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I assume this one's sort of a niche, but heck, if anybody else has art to add to the collection, lemme know!
Idea isn't like, simply eating general meat.
Rules: No gore, obviously.
That's about it though.
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There tends to be a bit of a trend with Vtubers making jokes about eating cats, Fuwamoco, Zeta, Neuro. Love the animals in real life but there's something which makes these moments work.
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Not looking for like, meat/meal stuff for the most part but if it has like, ears or whatnot like this, that works, be it bunnies or dogs or whatever.
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A very good scene is in Jashin-chan Dropkick where this character eats a rabbit, is off screen but it's still great the way it is done, unfortunately unable to find the individual clip of it. Are there other shows where cute girls eat cute animals or other disagreeable choices (bar the trope of bad cooking stuff)?
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Hoho, how the tables turn
I dig this
Ahh, a classic.
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Love this one
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Ooh, this one's lovely! Any clue what some like, pixiv tags would be to use to find stuff like this?
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>Uwu meeso eat katuuuu
The slant eye will fry, mark my fucking words
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Eating while/after cumming like that is a pretty nice concept!
Very cute!
I seriously thought she was going to eat him when she turned into a demon
I love cats and animals in general in real life, people who do awful things would be better off dead. But Vtubers making jokes or art/scenes existing where cute girls eat creatures we like, there's a pretty big disconnect to where it's okay.
Maybe in the next movie, that'd be peak.
Probably because they’re asian
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Pre-eating stuff works too, this one's really cute.
Not massive into the vore belly side of things but for those who are.
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Ahh, lovely!
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Sometimes shows with catgirls might have good scenes. I don’t know where this one is from though.
Ooh yeah, that one's good. Have been watching the KonoSuba prequel/spin-off which has been a treat as well.
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Rya my beloved
I'm getting the impression I should play this game.
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Classic /d/. Keep it up brother
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It’s a good game, but she’s a side character. The pictures of her eating small animals are poking fun at a twist in her questline, but they don’t go into that aspect of it in the actual game.
Gotcha! Will still check out sometime, I think.
This artist came to mind and I knew they'd surely have one piece of this out there.
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Full comic of Homu converting a couple of the others to Kyubey eaters.
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Ooooh, this is great!
What was her last meal?
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Ooh, those three are great, especially the second last one.
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The difference between the tone of these two right next to each other is kind of funny.
Haha, true.
Dango-chan is amazing, love this character's stuff.
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These two sketches were done right after each other apparently.
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Implications, haha. Neko vs. Toga has a clear winner.
Really looks like she eats the creature for a sec.
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This video is more on the comedy side of things.
The folds on the stomach are really nice here.
It really does! I was surprised.
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Love this Mio/Sakamoto edit still, funny/cute. Also yeah, didn't notice that detail on the Toga pic, nice!
Is cool to find there are a few others who are interested in the topic/kink of this thread.
It sure is a small niche, but it is a nice change of pace. This thread is a nice collection.
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I don't think there's enough stuff I've found to warrant making a second thread anytime soon, should I share a Discord for if there are more finds till then?
There should be more
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Very cool.
Lovely design! Very cute pic.
I'd love to find out which characters have similar eating habits to Kanna but without being so smol.
Cute catgirls, especially like this pic!
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I think this is an animal.
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I do not know the source of this one
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This is the source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80280325
It's a good one. Though I'm unsure if she eats the cat or the cat just sorta climbs in on accident, cause the latter option is kinda fun.
sadly he gets saved
Here's some I found on Danbooru, mostly under the tag "you_gonna_get_eaten".
I think I'm starting to see the appeal, but more than that I appreciate you guys' interest for your own rare niche.
This one particularly I really liked, she has such a devious look in her eyes.
Oh wow, lots of amazing stuff!
This in particular is peak. I'm pretty sure she ate it given that the cat's dialogue is basically "NYAAA?!!" The art style is super nice.
Also super nice!
I love these hungry expressions with this stuff, so cute.
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Cute design!
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Thanks for posting the source. I had lost it.
These are quite good.
Wow, nice find on the tag! I responded to this earlier but solely for the image, didn't even notice what you said.
Happy this whole thread took off as it did, among the types of online friends who I'll discuss fetish stuff with, even this one is pretty hard to go into.
That last batch is all super cute!
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Kind of worded that last part wrong. Even among the types of friends who I discuss fetish stuff with, this one's pretty hard to go into, I meant.
Thanks, I like your enthusiasm! If the thread ever runs out of images I'd be down to add on Discord.
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Awesome, sounds good!
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The Mermaid Princess's Guilty Meal is about a Mermaid Princess who acquires a taste for seafood, even though she recognizes the fish who end up on her plate as her former loyal subjects. I don't know how well it fits to this thread, but it's still an enjoyable read. There are even recipes.
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Cute styles!
Oh yeah, that sounds pretty interesting! I'd say it fits well enough, haha. I'll be sure to give it a read sometime!
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What makes Kyubey so edible?
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Thanks for the dump
Wow, lots of super nice art here, yeah! Very good finds!
Excellent question. He is best when being eaten by cute girls. Not sure why they're so edible themselves though.
It's particularly nice in this category when the critter eater is super casual while doing it.
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Woah, the girl with the drilltails too! What show is this?I gotta watch.
Haitai Nanafa 2nd Season, episode 21
Nice finds!
Weird warning with this post, is Dango-chan. I love the character though.
Okay, thanks!
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there's something hot about cute girls devouring monsters
Yeah, cute girls casual about devouring animals in sight is great.
I forgot Haachama did eat a spider.
and a cute one
This is my favourite
holy.. Sauce on these?
Usually I like the eater being more happy/relaxed, but this is hot, yeah
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At about 0:34 one of them is about to eat a spider
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Oh yeah, cute! I'll have to get to that event to see the context.
This piece is wonderful! Probably one of my favourites, so cute.
Last pic I posted there was a bit of a stretch but I feel it fits, here's a more proper pic I found though!
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She's happy, she's just shy
Wow, this is super nice! Love the public setting/scenario, the girl seems really cute, love the expression.
It's even better with that perspective.
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Can't really read it any other way, she's shocked at first, but gets into it.
used to go by @blaisebunnie on Twitter but that page is gone now, no idea if they just changed names or fully nuked the account
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whats this
falin chimera from dungeon meshi, spoilers kinda
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Korram. Gone for years with few archives. Also drew >>10969226 I think
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She eats the mouse in the first few panels.
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Love this sort of dialogue with this stuff, haha.
So cute! So is the stuff after.
Yeah, ignoring the rest, this one's very nice!
Really cute/pretty design! Cool art style too.
Have been busy lately but happy to see this thread's still going well! Unfortunately don't have new pics to add to it for now.
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This one should look a bit better
what animal is the hottest for this?

