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A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread:
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More to the point, my reason for (re)making this thread is to keep any female/male SFW trap discussion contained here (like with romcoms or other series/art), alongside anything that might be 2lewd for /cm/.

Do feel free to post normal cute traps here, though.
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Now that I can post straight traps again
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I found this guy's OC. I like him.
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The embarrassment is pretty cute.
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Embarassment you say?
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tadano-kun-chan a cute
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I missed these threads
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Astolfo is such a sweetheart
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Girls clothes are cute and fun to wear
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I know right? I think I own more female clothing than male clothing at this point
I just hate when people go "trap or trans character? Well they have to be dressed in pink because that's the girl color"
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Exposed bino bum.
Blessed. Is smt5 worth playing? Might pick up the new version
Hot take, but the bulge makes it worse. Getting pregnant as a qt is the hottest
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Bulges are cute, but cute boys getting pregnant sounds cool too
Glad to have you back
It just wasn't the same on the other boards.
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While I was gone, there are a handful of good crossdressing/trap series that have been released/had more chapters.
Primary one for me is "Ore no Dankon Sacrifice" - I've seen it when looking for crossdressing stuff on Pixiv but since it hadn't been scanlated for a while I figured it was never gonna come, but here we are. The story is about a girls-only school where the student council are all secretly boys who got in on free tuition because of the President's weird rule about it. It's a very funny ecchi comedy, I'd highly recommend it.
Second is Zutto Seishun Poi desu yo getting picked back up again. For those who hadn't seen it before - the "Idol Research Club", a group of neer-do-wells who currently have no idols to research, decide to try and recruit a pair of gyaru to be idols for them to produce on their own. After that fails, they look in the classroom's old supplies and find a mysterious wig and dress... which they put on the member of their group who looks the most like a girl. He ends up looking really good and they decide to use this as a jumping point to actually do an idol performance at their school festival.

Notable for being the most recent manga by Yatera Keita of Ponkotsu Ponko fame. In my opinion this series is basically "What if the boys in Danshi Koukousei No Nichijou decided to keep going with the Tadakuni in a skirt thing?" It's super funny and the main boy is very cute. If you like gyarus and silly school comedy I'd recommend it.
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Finally, for the yaoi fans amogus I have Maid wa Koisuru Hachiya-kun. It's a shoujo manga about a boy who confesses to a girl, but it turns out she's actually engaged, so in order to try and break off the engagement he decides to disguise himself as a maid at the mansion of the fiance in order to get him to fall in love with the maid and break off his engagement with the girl he loves.
But, well, given the fiance is EXTREMELY kind and handsome, the poor little boy, Hachiya-kun, can't help but swoon over him a little bit. The series seems to be edging in a BL direction but it's possible it could end up being some kind of threesome ending. If you like shoujo stuff you'll like this one.
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Thanks for the new recommendations! Ore no Dankon Sacrifice looks really cute
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V is rather clearly suffering from reworking upon reworking of its plot and paradoxically ended up with undercooked story/characters.
Gameplay wise it's an interesting iteration albeit with a big level scaling problem.
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You could still do worse though, and it emulates if you want to try first. Not much point doing that now though since VV is 2 months away and includes the Creation route. If you're that severely hankering for smt that you can't wait you'd also have already played it.
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>main character is named TODO
>they call him TODO
>not Todo-san
Please make it stop.
Also, there's only two chapters. Did you do these OP? Because there's typos in here.
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Not me, no. If you wanna complain about the quality of the scanlation do so in the Mangadex comments and/or DM the uploader directly.
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God i want a doting trap to hug my arm as we walk through the park and give me a kiss on the cheek every once in a while
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This series is great, glad someone’s translating it
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My Beloved
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they are, but they were not made for male bodies in mind unfortunately and it's only a minority of guys who can pull it off without looking too uncanny.
It’s all about finding outfits that work for your body. More modest outfits are the way if your figure isn’t curvy enough. Waist trainers can help too
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dies anyone here have an extremely niche/unknown trap characters they love? I love this particular guy but sadly he has little fanart out there. granted the gsmw he came from is just knock off doujin Guilty Gear, but still
does* game. fuck. apologies for the spelling error, I'm a mobilefag
I'll try to post some of the few he has at least
I like the "A Cute Guy" manga
god DAMN that is a good piece of art (and ass)
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Here be a series of obscure male/female crossdressing art that I found via deviantart. The artist is Chanosuke. Tomboyish girl and regular guy who she likes dressing up in girl's clothing.
There's also a (untranslated) manga that goes with it if you wanna see that.
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trap with reverse trap is god tier.
You are a scholar and a gentleman anon.
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I want more cute astolfo, less super hyper horny astolfo
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Whats ideal for a trap
>Larger than average
>Below average
>Basically a clitoris
depends if they're a top or bottom
Enough to create a noticeable bulge
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The harder it is to hide the better
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Definitely a grower, but the bigger the balls the better.
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the last one

