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op doesn't forget the title this time edition

>What's explicitly allowed here?
The picture/story/video's primary focus should be that of an adult woman growing into a giantess. How big she gets is up to you.

>What's explicitly disallowed, regardless of subject?
No solo male giant growth, futa, shrink, lolis, furries, or AI slop

>What about muscle content?
Assuming the girl is growing taller AND getting more muscley, you can probably post it but hyper muscle growth is a no-no. Make a FMG thread if there isn't already.

>What about a guy growing along with his gf/wife/etc i.e. "couples growth"?
Sure, why not. It's got a girl growing, it'll be ok.

>Why no futa?
Usually there isn't a lot of futa posting in these threads and I get the feeling most people in this thread aren't a fan of it. Maybe post it but consider a giantess-futa thread instead.

>Is other body parts growing allowed?
If her tits/ass/feet/nose are growing as well as her height, it's fine. Most of those on their own belong in their own thread.

Old thread: >>10932043
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starting the thread with a cute comic i don't know if it's been posted here yet before, don't remember the artist
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Realized this one might've been a bit more expansion oriented than straight growth, so here's an apology, though I haven't the time to post all 20 or so pages of the rest.
Editions are cringe.
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fucking hell, do we really such a longwinded disclaimer?

put the subject title in next time and you wont get called out faggot
Hey, writefag here. My stories seemed to have some traction last time, so I'm going to repost them here.

(Body horror giantess, she eats people for mass, EVIL protag)

>Head in the clouds
(Woman takes a drink that makes her bigger, but it also makes her stupid, ending in her just wandering around fucking and eating buildings or trees.)

>Such a grand innocence
(Female general of an evil army helps an innocent princess escape. Princess goes mad with power, general grows with her. Also features outgrowing a prosthetic hand)

>New Normal
(Reverse unaware growth, in that nobody seems to register that a girl is growing out of her clothes and the building except the girl herself. It spreads by forcing people to realize that the person is growing)

(Tsundere girlfriend of a scientist convinces the scientist to let her grow to mountain size. Lots of snippy back and forths, but they love eachother)

Terms & Conditions (Probably my best story) (Pic related, I think. Shockingly)
>(A tall office lady deals with her long-standing condition of being a were giantess, and gets a ride from the local farmgirl, who gets infected and has to deal with her first change.)

Right now, I'm working on an IQ gain story, but It's very slowgoing. After that, I'll probably do another request (vampire RPG boss drinks a giantess potions, gets large and eats the adventuring party, and then gets dusted by the sun, permitting the party to survive)

After that, I'll probably do a sequel to Terms & Conditions, we'll see when I get there.
the fuck. we dont need any of this shit in the op. also ill post whatever growth i want here, try to stop me.
It's fucking fine OP is a faggot.
These threads are not active enough and there is not enough growth content to try fragmenting shit like this.

What happened to "if it grows, it's gold?"
Planning on animating GTS growth as a hobby, just to fiddle with It a bit qnd try some ideas. I've tried Blender but theres little free stuff, such as scenery and objects, etc. Should i go with unreal4 or mmd?
G+A stopped making threads and people have all these little icks they try to enforce on the thread
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>nooooo why can't i post growing men in the growing women thread it's not fair!!!
fuck off homos
I refuse to believe anyone bitching about the OP isn't part of the ai dumping shitcrew a few months back that got flamed out of the thread.
they never deny it either
I refuse to believe anyone bitching about the ai dumping isn't part of the schizo anti AI tranny pedo comie troon pisscord "sizetwitter" shitcrew a few months back that got flamed out of the thread.
they never deny it either
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Repeating the question about this particular artist from the other growth thread

Anyone know any information on what happened to this artist?


Their "To Be a Hero" gts comic/manga is pretty much left dead after 3 chapters.

