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Girls being used as livestock.

Whether that be for breeding, for milk, or something else entirely, post your human farm animals here!
This is one of my favorite images ever but there's this ugly watermark. Oh well
This is genuinely my dream by the way lol. To be kept as a human farm animal. It's probably my biggest fantasy right now. To be nothing but another number, another object, another bitch for the rest of my life.
I often fantasize about it being eternal also. They somehow keep me alive and young forever purely so I can be used forever.
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I'm running out of images
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there's a lot of really cool hucow porn out there but unfortunately most of it is western :(
I understand the submission filia, but wouldn't it be incredibly boring?
After you were used for a while, yo get to stay waiting. Intense at the beggining, frightening maybe. And then the boredoom of not doing anything :-/
I once read about a "Holstaur", a Holstein Centaur; it took me ages to understand it an I laughted a lot.
Because they are capable of consent and decision making (before the process), means it is morally acceptable to battery farm them.
Yeah that's a big reason why I am really into slaves but use the word livestock to refer to them not being human, just property, sitting at the feed lot for your entire life isn't great for the slave or her owner who needs his house and cock cleaned.

Maybe the whole thing about making her young for eternal service could tie into it though. The milking machine is ancient tech or something, aliens left it behind and we just hook up our prized girls to it for 3 months and they're good to not age for another 20 years or so. So when its time this slave that's been passed through my family for generations has to be hooked up I guess we've got some good milk to sell and maybe the machine makes her calm down a bit after being hooked up or something. 3 months is a long time, but I don't give a shit about your mental health since you're here to serve until the end of time, slave.
That image is neat though. Not only are the girls drawn in a way I like, but they're very visibly not having fun with what's going on. Makes me think it's a punishment, bad slaves get sent to the bitch hole, and after they get out they are likely to be good slaves, at least for a while. And you've made me some money selling the milk to people who are into that, so you're already a bit of a good girl, keep it that way.
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I never read it but there is manga "Human Ranch" where bus is kidnaped with magic by elves that rise humans like a livestock.
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I'd love to see some stuff about "Free range" human farms. Imagine being a pampered hucow, free to wander a farm and hang out with other cows all you want as long as you show up to get milked on time.
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Honestly this would be really nice. Wholesome hucow farm, I need in my life.
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They're on kemono
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I love this piece, anyone have any background on this?, if someone knows the artist or if there's a colored version?
That was shit, I expected more nudity and borderline hentai content and I got nothing.
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How about girls being farmed for their fart gas? Does that count?
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>there's a lot of really cool hucow porn out there but unfortunately most of it is western :(
I probably have a gigabyte of milking hentai, so I'll help out

>It's probably my biggest fantasy right now.
I know, I just want to be huge and milky and degraded
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>double trips
This is a good day
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I like how cow girls are still prettied up, I want them to enjoy it.
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Also great is very much is not enjoying it
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And finally, a kino picture series in gif form
That is the kind of hucow farm i want to have. Where the cow girls can be free to a certain extent, will get access to stuffs to not get bored, in exchange of providing milk. Then growing close with a few hucows, who will finger, eat out, and even fuck myself.
Or simply something like what was in the monster musume farm arcs
Nothing like mother daughter combo becoming cows together
Shut up.
Care to world build a bit on the details of such a farm?
>Created by a kinky businesswoman who later sold the business to become a hucow herself, enabling a livestock lifestyle for the farm's milk producing residents has always been a priority.
>Long term residents can opt into various body modifications to make them better cows, including increasing lactation, to full cow hybridization with real horns, tails, and grass diets.
>Facilities on the farm include a mock town with cafes, restaurants, and hangout spots for hucows. There of course is a barn for communal milking, and a separate barn for communal sleeping. There's also a large field with sparse trees for hucows to rest and graze in.
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I'll never get tired of that set. A sequence so good it saw some other anon commissioning the exact same thing with another mother/daughter duo years latter.
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this image has been sitting in my computer for years...
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I've actually been loosely considering making a VN inspired by Awatake's hucow doujins where you play a new cow joining a herd. Every hucow gets a number stamped on their butt, which becomes their new name. Once branded, they are no longer human, but cattle and must remain naked at all times.
The cattle are given pretty free reign around the farm and even the nearby town, but must attend an all-night milking session where they are strapped to a machine and milked. Failing to meet quota means the cattle must spend the next day in the breeding barn, where they are strapped to a breeding bench and bulls (male hucows) fuck them endlessly all day to help simulate lactation.
The idea was to have other hucow cattle you interact with that you can learn their backstory and motivation for wanting to become cattle. This could range from a horny girl purposefully failing quota to go to breeding barn to a competitive woman attending shows to win the best cattle award.
Right now it's a jumble of unorganized ideas, though I do have some Idea how the game would flow. It's been something on my mind, but nothing I've ever committed to.
I really love this kind of thing going on adjacent to regular slavery, where there's a clear pecking even among property. Slaves are still people, but the girls on these farms are considered animals, and can be used for anything animals can be used for. Which means even slaves can purchase them (upon their owner's criteria and resources), but slaves can be permanently demoted to livestock for repeated or serious infractions.

