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cute and still the best character
Is she heterochromatic?
literal OC tier design
It’s giving splatoon + shitty deviant art oc
Pink and brown? Really?
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no fucking way
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i want to unsee...
Why does she reveal them?
to someone other than lincoln!?!?!

Is this a new halloween episode?
It's from the upcoming Sister Chronicles spinoff
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>character has her eyes hidden the whole time
>she finally reveals them
it's shocking how common of a trope this is
2 fiddy nickels
It's just storyboards colors anon, it'll probably be blue and black/brown in the final version
When else did it happen?
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Na but i can think of a few examples
Really? Don't think I've ever seen that before. Though I also haven't seen whichever show that girl is from so I'm probably missing some things.
You wanna know why? Because it's fucking cool.
Source, or any kind of animation to go along with this?
the source is my ass
Lucy feels comfortable with showing her eyes, She no longer feel hating herself, She learn to love herself after realizing she have a great family and friends.
thanks juan
Where’d you find these?
my ass
Any proof?
What's the context?
Is she showing her future husband her eyes.
Also, seems kind of a pointless reveal that doesn't matter.
Now she'll never fall for my grooming. :(
What's even the point?
The show is called [Camp Camp], created by the now defunct Rooster Teeth.
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Well damn, guess he'll need to redo a lot of scenes.
>different colored pupils
Does her special eye contain massive power?
I swear, if this is a troll…
Why yes, Lucy is an original character made for "The Loud house".
It means that Lucy is a chimera.
literal OC tier show tf is your point
damn she got pink eye
Fucking Chris Chan eyes…
Seriously, I don’t believe this.
Legend of Dark Witch babyyyy
is it just about Lucy?
If it is just about Lucy, why would they call it "The Sister Chronicles"?
>damn she got pink eye
Her origin story is Lynn Loud farted so much in their shared room she developed permanent pink eye that allows her to see spirits
>No Sharingan revealed
How long till Jcm2 sees this?
well it's 1 pm in bolivialand so he probably already has
That husband is me
What the hell? Is she a Cerealian?
She is Chris-Chan?
It's a spinoff that specifically focuses on each of the sisters and the gimmick is that the episodes have different aesthetics/styles/lighting depending on the sister.
I'm going to enjoy the inevitable art of Lucy creating her own donut steel, shadowchu
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No way this is real.
Worst case of pink eyeI've ever seen.
I can't see Lori.
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For those out of the know, The Sister Chronicles pitch bible detailed how Lucy's episodes would go. You got the mirror, you got the Mortician Club, and if Lucy would get a new outfit, where better than a new show?

Not saying this is real, but if it's fake, they went out of their way to make it convincing.
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>is it just about Lucy?
All the sisters will get a segment for them, for example, good ol' Lola is written to be a princess in a fairytale that gets saved by her brave knight Sir Linky~

>Is she showing her future husband her eyes
Are you implying that Dante is her future hubby?

We still don't know that, but I hope it's true

>Not saying this is real, but if it's fake, they went out of their way to make it convincing.
Let's just hope

Also I find it weird that they would focus on her having heterochromia, the characters literally have dots for pupils and they don't show their true eye colors.
so when does it drop?
>Also I find it weird that they would focus on her having heterochromia, the characters literally have dots for pupils and they don't show their true eye colors.
maybe that will have plot relevance? maybe the pink eye is magical or is the thing why she can feel supernatural stuff better than all other people
also. im the photo the timer says some about 1 hour had pass? so tsc episode will last that long?
you know what I mean
/tlhg/ two threads ago.
Turn yourself in!
No one looks like that.
We don't know.
No, maybe it also counting previous episodes, but I don't know how timers for animstics work.
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A major leak only for fans, maybe, to everyone else is a big sign that they are running out of ideas.
Anyway, the heterochromia was something that every person interested on this show supposed a long time ago.
Heterochromiac? Yes she is. Her paleness should get a canon explanation too.
So she's had self loathing her entire life?
>self loathing
She is pretty pessimistic about life and often complains of being alive, but I think it's just her being edgy and not actually hating herself
It's bigger in anime than in the West

Then again, "hair over eyes" is also bigger in anime than the West. Lucy's basically an anime imouto in all but name
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She's a kuudere, Lola is a tsundere.

