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Teasing Edition
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any more of this? I've never seen this one
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yeah theres like 14 pages and im not posting it because im lazy. it was on a mega link that I dont have the link to anymore. maybe someone has it.
While it is true that young women need a healthy diet of shrunken men to grow big and beautiful, there is nothing quite like an experienced woman's stomach churning up a lucky guy into nutrient-rich mush to help her retain her elegant looks and dignified curves.
I wish my fetish had a Karbo

I know people including myself like to complain because he just does the same shit day in day out (Karbo man. One post-digestion fart it’s all I ask) but yeah we are crazy lucky.

I was thinking of all the artists from the old days, from the very old days, like 2007, and pretty sure he’s the only one that’s still around and the only one from that time I’d have been devastated had he disappeared to go work in a bank or whatever the hell the others all did. Think of all the others that came and went, it’s unbelievable.

Thanks for sticking around karbo, you’re a real one.
>I know people including myself like to complain because he just does the same shit day in day out (Karbo man. One post-digestion fart it’s all I ask) but yeah we are crazy lucky.
I am definitely not complaining. I enjoy the "pure vore" and the size difference is exactly the one I prefer. I don't like when there are scat or fart fetishes in vore art because I find them disgusting, completely ruins it for me. It's probably because I'm not gay and scat fetishes are a gay thing. Luckily in the case of comics it's confined to a single page that you can skip. It's actually kinda sad how rare Karbo's preferences are.
you don't have to be gay to be into post-vore scat, women poop too, contrary to popular belief
are these on patreon? where did you get them?
Not just him we also have a vaderaz.
I legit want to be digested by that fairy.
they aren't. some anon posted a mega link in some other thread with other secret karbo art besides this. im not sharing the rest unless i get something cool in return.
I already found the whole sequence, thanks
any help?
Karbo is a legend but desu his same-ness seems like it's more his community's fault than his. Like that one comic he did with the giant demon lady doing fairly standard anal vore and some of his regulars flipped a tit. Same with the less anime, more realism stuff he did early on I think. He's great at his niche but it'd be nice if his fans didn't flip a tit every time he ventured out of "Anime monster girl soft vore"
>im not sharing the rest unless i get something cool in return
Lol. Lmao even.

Password Menyssan7025SB
what this guy >>10998335
unfortunately there is small number of very loud "butt = reeeeeee" people in this fetish who will go after even the most vanilla disposal or anal vore stuff with intense aggression. this lead to interested authors and artists to avoid it, leading to the small amount of content from the brave ones being hugely popular.
forget my fetish were a pred girl has tiny slaves clean her asshole after her massive post-vore shits. the amount of times I've seen that I could count on a single hand.

Damn man, what a legend. The digestion scenes in that belly warp comic oof, hottest yet. We may not get any post vore gas or disposal but I love that he’s not shying away from intestines stuff and he’s doing more. I don’t really want disposal from Karbo to be honest, even though I enjoy it, it’d kinda ruin the tease for me. I think if he showed gas, a fart along with those amazing intestine digestion shots he does now, I could really die happy. That’d me pinnacle tease and that’s all I really want.
Thanks man, i was hoping for more fairy yuri tho.
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I agree, Karbo is vanilla af but he's very consistent and he seems to genuinely enjoy what he does. He's like a pillar. With how literally everything is turning into shit these days that's reassuring to have him still around.
NAAAAAAH NO WAY lil bros from ohio wanna get fannumtaxed by a femcel bigger than CaseOh even if it ends up with em getting unalived and yeeted out of her gyat into the skibiddy toilet
incredibly based
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im gonna tell karbo to change the pw just to spite you. you should have let me trade.
Anyone got Satsuki vore by this person https://www.deviantart.com/neex-3d (named Extreme in the past)?
I have two different mega links for karbo stuff, one is just the HD stuff and the other is the one posted. That comic isn't on either from what I could see. What's the password for? Mega doesn't use them and there are no zips.
It's not zipped, it's a bunch of separate images at the top level of that mega
Any good new stories?
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Yo anyone have the nyte comic familial pleasures?
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No stories, but we can try to pitch some ideas
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He is dead, isn't he?
Vore story with detailed and gruesome digestion

