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So is their ship that popular because audience is desperate for normal straight shipping between fragile female and masculine strong male? Or is it becuase it's humanXAI?
I ship Pomni with Caine.
All the ships are popular.
Everyone is shipped with everyone else.

I'm horny.
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It's because two characters stood next to each other and had an "UwU sad" moment so now they must be partners for life.
it's because it's the most pomni has ever connected with a character
i think pomni x ragatha is cute but it's pretty one-sided at the moment, but with gummigoo pomni actively cared about him, and they share an issue that brings them together
Why does her human form look like a child if she told ragatha she is an adult
Pomni actually had a positive, emotionally vulnerable interaction with another character for once where she didn't act like a giant bitch. That as really all it took.
It probably helped that Gummigoo was a dude with a gruff voice.
To be honest, connecting on emotional level SHOULD be a first step in a good relationship. Being only led by hormones is a stereotype cringe Hollywood fed you for years and it will often lead to break ups once you masturbate.
She doesn't look like a child? She look like sweaty office shut in who secretly reads star trek yaoi fanfics on the job
I wish i could see Gummigoo under any other scenario. Would he be helpfull toward everyone? Would he try to only support Pomni? Would he just be a static background character? Or would he be a selfish psycho trying to sabotage human to make Caine day worse for playing god?
He would definitely be helpful to everyone except for Jax and Caine.
He was programed to be loyal to his family and friends so anyone who didn't treat him outright antagonistically would probably be cool with him.
a man of taste
Why would Caine write a good guy MC in a role of a villain?
He gave him a believable motivation so that he would think he was in the right for stealing the syrup and work with the other antagonist NPCs towards that goal.
He's stupid.
We're one step closer to Gummigoo just being Saxton Hale.
She has braces.
I like that Gummigoo is just Chris Pratt
That was supposed to be the twist of the adventure, I imagine. They find out the crocs only stole it to help their village then they have to make a choice.

He seemed fully willing to give life in the Circus an honest shot, so I assume he would've been perfectly friendly to anyone who was the same to him.

He was a very interesting character and I thought it was really taking the easy way out to kill him for shock value. He knows he has no place in the universe and is gonna try to find some meaning for himself, plus, he would be a main character who was at no risk of abstracintg which I think could've been an interesting dynamic.

The video with the blushes and the big merch push for him makes me think they're not done with him but I really hope it's not "oh hey Gummigoo is back but it's just another copy of the NPC model so he doesn't remember Pommi or their connection womp womp big sad Pomni eyes". because that would just be the most predictable thing you could do with him, again.
The point that Caine was trying to make is to create "immersive NPC" so he basically created a realistic human experience but he really didn't bother to write a complicated backstory that would make him a bastard villain so just gave him a simple motivation of securing the maple syrup and see the good guys as bad guys. If he was just making a simple antagonist AI he would ended up with another Gloink queen
At least we didn't go with the most stereotype Steve Irwin character unless the plushie commercial was canon because "Crikey" felt like reference to him.
kids aren't only ones who wear braces
>The video with the blushes
meant for this
Yeah, but adults only get them if they're vain.
Impregnating non human women erotic.
If they bring Gummigoo back, I can see them giving him his memories back and him being distrustful of Pomni. She told him that he'd be welcome in the circus but ended up being killed on sight instead.
It's vore
They made merch of him because he looks cute and he was insanely popular. If princess bubblegum had the same reaction they would have made merch of her instead and would still not reuse her because it's one episode one special setting/cast.
Plushes. Auto correct keeps changing it, I dunno why.
I think merch takes longer to produce than that. They planned for the reaction to him ahead of time.
Like I care about the artist's original intent.
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Mommy x Gangle is best ship.
the announced his plushie right after episode ended so there was zero chance they could sense its popularity other than guessfans would care
how the hell the show is so popular it breaks bronies to pieces yet they have a stable moving board of their own while this single thread moves like a snail? There must be some kind of AI shenanigans at play
Because our fandom is mostly underage and has no access to 4chan
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Gummigoo vs Jax oiled up wrestling match who wins?
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technically it only make sense when you reverse the role since Gummi is an AI but still i like the look of a slut Pomni
Us, because we get to see Gummigoo oiled up
>make slut pomni
>it's just the puppet from fnaf
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this is just a popular cartoon with a couple of episodes out and honestly not much left to discuss from what little we have. FIM was a fucking subculture the likes of which we will never see again.
It dominated every board like you wouldn't believe and just genuinely made every other fandom look like nothing in comparison.
I was there and a part of it and still don't quite understand how it happened.
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we at hot topic now!!

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>No Ragatha merch
What am I? Chopped liver?
Poor Pomni getting dunked on by Garfield.
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What do gloinks taste like
Cheap ice cream from the ice cream van.
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no gangle is the puppet
Her time is coming soon. I can feel it. I would bet money she is at least gonna get one of those little overpriced figures next episode.
>between fragile female and masculine strong male?