They're both yanderes
>Lucy's basically an anime imouto in all but name
Well that explains why she's basically the only Loud House sister character anyone even knows besides its sweaty manchild fanbase
Game studio I work at barely knows the Loud House even exists, but everyone knows the "goth sister" at the least
Let's be fair. It would've been different if the show didn't get publicly assassinated and you weren't seen as inherently a weirdo for even liking it. Lucy's the safest option because goth girl characters always are in cartoons (she kind of stands out the most from a lineup, even though they're all distinct)
If not for 2017 and the show was allowed to have any impact and influence on wider culture, I bet it wouldn't be this one-sided
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>If not for 2017 and the show was allowed to have any impact and influence on wider culture, I bet it wouldn't be this one-sided

What happened in 2017?
Can you tell your studio about Lori? Please.
Isn't there an animation on YT which references Lincoln and Lori at the start?
It's because the community isn't able to propagate itself in the public consciousness normally, but the many, many, many generic characters of that kind who look like Lucy are. So she gets a big boost just by resembling them.
Surprised the show is still going for almost a decade now with spinoffs, movies and such after that.
The network can't deny it's their second biggest success, but also shat their fucking britches when that happened. So the show exists in limbo between being too successful to sell and too controversial to die.
It almost didn't. There was a period of time between October and December when the staff was unsure if the show was going to get pulled at any moment. If the ratings weren't so meteoric, not only would the show have been canceled, but any evidence of it ever existing would've been scrubbed from Nick's website and history.
Why didn't you say what you mean?
That's how they'd like it to be, I bet. I fully expect them to pretend like it never happened when the show's last drop gets squeezed, like everybody else seems to do.
That is called "mekakure" btw
And I was the same. Whole reason Lucy caught my eye was because she looked just like Six (Little Nightmares) and Noodle(Phase 2 and 3) to me
No, it's Lori.
Shouldn't it be the other way around.
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You know it
>No, it's Lori
No, it isn't. Your ship and her being 18 don't matter she doesn't have a cookie cutter design element to help her penetrate into the minds of the retard masses.
man that dmc2 design is cool
Dented hairdo?
Remember when this was a slice of life show and Lucy wasn't a witch?
If it isn't frequent enough across the media landscape for the mouthbreathers on the street to have their severly dampened neurons fire off seeing something remotely familiar, then no.
Ironically the only 3 characters I can claim are IMMEDIATELY generically recognizable are the same three Primos ripped off: Lucy, Luna, and Lisa.
I mean fuck they weren't even trying with Not!Luna and not!Lisa

Is Primos even out yet
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Had the misfortune of a Zoomer saying "Look at Lucy in Pokemon"
To a whole generation, any girl with hair over her eyes = Lucy
Which is weird because to me, I see Phase 2 Noodle more often than not
where is Luna and why is she not touching Lucy?
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Maybe we should be glad this is the case. I mean how the fuck would you know Lucy but not the rest of her family? There are what, four mortician's club episodes a season? You really expect me to believe that people magically know who Lucy Loud is but not one other member of the fucking cast? How the shit would that even work unless they didn't even watch the show? But then how would they even know her name? Porn tags?
From which leak?
Episode or Movie?
How is this shot being made known until now?...

I sincerely believe that this is just to give notoriety in case that's true to the series more than anything... And I say this, and at the same time I am aware of this, due to the fact that it's a characteristic trait of her that is made known without the presence/guidance of the creator of the show.
How would you feel if this was a permanent design change? As in she just has eyes now.
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It seems that the Sister Chronicles spinoff was greenlit and there's a storyboard for either the first or second episode (I bet they started with Lucy because her numbers are asinine)
This was a pleasant surprise. I hope TSC actually lives up to the promise of the Loud House without a lot of the BS lingering from Savino's influence and can go in whatever direction it needs so that the animators and writers actually like working on it.
I want to see some other design choices, like 11-year-old Lori and the other younger Loud sisters.
>I want to see some other design choices, like 11-year-old Lori and the other younger Loud sisters.
Safe to say they're not going to be reusing the younger-older sisters we've already seen.
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She can see in 3D
>Ageing down all the girls into preteens
I'm sure this won't end in disaster for the fandom!
lmao, the residential autists I know went absolutely apeshit over this leak acting like the show raped and killed their families
>Imagine using Primos.
Shut up!
It's a spin-off.
The bible has those designs though.
Actually, it's 8-year-old Lori, mostly.
Loud fags are uniquely autistic. Aging the characters up a year with no visible differences caused immeasurable seething
Any Luan?
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>like 11-year-old Lori and the other younger Loud sisters
Oh goodie.
>The network can't deny it's their second biggest success
I mean, no one can at this point. It rivals TTG and SB in its popularity. At the same time, I dunno how tho cuz I can't say the quality is in anyway good. Later seasons and the movie were quite a bore to get throught, for me at least. Getting a whole spinoff for the sisters doesn't pass the best of messages for the main show.
Yes, a talk show.
I don’t even know where it came from. For all we know, this could be fake.
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Why can’t she be more like the Witches of the Creek?
I highly doubt it.
>Lincoln feels like his sisters ruin everything for him sometimes
>They take over the whole show
Lol watch the sisters (especially Lucy probably) wind up becoming butt monkey characters now that they're in the main character spot as a result
>they actually did it
how long ago did they run out of ideas? I haven't watched in years
season 2
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Isn't the cellphone logo an outdated prompt to represent Lori? It should be a golf club, I dunno, something about this leak is sketchy
>Lucy was neo the entire time.
loris segment happens in the past, so makes sense why she sttill will have the phone thing.
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Pre-teen Lori though?
Wouldn't it be ahead of the curve then?
Why does any minor change do this? Honest question. I've never cared whether or not we saw Lucy's eyes. But some people are desperately trying to say this is fake and seething for the most bizarre reasons possible ("Lucy's Chris Chan", WHAT?)
This isn't even the first time this happened. Some fans raged when the characters aged up, some fans raged when we saw the parents faces, and the less can be said about Lincoln """abuse""" the better. What causes this in autists?
Because I didn't think you would be that dense
New dates:
S7E16b - Welcome to the Doll Heist
>June 3, 2024.
S7E18b - A Dish Come True
>June 4, 2024.
S7E19b - There Will Be Mud
>June 5, 2024.
S7E20b - Love Me Tenor
>June 6, 2024.
All premieres on the main Nickelodeon channel.
No dates for Let's Break a Deal, Beg, Borrow and Steele and Riddle School (coincidentally the remaining a segments) yet.
Strange, the wiki article about TRLH S2 didn't update.
Well, you’d be skeptical, too, if someone dropped this out of nowhere.
Garbling your message by misusing words sounds like a you problem.
so this is the last season?
If they go the Casagrandes route, they'll never have the sisters getting the Lincoln treatment.
Right eye: Demon vision
Left eye: Spirit vision
I hate it when lore ruins my smut.
a better attempt could have been made, from my part too.
Imgoing to kill lucy loud and the evil girl will be disowned and hated and forgotten. she will be beaten to out the house. i have used four finch wings to power the need
I doubt it. The show seems to be one of their big sellers.
That does not sound like a good sign. I fear for my funny favorite.
Not picking on you particularly
But why are people in TLHG so obsessed with CONCEPTS that sound exciting? Like I brought this up in the past before, and people said that they thought the concepts couldn't work

