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The old thread disappeared so I’m making a new one. I would link to the old thread but I don’t know how
Old thread >>10899017

at the bottom there’s a button that says archive
I was wondering what happened to this thread. That being said, does anyone have any updates on the Elise story?
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refuse to pay and watch her try to put it back.
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Author here. Had another life event that took my attention away from writing, but I at least got this done. It's not the final product (I haven't added the shower scene yet), but it's got the first chunk done. Feedback and suggestions welcome.


Also: so people can access it in this thread, here are the other links that I dropped for the other IncHyp threads:

What's the tag for this?
Inconvenient Hypersexuality
Looks great so far! I did have two notes

1. While its nice to know what Hannah looks like, I feel like it was a little ambiguous as to how big she is compared to Elise. There’s also the lack of a proper physical description of Elise, but I’m assuming that that’s being saved for the shower scene
2. This one’s less of a note and more of a question: In the last chapter, Elise seemed really sullen and almost bitter about her situation, but in this one she’s much more talkative and in a better mood. So my question is: What’s Elise’s default personality like? Stuff like her typical mood, how she would react to certain things that people say/do, likes and dislikes, etc.?
3. One bonus one: Is Hannah Elise’s best friend, or does that honor go to one of her online friends?
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1. That's fair; on reflection, I don't think I explicitly mentioned how big they were compared to each other. Though I thought that the discussion of Elise worrying that she'd break Hannah's class 5 cart implied that Elise was bigger.

As to Elise's physical description, I added that into chapter 1 like I mentioned in an earlier thread. I haven't yet publicly released these chapters, so they're still subject to edits.

2. Elise's default disposition is closer to the first chapter, where she's only dealing with Farah. For her, seeing someone 'normal' walking around without any problems does set off a kind of jealousy. She could have had a life like that, but instead, she's tethered to her mountainous mammaries. Elise has a soft spot for Hannah as she struggled in a similar way to Elise and acted as a steady rock in her life as she kept getting bigger and bigger.

Elise also holds a certain sympathy towards her fellow female hypers- though she holds less for the smaller ones, they're all going through similar hardships as she does/did.

What doesn't help is that the few times she's tried to reach out to people who weren't female hypers themselves, she got burned almost every single time. She had several men escorted out of the building because of their comments and suggestions, she's had to cut off several female friends because of assumptions they made of her. She's only managed to hold on to a precious few friends that either don't know she's a hyper (online) or who are hypers themselves.

In the end, she has a few close friends that she'll keep to the bitter end, unless they cause problems somehow. She's friendly with a few grade V's a floor up and she's in a few hobby groups online, and they do bring some light into her life.

3. Hannah is Elise's best friend, both IRL and in general, though Elise does have other close friends online.
I’m assuming that Elise’s experiences being burned are going to be explored at some point?
I actually have an idea for like a non-canon, audience interaction sort of thing that could go one of two ways. Either Elise could take reader questions from us and answer them or someone could make an Elise chatbot on character.ai or something so we could sort of talk to her
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Yeah. Not really sure when I would tackle that, though. I could have Elise finding a new friend during the social event, someone who's just recently become a hyper herself, who tries to make friends with Elise and Hannah. They can commiserate over their shared experiences... Actually, I can see this coming together...

Honestly, I could do an audience interaction event with my whole cast of characters. Granted, some would get far more responses than others...

I'll keep the idea in mind for the future. I'm not sure when I'd do it, nor how I would get all the questions and messages in one place. I'm sure it's already been figured out, but still. Anyone have ideas?

As for the AI chatbot... I'm not entirely sure on that one. I'm not a huge fan in general. If someone wants to try and tackle it, by all means, but I'm not psyched about doing it myself.
I’m assuming in the lore/expanded universe of elise’s world there’s a woman who’s grown too big to move with or wothout a breast cart. Itd be interesting to see her and/or elise’s reaction to her
Three questions from what I read in the first two chapters

1. I’m assuming Elise is the biggest in her building, so I wondering if she was treated a bit differently than the other hypers living there as a result.
2. In chapter 1 it states that Elise loves expressing her milk. Is that in a sexual way or in a relieving pressure kind of way? And if it is in a sexual way, how does she feel about the biggest source of her problems in life are also a source of sexual pleasure for her?
3. In chapter 2 Elise and Hannah go for a walk in the garden. Given their size, are there days where they get to venture outside of their hyper habitat sort of like a field trip or are they stuck there due to all of the amenities there having become a necessity for them?
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I mean, theoretically, yes. But I'm not a huge fan of "permanently completely immobile". The difficulties increase with size, sure, and to the point where a 'simple' breast cart won't suffice, but I don't like saying "there are women who literally cannot move."

That aside, I could see a chapter/snippet where we get the reactions to the largest (or supposed largest) women in the world. It's a contested title between three women- one in Brazil, one in Slovakia, and one in Saudi Arabia- but all three are reluctant to release their official sizes in case they aren't actually the largest. Not to mention that word's floating around about a woman in China who's even larger than those three, but with the anonymizing protections that China has in store, it's impossible to confirm.

