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the artist is プルガメ (purugameko) and as far as i can tell he calls it 異種姦 or "interspecies mating" where a woman fucks something that isn't human, but also cannot be classified as a monster, insect, or tentacle creature. that's also what makes it so hard to find.
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the best is when they "lose" to it. first grossed out, but the overwhelming pleasure takes over.
i feel like the closest thing to call that would be "mind break" but it's less 'violent' than that. doesn't feel the same to call it that.
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even when you cant see the penetration, the expressions really sell it.
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this one's from Mitake Chang, underrated artist, but understandable when you see most his stuff is in animated format.
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most of this guy's work seems to rely on clit stimulation via creatures that are also sometimes vibrators? weird but that's why i made this thread, you can't exactly say it's tentacles and be 100% accurate.
most of these creature artists draw original designs and they're usually focusing on the woman's O face which makes it better IMO
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even without the face showing, i really like the body's reaction
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it's also super hot when they end up telling their friends about it, and the creatures slowly start to take more "victims"
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this one is user 4848063 on pixiv. proceed with catuion, he has a lot of gross shit
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Take this shit to /d/ where it belongs.
>stop discussing hentai in the hentai board
alternate hentai, anon, which has a board, and that board is not /h/
i didn't know they could move boards anywhere except trash woah
Not sure if troll or retarded.
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I wonder how fucking and being fucked by these things feels.

This thread was moved from >>>/h/8018004
Why is this okay but not regular bestiality?

1. insects wouldn't qualify as bestiality not only due to the entirely different species, but also because you can't ACTUALLY find an insect IRL that you could fuck like this. There is no mantis with a 9 inch cock or roach with a fat dong that someone could stupidly go live out their fantasies with.

and 2.this thread isn't for insects as we know them. it's for strange creatures made by artists. the closest thing you can call them is a monster or insect, although they do not fall under either category directly and are not real. this is why i made the thread, outside the artists i've posted, it's hard to find anyone doing similar things unless it's with actual insects like roaches and beetles or whatever which isn't what im looking for.

if it makes you whine like less of a bitch, you can call them alien parasites instead.
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from his newest paid cg set. sadly, audience is too low, so likely won't leak unless he blows up
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I found a polish artist who was doing this shit since the mid 1900s
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Sadly, very mid.
Would have been better overall if it were a doujin and not a cg set
Hopefully the artist keeps trying and makes a doujin instead of the same picture slightly modified 8 times with words Words WORDS.
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unfortunately we have few good content of consensual interspecies mating
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ngl, I want one of these things
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