One of my top 5 favorite movies of all time, indeed one of the best movies of all time, is literally a couple of assholes talking to each other the whole way through.

It doesn't matter how "bland" the concept is. If you have a good writer, you can make any concept work and be great. If you have terrible writers, you can have the most interesting concept possible and it would suck to experience. Whether or not a concept for a story sounds cliché and bland and would actually be cliché and bland is more an indictment of your own writing skills and creativity.
This is why I had little faith with the Sister Chronicles (counterintuitively): an anthology show with no clear focus that sounds more like thinly veiled pilots for actual shows set off major red flags.
For all we know,a Luan talk show could be a SpongeBob tier meme machine. A Lucy show could literally be Nickelodeon's ratings answer to Wednesday. A Luna road documentary show could literally be a cartoon version of This is Spinal Tap... or maybe Gorillaz. The concepts may be shallow and based on the character clichés, but if the writing is good, it's good.
If the writing is expected to be shitty, there's no point worrying about if the inherent story concepts are too, because it'd be shit regardless.
>I fear for my funny favorite.

Mine too.

I barely remember that in the mega leaks is mentioned an episode of her being a jerk to her father... Seriously, these people only see her as a jerkester... get it?
That is a very good question. I’m guessing it’s because people were hoping that it would stick?

For me, I do think the problem has been the writing, but concepts don’t really help in that regard either. I mean, look at the movies.

We are on extreme sides of this issue, which is natural...

However, in my opinion, in these 8 years since its premiere, enough things have happened, inside and outside the series, for these hints to be taken 'for well' at first glance.... And nothing is as secure as those who are high in expectations like those of the heavy perspective of the skeptics in %...

And more the variability of the episodes of the last seasons.
The writing for the show isn't great is the problem. It's not bad, and a lot of it is driven by the characters, but writers have a bad habit of plot-driven episodes where characterization is changed arbitrarily to make a plot work (worst offender being NSL, but every bad episode is that way while every good episode is character driven)
Because we know the writing is going to be the most basic, least effort possible, plot concepts are the only thing we can base expectations on. As you said it will be mediocre either way, but if the idea of the story is at least interesting, that can smooth over some of it
No, that's a spin-off.
>June the 3rd
perfect, just on time for my birthday
Maybe the show does so well that Nick doesn't feel any need to improve it
That’s just a sign of complacency, though.
I do, but whatever keeps the ratings up i guess. Although even then it was ambiguous about the existence of the supernatural.
I hope it live sup to the promise of the Loud House as well and craves it's own path free from Savino's Influence.
The concept actually fits her character although i am wary about the execution.
Key word: execution.
>Free from Savino's influence
Why's that a positive in your eyes?
So is the entire appeal of this show really just coom/waifu shit? Whenever I catch it on tv it's just bland and unfunny, not to mention cringe shit like pic related. Like, why watch this as an adult?
The strength of the show lies within the core family, the characters have lively personalities and contrast well with each other.