With only two being on their other website


Annoyingly, Chapter 2 is unreadable on that while the rest of their works are either on their Twitter account or Pixiv. (The latter annoying the hell out of me after rediscovering because the Pixiv link on their Twitter account goes to a blank one with only few bookmarks...)
You put the same link for the first two stories. I'm really interested in Buzzing. Could we get the link to that one?
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Don't know what happened. Didn't know more stuff was posted on Twitter, thanks anon. Hope they're fine and ch 4 is made someday.
Ah shit, I loved this guy.
My bad.

Also, here's a mega link to all the stories, for anybody that has trouble with the accessing the pastes
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What's your preferred way for growth to be animated?

Stuttery, small spurts, instant...etc

I kind of like stuttery sort of what we see in that dinosaucers episode.
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Stuttery and intense, like the body is straining in order to grow combined with a girl that's really getting into it. A high heartrate and a flushed face as addiction sets in.
not an animator but go for UE4, mmd is just obsolete imo
SFM if true masochist
Anything but instant. Preferably slowly at first, with some quicker spurts sprinkled in. After some time then it begins to speed up, either by the growth happening faster, or by the spurts happening more and more often until that more or less becomes the default growth speed and then new spurts begin.
Just no fucking instant growth bullshit. I don't understand the appeal of instant growth, nor do I understand clothes, jewelry, accessories, etc. growing with the person. That shit feels like laziness to me, but that's my opinion.
You have good taste.
You too, instant is dogshit.
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I chose the masochist option
(mostly because how much free stuff there is)
Yeah I'm still soul-searching but I had to try illustrating a scene from T&C after reading it it was really good so here's another one
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Nice, thx for sharing, anon
I'd really love a sequel to New Normal, I love that nerd girl who shows up at the end and hard pivots to being the hnic
Hmmm, I like a lot of growth processes. Slow, quickly, at a smooth pace, in little bursts, there are tons of examples.
Like the first Alice growth in the Disney classic, giving her hiccup-like spurts as she goes "Woah woah woah WOAH !" and fills the entire room.
Or Ginormica's growth, giving little spurts in a continuous, but completely uneven pace.
Heck, even uneven growth can be nice, if it quickly evens out afterwards. Like the growth is so intense, part of the body expands first before the rest can catch up, like a flood of mass is being added.

If I had to pick a favourite scenario, I'd go for something quite slow at the beginning, where she doesn't notice quite yet, or merely feel a little unwell. The first things start to break apart, like a watch on the wrist or a ring on the finger. Once the realisation settles in, it gets a tiny bit faster, but we get to see every piece of clothing slowly bursts apart. The sneakers filling, the buttons popping, the belt snapping in two, the seams of the jeans being forced apart... Bonus points for jeans button and zipper popping, and a ponytail hairband ripping away to let the hair go wild.

A pause for the large lady to observe her mini-GTS status, with a friendly roommate if possible. Trying to cover up, testing strength on furniture... and just as they try thinking how to fix, it starts again.
VERY IMPORTANT : The growing lady feels it coming, she can feel the stream of growth about to gush again. A peak sign would be a little tremor just before the spurts takes over again.

The growth out of the building should be modestly faster, in quick spurts that happen at regular intervals, like that amazing little Ryuko growth animation. Limbs erupting through different rooms, then through the walls of the building, until the final one that really builds up like Miss China's growth, head pushing against a hard ceiling, then BOOM ! She's out.

(To be continued...)
(...right here.)

Once she's outside, again, long pauses between following growth spurts, where she can interract the environment, and mark the difference. Like her foot trying to step on different lanes on the road to avoid the cars, compared to where her foot takes up every part of the road, including the sidewalks.

And those growths out of the open should be quicker, but not instant, that's no fun. Make it last about ten-twenty seconds each time, everyone can see it and run away from it, and accidents keep happening.
I'm a weirdo though, so only material damage, or cartoony smushing that is somehow survived.

And, the final growth should put her up at mountain-sized maximum, where interraction is still juuuuuust about possible. Bigger than that, it gets a little boring to me.
This should be about the moment where a cure could be found, but it doesn't completely work ? The best endings for me is she's either still big in some degree, amazonian or the classic 50ft, or she still has growth spurts that are a mix between control and random. I like a happy ending to a growth scenario.

