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This thread is dedicated to "Lift and Carry". What is Lift and Carry? It is a fetish revolving around being carried by someone, usually the opposite gender. Heavily associated with FemDom, much of LnC is based on the idea of being impressed with the woman's physical strength, usually with her being stronger than you.
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Oh I know a lot of those
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This image has me reconsidering what I want to be as a person
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just make sure you're eating responsibly so you can be lifted
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Some overlap with the Sthenolagnia thread, but what is your opinion on superhumanly strong women using you as a dumbbell/barbell, but not before casting a spell on you that causes you to weigh 1000x times more because it's the only way they can get any meaningful exercise?
thx for opening my eyes to this masterpiece
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Any recommendations
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new fetish unlocked
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Kuro gyaru meido inma 2 by Nosebleed
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This fetish desperately needs list of artists who will do commissions for Lift and Carry art.
I may be a manlet, but I'm a fat little shit so I doubt they could lift me
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i've been skinny all of my life, i did manage to maintain it through my 20s which is where most people get fat, but i don't have any experience losing much weight. i did get underweight during chemo, but i don't recommend that to anyone.

but imho the #1 key to weight management is to avoid snacking. granted, snacks aren't always unhealthy, but in practice, unhealthy foods are the most convenient. then basically you have to make sure you won't be hungry all the time without also eating too much, so you make sure there's a decent amount of fiber (>= 4g for 4/day, >= 6g for 3/day) and protein (>= 15g for 3/day, >= 10g for 4/day) in every meal. moving to four meals can be good but it's socially inconvenient. protein powder isn't a terrible way to make a meal hit the target as long as it's not all of them. i mentally "score" foods by adding eight points for a gram of fiber, two for a gram of protein, minus one for a gram of carbohydrate, and minus two for a gram of fat. i don't expect all of my food to end up positive, but i do try to keep the number up. i don't care about the carb/fat distinction very much; the only "special exception" is for raw fruit and vegetables.

the one recommendation that would probably surprise people is that in order to have a good "twink" body, you should do some strength training at some point in your life, ideally before you start trying to lose weight, or if you don't need to, around 18 (asap if you're older than that). this is important as a male to avoid having bony shoulders/butt/wrists because you don't naturally store much fat there, it is much easier to build muscle and then lose weight than to build muscle while remaining lean. your body will hold onto muscle as long as it can, and i'm pretty sure i still have a nicer butt for having done like six months of starting strength more than ten years ago, and i know my gf likes it. supposedly it also stores glycogen and helps you manage your energy levels, but idk.
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Based. I always love it when women are casually super strong, like it's a normal thing and not something you'll give any attention to.
Best scenario if you made yourself heavier in secret to troll her or because you got tired of being used as weight. So when she uses her spell you are a 10000 times heavier instead of 1000. But she lifts you as easy as she normally does while looking smug.
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>He doubts
Your punishment is being carried around the town in front of everyone's gaze!
Let you be a lesson to anyone who doubts!
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Damn, I didn't realize we had so many previews for that tall cousin sequel already. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
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This isn't my fetish but I have a memory of high school that your thread awakened. I (6'1") was lifted up by a girl who was around 5'8", give or take. She was bragging about being strong enough to carry people and I was the biggest one there and made a joke about her being unable to carry me so she just did bear hugged me and lifted.
My feet never leave the ground and I hadn't been touched much at all since I was a child, much less lifted up, so I probably blushed like a maid.
>not your fetish huh
Never heard of it til this thread but it's not a bad one, thanks for reminding me of that time, hope you guys fill your JO crystals.
Oh no, how terrible haha
Thanks I’ve been meaning to lose weight but I do plan on continuing with weight lifting for a period first so I have decent strength before going into an extended cut. Doubt I’ll ever be a real twink but if I can get skinny enough to fool myself I’ll be happy.
I had a nearly opposite experience in a church group when I was a young teenager. We were doing some kind of weird game — the church group was like 75% partying, 25% pro-abstinence lectures — where one partner carried another one around while on some kind of scavenger hunt. Being one of the younger kids in the group, slight and not very popular, I was paired up with this older girl who was a bit larger but generally athletic, and she quickly decided that she was going to carry me around. She was pretty good at it, too.