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>try read story
>every 3 lines
holy shit enough with the onomatopoeias, i considered just putting this shit in a word document so I can edit all that out its so obnoxious
Requesting comm of Abdul swallowed by a Jewess qt
Do you have the HD version of the Vivian pic with her eating a bunch of girls?
Palestinians have drawslaves? Okay, I support the ceasefire now.
this reminds me, someone posted unfinished sketches of Anya some time ago. could someone reupload them pretty please? I didn't get the chance to download them and the link does not work... also rip
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Imagine running and crying to a smut artist like he's your teacher because the other degenerates embarassed you. I knew karbo had to deal with autistic crybabys on the daily but fuck me...
hey, writer of that story here, I guess I sorta see where your coming from. I personally like them, which is why i included it a bunch, but i can see how it could be annoying after a while.

Idk, I feel like there are more bigger things to get mad at like the excessive burps lmao (once again, personally love that shit soo...) but overall it seems to be well enough received

thanks for the feedback though, i appreciate it even if negative
shut up retard
The most passive aggressive reply I’ve ever seen on these threads gtfo
Thanks for the farts and poops. Girls that eat boys should always turn them into girl shit. Also bits of boy like their hair and bones should stick to their asshole.
Damn, Karbo is still cooking some good stuff. Love the "small" harpy that he's revisited
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The obvious fantasy is to be swallowed whole by a girl who is your ideal "10/10" so to speak. For example, she has a nice ass, cute face, nice boobs nice curves etc etc. She's whatever your ideal girlfriend would be. However, my peak sexual enjoyment comes from the ultimate form of domination and humiliation that is being swallowed alive. If I'm about to be swallowed whole by the girl of my dreams I (probably) would be so excited i wouldn't even realize I couldn't turn back even if i got the sudden feeling i didn't want to be her food. I've realized that instead being preyed upon by a giantess who's maybe a milf or not old but a bit chubby and rough around the edges is ideal. A girl who isn't super sexy to you and even has some aspects that gross you out, but when she's got you in her sweaty palms there's no turning back. Her stinky maw opening to coat you in humid coffee scented morning breath. Even better if it's a milf with full lips and a chubby throat both with some wrinkles and mature skin. She might have a curvy "mom-bod" with a fat ass and pudgy stomach. I remember I always use to fantasize about being eaten by my crush in school, but looking back I would want to be eaten by her mom as well, maybe even more so.
You’re going to be eaten by a fat neck bearded stinky tranny, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Yea that's a bit too far. Thank god I only ever fantasize about scenarios where guys are tiny and girls rule the world.
Based female supremacist. But there is not enough stories around this, I know of "NWO Shorts" by Pingo but it has too much hard and creature vore.
My worst nightmare would be a tranny or nigress voring me.
Things like that are exactly why I'm glad size change doesn't exist IRL. The size pandoras box is best left closed, even if it means we must live in eternal sexual frustration.
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Well since size change stuff is entirely in our heads you can kind of create the rules of how it could or would exist right? I know that shrink is a bit controversial and gets some hate for the fact it opens up for some unwanted scenarios that growth doesn't suffer from. Things usually involving animals or unwanted people, but this only harms shrink scenarios if you let it right? It's entirely in your head after all so you can easily just imagine up direct or indirect reasons or scenarios where such things wouldn't be possible.
Yeah I've read a few of those too. It's a good example of what I mean. Clearly the guy who wrote it has some interest or at least is indifferent to the stuff involving dogs or cats and all. Nothing really wrong with hardvore or stuff where the tiny men are "prepped" before being eaten, just that it isn't nearly as hot as soft vore.
>gts vore artist who actually potrays scale very well and can use angles
>gets blown up
Fuck this sick world.
>opens up for some unwanted scenarios that growth doesn't suffer from. Things usually involving animals or unwanted people
This is such a bizzarely dumb critique. A person in a growth story could die from falling debris or just randomly getting stabbed by that logic.
Something about very cute loli giantess innocently and unawarely causing death and destruction is oddly wholesome.
Anya just wanted a drink.
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the majority of people in Gaza are still alive, he's probably displaced and won't get internet connection for a long time, if ever, and his priorities would be for he and his family to survive. fuck the settlers and warmongers.One of his last works (the Megumin one) was just amazing.
stomach filled with chewed up food > empty stomach
The best we can hope for is that Ahmed is in a better place, like in a Jewess’s stomach being digested alive. I imagine Yael Shelbia in a bikini on Gaza beach lazily snacking on a bowl of Arabs. She’s dipping them into hummus and swallowing them down. Our Ahmed is in that bowl. Lucky bastard.
Is this the only image in this set? Also, he's the ONE refugee I'd agree to let in. I mean, most twitter artists (non-japanese) are hyper annoying about social issues, this guy lives (lived?) in a war zone and had like two one sentence tweets about it.
Raceplay can be weird sometimes but fuck me if havent fantasized about being shrunken and bought by some elite chinese or iranian chick to be her little white boy slave or snack
As a sandnigger I’m very attracted to Israeli Jews in particular they are like warrior goddesses and there isn’t one who would hesitate to eat me if I was shrunken.
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He is a member of the PFLP (google image it), he is quite literally living in the social issues.
I wish Ochiko did more vore.
Also, I now hope palestinians win.
Are Palestinians considered kosher?
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Palestinians are kosher and good for Jewish taste and digestive health. Tiny Jewish boys go into the panties and have to deal with stinky farts produced by Jewesses from eating too many Arabs. In the end of the day all must serve the Jewess, Jew and Arab alike. This is the peace solution.
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I refuse to be eaten by jews and arabs, my impure pig soul will haunt their stomach and give them stomaches and dhiarreas.
Only mamono girls are worthy of consuming me.
>Raceplay can be weird sometimes