So basically wholesome family dynamics, that's it, nobody actually cares about Clyde's dads, and they rarely appear anyway.
What's this from?
The main appeal was the slice of life premise and how realistic/down to earth it was (at least at first). To understand this further, lets go back to 2016 when the show first premiered. At the time, lore cartoons were absolutely everywhere. Suddenly here comes a cartoon that has no magical gimmick or deep lore. That was the original appeal of the Loud House. It was just normal, wholesome, and relatable if you had a large family.
You make a good point anon. I guess since I heard the idea of "character but with a talk show" being how the Patrick Star show was described so hearing that the same may happen with Luan makes me think the same quality may be coming as well. And that concerns me. It's past experiences, specifically from Nick themselves, that make me nervous. I want to like the idea.
Isn’t there a fighting game where she’s the only Loud rep besides Lincoln? She probably propagated in the online consciousness from that.
All star brawl being that culturally significant would be odd to me, but maybe through the grapevine of being tangentially related to smash bros? I see it as kind of a stretch.
Pragmatism, anon.
They only appear in some episodes. It seems to be a bad coincidence.
A recent graphic novel.
Elmo too.
Yes, NASB was a bit successful Smash killer. But the sequel without Lincoln seems to have flopped.
Other way around. For whatever reason she got really popular before that and that's what led to her being the only rep.
I say "for whatever reason" as if it isn't blatantly obvious Zoomers are obsessed with Zoomer Horror and Boomer Millennial game devs almost inherently love gothy and mekakure girls so it was inevitably both demographics would combine there
>Zoomers are obsessed with Zoomer Horror
Like seriously, how are we surprised kids like Lucy the most when kids are also obsessed with shit like Amazing Digital Circus, Wednesday, Helluva Boss, Backrooms, and Sonic.exe. I agree with that one guy who said that a lot of cartoon media creators and executives were blindsided by TikTok and streaming. Historically they were the ones who curated what kids like, which is why Nickelodeon has the programming it does and probably why they were betting so big on Lisa and spy stuff being the breakout success for the spinoff. Then TikTok and streaming happens and kids get to choose what they like instead of boomers choosing for them, and now all the execs are baffled.
Think about Gertie being playable in NASB2. No kid wanted her and after the shillbux faded, no one plays as her. But apparently she was Nick's demand because the executives thought "kung fu kickass granny" should be a meme kids would love. Nevermind we don't get two main characters of popular shows, it's what the executives think kids want that matters, and before now, that's just how it worked.
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Because those managers and higher ups always thought they knew what kids liked. They have college degrees and connections, so how could they be wrong? They've always been out of touch but when they let creators work, it sometimes worked out.
When they get too involved, you get... this
>All the sisters will get a segment for them, for example, good ol' Lola is written to be a princess in a fairytale that gets saved by her brave knight Sir Linky~
Seems like bait for people to get freaked out by the implications. "Sister gets saved by her dashing knight hero, who is her brother" Yeah... if they didn't change that concept, I'll be sure Nickelodeon managers either know exactly what they're doing and are part of the (((agenda))) or completely lost the plot.
But the idea of fucked up fairy tales sounds neat. If they could do it right, it could be a Powerpuff Girls situation where boys cringe at the concept and aesthetic until they actually see the blood and guts.
Except it doesn't seem to be going the Casagrandes route at all. That's probably the only good thing I can admit about this: it's not another "kid in a large house" show but actually playing with the characters in new situations.
Kids have always loved horror and spooky stuff, even long before internet horror was a thing. It shouldn't be surprising that they would gravitate towards the residential spooky girl.
All of those already leaked from other countries.
That's right... It's a surprise that these premiered at my place before the big main one.
While true, it's only been in the past 5 years that kids gravitated to internet media in numbers great enough to negatively affect legacy media. That's what took networks by surprise.
The popularity of Slenderman and Herobrine 10 years ago wasn't going to lead to a creepypasta show. Whereas today, we're getting FNAF movies and I wouldn't be surprised if Netflix did a creepypasta anthology show that wound up getting hundreds of millions of views.
Also, 80s horror stuff kids were into (like Freddy, Jason, Chucky, Michael Myers, Alien, etc) were ostensibly aimed at adults.
People like the ones in charge of the big cartoon networks have to pay attention because streaming services eviscerated their cable business model. IIRC, something like 85% of Cartoon Network's viewers are in their 20s and 30s, but the network legally can't shift to that demographic which is why they did that preschool Cartoonito (?) block. This is why the Loud House and SpongeBob bringing in 100k viewers for new episodes is still sustainable for Nick, because that's literally the best the cable channels can do now.
This is also why I'm wondering if TSC might actually be a web series or a hybrid like Rock Paper Scissors
No, it was because a dev liked TLH and goth girls.
Isn't Pommi more similar to Luan?
Web series? I don't think so. Hybrid like RPS? Elaborate, please. RPS is a normal Nicktoon
>No, it was because a dev liked TLH and goth girls
How many times are we going to go through this

