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"Born this way edition"

Barbie Doll Anatomy, aka Featureless, Nullification, Smoothing, Modest Nudity, Bandwidth Conservation, The Super Wholesome Space, etc. Share art, edits, stories, greentext
People whose physical anatomy completely lacks any kind of 'private parts', be it nipples, genitals or an anus.

Physically they not only cannot perform the functions of those missing parts, but they also have absolutely no physical need to do so. Their health is unaffected despite only having uninterrupted skin and flesh where those parts should otherwise be.

Mentally they may be unable to feel sexual arousal or pleasure, or have no instinctive idea of what things like sex, breastfeeding or excretion are. They may also be entirely oblivious to exploitation, having no concept of nudity taboos or inappropriate touching.
Alternatively they may know all about such things in others, but be unable to feel or do them themselves.

They may have once been normal but became like this, and either feel relieved or regretful regarding their new bodies. Alternatively, they might have been born this way and have never known any other kind of life.

Or it could all just be completely unexplained.

Previous Threads:
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10122230/#10122230"don't break rules edition"
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10044927/#10044927"sexless cuddles edition"
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9963036/"Nudist Beach Edition"
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9896652/"Coming Out Edition"
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9828503/"Civil War"
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9770327/"Conversion Edition"
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9687631/"Sex without sex Edition"
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9655814/"Easter Edition"
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9575301/"First sexual experience Edition"
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9470028/"Romantic Edition"
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/9415439/"Same as the last one"
Post more, please.
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Since she's lost her memories, do you think she'll even know she's missing anything? Just a faint sense that she has a desire that isn't being filled in the circus? Would she be able to associate that forgotten craving with a part of her body? What sort of situations could she run into at the circus that would cause it to flare up?

I think I like the idea that she would never think to rub her featureless crotch or chest in her digital body which has no extra sensitivity anywhere, and her sexuality will slowly be warped to only be expressed through humiliation and bondage the longer she stays in the circus, perhaps to the point of sticking with her if she ever escapes. The closest thing to masturbation she could do would be throwing herself into Caine's adventurers trying to find the most embarrassing ways to fail or get stuck. She might even think her horny feelings are the digital world trying to encourage her to act like a clown rather than something natural.
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I'm not entirely sure what to think of that, but it's not like Pomni went through a complete mindwipe considering she seems to be aware that her surroundings aren't real and that she remembers how she got there. I think it's possible she is aware she's missing her naughty bits.

That said, it's clear that Caine is going for some kind of family-friendly vibe with the simulation (considering the censoring and whatnot). If Pomni did give into her sexual urges, I'm pretty sure Caine would have placed some kind of blocks in place. This might lead to Pomni thinking up ways and getting herself into increasingly crazy ways to feel sexual pleasure to bypass those blocks.
True, it's not a complete mindwipe, but it's a lot hotter if that particular part of her mind with all her knowledge about sex is wiped.

The idea of her having to work to hide and cover up her pleasure seeking in addition to having no parts is hot though.
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It called Super Licca
As in you'd like to lick their delicious crotches? Let your tongue glide over their smoothness? I don't get it.
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Yes. I want to lick them. And pet them. And cuddle with them. And tell them they're pretty.
Would sexless beings even have a concept of physical attractiveness? They might not even experience romantic or sexual attraction, since their lack of reproductive anatomy would mean they have no libido. They may not have a concept of these things.
I don't think recognizing somebody as being aesthetically pleasing (fashion or otherwise) necessarily needs to have a sexual component. You could probably see that a guy looks sharp in a suit without being a woman.

In that sense, nulls could very well find somebody attractive even though they would theoretically have no sense of sexual attraction. For example, a female null might find a pretty girl, whether she be some seductive curvy goddess or a cute petite loli (depends on the null's aesthetic preferences), just as appealing as a buff chad or a cute nerd boy. The null might of course might eat her girlfriend's pussy, grind her own crotch against it, or let herself be felt up but it wouldn't necessarily because she herself gets any pleasure out of it - it brings her pleasure because her lover is happy doing it.

