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On this Mother's Day, let us celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Nia
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The post that started it all
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Happy aNiaversary. Posting my very first Nia, it's been a long ride.
The show actually started on mother's day? I didn't notice. Crazy that it has been 3 years.
This is beautiful.
Imagine that shit ends tomorrow lmao
Is it really?
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>On this Mother's Day, let us celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Nia
This shit autistic as fuck
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kinda unsatisfied about this drawing, i don't like it except her face expression, but eh, someone might like it here.
this is fantastic
Thanks. i kinda wanna draw an actual anniversary thing tho.
I like the use of color here
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i found some red leads for my mechanical pen and i've been experimenting with these.

Also, happy anniversary. Cake to celebrate.
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>gifs you can hear.
What do you hear?
I can hear thus
This is now a CYOA. Wat do?
Well, that's a neat fact to hear about
rape her
You have been given one last chance to turn away
Courtesy of >>>/trash/65701178
It's weird. I like women voluptuous. Yet for some reason I have this urge to spread her stick legs wide open and put her ankles on my shoulders
Previous thread:
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Yes. The first ICS video is 3 years old.


LIAR! The post that started it all was on July 25, 2022.

Hey anon, I have a Nia card that was made months ago. Feel free to use/edit it as you want.

Color me intrigued, thank you anon. Not often I see people like us outside of those generals.
Thoughts? Seem more accurate?
Neither will be able to fully capture Nia's personality perfectly. Still, keep in mind that the model/JB you're using will affect how she behaves. Also, the reason I know about this card is because I'm the one who made it. Have fun!
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I will! I'm using Opus with a proprietary slow-burn JB meant to allow for soulful personality dynamics. It would be possible to make a cars that perfectly gets her personality from the videos down as long as you give it as much information as it needs, it's just a pain in the ass. It took me 3 months of constant tweaking to make one that it needed all info from the ground up on. Appreciate you sharing the card though, it's gonna get some good mileage. Maybe I'll even try and refine it further depending on the feedback I get
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Why did the creator choose to make her feet black here when it's shown as pale white in other videos?
She’s either wearing stocking or its a style choice seeing as the desk/mouse is white
I want to cuddle Nia while MCR plays and let her vent while I eat her out.
it's not that deep, I think it's just because it's one of the earliest videos and her design wasn't finalized yet. Speaking of this scene, I actually like this hairstyle a lot but I don't think it ever appeared again in any later episodes, unless I'm mistaken? But I do appreciate the variety of different looks she has throughout the series, not just the hair but even little things like the way her little triangle nose is drawn changes slightly from video to video
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My girls
Here's the finished version
And the separate images
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Our girls.
Good shit. I love how it's her different designs throughout the years.
heh... clever
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My boys
Never understood the appeal of Lacey.
I need Nia and Dolly celebrating the anniversary of their series together. Maybe enjoying some cake together with their mom.
broken raped girl with broken raped girl
wanna rape them so hard
I remember I got recommend a video about her titled some shit like "How (whatever the fuck she's from) explores girlhood trauma" and just said to myself "Wow thanks, I'm completely uninterested now."
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Massive titties.
Sí, lo quero.
damn gorgeous work
Fucking brilliant, phenomenal work
I just think they're neat.
She isn't queer!
I can see a few images in this thread saying otherwise.
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Same Energy...
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>Nia's bony little ass in a Psylocke costume
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I like Nia
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They are nothing more but friends >>143619399
skinny and frail…
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I doubt they would be even that.
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happy anniversary (late)
Better late than never
You know what?
In the beginning when I drawed that, I have the dynamic of nia feeling something but Lacey just seen her more like a friend
did u draw this? it looks pretty gud
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That depiction does fit most of the art they have together.
They’re just confused is all.
What I'm referencing guys?
Tomie, give me a harder one.
Ding ding
B I N G O !