Afterwards I had fantasies for years where she threw me to the ground at some point and fucked my brains out lmao. Kind of a formative experience but not really because I already had kind of a sub streak at that point.
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Shit forgot the pic lol
I would suggest getting a deadlift of 100% sbw and a bench of 50% sbw where "sbw" is the weight you would be (same height) with a bmi of 25 or your body weight at max strength, whichever is lower. Usually those should not be the only lifts you train but they give a basic idea. That's about what I did.
NTA but my experience was tangentially similar. One day after class I saw a short and skinny girl carry an average sized guy. For context I was a fatty among my peers (a whole 60 pounds!). I sort of taunted her and said that she can't carry me. Nothing came of it for about a year. A year after that incident I was bigger and in the after school wrestling club, all boys, mostly informal. I enjoyed wrestling and especially going up against older and heavier guys for a challenge. Dare I say I was good at it and don't recall loosing to anythone within 4 years of my age back then. I liked demonstrating my strength with moves involving carrying opponents and carrying thick mats outside of the actual matches etc.One day that same skinny girl (not in the club just passing time) was watching us and decided to challenge me. I was up for it like any other challenge. Mind you I was a nerd so this competitive side of my personality only came out in the wrestling club almost like a psychological shadow. Subconsciously I wished she'd actually manage to do something, which was weird because I'd get pissed if a guy managed to beat or pin me on occasion and I'd make sure to beat them in a rematch. At first she tried to pin me and it failed. I was... surprised because I actually felt disappointed for not being pinned the first time ever. I was used to pinning my peers and even older kids, but when she pushed me I wanted her to exert more force. To be sure it wasn't trivial, I felt her effort, but I wanted to feel her apply more force. She wanted another go at it, and she did. This time I lowered my resistance and let her push me enough for her to pin me. I recall it actually feeling good. Never changed my outlook in wrestling with my male peers, I still wanted to dominate physical competition with them especially when it came to strength (my stamina was and is meh) but it made me want to seek out female peers who could what she did to me (albeit unknowingly with my help).
BTW the guy she lifted early on in the recollection was a peer as well. Both of them were a couple of months older than me and the girl used to treat me like a junior because of that. Idk if that had something to do with it, but it is what it is.
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All these posts reminds me of how tall guys with amazon fetish lament their existence.
Growing up, I had a female friend who was taller and stronger than me and she would always tease/lift me enough to firmly imprint this fetish on me.

I grew up to be over 6 feet tall. It's pure pain. Two days ago I saw a 7" woman on the subway and I'm still imagining my life with her.
Being a short dude isn't much better. Sure, there are many women taller than me, so I can feed my imagination. But the price is that none of them will ever even look at me.
We are both denied our dreams, just for different reasons.
Don't give up hope, anon. Adding a few inches to your height and dates where you're both sitting are great tactics.
7 inch woman! Was she a green alien?
lmao oops
Seriously though, a legit 7 foot tall woman or just someone who was somewhat taller than you? I'm not into tall girls all that much but a legit 214 cm tall girl sounds insane.
7 feet. Head brushing the subway ceiling. Gigantic thighs. Skirt slightly too short. You had to see it to believe it; it was like seeing an Amazon. And she had the most wonderful laugh.

I was trying to get over to say hi but it was a crowded subway car, she was on the phone, the risk was just infeasible.
Mind me asking some questions? Like what was her body frame like (skinny, normal or fat) and how big was her head?
Incredibly wide hips and thighs. Head about the size of a larger guy's head. Hair to waist.
Height and head circumference us correlated at 0.3 for females (height vs cranial capacity correlation is a but lower for females). So if she was 214 cm tall, the average woman is 165 cm tall, the average woman has a head circumference of 55.8 cm, standard deviation of female head circumference is 1.5 cm and the standard deviation of height among women is 6.5; then I would expect the tall woman to have a head circumference of 59.2 cm which is equal to an L sized male cap.
However tall people also have long faces that make the rest of the head look bigger as well so she might have looked like more than an L sized head to you.
Assuming she does have a head circumference of 59.2 cm (23.31 inches), what is your head circumference?
I remember a manga getting shared here a while back, where a guy has a crush on the strongest girl in school. There's a part where they're changing a light and fighting over who should lift the other to reach it and she wins. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
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I'm a big guy, 6'4", which I hit while I was in high school, where my experiences took place. There are several, so I'll just number them in no particular order.

1. It was PE, and we were waiting around for the teacher to be ready. I noticed one of the girls hugging a friend of mine really close (they weren't dating, that I knew), and on closer look, realized my friend's feet weren't touching the ground. Her bestie pointed it out in amazement and she hastily put him down and never did it again. I developed a crush on her that never panned out, after that.

2. I was sitting in the school yard with a female friend and male acquaintance I never spoke to much. Off in the distance, we saw another girl- a gorgeous Swedish girl with by far the biggest boobs in the class- running around giving several girls and guys piggy back rides in turn. We got to talking about it, and ended up giving each other biggyback rides. I wasn't happy getting lifted by the guy, but didn't have a way to turn him down without admitting I was only interested in getting lifted by the girl.

3. A different PE class, we were doing piggyback races and had an odd number of boys and girls. They paired the smallest guy with a mid-sized girl a few inches taller than him. She handled his weight like it was nothing.

4. Outside school this time, I piggybacked a female friend (and ripped the knee of my jeans clean open when I tripped, but she was fine). After my turn, she told me to hop on and gave me a short little ride around.

