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Beach day edition
Girls with more than two breasts. Thread may contain ai.
previous thread >>10891732
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Ai requests here.
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Your stablediffusion generations are so late 2022 slop.
Seriously, go to the sdg /alt/ on this very board, or at the very least ask for some new loras. Hell, inpaint if you have to.
What you post is hellishly outdated by contemporary standards.
>inb4 catch up with the times and quit the 2022 slop
I guess you might be on a spectrum if you're so entrenched in generating this slop for more than a year already.
If you were an artist, you'd be a certified permabeg, on par with some autist who draws ms paint circles, tirelessly retarded in this fecund useless clusterfuck. You've managed to clog an entire rule34 tag with your shit. Must be very proud of that, anon.
>sloppy, hazy
>cataract eyes
>molten generic chinese penny soap marketing faces
>hardly any crisp or fine detail
>dull colors, airbrushed look, bad resolution
Come on. Do something.
I’m not reading all that
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Sure, that's because you are retarded.
If you weren't, you'd have a bit more brain capacity than that of a number of tags used on those slop rule34 uploads.
get a load of this guy. doesn’t know how to look at other things. real sad…
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Rather than complain like SOME people >_>

Can I get a girl opening her jacket to reveal quad boob, and she’s blushing/embarrassed about it?
certainly , any specific hairstyle?
Hmm… maybe just like, curly black hair? With bangs?
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How’s this?
Cute! Can we maybe get one of her like, giving the viewer a quick peek? Like a little flash rather than a full on open coat. Sorry if this is too specific
nonsense, i’d be happy to
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This is perfect! Thank you!
Can you do a shy nerdy girl with glasses with 5 boobs?
certainly, specific hair style?
Messy shoulder length pigtails. And her hair can be brunette. And her eyes can be green.
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resolution got a bit screwed up, can’t fix it until tomorrow
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Not quite what I was expecting but she's cute.
yeah 5 boobs is super hard to do, basically has to be this exact pose or it doesn’t work
How about milking Laira who's happy to see you?
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>*gasp* oh my! what are you doing here? you really came just to see me? that’s so nice sweetie. Is there anything I can do for you? milk? oh this… It just happens sometimes…

>would… you like some…?
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Can we get four-breasted muscle girl again? I do like the Laira pic.
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something like this? or did you have a specific design in mind
Sure. That works.
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Wish we can get more multiboob stories by femanon again.
I can try, for any pics in mind?
How about a four-breasted woman playing with her lower boobs laying down on the sofa.
oh I meant a premade picture for you to post. I’m not the ai guy.
I don't have many pictures. Just ideas. I like it when the odd character trait isn't the entire character. I thought about making my female minotaurs with four boobs but they're gardeners in the labyrinths.
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thought i’d combine your two ideas.
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What's the reason for a woman getting extra breast augmentation?
+10 charisma +20 milk production +50 distraction -5 speed
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Can we see some more content like this? Chestboobs, plus crotchboobs, maybe lying on her back on the beach? Horse ears would be a welcome plus.
didn't know udder would fit here on it's own, but here is another gen then
Could you make a girl with four boobs in a 2x2 fashion with the bottom set of boobs really big and the upper set slightly smaller resting on the bottom set.

Blue eyes, with blonde long straight hair, preferably smiling. Thank you.
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turns out it’s really hard to do crotch boobs laying down. only one I could get to work.
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and here is yours, I accidentally read that as blue hair the first time. so now I have two
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Wow I couldn't imagine very well a good pose but that's a great one and they're perfect, I love the choker on the blonde it suits her very well and the apron kitchen theme going on and boob sizes are perfect and the armpits are fantastic. Thank you very much!

Can you put two in the same picture? Would it be possible to have them hugging and laughing together I guess I can keep the kitchen theme going and maybe they have a small amount of flour or cream on them and a second picture of them showering together having fun/laughing/smiling? If it's too much then no worries I just love how they turned out so much and would like more. Thank you again!

Oh and the hugging could be a side hug so their boobs aren't covered, and if it's not possible to have them both in one picture can I just have individuals of them both showering where they look happy/smiling? or if I can only one then the blonde one showering. I don't know how many requests per individual one person gets. Again thank you very much!
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hugging isn’t really gonna work, but I can put them together. something like this? and feel free to request, if I wanna stop i’ll say so
I haven’t enhanced it yet so it’s a bit blurry
This is great thank you! An enhanced one would be awesome, and if possible could the blonde one have her choker back on her neck I like it a lot on her, it doesn't have to be the exact same one but I like the choker on her.

And then one of them together showering would also be great. Thank you very much!
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>A-are you sure about this… It’s so embarrassing. I’m not used to showering with anything else. My belly is so gross…

>Oh don’t say things like that. you’re so pretty! I can’t believe how thicc you are... They’re gonna love our surprise. Promise
Nice this is great like the nervous expression on the blue one, I personally prefer a tighter stomach like the one here >>10958597 or even here>>10961628 but it's still great.
Speaking of tighter tummies could we get work-out clothes?
I’m tired, another time.
but I gotcha, figured i’d keep the milfy style bodies a bit chubby, but I can make them more fit next time I’m available
Thank you and I do like the style >>10949980 and >>10952168 These 2 looks really good and the one you did looks good too it was just slightly too much for my liking.

This wasn't me but I think that's a fun request too.