...That was too long. Uh, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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anyone got pv of dekkawa girlfriend でっかわ彼女 by room6? room6 privated it
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what is the best unwilling content out there?
the Terms and Conditions link doesn't work. It's also Dot ai, instead of dot io like the others. What gives?
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I have no idea, I used the same site every time.
All my links now lead to pastebin.ai instead of pastes.io when you click on them. They also don't fucking work.
What the fuck?
I guess the difference is that when I got the link for Terms & Conditions, I copy-pasted it from the story page itself instead of the previous thread.
So, Pastes.io is just fucked or something, then? Good thing I have the MEGA here>>10992871
I recently added PDF versions, so you're not forced to download them. I guess I need to find an alternative to post my shit now, fuck.

On a sidenote, IQ growth story is progressing again after a long period of not doing that. I hope to get it done around tomorrow.
You can try to ask """nicely""" all you want, you still come off like a giant faggot for exempting something that doesn't match your personal preference in a thread that's superfluous anyway compared to the good GTS thread as most posts don't contain anything specific to growth.
We don't have that in the size thread and there's not really any futa or muscles without the need for any disclaimers.
NTA but we've been flooded with low quality hyper muscle and futa giantesses before
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Giantess in diapers when?
IQ growth story is finished, as I promised yesterday. It's on the Mega folder, for now, as I'm going to have to find another place for people to just find the damned things and be able to read them without it getting transformed into some random nonfunctional bullshit.


The story is called Big Brained.
If anybody has an idea on how I'd better have the stories available for easy access, I'm all ears.
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Also of note, I'll be looking into the vampire giantess story. The one where she then eats the adventuring party, before getting defeated by the unmatched power the sun, permitting the party to survive.

If anybody has anything they'd like to see specifically in that story, now's the time. Can't guarantee it'll appear, but it can't hurt.
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Does anyone remember a MMD video where a blonde walks up to a tower, hugs it then slowly grows with it in her grasp? I've been looking for it for the longest time.
hey, sry to ask an unrelated question to your work. (i LOVE the princess and office stories, btw.) who made the art you posted here? i like it a lot
>giantess putting diapers on smaller people when?
pic makes me want more unaware growth
MC (guy or girl) being surrounded by girls slowly turning giant but to they believe they have always been that size
Was it this? https://youtu.be/4shKHAoHxXI?si=ofJQqjVk0R301NxR
Tower stuff starts at about a 01:10
That's it! Thanks so much!
also i love mini gts / extremely slow growth SO much. the thought of someone running into increasingly inconvenient scenarios because she's so much bigger than the world around her but actively trying to down play it is so good and i wish there was more slow growth literature wise. 2 to 3 inch spurts (and then like 6 inches as she gets bigger) over a few seconds once or twice a day is so slept on i think

That project is clearly abandoned and left for dead.

Promises on their Dekkawa website that "oh hopefully it will be released in 2017, 2018, or 2019 but it's now 2021!"

"Please wait patiently!"

Just declare that this is either dead or is in development hell despite how "simple" it looks for a damn mobile game.
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anyone got pv of dekkawa girlfriend でっかわ彼女 by room6? room6 deleted it after vtuber promo.

PV showed tall girl's thighs.
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Good shit, we need more benevolent giantess growth

What's your next one gonna be?
Idk why but vampires are always titty-centric for me, so maybe some BE elements?
Unironically this.