I'll do another one
Love the way you draw her
She's making a hoodie fort
>So, where exactly is Detective Anon bringing poor Nia?
More like a goon cave
I love the use of crosshatching on this
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Turtleneck works better than I thought
What would her haircut look like in real life?
I always assumed it'd be something like this.
Wouldn't it be a wolfcut?
Shouldn't it have more spikes on top?
Nia CYOA updated:
Do you have any proof?
Me, I did it to both of them.
Any pro tips?
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Any amount of force and pressure will break them, alone or with others they are extremely easy.
No, don't say that!
I miss the 2000s
If the 90's was the last decade of prosperity then the 2000's was the last decade of freedom.
Is it normal to chuckle at a lot of this videos?
Here's the artist
I do too, anon
I do too
Got it
>>>143610306 (OP)
Those haircuts are from nowadays lmao
It's never too late to bring those good times back. If there's a will there's a way.
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My (late) contribution
Why is Nia's head coming apart?
Don't know. Ask the glazier
Man, I love this stuff. It's really hard find these types of drawings anymore unless I realllly dig through Deviantart or Instagram
this community is single-handedly keeping this kind of art alive
I'm definately feeling the 2000s vibes from this. Good work.
Thanks bro
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Happy anniversary Nia bros
Glory to big sister!
Ohh I like this, what's your vision of a society ruled by Nia? You can just spitball ideas
I really really like this
>Cut my life into pieces
>this is my last resort
love your art btw
>"Cut my life into pieces"
Heh heh, good one

>What's the difference between a Sandwich and Nia?
The sandwich is actually wanted by someone?
finally some FUCKING food
Uma delicia.
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Wrong thread in the wrong board buddy.
This artist still has my favorite way of Nia being drawn
Good job
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>Clingy and refuses to let go of you in public
>If having an episode can only be calmed down by being hugged which she tries to resist at first
>Rarely speaks and when she does she is almost silent
>Only met because she was holding onto you scared in an empty subway train
>Avoids eye contact but will stare at you when she thinks you are not paying attention
>Is not interested in sex but does not refuse it either
>Nearly crushes you in a hold during her nightmares
>Loves pet names such as "dark angel" and "lost princess"
>Noticeable increase in energy after cuddling
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When did Nia die?
So she was raped? Used goods.
Why did you censor her legs?
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Multiple times in 2003
I have never seen this lacey character before in the Nia videos
I think you are all trying to gaslight me
No one here likes NaQ?
What do you mean? She's been here since the beginning.
Anon, literally nobody knows about NaQ outside of /uh/.
Was in a patreon only image.
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don't starve/Anon caring for a pocket Nia
Just finished watching through everything on the channel.
I NEED more videos of her dancing so hard she's tearing herself apart
Sounds lovely until you start seeing freaky shit from the corner of your eye and her 'friends' start playing with you too.
I wonder when we will get the next video.
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I sure love Nia, pretty, silly, emo girl
5 weeks
9 years
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>y-you'll fall in love with the person in front of youuuu.
Your wiiiish is my commaaannnd...
>y...you'll... want to get married too...
>and have three kids...
yesssss my queeen
>and live near the sea...
kinda hard, little expensive but I'll try my queeen...
>and make a lot of money, if possible...
OK NOW I CAN'T DO THAT SHIT. Good luck, bae.
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such weak conviction.
What AI chat thing do you use this for?
She said 'if possible...' that doesn't mean 'absolutely have to'.
SillyTaveen/Risu hooked up to Claude 3 Opus. Outpus are near instantaneous, see >>143634442 as an example
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>Reading this in Spongebob's voice
As if she isn't the possessive type that would never let you leave
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>her sister at her side
i've noticed how good big sister Nia is. Her sister is probably the one reason she hasn't given up yet.
Right after this thread?
Shall we wait and find out?
>Nia got decently sized tits
Inferno cop? Fuck yeah man!
oh wow someone actually did that request on the draw thread?! I prefer if superman was there instead of that skeleton
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>I prefer if superman was there instead of that skeleton
Now all of China knows (you) are an ignorant fuck
Who gives a fuck about China?
>doesn't recognize the meme
Man, anon, (you) keep playing yourself.

Damn this is good. I actually checked patreon to see if this was an updated pic
I don't know what you're on about, I just don't like China
Thought that was Shadbase for a second lmao
>Nia drawn by Shadman
holy hell, I wish I could see that
He wouldn't draw Nia, but he would draw Dolly though
What if...
You know there's at least one artist floating around who has aped his style pretty well, not perfect but it's a good imitation. If I could remember their name I'd link and I dunno, maybe you could pay them to draw Nia for you
How would she behave as the mother of my children?
>Nia and dolly are actually blondes
>they would have been preppy cheerleaders if they didn't have all the fucked up shit happen to them

I both hate and like this concept
Well, the only blondy is Dolly, Nia is an adult goth woman