Also thank you very much for all the work you've been doing its greatly appreciated goodnight anon.
That's alright. Rest well. I know I'm late with the response.
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Lovely! Thank you so much! And yeah I can imagine it'd be a fight, but I can't argue with the results!
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Oh… sweetie? do you want to work out with me? Oh how nice. hmm? you want a hug.. ehhh I’m a bit sweaty though. That’s fine? alright! mmmmmaahhh, feel better?
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Might wanna step in the shower. Gotta clean up after a workout, right?
I really love three breasted girls with less big breasts! Nice work!
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I missed these two. Imagine being smothered by Tetra and Terra at once.
nice hand retard
it’s an ai allowed thread. you’re gonna find messed up hands.
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many thanks to the diffusion thread
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Are there any women who want extra boobs? Do you want three in a row, two by two, or other configurations?
I really like this body type, but would you have these in single-head varieties?
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dan these ai udders from the diffusion thread are nice
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I got something cooking. something real nice.
I'd like to see Tetra rubbing her lower breasts like nothing's wrong.
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>nothings wrong sweetie
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I'm tempted to touch but I shouldn't.
go for it. (she secretly wants you to)
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Does this count
>fat mons/puffy vulva
>multi tits
>bags under eyes
seggs. seggs design
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Oh nice, someone posted that, here is the latest one I did
Draw six boobs Hecatia.
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I can see about it later. I have a feeling I'm going to be a multiboob artist more often at this point.
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oh i didn't think i would see my gens reposted (though i'm not sure, if i did the anila one)
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I'm distracted by the fact she's using her fork backwards.
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I wonder what multiple lactating breast feels like.
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like heaven
I wouldn't mind a first person source on it. I can imagine having that much pressure be relieved feel orgasmic.
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>swim shorts
>short hair
>boyish looks
>small breasts
the implications
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What's your girl's story with breast multiplication procedures?
get possessed on the beach. be born with it. drink spiked soda
I like extra breast growth.
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Sauce on this? Incredibly creative and kinky setup going on here with the body horror.
of all the AI-anons posts, this one I think is the best, it shows the reality of discomfort of having multiple lactating boobs.
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Please, may I have another?
How has having three or four breasts changed your life?
triplets and quadruplets have become a lot more common
I wish I can bury my face in Tetra's four boobs.
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I'm in a mood for women with four arms and four breasts. Just woke up from a dream with a blonde haired green eyed angel with four arms and four boobs.
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how’s this
Pretty nice. I think boobs are a little too big and the second pair of arms can be lower. But you're also dealing with hardware limitations on what you can make. So I can't complain too much.
yeah, one day i’ll get an actual pc and make amazing things. but for now it’s the best I got
Maybe someday we'll get the Melon twins sucking on each other's middle boob. Can we get Melon twins back to back showing off their boobs?
post more.
more 2 headed blondes. doing cute pose with 4 breasts
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not mine but here
>i didn't ask for shemales
I said woman not shemales
you know with umm vigina
do you have that?
do you have two headed females.
like ai pictured of blonde 2 headed actual females

sorry i'm straight. but could someone give that.
thank you
idk, not appreciating the sass.
Here you go
Here, topless version
Thank you again.
Sauce? I can't find.
Something in trouble in Saucenao
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I know this isn't a conjoined thread, but there are 4 breasts anyway.
they’re new, fresh from the ai thread
Gotcha. Ty!
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I got something really special coming tomorrow, involving Darla and Laira.
Thoughts about >>10997137 And I mean the latter since former's impossible.
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certainly, how’s this?
Imagine being trapped between them and their boobs.
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>“I-I’m not sure about this Darla, I’d rather be in the library. Do I have to help with your class…? T-they’re staring…”

>“Oh, Laira, it’s ok to be nervous, just let it aaall out. haah… Take your time. Here… *fwoomph* I’m here sweetie…”

>“!?!! (s-shes leaking on me!)”
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>”Now we match, Isn’t it nice?”

Now we need Laira milking with Darla.
inconsequential, she’s already gushing.
sorry I misread that as laira milking darla
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I want a multibreast succubus night club now.
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Should I go multi-breast night club or multi-breast maid cafe?
one gives you milk, one milks you
On one hand I like maids serving. On the other hand night clubs would be a natural home to multi-breasted succubi.
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Anyone with AI want to make a tanned gyaru blonde with extra boobs?
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can’t for a while, have some replacements in the meantime
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>Sucking quad boob girl's bottom right breast while she self-sucks her top left breast while foldling bottom left and top right.
>Using hands to finger both of her pussies at once.
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So how much milk does she produce and how much does it sell?
She has unfortunately been asked to stop selling it as it has peculiar effects on the women who drink it.
Since then she stopped bothered milking herself. this has been difficult for her as the swelling and constant leaking make getting around a pain.
She hasn’t sold it since, but there is an unusually large number of multibreast women within her radius.
perhaps a test of the drinking water should be checked for possible contamination.
What about donations for research?
She’s so desperate to alleviate the pressure in her four engorged breasts. She will beg you to milk her.
Well donation for science seems to be the way. It includes hazmat disposal. I'm guessing we're dealing with four-hundred gallons minimum?
She used to have a basement, now she has a white underground pool. so yeah. wahp0
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Looks great. Very soft.
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Something is off about this Tetra.
fun sized
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