1. Elise is the biggest in her building, but the administration tries to treat her as similarly as possible to everyone else except for the assistance she needs for her size and how much she gets paid for her milk.

2. Both, and it does change day to day, but the sexual way is usually the more relevant one.

Obviously, it's a complicated issue for her. Hating her breasts for how obstructive they are but loving the sensations that they give her while she's milked, it's a constant back-and-forth that she hasn't yet untangled herself. She's long since discarded thoughts of getting them surgically removed or reduced, but she still doesn't love every aspect of them.

3. They can leave their hyper habitats, but there's usually not many locations that can accommodate them. Almost every habitation has at least one vehicle that can carry their least mobile hyper, though they're almost always custom-made for the largest of women.

Where the hypers go is mostly up to them- I do explore this a bit in my upcoming chapter with Sam and Hermea.
What is R-F syndrome?
dude the more i hear about this world the more i wanna see it animated or illustrated in some form. do you think a drawing of elise and hannnah is possible sometime in the future?
R-F syndrome? Where did you see something like that?
It's on the male size chart image.

Rendirr-Friss (RF) Syndrome is a pattern of development for hyper and subhyper men. While most men develop in a predictable pattern, RF men develop noticeably differently. Instead of their penises growing long and relatively narrow, RF men develop girthy but shorter penises, to the point where they're almost always larger around than long.

A similar(-ish) development pattern for women is Ivanov-Friss (IF) syndrome. While most female subhypers and hypers simply experience excessive growth in their breasts, those with IF syndrome see significant, though less impressive, growth in the buttock and thigh areas at the expense of some breast size.

tl;dr: RF- thicker but shorter dick; IF- huge ass but smaller breasts.

(The syndromes are mostly in-universe avenues for me to explore a few other forms of being hyper. A few people on Discord talked me into including these aspects into my world even though these two aren't totally my kind of thing. I'm still working on a few details- though these two syndromes are pretty well codified, I'm toying with the idea of adding a few more.)

Thanks! I do make drawings and I am about to start my 'requests' phase for drawings soon. I'll add "Elise and Hannah" onto the queue. Do you just want them talking to each other like in the story, or is there some other situation you'd like to see?
just talking would be great! that way we can get a sense of scale for each other’s sizes
If you’re taking multiple requests, I’d kind of like to see the aftermath of the scene where Elise’s cart breaks and she’s left stranded in the middle of her apartment
"My butt keeps getting bigger..." is such a hot fucking phrase. Love this panel. Shame the rest of the doujin is garbage.
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I'll add them to the queue.
Exactly! First page is perfect then its doo doo
Can we expect these drawings alongside the rest of the chapters? Or will the chapters come first?
I assume the chapters would come first since those are already partly done. The real question is when the chapters are gonna come out
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Yeah, as >>10955031 said. I don't entirely know why, but I was waiting for the S&H chapter to be done before I release the things I had lined up. I'm currently working on the shower scene, since I know that it'll be relatively quick.
> slam!
If I see something like this in real life I'll cum then and there.
Lurker from the previous thread here. I’m humbly requesting that the show scene and the scene where Elise’s younger relative lays on her breasts get drawings as well
For the character Q&A thing, you could set up different CuriousCat accounts for each character and answer questions in-character
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I probably shouldn't be too surprised that Elise is this popular in this thread. I'll take note of these two requests, but since Elise already got requested twice, these will be lower priority so I can leave space for variety.

For reference, here's the drawing request list as it stands (not yet publicly released):


Oh yeah, CuriousCat exists. I'll look into it. I might create a 'world account' to answer questions about the world in general and then a few smaller accounts for the different characters.

...Or would it just be better to create one account and answer everything there?
It’d probably be easier just to make one account and if someone has a question for a specific character they specify it
Seconded. That way we could also ask you questions about lore and stuff
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Alright. I've made the account, but for some reason, it's not letting me customize it a lot. I keep getting an invalid API response when I try to update the profile picture. In any case, ask away.

Awesome! I just left a question for you so let us know if it’s working properly
Hm. I was able to answer two questions without incident, but the site isn't letting me answer a third one. That's... frustrating. Same "Invalid API Response" as before.

It's kicking back a 403 Forbidden if I dig into the debugger tools. I've heard the site can be buggy sometimes; does it work better on Firefox or Chrome?
I wouldn’t know desu. I mostly use the mobile app. You could try using that instead
Coppernicous again. I gave up on CuriousCat. I do like the anonymous Q&A idea, but that site just isn't working for some reason. I poked around a bit, and I did find something that might be a little better. For now, please send all future questions to this place instead:


I'll move the questions already asked onto there. I'll give this a try and see if it works any better. So far, there's been nothing too bad.
Whatever works best. Let us know if any more issues arise
I’m really liking this whole Q&A thing so far! It really lets us get a look at aspects of the characters that normally wouldn’t come up in the stories
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buying appropriately sized furniture to accommodate hyper needs would most certainly be.... inconvenient
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Looks like Perch is the one. Not seeing any issues.

