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I figured I'd make one. I only ever come back for cons I'm going to. Any of you men going?

Yeah I know it's expensive. And mostly drunk. But I enjoy the atmosphere and laying by the pool during the day.

I've been serious on the diet and exercise train. Should be looking good enough for my Krauser cosplay in a month.
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Oh hey, someone beat me to it. I will be there, it's the only one I refuse to miss. There's a reason I've oriented my concept of time to "How long is it before Colossal again?" Every year always has at least one unbelievable moment, and I'm ready for more. Especially since I'm intent on going even more out of my comfort zone
what are you gonna do anon
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Wherever I felt I'm being called in the moment so it's impossible to be sure right now. The premise is really just to be more adventurous since last year I felt I stuck to the same rooms too much (one of which was down the hall from me) and went to sleep "early" every night
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Colossalcon!? Absolutely not!
If you go, you're a racist! And that's the bottom line, cause Makeba said so!
I am so it's fine. Also fat phobic because I aim to have a presentable body.
I also hate trans people since I prefer dating actual women.
I like gays though. Gay guys usually have an excellent aesthetic.
Anyway. Any excellent cosplay plans though?
Is this like doing coke of someone tits comfort zone or like you might say high to someone else on the elevator?
>doing coke of someone tits comfort zone
You know what, that's not a bad idea. I was getting fairly close to that level last year. Several of my CC experiences are in the Con Stories and Cons You'll Never Forget thread. Being called a LARPer recently was pretty amusing desu
Only going to freak out people who go to bike week. Also the regular guest that happen to be there during the con for some reason.
My dream is to actually to get a hotel some day but it will mostly be a 1 day con till I can.
There are very few normies that end up there anymore. I have met some cool bikers at the convention center bar! They were buying us shots for our labyrinth cosplay saying they loved the old school stuff.
Dunno who this is and don't care. Aging ugly e-whores will say anything to get views for their OF.
I hope you're all braced for the endless string of terrible "Bruh...only in Ohio :skull" jokes. If you've ever been to CC even once, you know they're exactly the types to do it
2021 had quite a few normies, 22 had some and last year I remember almost none. Preferably, it stays that way desu
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I'll be there this year, I remember years ago when stray bikers would wonder in an just look confused as fuck. But at this point I doubt they would give a fuck to fight the traffic coming in.

if you see a group of Carl's come say high and we'll give you a free necklace.
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I'll be going; I've been working out since January to tone my body for my Simon cosplay along with a few other Gainax/Trigger costumes. Barring abs, I've been doing pretty good on the grind so far.
I’d becoming back from Momocon that same week, but I might drive up for a day just to feel a sense of nostalgia.
I'm hoping the weather this year is good. I really like laying in the sun by the pool. It's comfy.
Not this year but hopefully I can go to next year's. Trying for DragonCon this year as my first real "party con" instead.

Based taste
Remember that abs are all about body fat percentage, you can only do so much just from working out
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Yeah, that's the kicker. I've been doing more ab workouts on my splits (rope crunches, leg raises, core rotations) and I feel like I've made a dent, but I'm nowhere close to a six pack. Something tells me I gotta focus on the form and slow my reps down for a proper burn.

If I can at least have a toned midsection when Colossal rolls around, I'm gonna call that a win in my book.
Diet homie. You got to cut calories hard and get below the 15 percent body fat percentage . Which sucks fucking dick. Being only a month left you probably won't see any abs this year. Keep working out though! That will still make you stand out in the crowd.
First time going to this con with my best friend. We decided to yolo this event and barley start the ball rolling with securing travel and hotel/rented house for this con. Where are some good hotels that are close enough to the con for a cheapish uber ride back and forth for the con? We are flying in. also any tips for this con? First time going to a waterpark based con.
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>Where are some good hotels that are close enough to the con for a cheapish uber ride back and forth for the con?

That's the neat part, there aren't any.
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The Kalahari parking lot
The backseat of your car
a couple hundred feet
>Price per night
I say this with no irony whatsoever, and would rather do that than stay anywhere off site unless it was also free
>also any tips for this con?
Be prepared to go either full No Sleep mode or miss all the best parts
Damn, well I just scored gold, found someone selling their tickets at a loss. got 2 4day tickets for 100$

>Hotel The Kalahari parking lot

fuck we are flying in. Seeing this picture do you have to travel by boat to get to the con?!?
So the real answer is the most affordable places are probably like 10 to 20 miles away in places like Huron or Amherst. The budget options used to be one of the many hotels on the same road as Kalahari but they're all way overpriced now. You're lucky to find one for less than 200 a night. I used to stay at Great Wolf for less than 1000 for the week but now it's like 500 a night.