love ones with tiny balls and limp little button

i won't be touching their cock, they can only cum from anal, so they best get used to it
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Absolutely the best.
Source on this guy?
Depends a bit, but below average.
Not so small it's irrelevant, but still cute and sensitive.
Above average but not painful to have sex with
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The bigger, the better.
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Small, short Prince cute dess.
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Hey (you)! Do YOU have an interest in obscure, seasonal anime traps who may have gone over your head for various reasons? Well, check out this cool resource website I found:


It catalogs damn near every possible anime trap in existence. There's only a handful I think the owner of the blog as forgotten.
Is there a similar resource with games?
can it filter by het/yaoi/non romantic instead of just seeing pictures in general
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Not from what I know. The closest thing I can think of is the "Wholesome Crossdresser" trope on TVTropes and looking at the video games tab. VNDB also has their tags for crossdressers I guess.
No, but if you'd like I could make a short list of what they are.
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Is Astolfo onii-chan material?
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Those corsets make no fucking sense
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Not all corsets are boned anon
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This will probably seem like a bit of an odd question/vent considering what thread this is, but is there anyone else here who prefers this sort of thing when it *doesn't* involve crossdressing?
Its not that I actively dislike it per se, I don't mind when a person or character dresses in whatever way simply for aesthetic reasons and if anything I wish there wasn't such a taboo about that sort of thing in the first place, but because there is one it tends to create an overlap with a bunch of other skeevy fetishes that really gross me out, particularly things like degradation/humiliation and exhibitionism, pretty much any time I see the term "sissy" it makes me do a 360 and moonwalk the fuck away.
For me the appeal is just the idea of a guy that's pretty in a stereotypically feminine way and possibly has more feminine mannerisms and body language and such, basically where the venn diagrams of the "trap/femboy" and "bishounen" archetypes overlap. Anyone else feel similarly about this kind of stuff, I guess?
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A new Yuruyakatou is out, it's a good day to be a trapfag.
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I like to call them “male milfs” myself
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>No, but if you'd like I could make a short list of what they are.
That'd be useful because I'm the weirdo that likes my traps straight. Or at least if they're going to be gay, with another trap
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looking up the character says this is female
Is this just an chapter? I flipped through the manga and can't find any trap.
the one on the right is a trap. 35 chapters though only 28 are currently translated
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In F&H Marina was born a boy but raised as a girl to avoid the terrors of their hyper-religious father.

It's hinted moreso in the Mutated/Moonsorch state that the main villain can cast on Marina where the head is sprouting from the genitals to allude to the sexual confusion
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Thanks, I somehow got a manga with a similar name.
Maid day pickings for actually good looking traps are slim, but I'll dump what I could find from this year.
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Don't throw that bunny in the trash, they deserve love too :""(
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Cute boi
Serious question, would you be the bride walking down the alter, or would you be the husband marrying the bride?
I’d be the bride, no doubt
Anon, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?
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You may now kiss the groom
I wish I had a femboy friend who would dress me up and treat me like a proper lady
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do any of you wear girl clothes irl?
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I do!
yes, you should do it too if you aren’t already
cute! what kind of clothes turns you on the most?
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I enjoy wearing suspender skirts and sweater dresses the most
>surely this wouldn't work
>and it worked
C tops B
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Of course. I mostly browse this thread for outfit ideas.
i do it already and it makes me feel unexplainable things when im all dressed up
Well yeah, I have an entire wardrobe full of stuff
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Honestly I wouldn't have started this thread in the first place if I wasn't a crossdresser myself.