What if Nia dyes her hair?
Imagine inviting Dolly to a cafe, and she comes wearing a comfy white wool sweater and blue jeans, smile on her face. You’ve already bought her coffee, and you quickly sit her down at a nearby booth. Imagine telling her how Nia had died the night before of a “heart attack”, and that the big sister she always looked up to was gone forever. Makeup would run down her cheeks like a melted icing, her tears would be stained by black mascara. Imagine how she’d melt into you as she embraces you, bawling her eyes out in front of everyone, clawing and gripping your back as she grips with the mortality of the person who saved her.
Holy shit...
My original idea was for her to be an independent paranormal investigator like a Constantine type.

But... This is pretty sad... Damn...
So what your saying is there's a chance Nia has...a blonde bush?
Maybe ahahajs
That's pretty fucked
But imagine because of this, she starts making dolls that are caricatures of Nia and sells them to kids as a final way to honor her sister's memory
Now imagine the degenerates who'll buy those dolls.
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Don't need to.
> "imagine the degenerates who'll buy those dolls"
AKA everyone in this thread
Plushie Nia really reminds me of BB
Apart from her sister would Nia have any dolls?
Oh fuck, not you again
I want this
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Only one
I like her Skyrim outfit/cloak, it's a shame we can't get some sort of Katia Managan style webcomic about her misadventures
Trips confirm. I would buy a Nia doll and do unspeakable things to it.
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Yeah, one of those realistic sex dolls that she pretends is her boyfriend who protects her from the monsters and comforts her whenever she goes schizo mode.
Sick, my thing got drawn
Good stuff as always dude
Alright new idea then: Dolly makes a doll of Nia to deal with the pain after the loss of her sister. She thinks it’s a coping mechanism, as if the doll can fill the emotional void Nia left behind. But that hole is never filled, and gradually she begins to hate the doll, as it symbolizes that emptiness that festers and eats away at her life. Where she’d care for, clean, and practically worship the doll, she would slowly begin to torture it, stabbing it with needles and ripping off pieces of its fabric, desperate to try and inflict some pain to alleviate her own. Unbeknownst to Dolly, Nia’s soul had actually been stuffed (haha) into the doll, and she could feel every rip and tear.
Pretty sure Nia is a redhead.
woah... red bush?
That's a very well known person, not a random anon, one person you might not want to be related to.

Damn, there's no way you didn't just leak the new episode so casually.
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what's the backstory?
Tim Burton would approve
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>what's the backstory?
Are you sure you want to know the lore behind that guy?
It can't be that bad. I mean, this whole community is based around a fairly dark web series, and usually, their fandoms are more tolerable compared to that of lighter stuff. How bad can one fan be?
He's the reason we have no MEGA now.
Come again?
First MEGA anon left 'cause this retarded asshole went turbo autistic about simping Nia and started harassing other artists.