Dawg, you can't just post all of these without sauce!
1 sounds similar to something I witnessed but it was earlier in school.
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Come on, man. All of those, minus the first pic, can be found by reverse image search.
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this is somehow the gayest thread in this board
Man... I know. I really do know. I hate it. That I could never tell a girl about it. I'll have to be happy that she's experiencing it, and try my damndest to hide that that is what I've wanted and fantasized about my whole life. Live vicariously through the person I'm holding in my fucking arms. I've spent so much time thinking about exactly how it won't happen. It's not even slightly erotic to me at this point, just a sad fixation.

Sometimes I think about how many of my fetishes/kinks/idée fixe are just genuine and unambigious gestures of affection that I couldn't deny or ignore. I've found that thinking about what I like is great nofap material.

DESU I'd probably be happer if I did like men, like you anons always say. Well, too bad.
Oh, and I wrote out a couple of stories about my experiences with this stuff, but I couldn't really bear to keep going. Yeah, cocky athletes and obsessive lovebirds, huh? Sorry anons.
>I could never tell a girl about it.
Literally just let her get close enough to do and then say something like "hey baby do you think you could hold me in your arms this time I wanna switch it up"
No, you don't get it. It's not the case of an embarrassing fetish. It would be like if the girl asks to peg you. It just won't do. She could say she wants to smear herself with shit, and you could just say you're not comfortable with that and it'd be fine, but fuck with the relationship roles and it all starts breaking down.
I mean rationally speaking if you are strong enough, she should not get the 'ick' about being with a guy with that kink, right? Imagine being 6'3" 225 lbs, capable of physically defending your 5'6" girl whenever necessary but she just gets the ick from the big guy's lift carry fetish because... why? Women can be weird.
Just lie and say that you're still in control.

"Get over here and hug me, babe.", etc.
How old is that one? I remember it from 2014 at least.
Don't remember
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It was on some Facebook pages. Said pages also had shitty 3d models of Lara Croft and other females carrying giant sized people.
First time I saw it was on tumblr
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bump for big gf's
omg, finally a l&c thread!!!!!!! I should definitely post my commissions eheh
fuuck, it didn't upload, sorry
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Lifting link
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Carrying his ass and finding things to fuck him on.
Finally a worthy version of Inoue that's not just a subby victim
Squeezing him?
That's called "topping from the bottom" and it's not as uncommon as you'd think.
my femdom story setting has moments like that:
>Woman has manface and male body (she doesn't even has boobs)
>Boy has girlish face and body
a tranny drew that, rigth?
Fucking nailed it!
I love femdom art with muscular women and girlish boys but I fucking hate "femdom" art by trannies where women look exactly like trannies (especially when they don't even have boobs) and male characters are more feminine looking than the female characters
Beggars can't be choosers. LnC is one of the most niche fetishes out there and you really gotta find a willing artist and more than 30 dollars if you want decent art. Such a shame that people are already turning to AI and churn out the same fake-realistic slop that has negative concept of weight or perspective.
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There are countless qualitative art and porn (both Asian and Western ones) for that fetish and for femdom generally where women actually look like women even when they're ridiculously muscular
A lot of them tend to have these hentai porportions that aren't my thing. Too noodly imo.
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True but many others (like pic related) have the girls being quite busty and curvy
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I thought she looked feminine enough in the first pic. Artist might have just fucked up the figure a little on that carrying one
These women are an abomination though, what the fuck is that torso?
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Anyone remembers dommazzi?
I kinda do. I remember that many Lift and Carry artists tend to stop because commenters won't stop demanding free art from them.
True, however in this case he also deleted most of his art. Why did he do that?
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Imagine the same girl who gave you a raging boner every day carrying you around effortlessly while casually doing cool shit with her other arm. Must be scary trying to hide your erection from her, especially when she's very close to feeling it.
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if we're nitpicking, her right arm is literally impossible, only like 20% of his body is on her shoulder assuming symmetry. both of their faces look ~the same, which seems more like a skill issue. i think you're looking at mistakes and reading them as intention.
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You know those sites like Experience Project where people post totally believable things that definitely happened to them and aren't made up at all? At one point I found that there's a surprising amount of lift and carry stuff in there as well, and you just made me remember a specific post in which the guy explained he and his wife had a regular day where she'd just carry him around all the time and never let him touch the ground, just holding him in one hand while she makes breakfast with the other one.
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I believe it.
Any other fun stories?
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How criminal that no one has made lifting bj art with Barghest.
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One Turn Kill Sister really should have been more popular. But since westerners noticing something is basically poisoning a fanbase maybe it's for the best.
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incidentally we went to the beach yesterday and she was princess carrying me in the water without much effort (t. buoyancy) which is probably the most practical way to experience this for most couples
Why is the burger specifically there?
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In case he gets hungry, duh
>when she sucks so much that she needs to give her source an energy refill
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Maids must be able to overpower and lift their young masters. To get them to do their duties and protect them if the need be.
damn, i never seen this ichizoito stuff.
where did u get it from?
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ah, he has a twitter now.
I feel like his art style got fucked the moment he got obsessed with Neon Genesis Evangelion (around vol11).
His early stuff was cuter.
thanks anon, sounds like good advice

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