Gummigoo was the one having a existential crisis and Pomni was the strong one. People like the ship because Pomni is cute and Australian accents are sexy. No homo.
The plushie scene was pretty clearly showing that it wasn't Pomni'w Gummigoo. It was just the NPC copy pasted from the Void and seemingly with its AI settings to minimum.
I'm almost finished with Deltarune Chapter 2.
The only reason I played Deltarune was so I could understand why people keep mentioning Spamton. And honestly him and Caine really aren't alike, even if the VA's performance is clearly typecast off it.
Black Kinger would not effect anything besides black queen jokes
I don't think the plushie means anything; but I do personally believe that we're going to get a bunch of NPC's coming back. Goose was once asked if the Gloink Queen was coming back in episode 2 and her response was 'not in episode 2, no.'
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Why would Pomni, a human, be romantically interested in an anthropomorphic lizard made of candy? She would even be disgusted and terrified of Ragatha, who is a giant talking rag doll. Pomni wouldn't even like to be touched by a bunch of entities made of polygons...
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>in the Spanish dub Jax says he'll show Ragatha her drawings
>In the turkish one he says he'll tell Rags "her little secret"
Gangle 100% has a crush on Ragatha and I'm not sure why there isn't more content of them.
go to bed matpat
I thought that heretical jax x pomni ship was most popular because alot people draw them fucking.
They’re shipped together because fangirls think gummigoo is hot and they project themselves onto pomni as the awkward anxious fish out of water
Jax is just joker with a bunny theme.
Sorry, no homos allowed in the Circus. Caine will be assigning her to the next male player to enter the game.
This. They're the only two characters with anything like remonatic chemistry so far.
Caine's VA did a lot of good Spamton fandubs
But yes they're not very similar outside of "insane computer character", their motivations and flavor of insanity are very different. Spamton's more like if Gummigoo went insane from his NPC revelation, and tried to wear the body of an abstracted PC in hopes of becoming Real.
Jax would be completely against it cause he seems the guy that doesn't like getting sticky/oily.
Only really happy that buying these dopey shirts actually supports the show.
Caine's VA's dubs for Spamton's dialog is pretty much his canon voice to me these days. That cut off laugh is great and how he changed his tone/voice for the bracketed words were good touches.
Kingerchads, you need to see this

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also look at this zoob
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Rags is actually so cute in that poofy Rodger Rabbit outfit
Reminder that Gangle canonically wants to do this.
artist name?
Better then just getting constantly emotionally abused by Jax
She needs something to do other than be an abuserope
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ragatha is goat for the swimsuit episode
She's gonna wear Gangle.
>y-you like me?
>there will never be a worse hell than this, remember that Georgie, this life we live is neither easy nor fair, but it’s all we have.
Why do you suppose Pomni is a girl IRL? What if it was some horny fat neckbeard that got isekai-ed into his VR game?
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guy and girl focused episode with pathos and lots of downtime between releases, same as ragatha. nothing more
swear fucks would ship the shitty bubble under similar circumstances
holy shitfuck muh dick
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alternatively gangle refuses to help and is sassy
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gangle will never fuck ragatha
Gangle will aggressively grind her ribbon against Ragatha's null crotch while she calls her mommy.
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Soft squishy Ragatha titties!
Why did Jax call Gangle submissive and breedable? What did he mean by this?
>Jax Rabbit
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is it not obvious
Dorclessness leading into abstraction, with her trying to just outright kill Jax like a psychopath.
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what did goose mean by this
The maid dress is coming out.
oh boy!
>image is nowhere else to be found
Hello minty
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Pomni is an IT geek who probably is aware of furry and fictional characters and their appeal. Imagine you get sucked into Space Jam world and among goofy retards like Foghorn Leghorn and Slowpoke Rodriguez the first character you connect with on human emotional level is Lola Bunny. Someone asking why would you be interested in non human anthropmoporhic fictional character sound pretty dumb.
I feel like Kinger focused episode either going to be the most retarded episode or biggest emotional rollercoaster of entire show
And also the whole deal of him being the only person in this purgatory that she can actually bond with over a very similar experience. Him being a gummy crocodile bandit NPC from a candy land adventure is just vestigial.

I'd probably think the latter. There's still a lucid man underneath the crazy kook.
How problematic will Jax's gender dysphoria arc be?
My guess it's gonna be one of the last episodes as his past will also uncover the origin of the circus and how to get out
If anyone truly knew how to leave the circus somehow it would be Kinger probably. I still think he's one of the game's original devs or game testers.
I always took Spamton as a bit more menacing and gremlin-y. More along this
Although this is a masterpiece from Alex.
This gremlin-y synth-y Spampton and Caine's VA's broken digital game show host Spamton are both pretty good takes.
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Gender dysphoria/trannyism is a result of narcissism.
>posting NSFW on blue
for what purpose?
Male nipples are not nsfw
define a male, tits are tits
What would a Bubble gf be like
I want you and your sister to go out topless and see which one gets arrested first
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Full of Attitude.
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IHNBAIMB I have no boobs and I must breastfeed.
Spontaneous and irresponsible.
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would you
You know what anon. Yes....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
anyone has any tips on how to search for the content for TADC on you tube and other sites? How to look up genuine content such as parodies and analysing videos and to not mud through shitload of algo slop?
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i dreamt of gangle last night
The algoslop has already won, it's basically impossible to look up genuine TADC discussion or fanworks.
Dreaming of saving Gangle from Jax's constant abuse and then we get married at an anime con
well in my dream we were walking home from school and chatting until she started randomly pleasuring herself and she made me record her moans.
she would later post this recording to her social media and cause a massive controversy.
Does any autist has a complete comprehensive list of actual content creators for the show like for example Cartoon Universe, Saberspark etc? It seems searching them directly is the only way to dig through the sludge
haha that's so happy gangle
That's why you gotta shatter the happy mask.
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You think its going to end on that trope where Pomni realise she was just escaping reality and punishing herself in this fictional world? Where in reality nobody is real, where Kinger and Ragatha are just representation of her absent father and nagging mother while Jax and Zooble are representation of her apathethic or cruel older siblings? And Gummigoo will be just some game character on a poster in her room.

