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Post petrification/Freeze and anything else ASFR
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DoDs for life
you got more than one image, OP? It's not the done thing to open with one pic.
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It's mannequin season
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This guy's twitter got axed recently. Very sad. It's poser stuff, so it's a longshot, but did anyone save any of his stuff?
Failing that, does anyone know of any other petrification communities? Gonna ask around.
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Games keep giving me reasons to be distracted.

>target has a turn to be aware of what's happening to them (a full 6 seconds)
>still fully conscious and aware of their surroundings once petrified
>turned into translucent blue crystal instead of rock; excellent for displaying as a decoration
>permanent without outside help to reverse it
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Finally the FF7 remake story had gotten to the part where enemies can petrify your party members, and god is it hot. I really like the cracked textures applied.
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for a while I had this itch to write smut with novelai with this kinda thing in it. a town at the base of a mountain was protected by a dragon in a den at it's peak. in return for protection, the town was required to send one young girl up every year as an offering. the town made a whole ritual out of it, girls would prepare for it for years in advance, and it was considered a great honor to be selected by the protector of the town. her journey to the top was a great and honorable undertaking. no one in the town truly knew what happened to the girls, since they never came back, but always were under the impression that the den was a holy place and that the girls served the dragon until the end of their lives.
what actually happened is the dragon would fuck their brains out, turn them into crystal statues, then shatter them with either his tail or his sword, depending on whether I wanted him to be in his dragon or humanoid sword. some of the girls were futas, too.
it was super fucking hot and I wish I had saved any of it lmao.
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animated candle tf
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In photo mode, petrified characters don't fade out like normal ones. You can get up real close to them, even clip into Aerith's regular skirt.

I really hope they embrace capitalism and try to sell us more costumes as DLC or something. The bikinis are nice but just imagine petrifying the ladies in other famous Squenix outfits....

Failing that, here's hoping the modders on the inevitable PC release ensure that the texture applies right to their models. Especially the inevitable nude ones...
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How good is the petrification in FF7R2 and does it actually let you look at the statues?
On the topic of games, in less than a week Dragon's Dogma 2 will come out. The first game was the game that properly introduced me to this fetish. The game's confirmed to have at least one enemy type capable of petrifying you and your pawns, so that's another reason for me to look forward to it.
Oh it's good. And it does indeed let you look at the statues.
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What are their expressions like?
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Nice. Really got annoyed with how advancements in game graphics also for some reason meant less attention to things like status effects for petrification and freezing (with seemingly less games even having such things).
it continues!
They can be caught with mouths open if attacking/casting, or pain reactions sometimes but it feels like they usually just get caught in their default looks

Very agreed. Hopefully Square Enix stop being dipshits and have FF17 back to multiple characters that actually follow your commands. And maybe even let us target our own party again with more than just cure spells.
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This stopped being hot awhile ago and now just feels bad.
it's more snuff now imo
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Interesting concept: Pretty women getting a bad ending by being turned into statues in a very lewd pose while being the monument of their final resting place in a graveyard.
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I love when manips go the extra mile like the clothes were dirtied to make it look like the statue has been there for quite a long time.
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is there anywhere to find the fully petrified version?
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mtl of the text says fanbox silver tier
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Imagine if the clothes weren't petrified here. You'd have no clue she was a statue inside there, would you?
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Anyone care for partial petrification? Stumbled on a good one.

>Elite exorcist girl infiltrates a demon casino to take it down, went about as well as you'd expect
>Pride broken, soul corrupted, sensitivity raised to absurd levels, now used as one of the many games of chance by the very casino she set out to destroy

>Her limbs and head are turned to stone, while her body is left fleshy and is tortured with ridiculous amounts of pleasure
>The surrounding guests and demons call out numbers, mostly in the thousands, excitement building as a timer ticks down
>3, 2, 1, 0...
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>And in that second, the petrification of her head is undone, and the room instantly fills with her screams
>"2161!! I came 2161 times!! Please, stop it, make it stop, let me rest, please!!!"
>Her brain has been modified and trained so much that even amongst her unbearable torture, she still obediently keeps track of the amount of times she's cum, calling it out as soon as she's able, even before frantically begging for mercy
>They only hear the number

>This is the game. The exorcist is partially petrified, her flesh tortured while unable to speak and barely able to think. Then, after a certain amount of time, her head is freed and she announces the number of climaxes she had. The gamblers take bets on how many times she's cum, the closet guess wins, before her head is re-petrified and the process repeats.

>Groans and cheers join her frantic pleas and moans in filling the room
>She can barely manage to beg amidst all her moans, so intense is the pleasure forced into her body, but she might as well not have bothered. Nobody's listening.
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>Her pleading cries are cut off in an instant as her head turns back to stone, this time preserving her shameful aheago, and another round of bets replace them as the next round begins

>In the depths of the demonic casino, the exorcist has absolutely no chance of rescue or escape, and even less of ever being shown any mercy
>Even if she could move, she threw away her pride and strength long ago, lost in the endless pleasure
>She will continue to be tortured like this for the rest of her life
>The gamblers take bets on how many times she's cum, the closet guess wins, before her head is re-petrified and the process repeats.
Nice scenario, love when the villains seem utterly indifferent to the statue's plight and just use it for amusement
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What is the tag to search for this on stuff?
I have never tought on that concept and now I can't let if go.

We need works that explore that.

Also, new captcha sucks. I almost never post animore.
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石化 and 固め are good starts on Pixiv and from there it should start suggesting other tags that might be relevant

Three constants in life. Death, taxes, and shitty fucking captchas
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I like how unstable this pose looks. She's gonna topple over and something's gonna break. Here's your reward for going down fighting, hope you weren't holding out hope for getting cured.
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Does anyone know why both of these tags are shared by some shitty wrestling porn?
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There's probably magic glue bullshit that would fix even that. Better just hide it.
Probably some ryona guy being lazy with copypasted tags.
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It's because the "anal finish" tag as the same 固め kanji in it. Not the case with 石化 though
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Need more art of petrified girls being turned into stone golem automatons.
who is the guy who does this?
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We need more partial petrification.
For absolutely no reason in particular, you should watch the episode of Dungeon Meshi that came out today.
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What is the source for this
>>10992325 is the latest upcoming doujin from long-time petrification artist Mou. Based on what I'm seeing, it's gonna be another trilogy, just like his other works!
(Here's to hoping for a good EN translation too! I loved what he did in the Heroic Family Turned to Stone, and still am waiting on the translation of his Carbonite Cocytus trilogy.)
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Anyone else here find consensual ASFR stuff really hot? Like AlterKyon's "My Petrified Girlfriend Can't Be This Cute", for example.

One very specific scenario I keep fantasizing about lately is cuddling in bed with a girl who let herself be temporarily frozen solid as she enjoys the feeling of complete helplessness, while she's fully conscious and aware of everything around her, perfectly locked in place by a thin yet sturdy layer of ice.

[spoiler]I was gonna post an image that near perfectly depicts this scenario but I couldn't find it combing through desuarchive. It was Mikoto Misaka (or a girl that looked like her) stuck in a block of ice being affectionately hugged by another girl.[/spoiler]
Forgot how to spoiler text, fuck I'm sleep deprived.
[spoiler]You can't spoiler on /d/.[/spoiler]
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人形師 did another Shanoa pixel animation, and it's a real good one.

>Anyone else here find consensual ASFR stuff really hot?

Yes. I always find disapointing the lack of consensual petrification content (and cheriss every drop que receive)
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