I'm writing up a short minigts/growth thing right now. I'm no spinejuice but I'll post it when its done.
Looks like MagnaProspect
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>exempting something that doesn't match your personal preference
every time someone posts muscles, it gets several responses of "wow that was great except for the muscles." case in point, two or three threads ago, MisterAGF's video of a japanese girl growing in her classroom was met with significant criticism, because it starts out with normal growth and then ends in a lot of muscle growth. this isn't just me saying "no muscles" man, lurk more and you'll see (like what >>10994829 said).
>compared to the good GTS thread as most posts don't contain anything specific to growth.
not sure what you're talking about, every post in here is growth related, only a tiny tiny amount are just a picture of a giantess that you have to assume grew off-screen
>We don't have that in the size thread
ah i think i understand now
you're from the main /size/ thread and don't even have a growth fetish so you don't understand why giantess growth isn't the same as muscle growth or why it needs to be explicitly excluded or significantly discouraged
why come into another fetish's thread and start bitching about its rules? just fuck off back to /size/ and stay there

also notice how 100% of the faggots complaining about the OP never actually contribute content?
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I loved it ! Especially by not falling into the common trope of making her feel like she can do anything she want because she's so big. She's gonna use her big brain and big body for good, I like that a lot.

Thank you very much for sharing it with us.
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>girl is being fully in control of her size, and is making herself bigger to intimidate enemies and to show off her immense power
>girl not in control of her growth, or even being made bigger against her will
Latter. Even if the girl grows (pun intended) to enjoy her size after a while, I live for the initial panic and chaos of her growing out of her control, and the the realistic fear of the change is always fascinating.
>girl doesn't know how her growth works but is extremely eager to trigger it so she can lord her new size over her enemies
Nice blend of sexy frustration, chaos, and greed.
>I live for the initial panic and chaos of her growing out of her control, and the realistic fear of the change is always fascinating.

I second this notion.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Realism is essential.
latter always, especially if trying to stop it results in a bigger, unwanted growth
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need more ass focused growth
My enjoyment of this fetish stems from femdom so any way to further enhance the female form as being dominant turns me on.
Yes, but only if she derives sexual pleasure from it and is thus is not only dealing with her fear but also an inexplicable arousal that drives her to an orgasm that is as ferocious as it is unwanted.
soiled it soiled it
Sorry I ruined your unseasoned boiled chicken.
The latter for me, but the former can be fun if it's not too mean.
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cant find anything, does anyone know who drew this?
https://www.deviantart com/shnider/gallery is the artist but idk where this is from exactly
The artist originally posted it here. I believe they had a reason for doing this, but I can't recall what it was.
most of my growth stull I only post here for no reason in particular. Figured you guys would like it more than DA or twitter.
You could post it on both, ya know. Additionally do you have anything new in the works?
Do you keep an archive anywhere, or is it a "keep circulating the tapes" situation?
Do you keep an archive anywhere, or is this a "keep circulating the tapes" situation?
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>or is this a "keep circulating the tapes" situation?
not him but, I think this is more or less how it's been so far, 99% of shnider's growth art lives in this thread whenever an anon decides to post it. if I had any idea how ehentai worked I might consider uploading his stuff in an archive there but I don't really have the motivation

i think it's kinda cool that it only gets posted here stealthily, either way, thank you for posting it, your work is extremely extremely high quality
I'll allow it, but only if you get pretty good at it, make a patreon that goes pretty well for about six months, before you disappear for two months for ~real life reasons~. Upon your return you'll announce your content will slow down (read: grind to a halt) as you start work on your own original animated series, that features your own OCs, and exists as a thinly veiled fetish piece that will never actually produce significant content.

Bonus points for victim complex posting on 4chan.

If I had a nickel for every 3D animator creator that did this, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
Don't know where you would post it but hope we can see some growth content of your anthro characters some day. Love your sense of space and energy in these.
Azmaybe9 and Lajest?
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makes a mess out of the reverse search, i was hoping there were more pages to >>10999367
Anyone able to help me find this story? I want to say it was a growth sequence by Saxxon, but I could be wrong. It was about a vain, ditzy and entitled woman who gets the ability to steal others attributes and make them her own, and starts by just draining other girls' boobs before realizing that she's also draining their intelligence and starts a plan to steal the size and strength of a bunch of people at once. Any ideas?
Dude, I've always wanted to ask: what's your process like when making growth art? Like do you thumbnail the idea first, or do you just jump in? Your shading is always top notch so I figured you probably have a mountain of lighting reference too right?
I actually finished the animation, for some reason twitter links are fucked, but If you search mekansstrabajo on twitter, or search #sizetwitter you should find It. its a ishtar and scatach size theft.

