so cringe?
the post that mindbroke resident tr/an/nies
>if I say le mean naughty word it will disguise the fact i am defending what i say others are as an insult
you’re a special kind of nut case alright
You can't tell a retard lion from a normal lion.

But you can tell a retard human from a normal human like pic related.

Do you want more lolcows or do you want a perfect society? I prefer latter.
You need to die.
God dam I want to fucking kill you. You NEED to be murdered.
I find it hilarious that the most anti-homo people are almost always into traps, femboys, twinks, "tradwife" trannies etc
>inb4 arachnophobe meme
People say it because it's true. If something is taboo to you, you're more likely to be into it because it's forbidden fruit. Also hating faggots usually correlates with hating women, so you'd rather fuck a poopy butthole than a f*moid.
>inb4 arachnophobe meme
It’s good that you know how silly the things you say are but you’re still silly for saying them
>muh forbidden fruit!!!
degen cope to convince themselves everyone is as depraved as them
I dunno it's almost always, but I have had plenty of those guys go from sperging about trannies to being in my dms wanting nudes
it's a very strange phenomenon
>Limited edition Switch
I nearly choked. Lion manes are really just neckbeards huh.
lionbros… they’re even mating pressing each other…
They copy it from homo tourists
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I wish you people would fucking die.

Every day for the last two weeks there’s some shit ass thread about some garbage docuseries on a garbage streaming service literally nobody except the most vapid consumer brained faggots gives a single solitary fuck about, and then said thread gets flooded by actual faggots, trannies, and pseudo intellectual faggots get into these weak ass debates and autistic fucking mental gymnastics over why it’s alright to justify buttsex and trooning out because certain animals do it under specific circumstances that have absolutely nothing to do with sexual deviancy or anything rationalized by cognitive thought. For the love of god stop being so fucking retarded
such a homosex thing to type.
If you are calling this gay, then a cis man with a trans woman is gay. Lions only have a sex, not a gender like humans. And that's why animals with only a sex can't be transgender either.
hi I'm a tranny and I can confirm fucking me is gay as hell
>a cis man with a trans woman is gay
yes, it is
As far as I know it's a scent/pheremone thing right? For creatures that don't have at much higher function it's all they have to go on when it comes to mating.
That's not the wild.
Homosexual activity is beneficial for social bonding, working out stress through non-violent means, and potentially even helping to raise children in the case of actual exclusive homosexuality (such is rare). Note the difference between "homosexual activity" and "homosexuality". One is natural curiosity / stress relief, the other is a genetic mutation / environmental stressor. Nonetheless it helps survival to have a pal that doesn't compete for mates. They may not reproduce, but they can ensure the survival of other children.

Or they might cannibalize the children. Who's to say?
Did anon say "always" or was it "quite often"? "Don't masturbate in public" is an extremely common social norm and it's for good reason. It's unhygienic and demonstrates a lack of self control that correlates with a severely diseased mind, indicating an unstable & possibly violent individual. Social norms can be arbitrary but they're not generally useless. It is currently a social norm in most countries across the world to kill faggots because they spread disease. Animals don't seem to have this problem with their own homosexual endeavors, so they don't kill others who indulge. Simple, desu ne?
>>4802507 >>4804282 >>4805584 >>4805632
unga bunga me no like discussion
Based and true
Yes, fucking trannies is gay.
It’s not “discussion”, it’s just more attempts to push a narrative via fallacious appeals to nature. That simple. There is no genuine dialogue being sought here.
Based. So fucking sick of trannies and fags inserting themselves where they don't belong. If they would just keep to themselves i wouldn't even gaf, but they have to try and take everything over and claim it, to the point that now it's literally "nature itself is gay and trans, deal with it chud!" Fucking kys already.
Could you explain why it has nothing to do with seggshual deviancy and why rationalizing it is important. Genuine question
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You sold me queer giraffes
>makes ridiculous claim
>asserts that the burden of proof to disprove your ridiculous claim is on the other party
>the only possible "proof" would involve observing ever animal to ever exist for the entirety of their existence
Kill faggots
Fish don't even mate. They cum and ovulate in water.
Theres nothing to rationalize, it’s literally just animals gooning because there’s no females around. One could also say it’s an act of dominance like how hyenas do but that’s literally it. Mammals specifically have a habit of dicking literally anything if they go long enough without mating properly. A lot of mammals commit rape by our standards but nobody tries to justify this either, so it should be no different.
I believed this when I was little, but it was all lies. Mammals mount each other as a form of dominance display, they aren't engaging in sexual gratification. Well, monkeys and chimps might - I wouldn't be surprised, they are hideous.

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