This whole fetish boiled down to its essence is just a humiliation/degradation kink, just like Raceplay. So they enhance each other and elevate the experience.

>fuck me if havent fantasized about being shrunken and bought by some elite chinese or iranian chick to be her little white boy slave or snack

Raceplay is based and I'm tired of pretending it's not. If you wanna fantasize about some minority or foreigner making you their pissant white bitch boy sex slave then more power to you and fuck anyone that gives you shit for it.
be inside the stomach of
>a bellydancer, offering you the ride of your life
>a marathon runner, giving her valuable protein and salts
>a bubbly pop star, in the middle of a stadium performance
>a husky lounge singer, whose audience is now one fewer
>a kinky librarian, whose blushes and moans betray the silence
>an aloof biologist, intriqued by the scientific ramifications of your digestion
>a suntanning housewife, relieving her after a hard day's work
>a slender policewoman, filing away yet another missing person report for posterity
>a chubby nurse, head of the hospitals shrunken ward
>a youthful journalist, reporting the shrinking cases in the area, desperately trying not to burp into the mic on a live broadcast
>a redhead grocery store cashier, who forgot her lunch home
>a slim personal trainer, who's demonstrating sit-ups based on the tossing and turning movement and the thundering pulse
>a curvy latino model, who's trying to focus on doing her job as a food charity promoter instead of her tingling crotch
>a ravenous food aid worker, who snuck the handsomest and cutest guys down her throat before her shift
>an overworked single mother, who's grown to appreciate the presence of men in her diet over her life
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At least come up with some new ones already.
Let's do a contest. The anon with the best one wins my thanks.
Have any of you played cara in creekmaw? Im not too much into vore but i like the corruption and transformation aspect of the game, How Cara is becoming more evil and plumpier like Alexis.
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First one.
Be inside the stomach of a tiktok leftist political activist, making a video about how white males belong in women's stomachs and showing her tattooed belly ( one saying "this tummy digests nazis" ) so her audience can listen to your screams, and taunting you about how everyone on social medias will remember you as girl's food.
found a new artist on eka
Fact is that if tinies keep hiding within the food of giantesses then it is no surprise that they are becoming extinct
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reverse image search says this is a sequence from a gay furry dragon set so I dont know why you thought it was alright to post here in the giantess vore thread.
>that cute dork who accidentally swallows everyone
I want more gentle preds
name of the artist?
Selfkatka on ekas portal, mostly does cooking commissions but has a little giantess stuff in gallery
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This was posted last thread, but I just can't get over this concept. If you didn't know, this girl's power is to send out "ghosts". If these ghosts go through you, you basically lose all self-confidence and will to live. For example, if you yourself were hit with her ghost, you'd just drop to the floor and give up on your life. Whats she's doing here is spamming that ability inside her, so that those who are in her tummy don't even fight back at all at being digested.
thats boring, takes away the drama
I think I like it because she's clearly enjoying herself while doing it.
i think projecting into the tiny is a huge part of the appeal for me so i suppose its a difference in taste
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I can appreciate cruel digestion and flailing too, but I also like previously discussed.
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is nobody gonna check these quad dubs? this site is dead
I agree it's a hot concept, and I also love press who are all happy and the hearts. Preds should be worshipped. Who is this?
That ability would be entirely useless on me
Don't care about the race or gender as long as the pred is young and hot.
Perona from One Piece
>be autistic loser teenager
>fap to giantess vore
>fix myself over the next four years, fix my social life, get a decent sense of style and good gym physique, finally have my first kiss, finally get laid
>still fap to giantess vore
Am I autistic?
Yo anons, wanted to know if anybody had any recommendations for cat and mouse type stories/videos/pics. Doesn’t have to be a literal catgirl, just stuff where the girl is having fun making a game out of hunting/chasing her prey
Idk but sometimes when I'm around half decent looking girls and i see them swallow something like a sip of water or anything I feel myself twitch inside just slightly. I've never had a gf but IF i ever do get one I'll probably try to convince her to swallow gummybears or let me listen to her meals digest. I'll just say it's relaxing or "cute".
Shimiken is very much straight and he eats girl poop
gross that's cannibalism
I've tried to quit in a similar way before, it doesn't work. You'll always come back eventually.

