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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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For me its bacon chicken broccoli alfredo.
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Chili cheese dogs
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Chicken and dumplings.
I like british comfort food. like steak pie, cornish pasty, sausage roll, etc.
Tacos (the superior texmex version) have never failed to raise my spirits.
chicken noodle soup
Mcdonalds chicken nuggies
That looks fkn delicious
What's in the sauce?
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beef stew
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about whence a month I allow myself to order a stupid amount of curry, like $60 worth. it lasts me like 2 days though, plus my bowel is sparkling afterward
Gumbo, but it takes me all day to make the shit.
I've never had gumbo so even if I tried to make it I would never really know how close I got
>tuna casserole
>shepherds pie
>beef stew
>chicken noodle soup
>teriyaki meat with rice
>breakfast casserole
>enchiladas anyway you like them
So many more. Just my favorite type of food all around
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Baked beans on potato mash.
I've never had a southern seafood boil but it looks like I couldn't stop eating if it was done right
for me it's spicy cajun chicken pasta with a side of garlic bread
forgot the pic
>I forgot the pic of food I didn't make
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not him but this thread is comfort food general, not OC general
I made yakisoba and it was pretty comfy
had bacon, ketchup, and worcestershire sauce
Everyone on the planet makes gumbo differently. It's not one of those things you have to, or even can, make "closely" to a certain standard. The only real thing people should argue about is whether or not you make it like white trash (cajun) or hippy liberal urban trash (creole). I'm white trash, so I cook cajun style.
Alfredo sauce.
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for me? it’s blueberry muffs
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For me? It's green eggs and ham.
a big fat ol chicken burrito...or two
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That doesn't answer anything. Never heard of alfredo.
apparently, you have to add a bucket load of spices into the boil to penetrate the crustacean shell

dang thats a big one for me too. but i think i do chili cheese tots more.


do you have a recipe ive been meaning to make them myself
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An equal amount of blueberries in every muffin
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most of this can be substituted, but not the roast chook. A bachelor's handbag and soft white rolls always cheers me up
I try to stay away from that kewpie stuff.
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Red beans and rice with andouille just the way my mama used to make.
I get one of the boxes of Dirty Rice and use it as a starter for Jambalaya. slice/dice and fry up a link of spicy sausage, throw in holy trinity and saute, once softened add rotel of your liking and cook off a little of the juice, then add your stock and cover, right at the end toss in a couple handfuls of salad shrimp and frozen okra.
Hot n Ready
are you aussie?
is that mate?
Use the fast roux method
>equal parts flour and fat
>heat the fat to 400-450
>dump all the flour in at once
>stir like crazy
>brick roux in like, 5 minutes
Just keep a fire extinguisher handy and have your stock and trinity already prepped in advance
You can make a roux in the oven.
I didn't spend 15 years getting my roux spoon seasoned just to start making nigger roux.
peak convenience 0 chew
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For me, it is the eternal classic, macaroni and cheez.
on the plate? that's palak paneer, vindaloo, biryani, and plain basmati
Ravioli carbonara bake. Better than funeral potatoes.
Post recipe
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>Nobody posted biscuits and gravy
/ck/ is dead, just bots now.
my dad's been making it once weekly but he doesn't season it properly imo. at least he's stopped using lame ass hamburger which was even more bland
I never make it anyways, my mom does
she won't let me have her recipe until she dies
I don't see you posting any pics of delicious food though, you complaining little faggot
>everyone I don't like is a bot
>why didn't someone post what I was going to post before I posted it
kys you whiny little bitch, you are the problem
anon it doesn't take 15 years to make a roux, it only takes a few minutes
put some meat in there man
>take 1 bite
>instantly shatters into a million fucking pieces across the entire room
Medium ground beef patties. Cook them so that tallow bleeds out, then use it to fry eggs. Eat either one on toast with sauces and seasoning. Nothing else hits the spot.
>when a bot replies to you with seethe
Can't go wrong
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for me it's a soft pretzel and whole grain mustard
>pic related, it's what I'm eating now
3 tablespoons butter
2 cloves garlic minced
3 tablespoons flour
2 cups chicken broth
1 cup heavy cream
20 ounces fresh or frozen ravioli
Pinch of nutmeg
Salt and pepper to taste
2 cups diced cooked ham
1 1/2 cups frozen peas thawed
2 cups shredded cheese Swiss, cheddar, mozzarella, etc., divided

In a large skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add garlic and saute a few minutes, then stir in flour and cook a few minutes more.