This ending happened in Dark Anthology Series Little Hope and in Sexy Brutale video game. Of course also in Jacob Ladder and Silent HIll in some way but it might not be a metaphorical purgatory as much as something Pomni created herself.
God I hope not, it's such an idiotic twist barely better than "lol all a dream/coma"

I'd find it more interesting if Pomni turned out to be the only "true" NPC, while Ragatha, Jax, Kinger and Gangle are the humans, with the "abstracted" being just what happens to characters left idle for too long and Zorble being a recently-abandoned character.
A great way to burn the series to the ground and get a mountain of seething internet death threats for everyone involved.
>Cartoon Universe
Didn't know this guy. His discussions are pretty alright tbqh.
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no but i do like the idea of everyone going into the circus to escape something horrible in reality, immediately forgetting why they did it, and slowly going insane
That sounds awful
>The Amazing Digital Silent Hill
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so far the fact nobody "new" joined the circus after Pomni makes me think she might be the only real person who setup this hole game and there is nobody actually forcing other humans to be trapped

this is why it only being 9 episodes already written and without sequels could mean it will have a definitive ending, and this would really crush this whole universe
Lets be honest, Goose is boomer tier millenial who could find those tropes seem like genius, the same way they think killer drones is edgy
Anon you don't actually know how Goose thinks. You just think you do.
>too light
>incorrect color wig
goose didn't make MD you fucking tard
who has a bigger peepee ragatha or jax
They don't have pps, horny anon
One of few that doesn't try to become the new MatPat. I'm so sick of the videos with giant moving pointing arrow and ZOOMED WORDS appeareaing to imply autistic shit
That ones that use those horrible "attention grabbing" subtitles are for kids or TikTok brainrotted teens.
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there is hope GummiCHADS
I've settled into the camp that he is indeed coming back in some form. Be it as an NPC on the inside that slowly learns more about how the circus ticks or as a fresh NPC that just keeps appearing in the adventures to make Pomni sad.
I can't wait until Gummigoo comes back for a scene in a future episode but without his previous memories and just acts like a random goon.
I mean he got a plushie and a keychain, I think he's coming back
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Why is discussion for this show so dead? As well as any video content? Feels like unless something airs one episode per week, it will fade away into abyss
>why is the video content dead
Content farms are basically drowning out fan content. People make stuff but the algorithm doesn’t direct anyone to it. Best way “in” at this point is to find a video and pray the creator makes more stuff OR find an online group where people just go “hey guys check this out sksksksksk”
>why is discussion dead already
Non-lore show + character interactions have been fairly limited so far. People have already shored up with their fellow creatives/gooners in various pockets of the internet to make stuff. It’s tricky because people are talking about the show, but again there’s so much noise from non-fan sources it’s genuinely hard to pick out shit. If you’re asking about 4chan specifically, it’s because a decent portion of the audience are underage, and there aren’t underage girls for /co/omers to wank to.
Because there wasn't as mich existential dread as in the 1st episode
Shows really straightforward. Content farms and idiots going "Could this goo be the gummiest Gummigoo herald?" may make it seem cryptic, but its not. Now that the introduction episodes are over, it should just be goofy character focused episodes with some dread sprinkled in.
i hate videos like this

The reason for dream sequence was simple, to showcase Pomnis fears and then reference it in the final scene where she realise the circus cast actually care about eachother. But he waste people times in useless autistic theory in annoying matpat way
>so far the fact nobody "new" joined the circus after Pomni makes me think she might be the only real person who setup this hole game and there is nobody actually forcing other humans to be trapped
What do you mean? Its been TWO fucking days, and from the first episode where she screws up the "intro" we know that it isnt a common occurence to happen. For all we know and how few rooms for abstracted characters exist/Ragatha knowing that Cain likes to re-use NPCs etc. we can assume someone new joining only happens what, every year or so? Maybe every few months?
thats just there to not make you suspect Pomni and not think about her being the last player
Why would they add a new person to the cast when we haven't even explored the existing cast at all yet? Fuck, we barely even got to know Pomni with episode 2
I want an episode where pomnis shoes come off and gumibro takes one smell and that gives him the strength to become ssjg tier and defeats caine and frees everyone.
I want the episode where Gummigoo reunites with Pomni and Jax finally shows his true colors and murders Gummigoo with a backstab and then chases Pomni like Jack NIcholson in The Shining
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Anchoring for that artist,
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>chubby black Ragatha invites you to her place for a home-cooked dinner
Do you accept?
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Snuggly cuddly mommy doll... She needs someone to care for like her own...
Imagine how good the food would be and the insanely comforting snuggles after the nice big meal
stop posting this
Over dinner I'd ask her if black people make chocolate milk then she'd say "come find out" then have sloppy wet violent sex
Would I have had breakfast in this scenario?
It's literally the first time I posted that image.
You woke up late and ended up skipping breakfast
she has autistic retard girl hair clips and braces. if she's not a child she's developmentally delayed.
>if she's not a child she's developmentally delayed
Or she's just a dork...
Cheer up Pomni maybe bubbles can help you laugh!
Jax had his sexyman status officially revoked and Pomni hasn't had any relatable moments with anyone besides Gummigoo and Ragatha (and Pomni has been pushing her away)
I wanna suck gummigoos dick
>My eyes are up here Pomni
Anyone convinced the big conclusion/twist will be nothing because the author seems like a massive troll who would find it funny to gain a massive fanbase and attention people making theories then just crashing and burning it?
I doubt it. The episodes are probably already planned and written by him now.