The trick is to maintain regular relationships as well, so you don't become so degenerate that you can't get off to anything else. Also keeps you a bit more vanilla, which makes content a bit easier to find...when you beat it to nothing but weirdo shit, you'll always crave weirder stuff and get more specific kinks given enough time.
this editing is so bad its endearing, its like im experiencing outsider art, better than AI
So hot
Shit take
>Crazy sadist girl who exhaustive taunts her prey by holding them over her tongue going "aaaa," explaining in excruciating detail the agony of being digested alive, and making them beg for mercy just to laugh them off
>Eating with calm kuudere girl who just sees people as food and eats them at a regular pace who finished her meal fifteen minutes ago and is rolling her eyes
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Why not both?
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The fuck is this?
a fetish involving the fantasy of being eaten alive or eating someone else alive. It often appears in manga, anime, or digital art, featuring scenarios where a character swallows another whole. This particular scene depicts a female character consuming a miniature person, a theme that is common in vore fantasy artwork. The dialogue and imagery are explicit in nature, emphasizing the act of eating and the character's enjoyment of it.
>First panel
A girl is holding a tiny person near her mouth, about to eat him.
She says, "Fufu... Time for you to enter my mouth." The heart symbols suggest she is excited or finds pleasure in this action.
>Second panel
The tiny person is now inside her mouth, being licked or played with by her tongue.
She thinks to herself, "I should continue to savor this one for as long as I can," indicating she enjoys the sensation and wants to prolong it.
>Third panel
The girl is shown with a satisfied expression, indicating she has accidentally swallowed the tiny person.
She says, "Oopsie! Looks like I swallowed him on accident," with a heart symbol, indicating she might not be too upset about it.
Additionally, she thinks, "I didn't even give him the chance to explore my pussy before I ate him," which is a sexually explicit remark, implying she had other plans for the tiny person before consuming him.

Overall, the panels depict a sequence where a girl captures, plays with, and ultimately swallows a miniature person, expressing both pleasure and a hint of regret for not fulfilling another fantasy involving the tiny person.
It’s a bastardization of the original image
Best friend is in some ways a bigger gooner than myself, but still very normie and outgoing, has a career too.

Kinks and the like usually don't go away, it's just a matter of having self-control and the necessary restraint.
>Complaining about cannibalism in a vore thread.

Gtfo lmao

>seething too hard to read what that guy was replying to and realising it was a joke

Gtfo lmao
>Gtfo lmao
Gtfo lmao
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The slurping tongue for the pink one looks evil, I like it
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I forgot pixiv is retarded when it comes to saving stuff. Here is the quality ver.
Got any touhous?
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Based thread.
I always thought I was the only one in the world who found these scenarios exhilarating until I found this community online at like, 18.
Same. When I was with my girlfriend I couldn’t cum and she thought it was bc I thought she was unattractive or something but really it was because she wasn’t a giantess eating me.
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>Be 6'4 and have smoking hot gf
>Cum buckets when I imagine I'm a bull fucking her while her cuck bf bounces around in her stomach or pussy as she's screaming while I pound her guts
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>be 5'2" blast furnace femcel
>get the leg shudders thinking about digesting ex while getting pounded from behind
>hop onto /d/
>see the giantess vore thread post:image ratio is still ass