There is a camp ground near cedar point which is a super budget option if the weather is nice, but prepare to get woken up by bikers revving their motorcycles.
If you are flying in then I'd suggest calling every day next month and asking for room openings.
Honestly I found it's not worth going to this con unless you can stay on sight.
>got 2 4day tickets for 100$
Nice going, cause that's about what they're worth if we're being honest. I find the convention is a total afterthought. And by the way, check the back entrance to the water park before buying tickets to that. The doors are unlocked during the day every time I've been
>Seeing this picture do you have to travel by boat to get to the con?!?
That's a picture of Cedar Point. The Kalahari proper is several miles south
This. >>10911696
Also, the only public place in Sandusky that's only accessible by boat is Put-In Bay. Everywhere else is pretty much easy to get to by car.

I'll do my best!! The goal is tone and keeping the area flat, after all.
how many SA will there be at colossal this year? place your bets!
Or you could just find someone willing to let you sleep on the floor of their hotel room.
Let's set a new record anon! Me and my homies love SA's!
Sick animes are great in general.
Even if I needed a spot this year, I wouldn't have bothered with the Facebook group. They never answered anyone, and it got too sad after a while, watching all the "I'm not even desperate bro" posts
Nah, I got plenty of money to spend. To pay for our rooms if we get openings. If anyone here is selling a room from Thursday night -sunday morning I'm down to put good money or it.
if you need a free room just go to the closest villa by the road that one last year was easy to walk in and drink for free and eat their food they didn't say anything when we walked away with 12 shots
Comfortable bed aside, not having a hotel room means not having a shower for several days.
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
The villas were fun last year. Had a great time chatting with people and dancing. Wasn't as party hard as cowlosalcon. That was just outrageous.
So, what are some decent recommendations for hotels or inns close to the con?
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How my playlist is going so far, which is mostly being posted as a reminder to future me who will be too drunk to remember on the spot
>Gorillaz - DARE
>Falco - Der Kommissar (extended mix)
>Yuji Ohno - Sexy Adventure
>Marcos Valle - Estrelar
>SpongeBob "cheap walking cycles"
>The Whispers - I Can Make It Better
>Dire Straits - Money for Nothing
Whatever's closest and you're willing to pay for. There's a few that are in drunken stumbling distance but they might be all booked up.
>>SpongeBob "cheap walking cycles"
Christ, don't party too hard, Anon
>I don't like fun thing; therefore, you shouldn't do fun thing
People actually act like this?
Wasn't that the villa someone got shot in last year?
Unsure about shot but we did get several ambulance calls last year. That's pretty common though.
My group all had things to do this year so it's probably the last. I plan on partying hard and sending it off. Might do east next year as a personal trip. It's actually cheaper.
Just heard about this $40 Foam Club shit they came up with lmao. Anyone that pays for that shit is an absolute fucking denthead.
More paywalls for a convention that people only go to for room parties.
At this point anyone who pays for this shit deserves to have their money taken.