I don't want to become fat like her. Black food is disgustingly unhealthy.
Same to be honest
She'd vore you as her version of making love.
Goose already said it would be mostly about the characters and their adventures rather than the mystery of the circus. So that's entirely a possibility
i just wonder if the "final conslusion" is the more happy "everyone escapes" or more bittersweet "some need to stay/get deleted" or outright blackpilled "we all need to stay and get moved into the void forever" or "only Pomni was real and everything is just her limo"
If this was officially for kids and big studio was behind the production it would be happy ending 100%, but I feel like Goose is aware that the most memorable stories are the greek tragedies and not comedies
God I wish I were Pomni
But your dicks are down there
My guess for the finale is that:
- the one who dies is Caine. It'd be funny if, for all the talk about abstraction, the only one who dies is him and Bubble
- there really is no way out because they are copies/their real human bodies died
- Pomni takes over as Ringmaster to make the circus a much more bearable experience. Half the trauma the performers have is due to Caine's retarded adventures like the fake exit door or him executing sentient NPCs
Of they made a maxed out happy ending as in
>every main gets out
>every abstracted reverts back and gets out
>every NPC with sapience like Gummigoo gets to live in Pomni's laptop or even some robot body
Would that be too lame for this show?
everyone gets out except pomni and she goes kinger-tier insane
>and the cycle begins again
>He thinks this is as popular as Horse Show was
You clearly weren't here (or perhaps even online) when Horse Show was airing, it hit the Internet like an atomic bomb and 4chan was close to ground zero. Nothing before or since even compares, it appealed to the sort of shut in single teen/twenty something men who were the backbone of the 'net in those years (despite them being as far from the target audience as possible). Their board was made because they literally could fill the entire catalog with their shit otherwise and any attempt to janny them just made them angry. We will never see such a thing again.
Ayo, that Yellow Guy shirt looks cool.
gumi goo is never coming back
Nah, probably he will. He has merch, he's on the latest Glitch poster, he's an NPC so he can be easily just remade (with or without the memories we'll have to see as his programming is already broken.)
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Every character on this show is going to be reused eventually. It takes a lot of time and effort to model and rig 3d characters, otherwise it would be like burning money.
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It's CGI, the computer does all the work for you.
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>sunk cost fallacy
The only difference from 2d animation is that instead of drawing every frame you have to move models by hand also every frame. But you need to create 3d model first, then rig it with skeleton so you could move it and add facial expressions, walk cycles. You gotta pay someone to do it, that's a lot of money. Computer doesn't do shit besides rendering.
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>NiGHTS mentioned
these two should fuck
It's because furries want to fuck anything with a snout even if it's made of gelatinized sugar.
And nonfurries will fuck anything if it had tits
We all have our vices.
gangle isn't going to abstract because her abstraction mask is broken
>even if it's made of gelatinized sugar.
ESPECIALLY if it's made of gelatinized sugar.
Why is canon yuri never as cool as fanart yuri? Look at the pic, the characters go wild.
That'd be fucking hilarious
>this is just a popular cartoon with a couple of episodes out and honestly not much left to discuss from what little we have
Pretty much this. Content is dripped so slowly that the fanfaggotry has blown up to an absurd degree to fill in the gaps. The risk is that the show will do something which upsets the fandom and it will be dropped in an instant, or it will be something which in 5 years people will look back on and think "wow, why were we so obsessed with that agin?"
I feel like I'm going insane because everybody is ignoring Ragatha canonically being Gangle waifu. She literally lust after a Ragatha doll.
.......yeah alright you have a point
I mean, I suppose it wouldn't be that different from making out with someone back when flavored lipgloss was in vogue.
if they're going to break gangle's mask every episode i hope they mix up the execution at least
i want to see her mask just fall off unprompted after something bad happens
>they have a stable moving board
last time i checked that place was nothing but slow moving threads that were pretty much mini generals for niche sub-communities.
I can't believe we are soon going to reach the point where most people on 4chan will have no idea what the brony fandom was about.

Life is way too short, one decade is far less than you think, live and enjoy this shit now, because 2012 was just a few days ago, you will be a grandpa very soon.
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>Me reading this while barely being in my twenties, having been plagued by existential thoughts for months
If they're going to break Gangle's mask every episode it needs to happen later in the episode. Pomni was so one-note in the pilot, so it was refreshing see her being happy and comfort someone else. I want to see the bright, annoying weeb side of Gangle damn it
>barely in my twenties
Your life just started kid, we are mindless animals without free will on your childhood, consider yourself blessed that you already know that, get a good job, save as much money as you can so you can retire in a fancy way and enjoy life.
Jesus is about to perform the rapture, so go into the Bible first. Deeply.
>also every frame
Not how it works.
We didn't notice it because the internet was young a decade ago, it will be wild in a decade when the 2010s will be considered a far away past, when youtube poops made in the 2000s will be seen as old media. It will feel like those sci fi stories and games like fallout where simple ass shit is seen as important.
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I'm going to take that in stride. Looking back, I don't really remember much about myself from my years up until I turned sixteen. I just kind of drifted, doing as I pleased from day to day. I think some people don't ever wake up from this state, and that worries me. But I don't think too much about retirement. I think a lot about death instead; the world is a wonderful, incredible place, to be is such a wonderful thing. How could I be given only eighty years - less, since like you said, children are mindless - to enjoy it? How can I have such a narrow slice of all the things humans could do?

Maybe that's why TADC is resonating with me right now. It's an inherently existential series.
>Are you sure this is ok? Wont we get caught?
>I know for certain Caine never checks this area
>Pomni begins to slowly lower her mouth onto gummigoos cock, her eyes instantly lighting up as she tastes hia sugary tip.
>With no hesitation she begins deepthroating gummis 12 inch cock into her tiny mouth, only being able to fit it down her throat due to cartoon physics.
>Gummi moans loudly as hes caught off guard by how quickly she went after his dick. Pomni shows no mercy as she sucks on it like she had been starving for weeks.
>Pomni closes her eyes blocking out all noise as she focuses on the sensation of how his hot hard throbbing cock feels rampaging through her throat.
>Within a minute she causes Gummi to explode with his white hot sticky juice overflowing her mouth with literal gallons, her cheeks inflating like a chipmunks as shea determines to swallow as much of his man juice as she can.
>Gummi nearly passes out as Pomni continues to suck his gigantic candy cock until he orgasms again and again and again over the course of an entire hour.
>Finally both pass out completely exhausted as they both lay dorment from releasing all their stress and anxiety.
>Bubbles pops in to clean up all the cum with her tongue enjoying herself like the degenerate bastard she is, not letting Caine know about this so she can enjoy the sweet sugary cum all to herself.
Damn anon you horny
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The 'just a dream' trope was already losing steam before I was even born and I can't help but groan any time I see it pop up That stupid fucking I'm Thinking of Ending Things book being one of the worst examples and the Silent Hill 2 style hell of your own making thing doesn't really work either when several of the characters are cool and likable.
Despite what some anons say it is a pretty straightforward series with only two episodes out. There isn't much for us to dig into yet. Basically we are stuck with hornyposting and weird hypotheticals.
>show has a lot of discussion due to recently released content
>"Why the fuck do people keeping making threads for this shit? Must be spam/shills/bots/etc."
>Discussion naturally dies down somewhat
>"Huh, what happened to all the discussion for this show? Guess it wasn't all it was hyped up to be"
Why do retards do this?
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Jesus christ anon
Feel free to post more
How often do these episodes come out? I thought it was ok but didn't realize there were only three episodes out
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I'm thinking of ending things is a good twist on the trope because it's built up to and is explicitly a hook that makes an otherwise somewhat nonsensical horror mystery actually fascinating. It's literally in the title of the work