for me, the imagined sensation of a fush helplessly sliding down a throat and swimming around in a gurgling tummy adds a lot

>>10969262 best image in thread
fuck i meant fish
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Anything a cat girl would eat is fine for me
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Heads up before openin' this image, isn't that related, is more about Power's grossness or whatnot so don't click if that doesn't appeal. But still, the background joke makes me think of the cute idea that Power has to remind herself not to eat animals she finds.
Oh yeah, sweet!
>what animal is the hottest for this?
The fish thing is true, for sure, but honestly there's a lot of good choices! Like >>10999046
said, anything a catgirl eats is cool (great pic in that post too, haha) though at the same time I find cute girls eating cats or dogs. That sort of like, "where did they go?" thing like in >>10982618 is very nice.
Nice! Super cute art style here!
Love this artist a lot, them and Khyle are pretty reliable for putting out stuff which relates to this here and there! Like this one I posted earlier, >>10934897, very cute, the casual squirrel eat.
Coffin princess chika or something similar
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Yeah, Hitsugi no Chaika Avenging Battle Episode 3 about 8:21 in. Here's a gif version.
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Ahhh, she's cute!
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Love this artist
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That Kei Guy is awesome for this kind of stuff.
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Forgot to actually write the thoughts, haha. That character in the comic is so cute! Casually taking snacks for herself.
In 11004971's post that is.
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Got this from https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7322969
The text just says what the artist thinks of Penny.
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I wonder if we’ll get more like this with that cheek grab meme going around Twitter right now.
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Don't mind him, he's just making a /pol/-tier joke
I think it's more because it's making fun of the more unhinged, animal vtubers that would be funny to do this sort of thing. Like animal girls acting more like animals, that's the comedy in it. Otherwise those jokes wouldn't really fly and the artists would be canceled all the way to hell and back.
Cute mademoiselle
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I’m running out of creative ways to search tags for this.
Good thread.

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