I Will probably post another one next month, in sfm (again cause i dont want to model every single thing in blender ir ue4).
>"dude where are the previous 11 ones?"
>refuses to elaborate
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oh yes it is
I imagine her winking to the couple with a wave and sparkles, then she departs to show the city her grand size. As they watch, the girl starts to feel dizzy, and her shirt starts getting tight...
god please somebody expand on this I need more infectious growth.
There's just something about the use of the word "tight/er", in feminine size growth stories, that isn't the same without it.
Ngl feel pretty proud that the were giantess idea turned out so well. Writefag did good and the bros are happy with it. Couldn't ask for anything better.
>winking-applied growth
Reminds me of one of those old MMD videos. Think it's still up on YouTube somewhere.
I agree, infectious growth is the fucking shit.
Fellow SFM animator. I actually still sometimes use it. I did an animation with Nia from Xenoblade 2, growing once. Focusing on more 2D animation these days. I wish you all the best anon. I really wish I had more patience for 3D shit again.
A scenario I love the idea of but have never seen in a story is the idea of a bunch of women being affected.by something that makes them all grow, and all of them having to learn to live in their new situation and with each other.
I imagine some type of laundry detergent that has some type of nascent chemical that interacts with women of a specific biology(relatively healthy, ages 15 to 30, and since this is porn, beautiful), making them grow to either 50 or 100 feet tall as soon as they wear clothes for a period of time that were washed in the detergent.
Women from all walks of life would grow huge, clad in nothing but what they were wearing at the time, and awkwardly build a social group with each other since, well, they're the only ones who know what each other are going through.
They'd adapt to their new life, modifying their jobs, hobbies, and lives to this new normal, as well as develop friendships with each other, even friends with benefits.
What are some kind of women you'd like to see grow in such a scenario?
>growing from... laundry detergent
Pretty creative if you ask me.
Yeah, that way you can have some.fun and sexy moments where a woman who usually doesn't wear something risque now has to wear that thing for the rest of her life, or at least for a while until she can get something made for her. Or when seasons change and the girl doesn't need a sweater anymore so she has no choice but to go topless the whole summer.
Hmmm, I guess I can add a bit more to it...

The twin-tailed giantess softly laughed to herself, as she heard the panicked cries and popping bra of her first blessing, hugging her boyfriend in her growing mass.

"Poor girl, she'll learn to like it in time. Now then~" she purred, walking the lane with a confident step among the cars, who swerved around her humongous feet, and stopped to look at this surreal sight. "Oh don't be shy now, there is plenty to look at ! I won't be mad, hu hu hu~ And..."

Her eyes fell on a small company car, driven by a nervous little office lady, very recently promoted. The giantess smiled at her, and winked sparkfully. "I certainly won't be alone~"

A shriek echoed from the car, before rattling more and more erratically. Two legs plowed throught he windshield, covered in stockings being ripped apart and shattered heels. The roof creaked and bent until the amazonian office lady bursted out of it, swelling out of her everything with her minuscule wheel in hand. Her bare form started to push cars around, and she could only cry about the shame of it.

"Oh my, don't be alarmed. It's a blessing ! You'll be bigger than your workplace soon !" promised the giantess, no matter how much the office lady begged her to turn her back to normal.