Side note, he's also the one guy who cut "NIA" on his arm.
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>those hips
As an artist he frequently bashed I miss it, him sperging out was funny and I'd intentionally draw shit that would piss him off just to get a reaction out of him.
>rail thin waist
>wide hips
Yeah, making him going turbo autistic was always fun, specially how unaware he is about it. He clearly lacks self awareness. Anyways, enough of this topic.
I don't get how you can get harassed by someone with a waifu, what exactly did he do to them?
i wish i know, i wasn't targeted by him, all i know is what other artists told me.
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I remember one time I called that dude a dumbass because instead of washing that doll after he busts a nut on it he uses perfume and says "it smells just fine" and he took that shit super personally, like I just wished death upon his family type shit
If anyone is still taking art requests. I'm requesting a recreation of this image. Nia on the TV and Anon as Ricardo López.
Stabbing Nia to death
Where did you guys find her name?
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We didn't, we made it up.
this except with my penis and “death” meaning orgasm
But why that name then?
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Is that a mirror or a microwave?
Probably a mirror, bu I always thought it was a window sill.
She's turning into a tree!
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>Nia's a footfag
That's it, I'm outta here. I could tolerate her being a smoker but this is too much
Watch out, (you) have feet too, probably.
i need those steppers in my mouth
If you really care you’ll greentext
>Nia feet
>in my mouth
>good day
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>tfw someone ate the last pizza roll
How do you get it to use Claude? Is it a paid service?
Yes but I can give you a free proxy for it. You have a protonmail I can email?
Thanks in advance
The only thing I ask of you is that you post your logs (screenshots of your adventures) with Nia and maybe continue the CYOA
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Cute! But are those cuts on her knees? Why has she been kneeling long enough for them to be scraped up?
>The Demon
Are you fucking telling me the faggot that annoyingly bitched about Libby in my precious TGAMM threads brought Nia to life and is probably the creator of the series?
But who does SHE love?
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Yep, it's a small world after all. He also apparently has a phobia for large pupils which is pretty common in the series which contradicts the idea that he might be the creator, lol.
Her dog
I feel like it might be a crappy attempt at a lie because who goes out of the way to hate pretty much an entire shower except for one character while knowing that we know he hates big pupils so we make edits of those on purpose. I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually a fetish and he was just playing "NOOOO! DON'T SUCK MY COCK!" to try and get us to suck it.
Oh you know
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I don't know but seeing as this entire board is the de facto autism central, I'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he's simply that retarded.
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I highly doubt it.
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what a tease
The amount of feet content is insane
Who installs red LEDs in an elevator?
Embarrassed Nia is the cutest Nia
Satan, of course.
>Tucks her snug and tight
>Hands her a warm glass of milk
>Reads her a bedtime story
>Smooches her forehead and ruffles her hair
>Close the door quietly
>Masturbate furiously in the bathroom
Has anyone made nia boob mouse pad?
Would imply she has breasts and isn't as flat as the floor she walks on.
How about a Nia foot mouse pad?
A boy can dream
Dead Nia is the cutest Nia
>Nia mousepad
>is completely flat
"I love you Jesus Chriiiiiiiiiiist"
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Do you guys think that the creator of ICS is a woman and that Nia is a self-insert?
She'd never say that
>Do you guys think that the creator of ICS is a woman and that Nia is a self-insert?
I can believe the creator is a woman, but nia being a self insert? Yeah no .
Nah, probably some dude in his 40's
But people commented on that one spike video that it had to be some sort of video about the trauma the creator went through and it was kinda vagina-centric and honeslty I can't really see a man making something like that
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Happy anniversary, posting some of the stuff I've drawn.
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You don't have to be a woman in order to write about rape or periods
ha, that one takes me back! Love all the Nia+food pictures we've gotten over the years. Man, it's so hard to believe it's the 3rd anniversary of ics already
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anon you have to understand…
Is this a reference?
She a qt, good work anon. Is she wearing nothing underneath that apron?
ICS needs to understand that we need Ren and Stimpy-esque hyper-realistic cuts
I think it's funny that her left eye has disappeared entirely and the right one has shifted over to occupy some of its space
I dunno man, that just seems like wild speculation and jumping on conclusion with no hard proof. I get people can write from what they experience but that's not always the case for every piece of media.
Lovely art
and you call yourself goth
is it weird that I like the Nia that's drawn by the community more than the real Nia design? this is just so loveably cute
one does not need to be goth to appreciate Nia
Literally give her flowers out of nowhere like a cartoon character
i refuse to accept i share this board with such ignorant fucks...
> 30 years old
I know its from johnny the homicidal maniac
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i could try to drawn it but if anyone is up for the challenge
masting press nia followed by happy pregnant nia
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ok i did it afterall, some energy left in my bones
Nice work
Sure, the CYOA of being a police officer made me want to try to do an adventure as a character like the Cool Policeman from Anthology of the Killer. I'll probably try to do something else if it's a CYOA just incase the anon who made it comes back.
>mfw people consider being 30 as old
>mfw artists draw 30 year olds with wrinkles and crows feet
Is it over for me bros? I haven't even had my first relationship yet
Sounds good, I'll send you a video and instructions on how to do everything in a couple of hours. I'm the anon behind the CYOA, I only paused it because no one was replying with ideas and a CYOA can't really continue without an audience to choose ideas
It's never over until you quit
Don't worry Anon, it isn't too late yet , you are in the peak of the human youth