Whisk in chicken broth until smooth, then stir in cream. Add ravioli and stir gently to combine. Season with nutmeg and salt and pepper, to taste. Bring to a simmer. Cover and cook for 8-10 minutes

Stir in the ham and peas, along with half of the cheese. Pour into a greased 9x13 inch baking dish and top with remaining cheese.
Place under broiler for 2-3 minutes, or until top is golden brown and bubbly
Sorry, for >>20494931
surely you're trolling but it's creamy cheese sauce. you can buy it premade in a jar.
kaesespaetzle better
Patty melt and onion rings
mac n cheese n hotdogs
A man of culture and society. Salutations Good Sir.. Salutions..
any pasta that has a cream based sauce
yeah nah
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>yeah nah
that's some pretty strong cope you got there fren
Honestly? Dice and fry half a pound of bacon, pour in a tin of baked beans, stir and let stew for 5 minutes, then eat with half a loaf of bread.
Totinos party pizza
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>comfort food
>nigger roux maker can't read
I've always wanted to try making a replica of this exact thing.
>bite taco
>get shrapnel
is it true than an enchilada is just a breedo with sauce dumped on it? mexican place near me does it that way
While I would normally agree with you, mexicans unironically do something even worse and treat it as normal: Tostadas. They're like a crispy tortilla, except completely flat. You eat it in your hand all the same.
>beef ho fun
be sure to say off your phone and just be alone with your thoughts anon. people who can't enjoy their own company are lowlifes
sorta. Enchiladas typically have different filling and are cooked with the sauce making more like an equivalent to manicotti or something. Enchiladas gringas are better than regular enchiladas btw, cream cheese in them is killer.
I doubt there's any chance I'll find such a thing here. I live in a country that is very Mexican food challenged
Fuck, abos lucked out with chook bags
Boiled Cabbage and Onions lightly salted.
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An entire stick of butter, sliced.
My family tried these when we bought some food from that Guzman y Gomez place a few years back and they were disgusting
Overhyped sugar-water, we couldn't even finish them because it felt like we were developing diabetes with each mouthful
>be sure to say off your phone
I notice a lot of people can't even do that when they're dining with other people, much less sitting by themselves
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nothing makes me more angry than when people add corn starch to their beef stew. you wouldn't do that, right anon?
my homemade panino
>balsmic of medina
>pizza mozzarella
>a little garlic butter
no, why the fuck would anyone do that? the broth is supposed to stay thin.
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you're allowed to cook flour in the pot to thicken though of course right? otherwise it's just soop right?
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I made too much tomada sauce.

Luckily I also made too much meatloaf and too much rice :]
Mapo Tofu or kung pao.
Or a good stew like bouillabaisse or boeuf bourguignon is really hard to beat
You should be asleep right now.
It's 11:00 but woke up 18:00 yesterday so yeah I guess?
go to sleep, your body needs to recover
'loaf looks burnt and dry m8. what's in the sauce, mushrooms?
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the loaf was frozen leftovers and I baked it deliberately to crisp up the edges. Trust me it was soft and steamy inside. I didn't want full sloppa with all that sauce, I wanted some crispy texture in there and I got a bit. It wasn't dry even if it looks like it might have been.

The batch of sauce has sausages (none in this serving on account I already had meatloaf on the place) and chunks of chicken thigh. What you're seeing is chicken chunks.

Pic is the meatloaf when it was new.
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Kale. Don't have any OC, but it will always be my number one, especially during winter.
is that bbq sauce?
In the microwave as well.
Well, it's hot chirri sauce, ketchup, and some brown sugar.

So yeah, it kind of is actually, but not smokey at all
figured it must've been a lot of sugar for it to get that dark in >>20509675
it was also frozen when I dropped into the oven, so 180ºC for 35mins will do that too.