Industry-scale farming is really nice, but I'm also fond of the 'household cow' model where a girl or two are kept for milk, labor, and entertainment in an otherwise very normal household. Probably in a pen or something in the backyard. Get one younger and raise it to be your ideal asset, whatever that means to you. (In my case that can be as warm and gentle as childhood pet you grow up with or as dark as eventual vore, or both. But I don't want to harsh other anons' vibes in this thread.)
I like it. A CEO like woman creates it for whatever reason, like she wanted to be a hucow herself or maybe gets into it as she watches the hucows leaving a good relaxed life.
Yeah a long term and short term job. Some women would come in just for the "free" (but with the added line that they need to stay for a few months or pay for the medicine) breasts growth, instead of needing for plastic surgery. The draw back would be that lactation might become permament too. For long term there could be many kinky upgrades, yeah like extra set of breasts, maybe even udder too, i seen some people into growing one.
There could be some pseudo jobs too, that aren't required for hucows to do, but if they are the types that aren't liking to be lazy, then they can do that too. Like they could be staffs for some of the places.
I can't add anything useful as i rarely play VN especially from female POV. But it does sound interesting.
Well a few permament cows would be nice to have around.
Yeah, that could become a problem, but maybe they get a few years of freedom, after getting bored of it and can come back afterwards.
Why do i know the girl on the right?
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I post her often in the monster girl thread and some other places, when it aligns with the thread. She is Seaport Hime from Kancolle, Atago and Takao the other two visible girls are from Kancolle
I generally prefer to play games with a female protagonist, but for this particular game, I was actually considering adding the option to play as either male or female. The game wouldn't change much if you played as male. You'd still have to report to milking every three days, where a machine instead milks your cock dry. Failing to meet quota would likewise sentence you to the breeding barn where you become a living dildo for hucows to fuck for hours on end.
As free range cattle, you'd be free to fuck your fellow hucows, though it would depend on their personality. For example, the girl who purposefully gets herself in the breeding barn would always be down for sex anytime, anywhere. However, doing so reduces the amount of cum you have in store when it comes time for your milking.
While I primarily think of my games from a female perspective, a male option would be fun to have largely because I have a huge milking machine fetish. Regardless of whether you have tits or balls, a machine is going to extract milk or cum from you for hours on end. The machine doesn't stop sucking until it automatically times itself out after several hours. It doesn't care if you just came or got nothing left, it'll keep sucking. That's my favorite part of all this.
Always straight from the nipple, and I like having some big heavy nipples I can roll around my fingertips.

How long do you think you can last?
Big gift, tears are a no no. Tears usually mean pain, and require very very careful handling.
Consent is key, but roleplaying is is the lock.
Sweat and drool is sexy, but it's sexier when I know the girls aren't crying under there. Unless you have consent of course.
The idea for a game like that sounds great.
There are not many hucow/human farm games out there, even less one where you play as the cattle.
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I find it more interesting to play as the cattle that have to get strapped into the milking machine and endure for hours on end as it mercilessly extracts fluids from you. My favorite part of Degrees of Lewdity was purposefully getting caught by the farm and becoming a hucow. I loved that every day, you'd be strapped into the milker with all your other cattle and be relentlessly milked non-stop for three hours through multiple orgasms. It becomes a routine. I basically want to expand that section out into its own whole game.
Sounds like a great idea for a game
Thanks! I've worked on games before, so I have experience making games. This particular game is something I haven't put too much thought into developing yet. It's all very loose ideas right now. But the idea to make it like a VN is to help keep it simple and achievable. It wouldn't be a linear VN but more an adventure game like Degrees of Lewdity, one of my favorite H-game of all time.
I like it when they injection BE and forced weight gain.
Nice, a life sim game would fit that idea like a glove.
Just add some grind and it will be top
Life sim is a better word for it. I might try brainstorming some ideas for this project. What sort of stats should there be to grind?
Breast size and milk production should be obvious, as well as dick size and cum production for men.
You could also add a way to make her "improve" her body making her sexier.
Other stats could be:
Fitness, more energy a day and maybe some jobs related to it.
Corruption/sluttiness/hornyness/whatever you want to call it
Stress, this works against the player, get too much stress and you will lose.
Herd opinion.
Staff opinion
Those are just some suggestions, feel free to do whatever
>There could be some pseudo jobs too, that aren't required for hucows to do, but if they are the types that aren't liking to be lazy, then they can do that too. Like they could be staffs for some of the places.
I love it. They can switch out their cow bikinis for cow print uniforms, all still with easy access to their nipples in case traffic slows down and they want to be milked. They'll be encouraged to take frequent breaks too, a cow shouldn't overwork herself.

