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Just girls who loves to eat.
No vore
No preg
No super fat weight
you gonna post a few more images to get us started, OP?
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Not him, but I will.
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There. Hopefully that should do it.
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previous thread >>10897636
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How much burping can you tolerate in a stuffing scene before it becomes too much?
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no limits, especially because I know it pisses off berryfags
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If it’s just a few speech bubbles they let out it’s fine. My problem is if they go into stench or if the whole image gets cloudy as if it’s fart art. At that point it’s more about the gas than the stuffing.
Honestly I've just started photoshopping them out of art I like before I save it.
Berryfucker moment.
No limits desu
It doesn't matter, so long as it isn't being written by a faggot scared of the peanut gallery...
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>stealing food supply
Wonderful idea
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here are some nice stuffing games for anyone who wants to play:

"myre's massive mealtime" this one is a visual novel. the character is cute, this game is sweet overall

"Project Quimbly" this one is amazing, you can stuff girls yourself ('work', buy food or buy ingredients and cook, then feed) they can also eat more over time (you can slap their big bellies). it also has good burps

"Monaco Snacks" this one has tetris gameplay, the blocks are food. the burps are also great in this and its satisfying to see her tummy grow

you can download these from itch.io, if i remember any others ive played ill share them
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>you now remember that Uma Musume had an OVA which included a sequence with Oguri Cap that was explicit and deliberate stuffing fanservice

PA Works really ought to do a stuffing anime. I’d watch the shit out of that.
Wait, they did a blatant one?
I’m talking about this:
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She ate all of it but there was no change in her stomach size. She should have had a massive stuffed belly but instead we get a flat tummy.
It should be illegal to do a stuffing scene without a noticeable bloat afterwards. Otherwise, what’s the point of even including it?
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I know Frieren has little to no fan service (other than feet) but couldn't we get at least one panel with Friere and a comically large overstuffed stomach?
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There's not enough fridge raiding stuffing
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Why is stuffing so cute?

Like, it’s not just hot, something about it is wholesome and adorable too.
You get to see a girl comfy, relaxed and satisfied with themselves without any constraint, just in their most comfortable element. I’d say that’s a solid guess.
Aside from general belly fetish, eating a lot is kinda nice and it's hot to see someone indulging themselves.
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At the end of the day, cute girls eating food is cute.
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I need more girls who's stomach are still hungry after stuffing themselves huge. The bigger and hungrier the better.
Stuffing artists needs to draw delicious food too
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