"It's a dream" twists generally don't work because they are (a) applicable to literally any work, since literally any thing could just be a dream, and (b) because they cheapen the precedings by boiling them down to something much less. I'm Thinking Of Ending Things works because it recontextualizes the work.
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I hope they have themed portrait stickers for every episode.
Anyway which candy circus character looks the most delicious? My vote is for lewd bukake Airheads Xtremes Gangle.
There are only two out, anon. Anyway we currently don't have much of a schedule. Just expect an episode every few months.
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Stay with me...
Mayonaka no doa o tataki
Kaeranaide to naita ano kisetsu ga ima me no mae
Stay with me...
Kuchiguse wo ii nagara
Futari no toki wo daite mada wasurezu
Daiji ni shiteita

Koi to ai to wa chigau mono da yo to
Yuube iwareta sonna ki mo suru wa
Nidome no fuyu ga kite
Hanarete itta anata no kokoro
Furi kaereba itsumo
Soko ni anata wo kanjiteita no

Stay with me...
Mayonaka no doa o tataki
Kokoro ni ana ga aita ano kisetsu ga ima me no mae
Stay with me...
Sabishisa magirawashite
Oita record no hari
Onaji melody kurikaeshiteita...

Stay with me...
Mayonaka no doa o tataki
Kaeranaide to naita
Ano kisetsu ga ima me no mae
Stay with me...
Kuchiguse wo ii nagara
Futari no toki wo daite
Mada wasurezu atatameteta

Stay with me...
Mayonaka no doa o tataki
Kaeranaide to naita
Ano kisetsu ga ima me no mae
Stay with me...
This show has kicked me back into dark AUs for some god forsaken reason, really wish there was more stuff out there other than Tumblr/twitter doodles

what makes she hot
loli body type
She's just a small adorable gremlin in a cute jester costume. There is nothing sex appealing about her unless you're some kinda perverted porn addict who can jack off to pretty much everything at this point.
I find the people that find Pomni's design *somehow* sexy to just be gooners.
Forced silly uniform/jesterfication/toonification? But she's not hot, just moe.
she acts like a femboy but seems fertile
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her contempt and anger
honestly, her expressions. A good face can make make me feel turned on even if the rest of the body is weird. this is shit people should be actually studying in art for their ocs.
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Over my rewatches the Pomni/Gummigoo therapy scene leading into them glitching out of the dev room is still my favorite part. Just so uplifting.
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Actually I'll amend that. Her VA does sound sexy in ep 2 a couple times.
I wanna fug him
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sooo.... you wouldnt have anything else to post would you?
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If Gummigoo could lactate what would it taste like????
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look at this gummi
Probably that candy in a tube you squirt out like toothpaste but it tastes like Calpis.
comfort the npc
hug the npc
kiss the npc
They did a study about eye focus while watching porn and guys were more focused on faces whereas women were more focused on bodies, so it checks out that facial expressions can sell someone as sexy
>Obvious ESL detected.

Pomni isn't sexy, just extremely fucking cute and lovable. I wanna snuggle her so bad.
Yeah it's the scene that made me fall in love with her honestly. She's such a sweet, sincere goober.
She was just so fucking empathetic I was basically squeeing internally over how lovely she was being to the gummy crocodile.
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I just want to know if Goose is going to do something about the content farm comepletely shielding her show from potential fans.
Bronies became strong because fan work like SMILE.HD and PONY.MOV would reach a normie and make them curious. Now it's low effort shit like pic related, it make people turn to hazbin hotel or anime. Why not just hire 1 guy to copyright strike every video until they get banned and train the AI to leave this IP like they learned to leave Nintendo and Disney?
She's tweeted out how much she hates the algoslop (and even the first merch video side mentions it as a joke) but knows she can do nothing about it. Same with gen alpha brainrot like Lankybox that uses the TADC characters a bunch. She tweeted saying they can continue making videos, but she'll always not like them.
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"everything is a dream" is usually retarded because it often breaks its logic. Like when we have an episode or a scene where 2 characters that supposed to be just hallucination interact with eachother or have an adventure while the MC who suppose to hallucinate or dream doesn't know about details of this interaction even if its supposed to be in his head.

However this can work in this cartoon because Pomni COULD technically program every character, setting, adventure and Caine himself in advance along with erasure of her memories before she decided to wear the VR glasses. RED FLAG is in episode 2 where Pomni mentions to Gummigoo that real world make her feel like nothing rather than mentioning that the Circus and this digital world make her feel nonmaterial
secret pedos likes her, it activate their neurons of seeing a defensless little girl playing alone in a park playfield
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But her saying she doesn't want to force them to remove in legal way "because she doesn't want power moves" its retarded, she forced fans to go through this sewer when in her place i would fucking go on a marathon case by case video with over 1000 views to see if this is a genuine fan video or a content farm clop and nuke the shit out of it to make sure my IP garden is filled with flowers and not mostly weeds and dog turds, pic related is my face every time i search for this show
I've never thought of Goose as someone that wants to start drama. She just wants to make her funny existential horror show while replying to things every so often.
apathy makes her co-responsible
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looks like creator not a fan of the Circus Master channel!