Would you do anything with at little hole-less sphincter she seems to be so proud of?
I want a null girl to hang out with me even though she thinks I'm gross for having "dirty" organs, and slowly warm up until she's more teasing than insulting. (Still would never touch them and insists I need to wash constantly though)
Eventually she convinces you to finally get rid of those organs so you can cuddle her and rub your bodies together.
Been a while since the last thread!
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Tips on raising a null daughter? Would it actually pose any unique difficulties?
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Nipple/navel/pussy remover LORAs (from CivitAI) can get you some pretty nice results
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What's the model called?
Artist LORA is nanatsuta, found at this MEGA some anon posted ages ago:
mega nz/folder/ctl1FYoK#BYlpywutnH4psbEcxsbLLg

Checkpoint is Anything-4.5. There's better stuff out there but I haven't really touched AI-gen stuff in almost a year now.

Null-ing LORAs are the following:
civitai com/models/104726/nipple-remover
civitai com/models/101695/belly-button-remover
civitai com/models/134567/featureless-crotch-pussy-remover

(and the girl's name is nishikino maki; her birthday is today)
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Dressed for shopping
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She looks like she'd love to be pet and cuddled. It wouldn't be sexual, just sensual. Like, you could rub your hand across her body and it would be entirely wholesome.
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The feeling of calling a null girl pretty and watching her face light up.
Anyone in this thread want to be null or is it just for null anatomy appreciation
Hugging her naked ans feeling her smooth sexless body.
I would be apprehensive about getting permanently, but it is something I think I could like.
Already am null. Enjoying the experience.
Oh? Go on...
Born intersex. Had a lot of corrective surgeries throughout my teens that slowly left me with less and less until doctors agreed to just remove everything due to previous surgeries having complications. I'm not in my early twenties enjoying life as a basically genderless creature.
Gotta say, feeling up the body of a smoothed Ina (non-sexually, of course) sounds like a really chill experience.
On one hand, shame. Doctors jump the gun with correction on intersex stuff and it seems even when it goes right it's still wrong. Sorry if that's what you went through.
On the other hand, nice. What's it like? Do you have any interest in dating or sex? If you don't mind me asking, what is your body like? Is there anything unexpected about being genderless?
I've hooked up more than I've dated. Sex is pretty weird for me, it's more about the other person, I don't really feel pleasure or orgasm, and the main way I have sex is just through oral or hand stuff. Some partners find it sexy, some find it really sad. Idk, some people are nicer to me because of it because they feel sorry for me, and that's nice.

As for living without genitals it's weird in a lot of ways. I like my body for being nice and smooth, and it really feels like mine. But also it very much feels like I'm missing something, and it sucks that I can't masturbate. At this point it's just sort of how I am.
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Mean to say "now in my early" instead of "not in my early". Sorry.
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I like how she has a small hint of pussy between her legs.
I fantasize about this often but take it further. I want to be completely blank and featureless from head to toe, like wearing zentai except that's my real skin. The idea of being totally sealed off and only being able to perceive through touch is just so fucking hot and I have no idea why.
How do you guys feel about surgical null?
For some reason lacking nipples and pussy doesn't feel wrong to me, but no navel makes the pic a bit uncanny. Weird how it works.
I think I got this fetish from all the "naked" girls I'd see in old fighting games. Doesn't help that I still have a foot fetish and would just ogle those, too.
What games come to mind?
Dural from the old Virtua Fighters comes to mind.
What if I just want to touch a null girl's body everywhere?
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Flattened nulls?
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So cute. I want to tell a flat null that she's not a girl anymore, that she's just a cute little sexless doll, and rub her and talk about how there's nothing feminine or sexual about her body, how she's just cute and her body is just for platonic cuddling and kissing.
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What I’m not the only intersex person insane enough to get nulled? I’m also just kind of a genderless creature.
Hot. I'd love to do the same to a boy as well, and put them in a room together and make them examine each other to prove that there's no difference between them now. Maybe I'll take them out into public and have people bet guessing their original genders.
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Having them rub and kiss eachother and there's nothing else they can do with their bodies together.
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This thread is my reason for leaving Christianity in a nutshell.
Pretty sure this has nothing to do with Christians, unless there's a really kinky denomination out there.
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Often in official art.
It's the idea of no sex in heaven and everyone being a sterile neuter for eternity.
That would certainly be heaven for me!
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>Eh? You're planning to correct us with THAT useless piece of meat between your legs, sensei?
>What are you going to do? Poke our crotches?
>Come on, HIkari. I say we do our usual skinship routine. This clearly wasn't worth it.
I remember requesting this. Null bushes are nice.
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