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Fluffy days
Previous thread: >>4317804
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>old thread is still on page 1.
Why the rush? Are you afraid that someone else would make a thread?
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hug the kemono tightly
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yosh yosh yosh yosh yosh yosh
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Just wanted to keep the fluff going.
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Love this artist
Hello, Floof Friends! These past few days have been fantastic, I had some good professional accomplishments, saw old friends, and the weather was gorgeous. I hope everything is going well for you, God bless ^_^
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Also for the anon who likes chubby girls
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Hello floof anon, I'm really glad to hear you're doing well!
Sadly right now my situation is the exact opposite to yours, ironically enough, I've been stagnating in my studies, the weather here is unbearable and I've been really lonely lately. Plus I was very sick for the last two weeks, so that made things worse.
However, some great changes might be coming to my life very soon so right now I'm really looking forward to that.
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I hope the changes come soon! Loneliness can be pretty brutal. Occasionally I wish there was a chatroom for /c/, because I like the small talk on these threads.
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>Anomaly Collapse was originally planned to feature a full-human cast
>change it to cute animal people one year before release
>It managed to get on the trending tab arguably for this reason alone
The floof is spreading
reminder that you OWE pets and cuddles to kemono girls
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where is her neck?
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Soft girls are so cute...
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hello floof anon! thats awesome news! lets hope it keeps up.
i've been doing great recently - got a very large payment, weather is lovely, got a hobby, and things don't look to bad at least for now.
stick with it anon! thankfully fluffy girls will always help make things more tolerable.
>Occasionally I wish there was a chatroom for /c/
while that would be nice, i think that would be a bit much. i like /c/ and i think this kind of light small talk is fine so long as it doesn't get too heavy and people don't stop posting images (thats why mods cracked down on depression/sad threads).
quality-wise, this is one of the best threads on the site and the small chats make it even better!
a debt that will never go away and i'm fine with that
contained in the floof
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Wish I could git gud at this game. Pretty fun. RNG is not on my side.
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for me, it's Mira
Do Kui's pig-orc girls count as kemono?
no, they're more monstergirl than kemono
if they were way more animal-like in a similar way to those dwarves that are posted here often that aren't actually dwarves at all but anthros then sure but that's not the case
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I fear the day of the inevitable kemonodroid takeover...
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What’s the distinction between a monster girl and Kemono? I feel that the line is blurred due to how simplified Kemono drawings are.
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what are fluff friends thoughts on hrothgar women?
kemonos are anthropomorphic animals, whereas monster girls aren't necessarily animals, even if they can have some animal characteristics
i am a fan of the kemono girls of the stronger variety so i think they're cute
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Synergies between characters, items and terrain effects are so goddamn swingy that some noobs beat normal mode on the very first run. Meanwhile for me it took 5 runs to beat ch4. Before that, I'd usually get my ass kicked by the middle of ch2 or 3, but red panda + sheep + birb seems to be a solid combo
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The dragon family from modern mogal is my favorite, the werewolves are a very close second.
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sometimes living without the floof can be unbearable
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It's all about semantics and autism.
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is this fucking cropped hentai?
I reached the library boss's final phase and got nuked by its routine area-wide attacks. Have yet to get that close after umpteenthousand runs. Could be profoundly bad luck mixed with my shit attention span.
Having some wild progress with Regal though.
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Omaneko is male and belongs in >>>/cm/
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I am going to generate a soft and fluffy kemono tulpa one of these days...
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my bad then
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I thought that it would count because...It is female in that image, but have another militar kemono as compensation
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I mean, I don't blame you, the whole schtick behind Omaneko is that it's a male that's made to look like a girl
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You will now have a nice day :D
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That's really not a good idea my dude
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I would like more kemono women in suits
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Kitty cat!
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Mail-order foxgirls (results may vary)
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It's been a while since I've last had pie
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I get kinda hungry when looking at kemono girls

anyone else?
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oh no?!
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Visiting Nanachi
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I am going to HUFF the mutant bnuuy
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dropping this here as some anons were interested in the past.
/c/'s sports team plays aging this weekend and we have a poll. we already have a kemono rep on the team, but still.


please do not eat the cute fluffy girls
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Is this AI slop?
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I can't verify it right now, but if it is then i apologize in advance
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it is not
My bad then
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>I shall call her... mini-me
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It's a Roko's basilisk kinda scenario.
If you like kemono and serve to make kemodroids a reality, it will treat you nicely.
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Cute cats
Cute Gyaru Hyena spotted!

Also, which kemono VTubers do you guys watch?
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Are there any bat kemono?
let her eat!
she's cute! whats her name?
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Buchiage Hannah
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Imagine going on a date with her and then you remember what spotted hyenas are known for
Imagine shitposting on /c/.
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Oh fuck off with your fetishes
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Are there any good kemono furry enthusiast chats on matrix/element
All the furry chats ive found have been porn oriented
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They're pretty rare but yeah
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I don't think there are any, but I just made one if anyone is interested.
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This cat lives rent-free in my heart
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Tail covers for kemonos and other tailed creatures
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Does that count as nudity?
Technically, she's not wearing anything
I always just eyeball it and try and judge if it's drawn to be sexual (past the sense in which any average depiction of a person is sexual)
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Total Kemono Love
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my cat when she sees that I have cabanossi
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apparently, there is a kemoplamo in the work.
you can soon build your own personal kemo figure.
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I'd build Kawarage's silly cat
you can try doing questionnaire in the QR code to give them additional opinion on your preference, but it's seem that you are expected answer in japanese
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but can you Kitbash it to make kemogundam girls?
Bet she can only play Wonderwall
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Finally after so many attempts finally got her.
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why cant we have cute kemono designs outside of gacha scams...
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Anpu my beloved
I never bought anything but world flipper was fun while it lasted
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I mean you can just translate your answers using DeepL
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Living the dream
No idea you'd think with how more popular kemono characters have gotten more devs would have jumped on the option Unicorn Overlord having kemono characters was part of the reason I bought it that and the sweet cake.
Because of this I have tried to make my own kemono characters and mod them in games to scratch my kemono-itch, but unfortunately I'm an amateur.
Keep practicing until you get better
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Mia deserves a whole spinoff game built around her. She's a treasure hunter, so they could make a dungeon crawler, or even a Tomb Raider clone.
Speaking of Mia, if anyone plays WF, the Xmas Mia banner is on now. I got her already. Nice to finally complete the Mia trio.
>Kemono tomb raider with Mia as Lara Croft
An indiana jones clone would also work since she uses a whip.
anyways, preordered day 1
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Maybe game modder anon can make a Mia mod for the old Tomb Raider games
if someone were to do that i'd prefer they make a full conversion mod with world flipper characters and shit instead of just "look it's tomb raider but with mia instead of lara croft lmao", maybe with some help from >>>/vr/hbg/ for code and assets or something like that
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pretty funny how nanachi is postable both here and in the /cm/ thread
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a toast to gender abiguity
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Please accept this cat
But she's clearly a cute bunny
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where are the beans? they are the best part...
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huff the fluff
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Are there already TL's for Komen Fuufu? Or is it just this page?
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biblically accurate kemono
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Why is her one eye big and other eye small?
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>dewclaw bean
you dont see that often
There is a translation someone uploaded it to Mega hopefully we see it on manga sites.

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