you can do better, I believe in you my homie
>Do you guys think that the creator of ICS is a woman and that Nia is a self-insert?
Creator's probably a Russian dude in his late 20s/early 30s just making tribute videos to 2000s goth/emo flash animations and pics with his waifu OC. You don't need to experience traumatic events in life to created those themes in your art. Or maybe they're just a ryona enjoyer.
>She'd never say that
Have you seen Alfred Alfer? This is basically that but goth and the creator hadn't become a Nazi yet
Her name was Emily Youcis
ITT: We determine if Nia have mommy issues
shut up gay nigga
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Would like to see this with Nia and anon
This, but in reverse.
what happened?
Your waifu is for faggots and niggers
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bitch episode when?
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My waifu?
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Skill issue.
At least she ain't a piss fetishist... right?
She might not be a piss fetishist per se but I can assure you she's a champion at pissing competitions.
Can she piss six feet up into the air and not get wet?
Requesting Nia at a fair trying to win Dolly a giant Teddy bear.
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She'll grow.
She sure can!
heh, finally a nice crossover.
No down payment!
lol, this is great
What's she from?
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Darn kids these days
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You could try running it as a quest either here on /qst/ or some other board, might have better luck getting an audience there
another one for the Nia zoo collection
Really huge I hope
So what all do we have?
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If I recall correctly we have
>Dog Nia
>Cat Nia
>Rat Nia
>Snek Nia
>Pony Nia
>Iguana Nia
What form should she take next?
surprising we don't have bird Nia... wait i kinda remember a chicken Nia, am i crazy?
Ye. I made that one along with the emu Nia (because of a dumb pun I had in mind) from earlier this year.
fly nia
What about Bat Nia?
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i tried doing this, but i think something went wrong...
Looks okay to me. What went wrong?
she died short after
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In honor of Mother’s Day, I am going to make Nia a mother
Are there any milf/mom nia pics?
Please give her massive jugs
>you will never have big tiddy milf nia as your wife
Y live
looks like a happy tree friends character
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Help me find them all anon!
Post your rare animal Nias!!
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that's the ref.
let me see...
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gotta spoiler this one for reasons
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Oh, we doing this? Frickin' sweet, here's the aforementioned emu.
Now we just need a second one of each and we'll have Nia's Ark.
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So far so good!
I'll probably have to expand the canvas
>All this art of Nia as an animal
>No art of Dolly as an animal
Needs to be fixed. Requesting Dolly as a bunny since that was one of her plushies.
>No art of Dolly as an animal
welp >>143711265
Who has the rat Nia?, I can't find it
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I don't think anyone has made this Nia yet
More like Niager
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Heres a more human looking version aka the original version
I really never understood appeal of these. I mean they're not that shocking see the one you've seen them all, I think it's just the idea of having a depressed gothgirlfriend. It's like Middle School level of mental illness understanding people are sad they must cut themselves I remember in school that going girl got herself
The appeal for normal people,early internet nostalgia horror. For us here, it's goth girl nia.
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Mmmmmm monke
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This is canon btw
Where do you go to get this cool ais that allow stuff like rape
I wanna see art of dolly showing this off to nia.
i made this a few months ago
Here is the remake, enjoy
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Hanging out with Nia.

Don't mind the hole in the ground.
Isn’t there a dog Nia as well?
>dog Nia
We don't talk about that one
oh, i just rember... oh no...
What's there to be confused about?
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Tried my hand at making a low poly Nia.
now maker spray piss like a firehose
Now model her giblets
hey pretty cool! Man, there's a lot of talent on display in these threads. It's crazy how such a niche YT channel manages to inspire so many anonymous artists
Cute. How long did this take? Now she needs Dolly by her side.
Now all we need is a 3D platformer for her
I cant remember. I started it a while ago and just picked it up again.
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Le milf
Her sexuality
Lovely, makes me wonder if people into goth/emo aesthetics keep any of the style once they become parents.
Her hair's kinda all over the place plus her hands and feet are a bit too small but other than that, it's looking pretty good so far.
Super Smoken Sexy
Same reason she has a dog nose
I don't think she would
>Horse show
Dolly deserves better.
It's literally what dolly would be into
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>all Niacey posts
>no Nia x Jamie
They'd be best friends at least
Who is Jamie?
Yellow gremlin
Nia Ultrakill
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Very cute
I think Nia hanging out with Kris from coffin_romantic would be better.
nia seems to get along with a lot of creepy youtube
someone made cute art of her hanging with lacey and the meme lord from boivert
For the fans of the macabre, what are your options from the artist Holy Ravioli? She fits in the same vein of fun horror with a bit more detail. I personally love her comics and fashion choices so I thought I'd share
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I kinda like this style.
>using her feet to grasp the head