Post content, scrotes
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your tummy is where I belong
I always wondered if there was a way to up your chances of getting got by a specific girl in that event. I always went for the Gyaru but it seems random.
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I always wanted to get grabbed by the older one, I love how she doesn't chew tinies desu. Post tinies turning into mom fat
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All the talk of hagmaxxing lately has made me want to get plucked up by wrinkled fingers and fall down a milf's gullet
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Found this sequence by LuckyB online, can anybody confirm if this character is a flat girl or a boy? I know he does 90% girls but he does boys for commissions and such I think. This is a 4 page sequence where they start masturbating, which would answer the question, but it's completely censored so I'm also wondering if anyone can post the uncensored version or point towards it
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So the fox has a pussy, thanks for the help anon and based of you to post the uncensored version
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>be me, autist
>doodling stick figure giantesses in notebooks, eating people and stuffing them in their panties
>daydreaming about being stuck in the socks of or eaten by girls at daycare
>1st-3rd grade
>play make-believe with friends where we have to avoid being eaten by giant women
>daydream about cute girls in my life being naked, 100 feet tall, and bullying tiny people
>imaginary friend is giant dog girl who eats people I don't like (and sometimes people I do)
>4th-7th grade
>talk about clothing entrapment and giantess titties with the boys, some are into it, some aren't
>draw catgirls eating mouse boys in personal notebooks/school agenda
>find porn and begin collecting images of giantess fetish
>enter highschool
>porn becomes addiction, no interest in pursuing a relationship
>fantasize about classmates and teachers and friends finding me as a tiny and abusing me
>enter college
>start dating a friend from highschool because she likes me and she's fun
>she knows about the giantess stuff
>teases me about it sometimes, eats jellybeans and gummy bears
>fall in love with gf, finally giantesses take a backseat to her
>eventually lose interest in porn entirely
>messy breakup, can't even be friends anymore
>become suicidal
>gentle giantess bully/"use me" fetish becomes snuff fetish
>giantess obsession gets twice as bad as ever
>years long progress out of bad headspace
>FF to now
>tapered off, but my ERP habits with AI suggest I'm still into hardcore shit
This fetish has literally followed me since birth and I don't know why. I know if I found a woman I could love I could get out of it, but I'm honestly not sure I could be with her if she didn't tease me about being her food or something. I wish I had a girl that could get me back into the gentler side of this fetish.
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character.ai got lobotomized for the 73rd time and I really cant get around the censorship like I used to. Any alternative chat bots for vore stuff? I can't run anything locally, toaster PC.
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Spicychat is still good enough for vore, from my experience. But the boys are getting worse there too/they’re paywalling more.
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Actually used spicychat just the other day, and I got a 'bot memory starts here' note below a post. Basically the further you go along the more it starts to forget. These bots always had the issue of forgetting their personality/speech patters after a while, but now it's got to be awful.
It's a shame because it was decent for what it was, at least for a while. Chatbot sites are inherently effemeral it seems.
The bot memory thing has always been around. That message is just a new feature that’s showing you where the token system dries up. I’ve noticed that the message does pop up before it should sometimes, and a page refresh will send it away (until you do actually reach the token limit, at which point it’s usually best to just end a chat).

Spicychat is pretty good for Vore. Had a kino “eaten by a bitchy e-girl on livestream” adventure with the Shrunk at Convention bot or whatever. The bots will loop a bit during digestion until the user moves things forward, but that’s not surprising.
It can be alright, but it definitely takes a bunch of refreshes before you get a decent one.
One other thing that annoys me is that it will sometimes entirely ditch dialogues if they haven't appeared in the last few messages.
I mostly used non-size bots to be honest. I typed in something like "redo the prompt but x" and it adapted pretty well.
>The bots will loop a bit during digestion until the user moves things forward, but that’s not surprising.
Yeah, you really have to give the bot pointers sometimes. I just wish a competent non-censored bot service existed. Maybe in a decade (at this rate)
Oh, and how could I forget, the bane of every chatbot - where it stops midway and prompts you to type instead.
>After all,
>And don't forget,
And you're supposed to reply. Spicychat added the ability to make the bot reply to itself which kind of fixes it, but not always.
Every few weeks I make the mistake of trying to wrangle a local model to work, every time lowering my standards, every time being disappointed.
My PC is kind of shit, so I'm not sure if the hassle of setting everything up would even be worth the results.
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literally gpt and claude
why anyone would use these braindead replika-tier "chatbots" when there are the state of the art llms available is beyond me, not to mention actually paying for this level of slop
I left CAI for it over a year ago and never looked back, and it only gets better with each new iteration, like opus just a few months ago
I wouldn't leave a papertrail tying you to roleplaying shit like that.