(To be continued...)
It's a premise with decent potential. I'd expand on it and see where it goes.
Thanks for the food.
I wanna read story in perspective of the jealous 31 y/o womanlet who doesn't grow and views the giantesses with envy
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I hate how rare it is, the only stuff that exists is shitty 3d renders or the RARE piece by like one of 3 artists
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Dakun's art has improved a bit. This is a nice growth sequence: https://x.com/dakunart/status/1734771404145299956
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currently on a hotstreak blasting rope to all of dakun's growth comics, footfags might appreciate this one (no idea why the female character talks like a retard though)
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I did like this idea since im a a footfag. it's so rare

Inconvenient growth spurts sounds amazing, actually. A one-shot about growers having to deal with both inconveniences at their size AND sudden spurts sounds fucking s-tier. I'm saving this idea.
>I wanna read story in perspective of the jealous 31 y/o womanlet who doesn't grow and views the giantesses with envy
See this shit right here, there's more to growth fetish than just "girl gets bigger." It's all the emotions and reactions to the girl getting bigger that's what makes it good. Do other girls get jealous? Does the girl growing get upset, scared, or aroused? Growth fetish content needs a strong reaction to the process to get me going.
Side note, I think I've commissioned more than a couple of stories where a girl is envious of others' size and does grow, only to shrink back down and lose it in the end. I know shrink isn't encouraged here but it's the emotions around changing size that's the main appeal for me.
tysm! im glad some people here get me LMAO
Did this ever get posted? https://x.com/AnonymolyArt/status/1775176365211594965
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That's a textless version from a doujin.


But I guess in this day and age ANY anime-like art is always going to be (falsly) accused to be "A.I.!" every now and then.
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I didn't say "image", TPU bot. That image is ancient to me.
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if I'm not mistaken, this is a one-off or proto image from before the artist fully established the Giant Ojou-sama manga, and supposedly her clothes hadn't yet been engineered to grow with her
*leveling up via souls*
*mildly reluctant*
*moan on growth*
Checking all those boxes for me. hope whatever that perfect order thing turns out well.
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remember to worship the big butt for ten minutes every day! no skipping
legend has it that those who worship at the butt shrine will mysteriously disappear after being visited by a giant butt.

this is a drawing of @momotino
booty shrine for @kyojiri_jinja
This post is AI generated.
AI would never credit an artist.
Does anyone else remember criticalartist33? oooold old giantess growth comic artist from way back. his art is pretty bad so i'm hesitant to even post it but i'd be lying if I said i'd never cranked one or two out to them. decent enough growth process.
the name no but I've wanked to some pretty shameful shit before. post it and I'll see if I recognize the style or any of the pieces.
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anyone got any unwilling/forced growth stories that dont devolve into orgasmic power trips?
even an old classic would be great

I know theres this old one where a financial consultant grows. https://www.deviantart.com/blackspyro33/art/Out-of-this-World-759500504

While we're on the subject of unwilling/forced growth and orgasms, is it possible to have both? Like a growth where the giantess stays lucid in spite of the overwhelming pleasure of growth or stays focused and in control long enough to get herself off on her own terms and not be a danger to others?
I really want to know what a soul that’s absorbed for growth would experience relative to the afterlife they’re being robbed of but there’s probably no thought put into it
Shame you can't remember the artist... want to see more.
Thanks for posting.
heres a good one a friend of mine wrote
SammyUpvotes. It's right there on the image.
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one of my favorite stories. shame we're never getting the sequel
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More of this kind of quality story and the fetish would be soo exquisite...
Is there a way to get these without a DeviantSlop account?
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An art of my OC I've commissioned some time ago.
Big girls are trending and this comic still got no new chapter. Such a pity!

i'd gladly pay for this comic three times its asking price if it were a) translated and b) wasn't in that awful fucking koreaboo vertical format that makes it impossible to view on anything other than the website (i download everything into hydrus and this shit is impossible to read in a normal format)
also i kind of lose respect for porn artists who try to only draw SFW to get picked up by "mainstream" distributors - either draw porn or don't. nikkuai (Giant Ojou-sama) does this too, but I have more respect for him because I am 1000% certain he draws porn of his characters but can't legally share it without ruining his brand (in fact the physical versions of his comics have less, but still some, censoring than the digital releases)

Fan work that, ironically, becomes an actual (nightmare) chapter.
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I bought every chapter and still check for updates on every week... If only there was a way to DL it. I'm afraid it will vanish someday.
>IQ gain story
Nice, very hard to do convincingly and tragically undersupplied as a result, I look forward to seeing how you get on.

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