So basically, "this theory shit is so tiring."
Goose probably hopes after TADC is over she can just go back to making smaller animations on her channel again and not have her videos get hundreds of millions viewed.

well she might detransition and then become a he again

Is any of the difital circus cast real? Or just npcs with implanted memories because caine is bored?
He's a tranny. He's a guy. HWNBAW.
We don't know
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>Drown yourself in the digital lake!
I think it's just because they're cute.
They're just two characters that have shared the same kind of existential crisis in very close timeframes. Naturally for Pomni it's the closest she could've ever bonded with someone for the short time she was in this computer world, even if that someone was just an NPC with an incredibly high end AI system making him seem real/actually have a crisis when he finds out he is one.
I'm surprised by how great the writting was in this episode, did they hire a new writer? Because it was better than most professional writers nowadays. Also the animation was fantastic but that's not a surprise, it's Temmer after all, the guy already works on big movies and won several awards, I have no idea why he even decided to join Glitch, the guy already is a big shot in the industry.
>and even the first merch video side mentions it as a joke
I thought it was Caine showing Rule34 to Pomni
Would be funny if Caine was the final villain and his demise is being torn apart by Sun and Moon
I thought Disney fired Temmer? And it’s not like many big name places are hiring at this point.
Some of that algoslop *is* R34 basically.
The entire show is created/written/directed by Gooseworx, though they probably have an editor maybe. Haven't checked the credits lately.
Surprised he didn't stay at Disney, Dan Povenmire said his animation was fantastic. And Dan is easily Disney most sucessful showrunner in decades.
Depends.. What u want, sugar? And be specific.
I just wish they paced it better so the editing isn't that weird. In episode 2 moments irked me.

1. Catching up to crocodiles with the truck was way too sudden, like they just started to drive and then Jax immidately push Pomni in between trucks. Could use a scene where Gangle's truck speeds up toward their truck.
2. Gummigoo never even learned Pomni's name since they forgot to add the scene after he introduced himself
people complain when she says 'don't get too excited about x' to stop people getting retarded expectaions, and also complain when she doesn't say anything. it seems there's no winning if you run a show.
Which is probably why Goose is so tired all the time already. They're probably done with showrunning after TADC is done at this rate.
the solution is to hire a PR guy. or to care less, i suppose.
Goose talking so candidly on Twitter or their Tumblr asks is what everyone likes about them though. They feel real and indie and not like a corpo mouth piece like a PR person would be. It's just tiring is all being a showrunner after being a lone animator/musician for most of your life.
pr people are 'real and indie', they're poor internet addled millenials same as anybody.
being full-time showerunner + gen z tard wrangler is just not sustainable.
But you're not interacting WITH Goose, anon.
Dunno what the fuck Goose expected, yeah no one predicted a show bigger than Hazbin Hotel but Murder Drones already was the third most popular youtube web series after Spooky Month and Helluva Boss. Glitch already had more than one million new subscribers in less than one year, millions would watch her new show it just ended up tens of millions rather than a couple million
She just didn't want this level of exposure
More like hundreds of millions for the pilot. They did not expect it to blow up like it did.
Goose is use to tens of millions thanks to Little Runmo going viral, but not hundreds. Also Little Runmo was a single animation, not an 8 episode web cartoon series.
How does Goose even make money? The animation industry(not including anime) is colapsing and youtube algorythm is purging most indie animation. Meanwhile Korean companies took over webcomics. /co/ careers in the west are nearly extinct.

That's probably their only chance to make a living from animation because Disney is not hiring anyone but a few dozen late teenager or early twenty animators that just graduated from calarts per year to work on some nearly dead show.
Well they have a patreon IIRC like most big names.
the problem is that if youtube hide your videos you don't get new fans and nearly no fan will continue sending money to you for longer than a a couple of years so you need a constant flux of new blood
I made fan art of pomni
whats up with the ice cream for a hat pomni??
pretty noice
now draw he this naked while she sits at her desk and plays Morrowind and romancing Argonian warrior
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guys we had episode 3 air early
Just watched the new episode. I don't like Jax anymore. He's kind of just a piece of shit. Probably killed small animals before getting digitized.
He's the kind of guy to play GTA just to kill every street walker with the spawned in tank.
It had a white background so it was most likely YouTube videos
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>he's kind of just a piece of shit
Always has been
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>you cummed too much in me gummigoo
Y'know, a male character named "Gummy Goo" being so close to the female lead could've only gone one way in hindsight...
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I don't get it, it's just a spike, why is everyone getting turned on by that?
I knew that voice sounded familiar, fuck. Never thought I'd trace it back to some fandubs from years ago.
Her pants get ripped off
Her panties get ripped off

Her pelvis gets ripped off
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Well yeah but like, that's not enough to get me going... Oh wait, most of the fans are still underage, right?
How many Chinese sweat-shop children had to lay their lives for this plush?
>T. PR pleb

PR shitbags are lying corporate mouth pieces.
That's good then, I guess
I dislike the theory that Pomni was a boy however I do think Gangle was a 6’6” buff black man irl
God I hate contentfarm shit
>Gummigoo never even learned Pomni's name since they forgot to add the scene after he introduced himself
Technically in the pilot Pomni never learned Ragatha's name on-screen either.
It's not really fair to hold this against TADC though, I know for sure mainstream cartoons such as OG Ben 10 did this too, with the characters somehow knowing a returning secondary character's name even though they never asked it in their introductory episode
Dude, they had Pomni explaining everything to him, it's very likely that she told her name at some point.
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bros Gooseworx just liked a new art a while ago
Gangle rape correcting Jax
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Glad to see Goose agrees that correction is needed
>she'll like this, but not any of the fat Gangle art
>not any of the fat gangle art
this statement implies there’s more than one piece
Based on what i noticed is that she search for "jax" o "jax and gangle" and im thinking the fast food episode is going to be jax abuse episode while gangle gets off of it
jax was a manlet who desired to be taller
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Unless a new character joins the circus, I'm expecting Pomni to be the only real human who wrote every character and entire world and then erased her memory to enjoy this world without knowing "how the sausage was made" so she could enjoy it. Every episode so far leaves hints that Pomni is stressed out with office work (escaping through the building in the first episode) and hates real world (her confession to Gummigoo in episode 2), I don't want to be smug but i called it already after 2 episodes. You can cap it now.
if she hates the real world why would she be trying to leave then?
because she doesnt remember that she wanted to escape it, she doesnt even remember her name
I could be wrong but I think Goose mentioned on twitter that they remember everything but their own name
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Sorry it's already confirmed that it's a precise amnesia. It's not everything up to and including names.
thats a dumb detail, if they remember everything else then they could remember someone else from their past recalling their name, or they could remember their email or account names which would also include hints to their names and birthday
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>I'm expecting Pomni to be the only real human who wrote every character and entire world and then erased her memory to enjoy this world without knowing "how the sausage was made" so she could enjoy it.
Wait a minute
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>bubble's candy comment wasn't censored in hindi
I wonder if she said the same in English
I just realized how lewd the name "Gummygoo" sounds
he represents a pregnancy fetish
Indians don't have a word for "dentist"?
Maybe Goose meant identity in general? That would mean the program blurring everything that could lead them to know who they are. So they may know they live in a farm but they can't remember anything specific about that farm.
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Probably called tooth doctor or something
The tweet in question (too lazy to attach) technically says they remember "parts of their lives". The names are apparently the one thing that never carries over. Zooble supposedly doesn't know their gender because of this as well
Frankly, depending on how its done, this part of the story could end up being kinda wishy-washy. Amnesia plots like this can turn out dumb if not handled correctly