The absurd inflation of cost to attend colossal because of retard cosplay thots and losers afraid of a real party festival have ruined this con. It's impossible to get an on-site parking spot, let alone a room anymore. Drinks, Swim passes, and everything else has skyrocketed because neanderthal knuckle draggers will pay it for the chance at a drunk hook-up.
>retard cosplay thots and losers afraid of a real party festival
That's one of putting it that I never would have thought up myself. Me, I couldn't give a rat's ass about this but might try sneaking in just for the novelty. Their security is known to slack off already
They should make the rooms more expensive
Agreed on all counts.
Colossalcon is really starting to go down the shitter. And for those of you that are thinking East may be better, it definitely isn't. I won't go on a long rant about East here since it's kinda off topic, but suffice to say it has plenty of problems and the con head completely ignores all of them. The Poconos staff absolutely hates the convention and its attendees and they do more things every year to fuck with them.
DESU I feel like there are some really simple things that could be done to greatly improve the convention at both locations, but con management just doesn't care and won't make even the smallest amount of effort to do anything.
Colossalcon was the fucking best, and it makes me sad that it's gotten to the point where I'm not even sure it's worth going to anymore.
I used to think that was a meme but the staff really does hate the con. Got to talk it out with a gym bro bartender my last year there. Basically they hate how the con attendees treat the hotel, the water Park, how there is no self control and no respect.
Yeah, it's gotten really obvious at this point, at least at the Poconos location for CCE (I haven't been to "Prime").
In all fairness, I can understand some of their staff's point of view, and I'd probably fucking hate con attendees too if I were them.
The thing is, there are parts of every job that people don't like, and in most places you just gotta shut up and deal with it.
But Colossalcon management/staff are content to act like giant cunts about everything and shit on us at every opportunity.
Would be nice if the con head would do SOMETHING about ANYTHING, but it's clear that isn't likely to ever happen.
Colossal con just has to much notoriety. It's known as THEE party con so it's always going to attract those idiots who are just there to party and get fucked up. Lucky there is still enough actual nerds to keep them in check and not have it overrun with drunken fratters.
Its only con that has an actually legit artist alley. And a adult artist alley. I mean that is just amazing.

I think the guest they get for how big they are is just a joke. Like you got the money to pull big names and you keep getting shit.
I mean, you're right about Colossalcon not having many notable guests, but it's just not the type of convention people go to mainly to meet guests.
Honestly the convention as a whole is considered barely "mid" at best. Con management just cares about making the most profit as possible without adding anything of value to the convention.
Some people don't even buy a badge and just barrow one if they want to run through artist's alley or whatever. The real fun at Colossal is parties and the water park.
Buying a badge to their supbar con is kind of a waste.
All that aside any cosplay plans for the ones going? League of legends sylas, pyke and Re4 krauser is my lineup.
To be honest I'm still not sure which city I'm gonna fly into. Cleveland is dirt cheap right now, but all the Wednesday flights are at night. Detroit is...yeah. If it has to be Tuesday, maybe I'll opt for Chicago
I'm pretty hyped for this year's prime. My cosplay lineup is all half life this year I've got a Half life one scientist with brown khakis and white office pants for if either gets dirty. For when it really gets to party time i'll switch to male_07 citizen and rebel cosplays. I have a vest with velcro all over it that looks just like the rebel vest in the game that I think i'll let people write on or stick whatever stickers. Super hyped for this con if anyone recognizses me I'll have some weed edibles and a lil psyduck bong for those that partake.
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Not a lot will happen on Wednesday, right? I don't think it'd be that big of a loss to go into Cleveland, especially since everyone is gonna want to get situated before Thursday.

>Con management just cares about making the most profit as possible without adding anything of value to the convention
I learned this the hard way with the online day passes for the waterpark. It's criminal how much they charge for them ($85-95, depending on the day)
Wednesday is dead day. Some room parties but it's chill cause people come in at multiple points in the day.
Again without a room this con is a bust. The day pass for water Park is included in the room. Otherwise that's just robbery.
Thats just kalahari rates for non guests, nothing to do with colossal. At every kalahari resort if you just want to use the waterpark without a hotel stay the charge is fucking insane
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I've made it a habit to get there on Day 0 and always find a party or two. Hell, I actually got there on Tuesday evening in 2022 and came across a guy offering jello shots. My group was the only one to accept
Jesus H Christ...
Hell yeah, man. If you want to party you can definitely find a party going on. I remember last year by like 9 the villas had music and crowds.
Never been to this con, gonna guess it's too late to get a room eh?