Remar only worked on NASB1, and barely

Had no involvements in NASB2

Also he openly said that Nick had the final say, and he and the entire team were behind Lucy and others

Ludosity didn't even develop NASB2

Nickelodeon was in greater control of the roster of 2
just cosmetic I think...
Nickelodeon tried their damndest to keep Loud House afloat long after Savino's exodus, would've been much easier to use his firing as an excuse to let the negative PR end the series... But they didn't! It's possible that maybe the series itself just doesn't appeal to anyone other than children.
Is she? Closest thing is that she's a jester. Nothing else about TADC has any relationship to what Luan does or any of the Louds. It's a fucked up "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" creepypasta-style show which is why kids like it so much
I don't buy this. Summer of 2016, the show was huge in multiple demographics and had a big meme presence. Anime fans really were into it too.

Plus it's not like adults aren't into a lot of other shows aimed at kids. I can't pinpoint exactly why the show devolved into 100% kidslop, but I do know that Savinogate destroyed the "e-celeb" fandom that is currently ruled by ultrawoke LGBT and furries, so if they refuse to touch it except to hate on it, there's not much promotion or word of mouth going on, and also the view that any viewer over 13 is a turbo sperg pedophile didn't help.
yeah pretty much this
lighthearted slice of life comedy about family
One of those things that makes fanfiction appealing. Imagine Luan in the same sort of situation
The Luna show™
>TADC has dark shit in the show
>Loud house fanworks have dark shit in them
I fucking hate the internet.
But the internet loves you
That explains nothing whatsoever.
>Why do you think this is in your best interests?
>Because I beleive it's the best thing to do
Nigga what?
I was talking about NASB1.
E-celeb fandom?
>t. Gavin.
I never said the bottom two.
The internet considers it cool to hate on the Loud House
Any adults into Loud House were either mentally stunted or coomers (lots of overlap between those two as well) and this has always been the case.
Can you just fucking tell me how Savino's influence on the show is a negative already?
I know, and it's extremely gay. They can watch spongebob, bluey, build careers of of shit like garten of banban but Loud house? Oooh no, that's too far, touch that series and you'll magically transform into a pedophile!
This. The cartoon community are unironically some of the most gayest, pussiest, shittiest, babiest fucking limpdicks that have ever existed on the internet. We need a cartoon reviewer who isn't a titanic megafaggot.
You are on /co/ my friend.
>J’ai 15 ans.>
>Je jouais au volleyball avec mon père.>
>Je ratais toute les passes et ca me faisait rire.>
>J’avais mes règles.>
>Mon père me porte sur son dos et je continue à rire.>
>A la troisième pouffé de rire,>
>Je pisse sur moi.>
>J’ai honte.>
>La tête de mon père est toute mouillée.>
In retrospect I really don't understand everyone overhyping Loud House circa 2016. People were really desperate to have something on Nickelodeon that wasn't SpongeBob or OddParents?
Yes, yes they were. Now all the hate that "modern spongebob" got has been shifted to the loud house.
i am going to snap lucy loud in the necks and eat her throat with bloody horchata
i want lucy disowned and she is found as the dead after being GANG RAPED BY the CJNG
imagine lucy getting throat sliced by a sadistic mental retarded jalisco sicario. she is lying on the back gurgling blood. the retard bitch is gutting her throat with a sacastripas. There is gore and meat. She is gurgling the blood. she is dying hated and disowned by the loud family. they do not know what is happening and when they learn, they do not care. "oh well, some time people will die heheheh"
lucy is video taped by the retard. she is playing music to her death like funky town. they sicario beat and kick this shitty waste goth bitch and stomp on throat and head.
no more lucy loud.
>I hope TSC actually lives up to the promise of the Loud House without a lot of the BS lingering from Savino's influence and can go in whatever direction it needs so that the animators and writers actually like working on it.

I don't see the point in this other than it being an absurdity nonsense to the Oeuvre. Really one think that taking off the author's background it there would be an improve? Not for nothing the show become a hit in the network years ago...

I don't deny some aspects that aren't in my judgment in its journeys in the first seasons, some personal and others a bit more grounded and justified, but it's a process in which areas of opportunity and successes are learned and channeled.

Plus, after Sav's exodus the show already took another direction and maybe is vaguely as one thinks; Not to mention that all creative staff isn't the same as the show's 'bright era' and going "any direction" would be the gradual deviation of the show and its substance until it goes nowhere... so is unknow that it's expecting.
Cute and works.
Needs more black eye liner thou.
I was trying to find the source, but this is literally the first occurrence of the image. All of the other posts about this leak came almost two hours later. Are you the leaker, OP?
It's ridiculous. Why do other shows get a free pass but not Loud House?
It's so weird to think that this girl is in love with her older sister
>>143712390 (me)
I am Mr. Nicke lodeon, I will answer your questions.
Personally, I think this indication is a mistake. Why? Because I see a 'direct impact' to a status quo, a demanding or forced revelation that removes the essence and elemental mystery that characterizes her, something that hasn't been a priority for the advancement of history; In my opinion, it is with the intention of being a bait to the viewer and playing their perspectives (and the latter is already giving a variety of reactions here...just imagine if it happens in a oficcial premiere).