Anon that makes no sense. How the fuck do you explain the years that Kinger, Ragatha and the others have spent in the circus before Pomni put on the headset? Or do you think Pomni's smart enough to pull a Black Mirror-style "10 years go by in 5 seconds" tech in a shitty 90s game?
Also, your theory falls apart the minute that someone other than Pomni talks about their past life in a future episode - unless you expect TADC to pull a DRV3 right at the end

It's far more likely that Pomni:
a) hated the real world, and/or was mistreated there - besides the Gummigoo speech, there's also the thing about not liking physical contact
b) worked at the office the game and headset are at
c) didn't have many friends and was the terminally online type, hence the familiarity with videogame mechanics, glitches and lingo like LARPing
d) put on the headset to take a break but got sucked in
Kinger's age kinda throws a wrench into the theory that Pomni (or really anyone else) is the maker of the game
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where did this image came from? Is this fanmade? found it on tumblr
One of the glitch promo pics that was posted leading up to Candy Canyon’s premiere. You should be able to find the full pic if you search their Twitter
Kinger is the only iffy think in my theory if he suppose to be some mystrious maker who turn crazy. However as of now it is possible Pomni just wrote him as the crazy old man. Remember if they are all NPC then all of their experiences and memories are irrelevant, they are the equivalent of Gummigoo's mother. Can Kinger recall the face of Queenie in real world?
So was it confirmed as non used scene or is it from future episode?
as real as the scene of pomni mourning gummigoo, it is just a render they did to promote stuff
Uh-oh! Looks like Gummigoo accidentally noclipped through the wall and is now stuck! What do you do?
Kinger sounds like less likely to be a npc than Pomni, he knows how the game works in detail and compared it to the real world, even Caine is unable to fully grasp how the real world is, why give a NPC this knowledge
This. Sorry goose, you will never be a gander
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That is the question, unless he was just used for exposition. Could possibly also that he was given special knowledge because he represent someone important for Pomni. To be honest my biggest flaw in this theory is the fact that Pomni appears AFTER many other characters already abstracted. If she programmed Kaufmo and others she would want to experience their personalities.
skibidi toilet is better
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skibidi toilet is better though
Weird nobody ever mentions it or possibly treat it as a future event. Its not like they couldn't just used a shot from later episode. They are doing them all at the same time and they showcased characters from at least 2 other episodes (fast food and ghost land) so this could also be about return of Gummigoo
Damn the rate of posts for this thread is less than 1 per hour. Episode 2 really killed the hype.
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Human memory is to a large extent constructive. More like a game engine than a video player in many cases.
Content farm killed it. And anything other than content farm are some very try hard annoying theory channels that have some teen reading a script about retarded theory like analysing Pomni's dream as a vision of the future
>Damn the rate of posts for this thread is less than 1 per hour.
this isn't even remotely true
Once the next episode drop, i think next will appear within few weeks between eachother. It reallok looked like the other episodes already finished storyboard and made most of the scenes rendered.
because of shit like this burying fan content creators
im hoping its just his GF dressed as Pomni but it might be the guy himself
I wanted more existential dread and wageslave dread, not this weird romance thing
Anons like you were bitching about /co/ "becoming Digital Circus General" back in November
kys faggot

It might do them good to quick-release multiple episodes during the summer months to attract all the kids and teens on vacation. I already speculated that next episode will be July 5 to take advantage of the burger holiday weekend
Episode 4 bro
theres was supposed to be more of a psychologocial horror to the crocodile/aligator
the show didnt get across how lost and confused he was
i think by the time he exploded into confetti forever
most of us were thinking about what was going to happen witht he candy princess
as far as pacing goes i think they could have popped gummigoo into confetti at the beginning of episode 3 and wrapped up the candy princess arc in episode two
so it would have been more of a shock and in tone with what the first epiosde layed down as the precident
but we needed Fudge and pizza tower references so there was no time
You're right, it's just Chris Pratt down to the hat,
>kneel rabbit
!Perdóname! El hermano de gangle!
Gangle my balls
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On it.
Y'all i am straight up gay for Gummigoo holy fuck
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You and me both.
Amazing what a gruff aussie accent can do
What is Caine based on?
Hard mints
>drawing him with pants
It's like when people draw Sonic characters with pants
I ship nobody with anyone because none of the characters have romantic chemistry with each other
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Most of the images I have of him without pants also can't be posted on a blue board, sorry...
Pomni and Gummi are the only ones with true relationship chemistry.
I'd be fine with Kinger being black because that means he can say the hard R
He can say it anyway. He has to. That's how his name is spelt
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I mean, they are a studio, and Hot Topic's whole thing seems to be pop culture apparel these days. It's not like, say, Tiny Tim was any less an outsider musician when he was making TV appearances back in the day.
A trio of Pomnis without their Gummigoo
It's still an indie production anon. They're just getting extra funding via selling some shirts at Hot Topic next to their own merch store.
Assuming she can make food in the digital realm.