It's no problem for me really, there are other options but I've never been able to actually stay inside the hotel of a con before, so I was excited to give it a shot.
Yeah definitely too late for a room unless you can make friends or have friends with a room. Second best option is to sleep in your car and shower with the showers included in the waterpark pass.
100 bucks a day just to shower and wash your teeth? Rough.
small price to not feel oily and disgusting for 5 days
What time are you arriving Wednesday? My buddy and I are arriving around 9:30pm. Thinking of splitting an Uber. That goes for anyone too coming in by plane.
how expensive is it?
That's fair actually. Get 3 day passes. Thurs to Saturday. 300, that's a single night for a room. Reasonable savings and you enjoy the water Park all day. You just got food budget and con pass then.
Plane ticket? Or Uber/Lyft?
I was actually about to just bite the bullet and pick Cleveland. Where else am I gonna get a $55 roundtrip? But they arrive at 10 or 11:30, which is total ass even if it were local
Dang where are you coming from? For me ATL to CLE is 150$ round trip.
Fort Lauderdale. Funny you say Atlanta too, cause that's the only other city I know with cheaper rates, sometimes as low as $40
What's the best way to sneak in Saturday? Just say I left my badge in the arcade? Also best way to stay overnight free? Sleep in parking lot or all nighter in the Meijer down the road?
You make me happy that I'm not poor. The parking lot isn't bad if you've got a spacious vehicle.
nigga just stay home, we don't need you here and you don't need to come if you can't afford it
The 21 group is a mess. Damn it's gonna be a fun one though.
>The 21 group is a mess
Well...yeah. Have you ever looked at them before?
I have. And they are looking at us right now.....
Saw them eating each other alive over "Non-consentual friend requests". Whatever the hell those are.

I just wanna say I love you guys so much, I can't imagine being one of those fucking retarded troglodytes posting their balls and flab every week.
Hearing the people get scam is soo funny to me. Like of course I trust random person on internet with my money to save me a room.
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I went last year and it was the best con I've ever been to. Definitely you need to be staying on-site though, I was seeing like 15 people in one room like sardines on the regular.

The villa parties were great, having what is essentially a house party at an anime con is so much better than dealing with the limitations of even a larger hotel suite. People were friendly and had random badge flair to give out. Wish I could go again.

Shoutouts to Anon since you're probably in here.
Thanks bud! Hope to see you at this year's CWF!
I just saw a post in the FB group that mentions that there will be no console gaming room at the con this year. People were asking why, and whoever runs the page just posted that "we still have a great arcade room", then promptly locked the topic. Kek.
Oh, and I also saw a post in another topic that stated that discounted water park day passes are no longer offered to attendees.
Neither of those two things affect me personally that much, but these are just more signs that the convention is going downhill. They raise prices and provide less content and perks.
The con isn't completely in the shitter like CCE, but it's on that path.
No sure what the fuck is going on with Colossalcon management, but they seem content to do absolutely nothing to improve the convention.
Got room in my suite for Colossalcon, girls only.
Who asked?
My email if anyone is interested is colossalconsuite@gmail.com this is 100 percent serious
So what room the Fight Club gon be in tho?
Asking the real questions. I'm on the fence if to even go anymore, but this will literally, factually NOT ironically solidify that I show up
I fucking posted my room in the ACEN thread and no challengers arrived. I doubt there will be one there
No one wants to smell you Whoopi.

He doesn't smell bad, you do!
I thought I was a bitch and avoided an opp at ACEN in the smoking circle?

Also to be straight up j don't even plan on going to ColossalCon, I do the strategic decision of "conserve resources for focal points".

Well I fuckin try to.
The foam club amuses me. Everyone sees the scam but the fomo is real. I'm probably just gonna take a nap or start putting a Gundam together just as a silent protest of that dumb shit.

The price is pretty extreme though. If I go to this con I always get a kitchen room. The food prices are just as bad as the booze prices.
Funny how the one picture with cum wrestling is of the first match since half the people ditched afterwards with how fucking retarded the wait was. 2 nearly 3 hours just to watch a 5 second fight in a kiddie pool with the smallest bottle of bad dragon lube they could afford. Fuck you cum guys.
The room is all girls btw (no trans please)
Shut yo poor ass up nigga
Extremely riveting conversation anon.
Thank you I try
imagine the smell, what a horrid group of people
Buy soap broke nigga
We were febreezing the crowd, so the smell was quite plesant
Sucks to suck, have fun for once in your life you miserable cunt
It's held in a resort during summer 0_o
Villa retards spam replying the thread because people think they're smelly.

Fuck off back to facebook, Don't forget to ask consent before liking land whale cellulite for thirst trap Thursday.
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Im not ready for this con bros
Go beg for a floor spot you broke ass bitch
If you're a broke boy just say so
Money isn't a substitute for a personality.
money sure helps smooths that out

(im a poorfag)
Broke, ugly, no bitches, and no concept of what personality is. Pick a struggle my guy.
Loosen up, faggot. Have some fun.
As someone who can afford the villa and has tried to buy one for the past 2 years. You gotta be fathered in for it. I buy a suite every year instead but getting a villa is always next to impossible

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