I am aware that this may be exaggerated at first, but it is not untrue in any way...

(And a separate point, I dare say that it is almost comparable if in Bobsponge the ingredients of the secret formula of Krabby patties were revealed).
who is Lucy's secret girlfriend who's giving her hickies?
I don't really see how Lucy's eyes being revealed is a "direct impact" on the status quo, it's not like her eyes play a heavy role in any stories. The Krabby Patty formula, by comparison, is relevant in 90% of Spongebob episodes.
The memetics are against us. I know that's a pretentious sounding answer but it's true. The world has been gaslit into thinking it's the worst show ever and that everyone will see you as an autistic pedo for liking it, and it's turned into a self perpetuating circlejerk. The only way out of this is for someone to dissent against it in a way that someone will actually listen. They'd have to clickbait though, because any positive video about the show will never get seen.
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Lol. Lmao.
Watch Nick create NSL 2.0 with Lynn. Mark my words, they're gonna do it
do you have more of these texts describing what the Sister Chronicles will be for each sister please ?
I mean, it doesn’t help that the show’s quality has sincerely declined over the years. I myself have gotten hooked on ‘Big City Greens’ and ‘Craig of the Creek’ after years of neglecting them.
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wheres the leak i want to see it
>Nick create NSL
What is that?
I think itll be similar to something like Cow Pie Kid
Lori didn't become a luddite so no it still fits.
No Such Luck is an episode both sides of the fandom lost their shite over.
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You want the whole Bible? Or just the Lucy section? A good portion of the former has already been posted here.
The Holy Loud Bible please.
i remember lori's segment having her as 9 years old and being obssesed for bobby, and baby ronnie anne pranking baby lincoln.
DA please write the next chapter of that pregnancy fic, I’m at the edge of my seat here
when will she kiss Lincoln?
When he's dead.
It's from /trash/.
It's crab meat.
Neo-Luddite* Luddites are against industrialization, neo-Luddites are against technology.
New TRLH episodes:
Firstly, looks like A Musical to Remember really counts a two episodes and so the numbers of Nice Guys Finish First to Last Friend Standing are increased by one, but the numbers of Louder by the Dozen onward are kept the same.
>S2E3 - Nice Guys Finish First
June 3, 2024.
>S2E10 - Loud Family Court: The Flames of Justice
June 4, 2024.
No premiere date for Get Out of Dodgeball or info about S2E7 or S2E8 yet.
>It's crab meat.
according to word of god it's actually a vegetarian recipe
Seafood is neither red meat nor white meat.
I say it's usually decent. I think much of the decline was seasons 4 and 5 and people greatly exaggerate how bad it's become overall.
5 and 6*
I don't know, I watched some of season 6 today and I didn't think it was so bad. Maybe I lucked out and just got a few good ones.
seafood isn't vegetarian
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>Lucy reveals her eyes
So... dream? Clone? Mimic? Someone impersonating Lucy?
Chuuni Lucy
Okay, I agree. Maybe it’s just less consistent.
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May it been sound exaggerated, but the purpose of her design is the mystery of hiding her real gaze, complementing her introverted and gloomy personality by maintaining a linear inexpressiveness and not reflecting her emotions so openly, or at least partially.

Also part of the 'grace' or gag is that it's uncertain what look she has or what's expressing at the moment and unknown to the audience...

This does not imply that she does not have a look or eyes that we would like to appreciate, but that they have the intention to carry out such act in a derivative play is not a great ovation either.
Besides the fact that it's established in her beginnings, why make this revelation now? As far as it is concerned, it's playing on the edge between what's official and the canon, to the point of aligning itself with being >>143717250

And well, this could remain an indirect fact or curiosity implicit in her reference design or guide and nothing more.
it only feel weird because they dragged it out for so long, you'd say the same thing about the parents if they had kept them hidden for 7 seasons
There’s still a possibility that it’s fake.
mofos here expecting good writing over cucks from Cali that their worst nightmare is their name being mispelled in Starbucks.

As a former drawfag for this uttershit show I can say, the Savino seasons were shit, Post-Savino seasons are shit, the movie is mega shit, The Cleveland Show was shit, Live action spin off and movie are shit.

They just want to milk out the show because Nickelodeon just cares about having "Long" series in the catalog. Like Star who doesn't let die the Simpsons, Bob's Burgers and Family Guy. Worst is that they not even try to come up with ideas and just recycle their catalog of FoP, Sponge Bob and this abomination.