And I'm having fun tackling the different angles. It's good to also fill in the gaps that I forgot to mention in my works.
you guys might find this interesting
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No sane man would complain in that pic's situation!
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live damn you
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new body who dis
this is the kind of sponson stuff i live for
the length of her torso is concerning.
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it's like... elden ring levels of lankiness
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Do we have an update on the Elise story?
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Found this table that shows the weight of tits all the way to the end of the second alphabet (aka 26 cups past Z) that I think's pretty neat. It's not 100% accurate, yeah, but it's in the ballpark

puttin it into practice, >>10976494 includes her bust/waist measurements, and from those we can estimate her cup size to be somewhere about a 40Z, which comes out to 35 pounds for both boobs per the chart. She definitely doesn't seem to be drawn to scale, as boobs drawn that big would probably be quite a bit bigger in size, but still you get the idea
It's obvious whoever made that chart or believes that chart to be anywhere near remotely accurate has never lifted anything heavy in their lives. No way any woman is hefting around 50 pounds of tit, much less 100 or fucking TWO HUNDRED FUCKING POUNDS.

Just laughable.
this shit is gooooooddd
For weight that's pretty accurate. For example, 50 lbs of tit on that chart is a 42T and that's basically two ultra sized beachballs on a hugely morbidly obese woman.
Read nigga, read
In the top-left corner it says these are for both boobs combined, not for each one, so you don't have to double the numbers. 50 lbs of tit with the average woman's band size is well into the second alphabet there on the bottom, and only the biggest of gigantomastia cases ever make it that far, so yeah, you're right that most women aren't gonna be able to cope with that much weight
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damn someone read it. Yea she's my incredibly self indulgent oc. Ik a lot of people arent interested when it gets as squishy and malleable as that but i love that shit. I make decent money so every now and then i'll occasionally comm stuff of her.
Shit, well I love seeing how daily life works for people with enormous tits. If you ever have a story arc with her please do something with it.
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havent really got that much in mind for her, she's a very "static" character so to speak
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This is a niche of a niche but I love food falling into a woman's cleavage when she's eating
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fuck yeah! ginger, freckles, glasses, huge hangers AND huge areolas...
titcows are so damn great.
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Writefag, here’s something I’ve been working on for a while :)
>They were “organized” in order of size, clearly, and the severity of the sex organs size seemed to have a minimal impact on the quality of life for each subject.
>The smallest enclosure was first, a dark skinned black male with a cock the size of a bulldozer, and a fat, pinkish cockhead that could rival a wrecking ball belching out a steady stream of pre.
>He laid forwards across his own shaft and was working on a Rubik’s cube idly, seemingly frustrated. He jostled himself out of momentary anger, but humorously went nowhere as the skin attached to his pelvis tugged flexibly.
>A room over, a girl sat on a couch, or rather it’d be more accurate to say the couch was IN her.
>Her Hyperism gave her a pussy so enormously large, it had swallowed most of the cushions and left only the back half exposed, drenched thoroughly in her slick, gooey cunt honey that spurted and burbled like a faucet from the oversized lips.
>Her clit was nearly the size of her torso, cherry pink and engorged, she was watching a pornographic program on a single television she had in her space.
>It seemed to be of her, getting railed by a glistening pale-ish pink cock that slid in and out of her drooling folds with a noise like stepping on a pile of wet rags.
>“You remember that Jezebel? Remember when we TOTALLY fucking smashed that guys bed?! Fuck that was AWESOME!!” The girl exclaimed, apparently communicating with her torpedo-length clitoris.
>In response, her oversized snatch blew of fountain of fluid in a streaming arc, burying the television beneath a sheet of her slick grool.
>She didn’t seem to care though, procuring a fleshlight from.. somewhere? She eagerly slipped it over the crown of her raging clit, and threw her head back in fervent ecstasy.
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idk about you fags but that shit is hot as fuck. that incredibly sexy young slutty bitch gets raped and pumped full of cum in the best positions. huge tits, huge ass, submissiveness. what's not to love?
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Being a hyper in a hot location would probably be hell
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Lmao I just realized I hadn't seen this thread in a while and now I know why.
Yeah we really need some new shit. Anyone got anything?
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We do. Chapter 2a is now released. I'll be working on Sam and Hermea's chapter, then it's off to the public releases.


And thanks again to everyone who's taken the time to ask questions on Perch!
Link isn’t working for me for some reason
That's because I made a huge mistake and copied the wrong link.

That would explain it! Nice work! Looking forward to your new stuff
What would hypersexuality in the workplace be like?
Constantly either looking for an excuse or just outright going to the bathroom to milk fat tits/dicks overfull with their bounty.
The office dumptruck put her ass on the photo copier again, so now it's unusable. The pics it put out before death are incredible though.
The boss of each department either has a dedicated relief employee or they act as a relief agent for their subordinates, depending on if they themselves are hyper or not.
Elevator broke again, so nobody bothered coming into work for a week until it was fixed cause they'd be down over half their staff and wouldn't be able to get anything done. Stairs? Not happening for most of the hypersexual. Not even the dudes, having your dick repeatedly slap against stair steps is a recipe for flooding the stairwell.
R&D just finished some new bullshit they call "Gigantium" and they're about to start running clinical trials of it.. Everyone knows it will end badly, but everyone wants to see the result anyway.
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