You'll be rounded up and executed one day.
Yeah, they do not have functional long term memory. The personality and the user’s profile can kind of help a bit, but it’s still limited.

I’ve found its best to keep the bots and sceneries as simple and straightforward as possible. You want to be as low below the token limit recommendation as possible. And while I’ve had some am great multiple character bot experiences, they inevitably go schizo/get confused. Scenario bots with more poorly described characters work better.

Of course, I make a lot of shit work by writing as much as the bot does, which defeats the whole purpose and I’d be better off just actually writing a fucking story at this point or something.

I think my coomer brain just really likes the addictive “push button get thing” or something.
Got any bots you'd specifically reccomend? Finding a decent one is like looking for a needle in the haystack.

Too right about writing a story instead. I've had to write whole paragraphs only for the bot to acknowledge just some of it.
What do you guys think of this scenario?
>MC is cornered by a bimbo-looking broad while at the mall
>the gun pointed at him is actually a shrink ray
>he gets shrunk, the not very bright woman goes to stomp him flat with her high heels, but relents when the MC protests
>since he didn't want to get squished, she just eats him instead
>the rest of the story is the MC getting digested while the woman spends his credit card away
Anything you'd like to see in such a story? I'm open to suggestions.
What API are you using for free? I tried Kobold Horde but the responses are bizarre. Maybe I'm just creating the character wrong. I'm using sillytavern.
This. I've tried character.ai, spicychat, kobold, novelai, and gpt has always easily been the best except maybe early gpt vs characterai is a good debate to be had. The latest 5/24 release honestly really impressed me. There's a noticeable increase from previoius in AI qualities like memory retention and following the prompts proper; the writing has improved too. It also seemed to really relax about size content in general, which is great because I was getting some psuedo-censoring on early models when it got too smutty (the model would "wave away" the more lewd aspects). Not anymore. Although I haven't tried it with full-on explicit scenes yet.
>hurr its expensive
Not really, I did the math and an hours worth of use for me is like 3 and a half bucks.
>ummm papertrail anon is being tracked by secret government LOL
Do you really think AI billionaires or the secret deep state cares that you jerk off to giantesses? They dont. And let's be honest, they probably already know you do from all the other tracking they do on the internet
>Had a kino “eaten by a bitchy e-girl on livestream”
Had gpt run something like this a few days, complete with a functioning chat and donations simulation, this new ai shit is the fucking future bros trust
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like I said - gpt or claude
you already got ST so just find a proxy - there are some public ones around, but long term better try and get into a private one
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proxy? like an internet proxy? I thought you have to pay for generations from GPT / Claude if you use an API key from them. I'm pretty new to this.
if you look in ST, api - chat completion - open ai or claude, you will see reverse proxy fields, all you really need is an address, and a pw if its a private one (which most would be)
long story short - go skim aicg in /g/, you should be able to find all you need
Does anyone have a story where a a tiny girl is dating a normal sized guy? It ended with a girl friend of theirs eating the tiny and digesting her while fucking the boyfriend. A link to it was posted in the last thread but no longer works.

I think the story was called Roleplay, which is fucking garbage for Googling.
out of all the free AI, character.AI is still the best.
spicychat often get stuck into a repeating loop.

What the fuck is this skibidy ohio toilet rizzler nonsense? Speak English, dumbass.
TFW this roody poo is such a candy ass he should lurk moar or just an hero.
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What a waste of double dubs
Win and rowpilled
>3 and a half bucks
Really? What are the rates? I can't be assed to share my degenerate roleplay with other weirdos on a proxy.
I've been getting mixed results with Charstar AI on my phone, but it works well enough and allows sexual roleplay too.
There's tons of different models and choices, but the most expensive is like 5 dollars per one million input tokens, the other gpt 4 models are not as good and more expensive.