The reason why this show gets too much attention and why there are many people drawing it is because is extremely easy to replicate the style, so your ego gets on the high over being in a circle jerk of mediocre artists.
I was one of the OGs of the drawfags and trust me, it was a cesspool of a fandom.
this is the only correct post in the thread
That’s more of a condemnation of Nickelodeon.
Hetero (chromia)
Is a fair point, just that there were already designed their faces previously and the hidden gag was a kind of homenage to comic strips related with it, specially peanuts.
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Why do I see people like this so much?
Why do you continually let internet people make you hate something you previously enjoyed in isolation so, so, so much?

The show was fine. You're just asshurt about putting up with the worse elements back then, which you chose to do of your own volition whether you knew it'd be that way or not. It's just plain dumb.
What did you draw?
Why the fuck were you even involved with the fandom if you think the show is shit?
Autism, that's why
AY that's good shit.
I wish I could see pictures of The Loud Siblings dressed formal like in Head Poet’s Anxiety.
Cleveland Show?
Plus Savino said they were only hidden because he wanted to develop the siblings.
So Let me get this straight. you join the show's fanbase where you got pressured by some degenerates into drawing what I'm guessing some incest/pedo shit. Years passed and you end up regretting what you did. But since your ego is too fragile to blame yourself for the things you chose to do under your own volition You decide to point this hatred onward on the show itself?
Who fucking cares?
Finally, fresh Lola porn.
What if this is the real reason people say they hate the show
What if they secretly fapped to the show but are ashamed of it now so they overcompensate to try and distance themselves
I don't know, everyone in the thread except for you, maybe?
Wouldn't surprise me if that was the case.
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>"It's a cartoon." - Steven 'Cartoon' Ogg
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what didnt happen in 2017
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I draw Porn and still active. I left mostly because many folks for quite a while, grown ass men that some even had kids were fighting with literal children almost daily and thought they were intellectuals because of that.

Still met some guys that are still my friends after so many years. The difference is that the ones that stood are mostly guys who drew different stuff and didn't orbit around one show and what the people who made stuff for that show. If you know about the Sin children and the retardation that happen inside it is even pathetic.
I tried to watch some episodes during the beginning of the pandemic with the idea to see if I come back and nah, Shit was always bad. Maybe I was blinded and defended it because of the people I knew were involved. Is really a mediocre show at best. I came to the conclusion that the only people who defend the show are just coomers because that is the only consistent thing being published after all this years, really there are at least 3 ongoing porn comics every year and the same premise having Lincoln being a sex maniac (Lisa involved is a plus) or having nymphos as sisters, no inbetween.
>he only people who defend the show are just coomers
you are deeply wrong, a lot of us are genuine fans not perverts
>draws porn
>upset at coomers
Doesn't that seem a little hypocritical? But I get what you mean somewhat. Sadly that tends to be the most hardcore element of a lot of cartoon fandoms, and our notorious reputation makes it hard to get new blood that isn't already going to go for that out of the box.
I think the show can be entertaining it just depends widely on the episodes. Season 4 and 5 weren't great so I could see how you might be bored watching those ones in 2020.
5 and 6*
You'll be surprised how many lewd artist really do not like coomers or gooners.

Post Savino episodes were shit because they are way too safe and is just a family of winners that nothing wrong happens to them besides a bare bones "Conflict" that is poorly written because you are doing X thing and we will be mad about it, everything goes well despite them being total assholes to get that goal and then get rewarded for that. After that said Oh well, gonna see if the Savino seasons are something but, surprise! is a clusterfuck of the sisters being cunts with a conflict that is pulled out of their ass and Deus Ex Machina let's get back into the status quo and everything is resolved...
Go figures ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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There are 8 people in the general, from them only 2 see the show for reasons that aren't obsessive sister fanatism or harem incest.
And if youre one of those two, then good for you, but I doub't it.
Why do you hover around loud house threads just to trash the show and people who enjoy it?
>look up The Loud House "Sister Chronicles"
>all references to it are from /co/ or refer back to /co/
Alright then
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What about /trash/?
It likely floats around somewhere, stuff from /co/ and even /trash/ have permeated to other parts of the net before. Youtubers just refuse to talk about it outside of a negative context and that's where people tend to hear about this kind of thing unofficially.
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During a "travel" on internet about this issue, I found an interesting "cultural coincidence" of her.

In short, there's St. Lucy, who is the patron saint of the blind... and whose paintings is shown her frequently holding her eyes on a golden plate. She was represented in Gothic art holding a dish with two eyes on it. "The emblem of eyes on a cup or plate apparently reflects popular devotion to her as protector of sight, because of her name, Lucia (from Latin "lux" that means "light")."