But MAAAAN the glaze was out of this world delicious after the rebaking
you already added potatoes right? The starch will thicken it enough
I'm not fat so I don't have a "comfort food"
Enjoy dying from a stress induced heart attack at 38 because your ass is perpetually so high strung.
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Meatballs, brown sauce, potato mash. These I made with moose meat.
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moose balls
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sauce sandwich, unironically
I'd love to try those. I've had plenty of game meat but never moose and those meatballs look delicious.
Chicken fried steak with white sauce. Weirdly hard too find outside certain parts of the US.
is that sausage gravy or literally white sauce? I must know the sauce
I'm pretty sure he's referring to sausage gravy, possibly sans-sausage. I know some places do it without sausage; sometimes with mushrooms or other chunky meat substitutes.
The fucking Heartburn. I’m 28. The second I turned 27 I had to stop eating Jalepenos and heavy shit like chilli cheese. Life is suffering
Keep a bottle of antacids on hand and enjoy life. Also some of them taste like candy.
it's not your age anon, it's your posture. poor posture dips your lower 'sophagus into your stomach and it gets ravaged by your digestive acids. standing or at least sitting up straight prevents the 'dip.

look it up it's true - I learned all of this from Dr. WebMD and in my case it stopped all my heartburn but it takes fucking discipline

don't grow old anon, grow older
>t. 41yo
Jesus Christ you might be right. Since a promotion i spend most of my time in my truck checking out power lines and talking to people instead of being in my feet. I figured it was also because I was mostly sedentary but this definitely plays into it. I’m not even that fat. Thankyou anon

I usually do but I hear they can fuck up your liver long term. I think posture and some weight loss would be better
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I'm not fat either anon, but I 100% crumple my weight down with poor posture. Heartburn flares ruin days at a time (eating, sleeping, etc) but I've found it stops just as quickly as long as I keep my spine upright.

Good luck anon, 28 is a perfectly normal age to start feeling this heartburn but also an easy time to get ahead of it. Don't let it go another 10 years and become an ulcer, that shit is irreversible.
Reduce it down, thicken it up.
How can anyone prefer this soupy consistency? Water is diluting the FLAVAH
water is diluting if TEXTCHA and the CULAH and also, frankly, the COMFY
So you think flavor is a buzzword?
>Guzman y Gomez

That place sucks (but so does Zambreros so we're not exactly spoilt for choice).
not at all anon. I'm just agreeing that it diluting the flavor as well as the texture, color, and overall comfy. I meant no harm here, I was just agreeing
Real garlic chicken, not Panda Express
Yeah I don’t understand what the fuck they’re doing there. Same with sopes, they’re just so hard and messy to eat. I do like tostada salads, cracking off a side of the bowl to scoop the salad between regular bites is just a fun way to eat. I think quesadillas are the most comforting Mexican food.
Not really, enchilada filling is typically just meat, cheese and sauce. Maybe some places will do beans. A burrito has beans, rice, salsa, maybe sour cream and guacamole along with the meat and cheese. Enchiladas can also be made with flour or corn tortillas, burritos almost exclusively with flour.

That sucks dude. Luckily it’s not terribly hard to make most standard Mexican foods.
Looks good anon. Pizza mozz is just mozz? Reminds me of an omelette I had recently with burrata, asparagus and crisped up prosciutto
I miss my moms homeade lasagna
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knorr pasta side with seafood mix
will substitute kraft if required
I'd make em for you if I met you.
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just like mom used to make
You're a good one, Anon. I'd bring some beverages and sides.
I think its just a higher fat content mozzarella. Its a mild flavour gets really stretchy when melted.
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for me stamppot is the BEST in winter, love it a lot
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is that mushy kale, kielbasa, and gravy?
anon you might be onto something here, I have woeful posture and was worried it was fucking Crohn's or something but where I feel abdominal pain is way higher than listed in common symptoms for dietary issues
moar like guzman y food poisoning
>Verification not required.
mashed potato and kale combo, and the sausage is usually rookworst
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nice. I love making a mash with additional veggies. potato and cabbage mash, potato and turnip mash, potato and carrot mash, all so much better than just plain taters. I'll have to try potato and kale
I can't fucking wait for a smoked pulled pork and coleslaw sandwich this weekend.

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