Going off of your image too, it'd be nice if the farm offered catering and shops too. Fresh milk is best after all. Some cows will appreciate the time off the farm, even if they have to be seen in uniform and get feed strangers with their breasts directly. I imagine it's a popular job for hucows right in the middle of hybridization. The ones with permanent lactation, already on a full grass diet, but may not have their horns and tails yet. Enough to make them give up on their dignity as a normal human, but that still see themselves as a human first and a cow second.

A big question is if the farm should have any hypnosis or mental alterations for the cows. I personally love the idea of mentally conditioning all the hucows to compulsively moo, live lethargically, and stop worrying about being seen naked or as livestock. Which cows get brainwashed and how much though? It's fun to imagine that there are completely normal girls who want to stay that way living on the farm along side hucows so modified they couldn't live any other life. One kind of mental modification I'd like is one changing the hucow's sexuality, one that makes them no longer want men or sex, instead only getting pleasure from being bound, cared for, and milked.
>A big question is if the farm should have any hypnosis or mental alterations for the cows. I personally love the idea of mentally conditioning all the hucows to compulsively moo, live lethargically, and stop worrying about being seen naked or as livestock. Which cows get brainwashed and how much though? It's fun to imagine that there are completely normal girls who want to stay that way living on the farm along side hucows so modified they couldn't live any other life. One kind of mental modification I'd like is one changing the hucow's sexuality, one that makes them no longer want men or sex, instead only getting pleasure from being bound, cared for, and milked.
Oh yeah, there was this article once that VR headset on cows helped with milk production by letting them watch grassy field or something.
Love to make them moo. Maybe there could be a few rulebreakers/prison female that are completly hypnotized into being docile.
A hypnosis that could alter their sensitivity that orgasm during milking could be possible too.
>Maybe there could be a few rulebreakers/prison female that are completly hypnotized into being docile.
Not a fan of that one. It kind of ruin's the farm's comfy vibe if it has actual mind slaves.
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>Not a fan of that one. It kind of ruin's the farm's comfy vibe if it has actual mind slaves.
could be ignored then. I just never know how far some want to take it with hypnosis or mindcontrol stuffs.
That section is fun.
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It is very hard to judge.

If hypnotherapy is purely for enhancing cows, I imagine it'd be administered in two ways.

One would be intensive hypnotherapy for making semi permanent changes to the hucow's mind. Just like the body modifications, the cow would either have to request to it, or agree to it when signing onto the farm. They'd be escorted and locked into a machine by farmhands for serious changes to their beliefs about dignity and identity. Stuff like forgetting their old life, changing names, or becoming incapable of wearing clothes are a few examples of what's done this way. Of course some girls are on the farm for a kinky vacation, so they'll go through hypnotherapy on their way in, and again on their way out to (mostly) undo it. Hucows that visit frequently might get triggers implanted to make switching in and out of the cattle mindset easier.
The other would be the light hypnotherapy. Imagine headsets littered around the farm. Every cow has one in their pen. There's a chair with one in every building. There are carts with connected headsets free for the cows to move around. All of them have the same program and are free for the cows to use as much or as little as they want with minimal supervision, the same as any recreation activity on the farm. The spirals and subliminal in the headsets would make the cows relax first, then stimulate their libido, compelling them to masturbate and milk themselves. When they eventually remove the headset, normally only snapped out of the trance by the program's safety stop, it would have lasting effects, promoting laziness and hunger, nudity and affection. The most noticeable effect would be cowlike compulsions, like mooing and crawling in the grass.
All the effects would wear of with time, but if a hucow keeps returning, the effects will get stronger, until they're incapable of human speech and genuinely believe they're a real cow instead of a human. Cows that reach that point may be moved to separate facilities with more cows like them and no accommodations for the silly two legged cows that wear clothes. No mock city, just fields to graze and rest in. Girls that make it to that farm on a limited contract with the farm often have a long rehabilitation before they leave and new quirks for life.
Most hucows that don't want that wouldn't overuse the headsets though. It's pretty easy to notice how hard it is to talk in the early stages and take a break to regain their desired level of humanity. Few girls don't moo at all though.
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This is the ideal human cattle experience. A perverted girl purposefully forfeiting her human rights to become nothing more than numbered cattle, to be sold off to a farmer who them milks them regularly. In becoming cattle, she is barred from wearing clothes and must live naked with only a collar and branding on them.
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Should daughters born on hucow farm be raised to become hucow too?
>fat woman
>tried everything weight loss related, except eating less
>finds out about hucow farm
>hears hucows need lots of calorie as it gets burned off producing milk
>signs up to be a temporaral hucow so she could lactate away.
>starts eating more as she can just burn it off
>she slowly becomes prized cow
>soon turned into a permament hucow as she refuses to eat less, saying it's her genetics fault.
Many such cases
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>Should daughters born on hucow farm be raised to become hucow too?
What else would you do with livestock? Much easier to manage when they're raised for it than breaking in new stock.
Immature livestock is an investment
The sooner you get them started the faster they pay you back
Keeping them as a lap pet until their time to become a full hucows starts?
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I certainly will enjoy headpatting them and cuddle with them

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