Amazing, right? 8B
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Good point. Still I don't see why he has to be a doomposting cynical twat about it.
>Oh, it's all so horrible, nothing involving the show will ever be good, just be sad
>Oh, you're all just extinct, just give up, hohoho
>All of you are just perverted scum, liking a character isn't a valid reason to watch a show, a boo hoo hoo hoo, why don't you all just kill yourselves
Like jesus christ take an aspirin and just shut the hell up if you hate the IP so damn much, quit being such a miserable cunt. Imagine spending time trying to demoralize people and beat a horse you already see as dead anyways.
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>File deleted
>But not the thread
What did the mods mean by this?
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>Lisa involved is a plus
fellow enjoyer
missed it... what was the image taken down?
Are there really still people who don't use 4chanx?

picture of me and you sitting in a tree
>entire OP got nuked
>thread is still up
What did they mean by this
mod mighta goofed and hit wrong button
Imagine if this ended up getting more people to look at the thread, lol
first time im hearing about it. thanks
No clue. I would understand if the OP was cropped porn maybe but that's just a storyboard shot.
Someone on /tlhg/ said they got hit with a warning for posting copyrighted material
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>I'll be sure Nickelodeon managers either know exactly what they're doing and are part of the (((agenda)))
Uh, what agenda? I don't think there's a single major corpo in the world trying to push incest as a "woke" thing or anything.

Quite the opposite really, if Lola's segment do end up getting traction due to unfortunate implications, then that'll be entirely the writers fault for being too innocent and thinking that people wouldn't spin it in a perverted way.
Everything okay bro
How are you still on this bit when she literally doesn't stop winning?
No, no he is not.
I want the girls to vore me
NASB2 flopped toughbeit.
Who thinks incest is woke?
they already did
"The Taunting Hour"
literally just a metaphor for the episode's negative reputation and how the writers fucking ignored it
Me too anon, me too.
all of the art of this show fucking SUCKS holy SHIT WHY
>File deleted

10/10 thread
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wtf are you talking about, there is tons of great Loud House fanart.
Lots of great fanart.
No great art of that fetish. It's all terrible, exclusively
Unfortunately, I have both read and seen worse.
God, this post is like one of those trashy web ads.
why though? it wasn't Rule 34.
I’m guessing it was a leak.
I don't even know what this thread was about now
Surprise loud house thread! RAAAAAR
Well, we’re not at bump limit, so I guess we’ll just call it a general ‘Loud House’ thread.

Anyway, I finally got the latest ‘Casagrandes’ graphic novel.
is ronnie anne going to show up in TRLH or am i just being delusional?
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That's my point, what (((agenda))) was he talking about?
She won't
Can you scan it?
why not
She becomes Zia there, just like Cristina is Charlie and Chandler is Xander.
I’ll try, but I gotta catch up on a bunch of stuff.
Curse Lola already Pyle
Man I wish you would have fought kurt instead that'd have been the schizo battle of the century kek.

>Imagine wanting a pageant club.
Pyle is losing it super extra hard
Just use the mods dumbass you're on /co/, remember? Besides not every mention of IQ is him. To keep things on topic, gee would it sure be interesting if you smashed fallout and royal woods together, yadda yadda yadda I'm tired goodnight.
That is a very good question, since we already have Bobby there.
we dont know
not true
Bobby is the only child there.
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He already joined the dark side~
Weird. I'm using it but it still says file deleted. Is there a setting I need to check that's isn't on by default?
There's no way to get it to display on 4chan again once it's deleted I don't think, but 4chanx provides links directly to the archives from the drop down menu on each post so you can go there to see deleted images, as well as allowing you to see and follow links to deleted posts in the archives.
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New episode titles from the wiki.
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Where are they getting this info from?
Where do you think?
darcy is back =)
Their ass?
Just look into the archive.
It's there.
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>It's confirmed
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Man, what took them so long? And why is Lisa such an asshole?
>Man, what took them so long? And why is Lisa such an asshole?
i guess they notice her from save royal woods as a background character and realize "wait, this character has connections with lisa" and they give her an episode in season 8.
Did you forget about School of Shock?
yeah, also that, at least in that episode she is a background character with one or two lines.
I heard this artist went to jail for drawing Loud House porn.
If I recall the safe housers (a tumblr group dedicated to being the antithesis o the fandom here ostensibly) got him reported to his country or something.
From what I remember, the safe house reported jump's art to his country's police under the false claim that he was using CP as reference for his art. Jump got his children taken away and had all his electronics confiscated while they investigated him. He was eventually found innocent, but he wasn't allowed to see his children for a good long while.
That's evil, holy shit. Poor guy.
i remember in twitter some sort of mini drama was made because the "good tlh fanarts" possted one of jump jump and some people started to said it, in the end it looks that was fake or some shit, i dont remember well.
>some people started to said it
Said what?
I'm just glad that Safe House psychopaths like the woman that did that are gone from the fandom..
Honestly, it’s pathetic.
Lola should marry her brother
Somebody had an axe to grind.
I think it seems legit.
Lol no.
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I want Leni to marry me!

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