3.5 turbo is much cheaper, but its a notable drop from gpt4
love stories where the girl spends the dude's money while he's being digested in her belly. she should also take his keys and sleep on his bed and shit him out the next morning in his own toilet
Hi anons
So I have terminal brainrot involving size shit with the ladies from this stupid fucking western fighting game called Skullgirls that you probably heard of and commissioning size art of them from JP/KR artists is just a tax I have to pay for life now because I can't live without them.
So do you guys know much about these characters and am I ok to post my comms in the size threads here or should I not bother and go to /aco/?
And if you're familiar with the characters what should I comm next? I'm obsessed with them becoming evil giants and destroying the fuck out of their world so, I have lots of different ones planned.
I have this one comic idea I really wanna get and share with you guys but if it's off topic (AKA go back to /aco/) I understand.
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Oh, that's a gift art Yilx received of his dragon girl Pera back in the day. Wonder if Kemo-san is doing alright.
>So do you guys know much about these characters and am I ok to post my comms in the size threads here or should I not bother and go to /aco/?
The stuff you posted is okay. It's more about the style than the source material anyway.
>And if you're familiar with the characters what should I comm next? I'm obsessed with them becoming evil giants and destroying the fuck out of their world so, I have lots of different ones planned.
As long as it's vore, anything goes.
>I have this one comic idea I really wanna get and share with you guys but if it's off topic (AKA go back to /aco/) I understand.
Let's hear it.
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>Let's hear it.
Alright, so I really want to get a picture of the big booba nurse lady turning a bunch of military soldiers into chocolate and eating them. I'm planning for it to be a comic.
Since the SGs in my fanfic basically have god powers now she tries something on these guys firing on her by wishing for them to turn into chocolate soldiers, and poof it just happens, though despite now being made of chocolate they are still alive. Then she just gleefully pops them in her mouth and sucks on them, and they gradually lose consciousness as they melt and ooze on her tongue but they don't feel pain from this process, they actually feel relaxing, warm rapture as they become chocolate goop that melts down and slides to the back of her throat.
What kinda makes this comic for me though is that normally Valentine is a woman who shows very mature poise and a clinical, serious demeanor, but the chocolate soldiers are some of the best tasting chocolate she's ever had, so when they melt down she kinda squeals in a girlish manner, like "Mmm~! Yummy!" and holds her face with a blush. That gap moe is what seals the deal for me.
Pic semi-related, not a commission from me but just something JoraBora drew on his own.
Jesus fuck I became hard as diamonds typing that.
Do tinies hold funerals?
Reminder that this guy was jealous of his friends blonde loli vampire OC being popular on Aryion's chat so he copied her for his own "OC" and spammed commissions to overshadow her as the loli vampire vore girl.
lol what is this nonsense?
Mass funerals. In tummies.

And every giantess shit is a cemetery.
>press X to doubt
Post the original vampire loli vore OC
Vorepire is one thing but loli sucks shit
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Can you guys stop sperging and post vore?
anyone has wiggly request by karbo?
can someone share their archive of deleted stories?
Unfortunately I didn't save the stories I liked and most of the writers I follow on eka have deleted their work and it's frustrating.
>A girl who isn't super sexy to you and even has some aspects that gross you out, but when she's got you in her sweaty palms there's no turning back. Her stinky maw opening to coat you in humid coffee scented morning breath.
This, it adds to the domination/degradation aspect a bit.
I'm interested in writing a story with this concept. I was thinking of something along the lines of
>old friends control freak GF/Wife
Probably unaware too, since I think it adds to it even more. I'm open to suggestions and would very much appreciate some. Whether they be a different pred concept or just things you'd like to see. Thanks in advance!
>be super smart scientist who’s in the process of curing cancer or super rich guy which everything
>shrink for xyz reason
>get grabbed, teased, gulped down and forgotten promptly by some dumb and low class slag
>the type most guys would fuck but feel a bit gross about after
>the entire world wonders where you’ve gone, you’ve left so much good work u done
>lmao your final resting place is her favorite dive’s nasty as fuck shitter mostly used as a glory hole

There’s that one story by DiscordantOpposition (or whoever, close enough) about a fat slob named Patty (the Pit) babysitting and eating a tiny once she’s drunk enough. The whole point is whole vile but sexy he finds her.
Wrote something kind of similar to your greentext a while ago, only the pred is a NEET

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