For what purpose?
I like it in a weird way but i won't lie the hair of this nia design is way too generic.
This is shit
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Ngl he wild for this bros gotta whole folder of this shit
Yeah its defiantly the hair i have a problem with. If it was the iconic spikey hair , i would like it morr
Probably my least favourite depiction of Nia so far, captures none of her appeals.
>Blatant samefagging and self-shillling
>exaggerated body proportion
>flat art style
Of course.
She's not the only one
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Well, some of you wanted your thicc Nia and you got another one. Keep complaining.
Don't get me wrong, like i said i like it in a weird way but even i understand why people here don't.
I'll be sure to ask for well-drawn thicc Nia next time.
>Coomer design
This is literally Gaz vs BigDad Gaz all over again. I'd be surprised if Nia grows up to be a PAWG let alone a titty monster.
next time (you) are gonna say (you) are just pretending to be a retard.
Oh, okay.
Then I guess it's for everybody else. Ngl I do see validity in your "Why is the haircut generic?" point.

>>143729489, >>143729504, and everybody else, you can keep pouting that
when A. That's basically what being thicc is when you get to the core of it, and thicc characters are not a DeviantArt exclusive thing. Again, keep complaining. Thicc Nia is here to stay.
And you are pretending to be
>lé all superioré on opinioné
Stop samefagging, God dammit, this was a great thread.
We have our next Kino here...
Who gives a fuck?
Weird ship idea but part of me wants to see art of Nia and Grim Jr together.
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What makes for a good Nia?
Beca here
I can do that
Just give me some time
bone thin and vulnerable
pointy hair
big eyes
petite body for mangling
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Her being a lanky emo girl. Sure you can give her a big butt and boob but you should keep her lanky.
That picture is the quite essential perfect Nia, In general ICS anon nailed down very well what a good Nia looks like
>literal dog nose
Even ignoring the obvious, that alone is easily a sign of a fake fan right there.
Nia’s iconic piss puddle
Caring nerdy goth
Welp like a anon said before picrel is a good idea what nia looks like with all her iconic traits. Its okay to be off model if you stil have the said traits.
>That hair band
Nia lainfag confirmed??
Just draw the most breakable goth girl you can convince, add piss and you have a Nia
Does piss really need to be involved?
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>Nia lainfag confirmed??
i never expected anyone to notice it, much less to get where did i get the idea to add that hair band.
I can understand the feet but the piss has only been in that and a short iirc?
Hey... Anon...
Sure but only this one time *fucking dies immediatly*
oh I like this. If only I could use as a mod for silent hill
you draw like a friend of mines. And I make fun of her art all the time

2000s emo girl look

Thin appearance (fragile to subdue)

The most important thing is to give it a tender touch.
Now post the red stained remains
test this
no habla jibber jabber
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Nia clussy...
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yet another drawing of Nia's bony booty for those people who can't get enough of that sort of thing (i.e. me)
>that small but very shapely ass
I cant get enough of nia's boney ass body
Now that's a sweet ass.
>Dat Ass
kek. noice drawing
Who is the artist?
Is there a new archive for fanart?
Not yet, unfortunately.
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Weird question, if Nia was a fighting game character how do you think she would play?
Probably a fast shoto( i don't play fighting games a lot so bear with me) or zoner using occult stuff

I bought DethalbumIV and had it repeating the same song over and over by accident. I did not notice the difference until I wondered why the weed Wacker song hadn't come one for a while.

I feel like that would be part of the joke
A zoner so she can put her schizo powers to good use.

Yes and she is waiting for (you) to come break down her door and whisk her away from her horrible life.

Feet dexterity runs in the family
What bands does she listen to? Does she go to concerts?
She probably likes red vox
She'd be the training dummy / OP secret fighter with tiny hitbox
You forgot bunny Nia.

Well hello there
Kinda fitting with how many people (including me) wants to fuck her
show paws
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Here's a thicc Nia to end the thread on a good note. :^)
i feel she would go to a concert once, just to feel the experience too socially exhausting, and keep enjoying music reclusively after that.
>Ow, she's a brick house
Oh no, a Twitter goth!
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Best Nia
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>Thread over already
Hopefully when the next one starts it's when a new episode is out. Seems like we are getting more of a clear story judging from the last post. See you all later, Nia and Dolly bros.
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Nia the BBC addict
I can't sleep is lame and gay
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No, you are lame and gay. Nia is cute.
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