I honestly like this design a lot since it makes her cuddly and the dress design is pretty.

Would cuddle all night long.
Pastel Pomni do be a cute-lookin design
Imagine if Pomni was in Smash, it'd be an alt costume
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gooseworx perfectly describes how I feel
What they need is a big strong lunky alien dude to hold them tight and say everything will be alright
or a therapy, then a detransition, then a trad wife and kids and then a satisfying fulfilling life o a father
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Are you the same person in all these threads that's bitching about Gooseworx being trans?
I mean it's 4chan. There's always gonna be some anon that has trannies living in their head rent free for whatever reason. Goose doesn't even bring up being transsexual as like a personality trait, which should make these no renters happy but whatever I guess.
are you some abnormal fag who think transhood is normal?
how is that artist going?
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Goose is one of those eccentric creative types who just ends up being some kinda weirdo no matter what. If it wasn't tranny fad it would be something else. It's really sad that we'll never be able to meet him in person or see in public and not die of cringe but what can you do.
if gooseworx is capable of not cramming a perfectly good cartoon with trans shit, you should pay us the same courtesy
wahh wahh trannies are so scary! i cant stop thinking about penis when watching cartoons
Is this from the Siblings Au or something?
I'll take that as a yes.
nah, its just a meme
pastel pomni is from the Freakshow AU and the pomni in the back is from the Digital Carnival AU
You know a show's made it when the AUs start flying out the wazoo
Gotta have something to do before episode 3 comes out.
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AUs give me life
There was a period I thought I'd missed out on them when I was a stupid teenager, but I've realized now I can just be a stupid adult
Someone please explain to me why so many AUs have a donut steel not-Caine named Able.
Cain and Abel ring a bell?
Why Pomni always sad? What are things that make Pomni smile?
OK but why do they need to invent a second guy for tumblr sexyman antics? Is Caine not enough?
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Kinger loves insects, but Ragatha hates centipedes
You think something will come of this?
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In the back rooms area from episode one, there is a logo that reads “C&A” which people believe is short for Cain and Able (a reference to the bible where Cain murders his brother Able). This leads people creating the fan Character Able, who is portrayed as a missing brother to Caine.
Is this from the same creator as that kids show Pecola with all the animals with square heads
It's possible that Bubble is Abel(Caine and A Bubble) but that's not as cool as their super cool donut steel
What if Pomni was a Momni?
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I haven't forgotten, I've just been busy with writing.
writing? now i'm curious about that too
also, which clown girls did you select for that drawing?
None of it's TADC related. Yet.
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how did she live through this??
She's digital
She's a doll
She's a digital doll
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She's a Daughter of Sparda
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His name is Caine because he uses a cane
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First time she smile in this show as something other than crazy laugh was when she comforted Gummigoo
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rest of the team
File deleted.
>”flesh demands pleasure”
recongized the artstyle, the artist is a cainx pomni shipper soly
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Pomnie has no boobs
neither do you
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she looks kinda cute with a lil extra booba
don't care
didn't want the show
I just want to sex the doll
If I don’t find a version of this with Gangle in the BG I’m making it myself
I gotta watch Soul Food sometime
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Shake it girl
based watcher anon.
The mechanics of this setting remind me slightly of Madoka
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I hate you cultureless cunts. Read a book
That's a game buddy
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madoka is a deconstruction of the magical girl genre (ie. cardcaptor sakura sailor moon etc.)
tadc is maybe a decosntruction of cg internet shows in a sense
Nah I've read IHNMAIMS, I'm talking about how abstracting seems to be TaDC's version of witching out i.e. wholly inevitable for all players
>Pomni being carried like a baby by someone 10-15 years younger than her
Well... at least (maybe) she's getting out
i think he can transform into 10 aliens is why its called ben 10 not that hes 10 years old anon
>didn't watch the show
She's just a rag dolly, happy and smiling all day.
A lovey rag dolly, wishing your worries away
Pretty much like what happened in
at around 1:40 then?
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look at this gummi
fucking whore
I want to marry this gummy
at least its not Steven Universe saving her
How could she
Why is the bbq radioactive?
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Didn't we do this when the first episode came out?
Ah okay, the latter one seems to be the interesting one in terms of how it changes up character dynamics.

The Freakshow Au is basically just 'Underfell', right?
>Creator is a troon
Calling it now, he's going to reveal that Pomni is also a troon just like that Celeste dev. These creatures just can't help themselves, they always inject their fetishes to everything they trust.
Goose said none of the characters are gay, if Pomni a man then his thing with Gummigoo is gay
Sure like to generalize a whole kind of person don't you?
doesn't this get tiresome
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Goose maybe a weirdo but he's not mentally ill in any way and seems to be adamant about his vision. You can tell he doesn't want any politics or culture wars involved because he's not fulfilling some ESG quota or trying to make political statement. You can always see those fucks from a mile away, it's like uncanny valley effect. Usually trannies as obnoxious as vegans but he's not for some reason. Makes you wonder why troon out at all.
Also, he injected plenty of his fetishes in the show already.
Yeah im not sure why it's bad he's a tranny. If he was a real woman it would be fucking awful. Did people know what Steven Universe and Star Vs Forces of Evil creators did with their show? Women are the most likely to succumb to pandering and politics. If anything male brained creators like the ones who made Gravity Falls, Samurai Jack and Digital Circus who focus on story over pandering.
It's 4chan, of course naturally when certain anons find out a creator is transsexual they just lose their minds.
>Gravity Falls
Hirsch is one of the more unbearable political retards in Twitter, in line with Hollywood
Only reason Gravity Falls wasn't woke is because Disney execs were still moral guardians instead of the subversive fucks they are today
SU and SvtFoE's story went to shit, which isn't really the same as pandering

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