That being said, while Japanese media (and femboy fans in the west) have a tendancy to focus on the masculine aspects of crossdressing/femboys i.e. flat chests, muscles, wide shoulders, handsome faces etc, I tend to be more in the complete opposite direction of really liking when otherwise normally masculine (if slightly twinkish) characters get the chance to fully disguise as a woman and explore femininity in a healthy way. Part of that is mainly due to my own inability to really pull off a cute flat girl due to various factors with my own body type, but I also find it a lot more interesting to see people needing to use padding/fake breasts.

But then again, it's all just my preference.
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Side note: trap Gudao is really really hot, arguably just as good as Astolfo.
>have a tendancy to focus on the masculine aspects of crossdressing/femboys
Nah, I do prefer my traps to look like women. I just prefer they still call themselves boys. I do like flat chests though but I also tend to like flat chest on women. Personally I find muscles disgusting and hate people who like to conflate bishies with traps like what commonly happens with Marth
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Maybe if I had the full context I’d think differently, but this one reads more trans than femboy imo
Come to think of it, there’s a surprising lack of Saki in this thread.
No, what's happening is the girl he likes is a pervert who wants to see him dressed up as a girl and "show his boobs" and is forcing him to dress up as one. He decides he doesn't need a bra afterward and tells her off for trying to make him wear one.
Manga where a girl likes to see a guy's boobs. Eventually gets him to wear a bra which his mom finds in the laundry. Guy is still very much a guy and seems to be going in a forced feminization route
Ah yeah that makes more sense, thank you! Based forcefem also
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This one's fun, even though it's a textbook case of draw-a-girl-call-it-a-boy. The premise has a lot of potential.
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Saw this on the /vg/ VN thread coming out in 2 weeks. Looks in my interests though I hat that it's calling itself yuri
Sometimes but my bodyshape is just wholly unsuited
I wish cute stuff was made in larger male sizes
No, it would just be gross if I did it.
> play a gal game
> want to ignore the gals and go homo
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god, I need more traps in wedding or elegant dresses in my life
While I am fond of more mature trap characters, I just meant more in general, where a guy looks like a girl purely due to looking pretty rather than what they wear. Some examples of what I'm thinking of would be Grusha from Pokemon, Lucius from Fire Emblem, the SMTV protag, Lio from Promare, etc.
>Personally I find muscles disgusting and hate people who like to conflate bishies with traps like what commonly happens with Marth
I'm curious where you draw the distinction between the two? It seems like there's a lot of characters who are commonly labeled as both
typically the you can't tell it's a boy unless you know. Bishies are just pretty boys but are still obviously male
I'm like on the border of a hulking bara man, so no I don't. If I was born twinkish I might, but it's simply not an option for me as I have no cute appeal.
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I'm 47 this year. I'm straight. I lost my wife to cancer 9 years ago.
My bedroom is basically a walk in closet with a bed in it.
I have a singular dresser of boy's clothes for work. Everything else is girl stuff. I've been a public cross dresser since not long after my wife passed. I WISH I'd been able to let this side of me grow when i was much younger. I wish I'd been able to find the courage to go public while my wife was still alive, alas I kept it in the house and basically between us while she was still with me. Despite my age, I pull it off well. I know because I get _compliments_ from strangers (almost exclusively black women but sometimes white women and oddly two different young black men over the years but never a white man). NEVER got compliments on my clothes/looks when I was boymode dressing. No, I'm not trapping it up. I'm just a decent looking guy in women's clothing.
What I'm trying to say here is : go for it! Do what makes you happy. Don't wait too long or you might miss any opportunity. Don't sell yourself short either! Try it! If you don't succeed or don't enjoy it you can at least say you tried and move on. Life is too short to deny ourselves harmless things that can bring us happiness.

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